990 resultados para Budapest


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Proanthocyanindins (PAs) from shea meal (SM), a by-product obtained after lipid extraction of the nuts, contained B-type linkages, had a high ratio of prodelphinidins (73%) and were galloylated (42%). The average polymer size was 8 flavan-3-ol subunits (≈2384 Daltons) and epigallocatechin gallate was the major subunit. Purified PA fractions from SM were tested in vitro for anthelmintic properties against gastrointestinal nematodes from ruminants (H. contortus and T. colubriformis) [1] by the larval exsheathment inhibition assay and from pigs (A. suum) by the larval migration inhibition assay. Results showed that PAs from SM have a potent anthelmintic activity against those parasites similar to white clover (Trifolium repens) flowers (WCF) [1, 2] (EC50 µg/mL; SM: 55.1, 16.5, 75.9; WCF: 37.4, 14.5, 110.1 for A. suum, H. contortus and T. colubriformis respectively). WCF PAs are constituted almost exclusively of prodelphinidin (PD) compared to SM (98% vs. 73%) but do not contained galloylated PAs. Studies [1, 2] have shown that anthelmintic activity of PAs was mainly associated with their PD ratio but our current results suggest that galloylation can be a major factor to anthelmintic activity and SM as a potential nutraceutical anthelmintic feed for controlling parasitic nematodes.


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Del 1:Innehållsförteckning och korta sammanfattningarDEL 2:Verksamhetsberättelsen för perioden maj 1992 till april 1993 beskriver de arbeten som har gjorts av villasolvärmegruppen på SERC efter den inledande studie (SERC/UCFB-91/0039), där villasolvärmesystem kartlades. Följande arbeten beskrivs:- Utveckling av lågflödessystem och internationella kontakter- Uppbyggnad av värmelaboratorium på SERC- Praktiska test av värmelagringsenheten- Praktiska test av nya systemkomponenter i solvärmekretsen- Datasimulering inkluderande nyutvecklade systemkomponenterI verksamhetsplanen beskrivs huvudmålet för de arbeten som ska utföras under trårsperioden 93 - 96. Mera detaljerat beskrivs de arbeten som ska utföras under budgetåret 1993/94:- Beräkningsprogram för nogrannare dimensionering av finrörsvärmeväxlare- Konstruktion av maskiner för värmeväxlartillverkning- Utveckling av värmeväxlare för tappvarmvatten- Simuleringsberäkningar för hela systemet med PRESIM/TRNSYS.DEL 3:Del 3 innehåller en redovisning av mätresultat för den undersökta kombitanken. Temperaturförloppen på olika höjd i tankens har studerats vid uppvärmning genom solvärmeväxlaren och nedkylning genom tappning av varmvatten. Resultaten diskuteras kvalitativt och redovisas kvantitativt i form av diagram. Mätresultaten på två prototyper av den på SERC utvecklade finrörsvärmeväxlaren redovisas och diskuteras i jämförelse till traditionell värmeväxlare. De erhållna mätresultaten används som ingångsvärden för simuleringsberäkningar med PRESIM/TRNSYS. Problemen med de i PRESIM/TRNSYS befintliga modellerna diskuteras. De utförda modellberäkningarna tillåter en uppskattning av möjliga förbättringar i form av höjd årsverkningsgrad för ett svenskt villasolvärmesystem med kombitank. I del 3 redovisas dessutom de mätningar som har utförts på otika pumpar vilka skulle kunna användas i solfångarkretsen. Sex olika pumpar analyseras och diskuteras. Del 3 har följande rubriker:- Beskrivning av den undersökta lagringstanken- Mätningar på tappvarmvattenväxlare- Mätningar på solvärmeväxlare (kamflänsrör och finrörsvärmeväxlare)- Simuleringsberäkningar- PumpmätningarDEL 4:Del 4 innehåller publicerade rapporter under 1992 och 93 samt patentansökan för SERC?s finrörsvärmeväxlare: - NORTH SUN 1992, Solar Energy at High Latitudes, June 24-26 1992 Trondheim, Norway. Domestic solar heating system - a systematic study i progress Patentansökan på finrorsvärmeväxlare till Patent- och Registreringsverket från 93 01 23. ISES SOLAR WORLD CONGRESS, 23-27 augusti 1993, Budapest, HUNGARY Criteria for cost efficient small scale solar hot water installations.DEL 5:Del 5 hänvisar till rapporterna från IEA Task-1 4 mötena om solfångarsystem i- Hameln, Tyskland, augusti 1992 och- Rom, Italien, januari 1993.I rapporterna beskrivs aktiviteten inom den internationella arbetsgruppen speciellt med hänsyn på utveckling av villasolvärmesystem. I Rom presenterades principlösningen för den på SERC utvecklade finrörsvärmeväxlare. De har publicerats separat som nr 42 och 46 i SERCs rapportserie.


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The behaviours of autonomous agents may deviate from those deemed to be for the good of the societal systems of which they are a part. Norms have therefore been proposed as a means to regulate agent behaviours in open and dynamic systems, where these norms specify the obliged, permitted and prohibited behaviours of agents. Regulation can effectively be achieved through use of enforcement mechanisms that result in a net loss of utility for an agent in cases where the agent's behaviour fails to comply with the norms. Recognition of compliance is thus crucial for achieving regulation. In this paper we propose a generic architecture for observation of agent behaviours, and recognition of these behaviours as constituting, or counting as, compliance or violation. The architecture deploys monitors that receive inputs from observers, and processes these inputs together with transition network representations of individual norms. In this way, monitors determine the fulfillment or violation status of norms. The paper also describes a proof of concept implementation and deployment of monitors in electronic contracting environments.


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While there has been much work on developing frameworks and models of norms and normative systems, consideration of the impact of norms on the practical reasoning of agents has attracted less attention. The problem is that traditional agent architectures and their associated languages provide no mechanism to adapt an agent at runtime to norms constraining their behaviour. This is important because if BDI-type agents are to operate in open environments, they need to adapt to changes in the norms that regulate such environments. In response, in this paper we provide a technique to extend BDI agent languages, by enabling them to enact behaviour modification at runtime in response to newly accepted norms. Our solution consists of creating new plans to comply with obligations and suppressing the execution of existing plans that violate prohibitions. We demonstrate the viability of our approach through an implementation of our solution in the AgentSpeak(L) language.


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A system built in terms of autonomous agents may require even greater correctness assurance than one which is merely reacting to the immediate control of its users. Agents make substantial decisions for themselves, so thorough testing is an important consideration. However, autonomy also makes testing harder; by their nature, autonomous agents may react in different ways to the same inputs over time, because, for instance they have changeable goals and knowledge. For this reason, we argue that testing of autonomous agents requires a procedure that caters for a wide range of test case contexts, and that can search for the most demanding of these test cases, even when they are not apparent to the agents’ developers. In this paper, we address this problem, introducing and evaluating an approach to testing autonomous agents that uses evolutionary optimization to generate demanding test cases.


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Somatotrophic and thyroid hormones were determined around the onset of reproduction in broiler breeders reared in two different housing systems [dark, close-sided house (CH) and conventional, open-sided house (OH)]. In both groups age-related changes were obvious for thyroxine (T-4), growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1); levels of T-4 decreased, especially between 24 and 28 weeks in both groups; concomitantly GH sharply increased over the same period. A transient peak in triiodothyronine (T-3) occurred between 25 and 27 weeks. The effect of housing was only present after the onset of lay. Between weeks 27-28 and the end of the period studied, the CH group showed higher levels of GH and T-3 but lower T-4 levels as compared to the OH group. A significant increase in GH after onset of lay, without any significant rise in T-3 or in IGF-I, could point to a relative insensitivity to high plasma GH levels. Changes at GH receptor level, together with an increased pituitary GH secretion and/or decreased GH turnover may be expected. This may indicate that hypothalamo-pituitary changes at the onset of lay not only imply changes of gonadotrophic cell function, but also other hormonal axes. The relatively decrease in T-4 without changes in T-3, may point to a decrease in the activity of the thyrotropic axis.


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The study was conducted to analyze the histology of the ovaries of adults rats treated with steroids, and submitted or not to physical effort. The control group consisted of females submitted to physical effort and sedentary females, both of which received a physiological solution of 0.9% saline. Treated females, sedentary or not, received 6 mg/kg of body weight of nandrolone decanoate. The steroid and physiological solution were administered intraperitoneally, with a single injection per week for 4 consecutive weeks. The applied physical effort was swimming (20 minutes daily, 5 days/week, for the 4 weeks of treatment). Serial sections (5 mu m) of ovaries were prepared for histological evaluation and follicular score. The weight of ovaries and hypophysis, the number of antral and atretic follicles, and the area of corpus luteum were all affected by the steroids. In the ovaries of the control groups, well-developed corpus luteum was observed. In the treated groups, the cortical stroma was occupied by ovarian interstitial tissue. The females treated with steroids presented estral acyclicity. The use of nandrolone decanoate, whether associated with physical effort or not, affected the morphological pattern of the ovaries.


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In order to provide a low cost system of thermal comfort, a common model of home fan, 40 cm diameter size, had its manual four-button control system replaced by an automatic speed control. The new control system has a temperature sensor feeding a microcontroller that, by using an optic coupling, DIAC or TRIAC-based circuit, varies the RMS value of the fan motor input voltage and its speed, according to the room temperature. Over a wide range of velocity, the fan net power and the motor fan input power were measured working under both control system. The temperature of the motor stator and the voltage waveforms were observed too. Measured values analysis showed that the TRIAC-based control system makes the fan motor work at a very low power factor and efficiency values. The worst case is at low velocity range where the higher fan motor stator temperatures were registered. The poor power factor and efficiency and the harmonics signals inserted in the motor input voltage wave by the TRIAC commutation procedure are correlated.


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Non-audio signals have been recorded in the flash ROM memory of a portable MP3 player, in WAV format file, to examine the possibility of using these cheap and small instruments as general-purpose portable data loggers. A 1200-Hz FM carrier modulated by the non-audio signal has replaced the microphone signal, while using the REC operating mode of the MP3 player, which triggers the voice recording function. The signal recovery was carried out by a PLL-based FM demodulator whose input is the FM signal captured in the coil leads of the MP3 player's earphone. Sinusoidal and electrocardiogram signals have been used in the system evaluation. Although the quality of low frequency signals needs improvement, overall the results indicate the viability of the proposal. Suggestions are made for improvements and extensions of the work.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Two fish species, one top predator (Imparfinis mirini) and one intermediate detritivorous species (Hisonotus depressicauda), were experimentally manipulated to evaluate their relative importance in structuring the periphytic community, as well as their effects on the other trophic levels. An enclosure experiment was conducted in the Potreirinho creek, a second order tributary of Paranapanema River, SE Brazil. Five treatments were used: enclosure of the predator species. enclosure of the detritivorous species, enclosure of both together, exclusion of all fish species (closed control cage), and cage open to all fish community, (open control). Through direct and indirect effects, I. mirini, when alone gave rise to a trophic cascade that resulted in a positive effect on algal resources. Through direct effects, H. depressicauda. when alone, reduced the amount of organic matter, resulting in a positive indirect effect on algae. In addition, when the two species were enclosed together, only the effects determined by the detritivorous species were present. The results indicate the important role of the intermediate detritivorous species in the maintenance of the composition and trophic structure of the analyzed community by reducing the effects caused by the top predator.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Renormalized fixed-point Hamiltonians are formulated for systems described by interactions that originally contain point-like singularities (as the Dirac-delta and/or its derivatives). They express the renormalization group invariance of quantum mechanics. The present approach for the renormalization scheme relies on a subtracted T-matrix equation.


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Biochemical values are widely related with environmental agents, sex and age, and are used in disease diagnosis. Numerous reports have been published on the biochemical parameters of different breeds of horses. However, there is a paucity of information concerning Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD), ceruloplasmin, copper and zinc determinations in the serum. Blood samples from a total of 60 horses of the Mangalarga-Paulista breed, representing three age groups (0 to 4 months old, 6 to 18 months old and adult) were examined. Male horses have a higher mean value of SOD, ceruloplasmin and copper than do females. No significant sex-related difference was observed in serum zinc content of weaned and adult horses. SOD activity was significantly higher in adult animals. Since SOD has a protective effect against superoxide free radical toxicity and possesses anti-inflammatory activity, it is reasonable to assume that the increased activity of this enzyme may be due to an adaptation mechanism which protects the adult animal against oxygen toxicity.