709 resultados para Bragg reflector
The design, construction and measured performance is described of an offset parabolic reflector antenna which employs a reflectarray subreflector to tilt the focused beam from the boresight direction at 94 GHz. An analysis technique based on the method of moments (MoM) is used to design the dual-reflector antenna. Numerical simulations were employed to demonstrate that the high gain pattern of the antenna can be tilted to a predetermined angle by introducing a progressive phase shift across the aperture of the reflectarray. Experimental validation of the approach was made by constructing a 28 × 28 element patch reflectarray which was designed to deflect the beam 5° from the boresight direction in the azimuth plane. The array was printed on a 115 µm thick metal backed quartz wafer and the radiation patterns of the dual reflector antenna were measured from 92.6-95.5 GHz. The experimental results are used to validate the analysis technique by comparing the radiation patterns and the reduction in the peak gain due to beam deflection from the boresight direction. Moreover the results demonstrate that this design concept can be developed further to create an electronically scanned dual reflector antenna by using a tunable reflectarray subreflector.
Special issue on Sensor Systems for Structural Health Monitoring Abstract—This study addresses the direct calibration of optical fiber strain sensors used for structural monitoring and is carried out in situ. The behavior of fiber-Bragg-grating-based sensor systems when attached to metal bars, in a manner representative of their use as reinforcement bars in structures, was examined and their response calibrated. To ensure the validity of the measurements,this was done using an extensometer with a further calibrationagainst the response of electrical resistance strain gauges, often conventionally used, for comparison. The results show a repeatable calibration generating a suitable geometric factor of extension to strain for these sensors, to enable accurate strain data to be obtained when the fiber-optic sensor system is in use in structural monitoring applications.
In this paper, the reliability and thus the suitability of optical fibre strain sensors for surface strain measurement in concrete structures was investigated. Two different configurations of optical strain sensors were used each having different mountings making them suitable for different uses in various structures. Due to the very limited time available to install the sensors and take result, commercially packaged sensors were used. In the tests carried out each sensor was mounted onto a concrete beam which was then subjected to a range of known and calibrated loadings. The performance of the optical strain sensors thus evaluated was compared with the results of conventional techniques. This comparison allows for selecting the best performing combination of sensor/mounting, i.e. long-gauge sensor with mounts bolted to threaded rods glued into the concrete for use in future work in a field test where a limited time window was available for installation, testing and post-test demounting. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
A dual-reflector antenna composed by a small reconfigurable reflectarray subreflector and a large parabolic main reflector is proposed for beam scanning application in the 120 GHz frequency band. The beam scanning is achieved by changing the phase distribution on the reflectarray surface which is supposed to contain reconfigurable cells. The phase distribution for the different beam deflecting states is obtained with a synthesis technique based on the analysis of the antenna in receive mode.
The nonlinear properties of metallodielectric DBRs are investigated via optical pump-probe techniques using a widely tunable, dual-colour, high-repetition rate, ultrafast setup. As a consequence of the Bragg-arranged multilayers, the electric field penetrates to different depths of the nanostructure at different excitation resonances, strongly enhancing the intrinsic nonlinear response of the metal in comparison with bulk films. The analyzed spectral response of these structures reveals how their nonlinear behavior is dominated by the pump-induced modification of the metal dielectric function. Fitting the simulated changes of the optical resonances using transfer-matrix methods matches experiment well, and shows the key effects of the spectral dependence of the spatial mode profiles.
A frequency selective surface (FSS) which can be utilized as a diplexer for circular polarization (CP) applications is proposed. The structure consists of two dipole-based FSS placed parallel to each other. The dipoles in one array are rotated by 90° with respect to those in the other. For an angle of incidence of 45° at one frequency band the structure allows a CP signal to be transmitted while at a further band it converts a linearly polarized (LP) signal to CP upon reflection. Full-wave simulation results validated the concept.
iological optimization of proton therapy critically depends on detailed evaluation of relative biological effectiveness (RBE) variations along the Bragg curve. The clinically accepted RBE value of 1.1 is an oversimplification, which disregards the steep rise of linear energy transfer (LET) at the distal end of the spread-out Bragg peak. We observed significant cell killing RBE variations dependent on beam modulation, intrinsic radiosensitivity, and LET in agreement with the LEM predicted values, indicating dose-averaged LET as a suitable parameter for biological effectiveness. Data have also been used to validate a RBE parameterized model.
The use of a backing cavity composed of a frequency selective surface (FSS) above a metal plate as a means to suppress the back lobe radiation and increase the gain of an Archimedean spiral antenna that operates from 3 to 10 GHz is investigated. The FSS is designed to reflect signals in the upper band (7-10 GHz) with a loss of <;0.25 dB, and allow transmission in the lower band (3-6 GHz). Good impedance match and bidirectional to unidirectional beam transformation is obtained when the FSS and metal plate are inserted at a distance λ/4 below the spiral at the centre of the upper and lower bands, respectively. Simulated and measured radiation patterns are employed to show the performance enhancement, which is attributed to the FSS reflector.
A new class of polarizing surface is proposed that in a given frequency band can reflect incident linearly polarized waves with circular polarization (CP) while at other frequencies is transparent allowing incident waves to transmit unaffected. The proposed structure consists of two parallel anisotropic frequency selective surfaces (FSSs) that independently interact with TE or TM waves, respectively. The FSSs are designed to, respectively, transmit TE and TM waves within the same transmission frequency range, so that the combined structure is transparent to all polarizations in this band. Likewise, the two arrays are designed to, respectively, reflect TE and TM incident waves in a common reflection band, so that all polarizations are fully reflected in this range; if the separation of the two arrays is such that the TE and TM components of an incident wave polarized at slant 45° experience a 90° phase shift, reflection will occur in CP. The concept and performance limitations are theoretically investigated using transmission line theory as well as full wave results. The predicted performance is validated by means of experimental results on a fabricated prototype. The proposed structure is pertinent for employment as a quasi-optical diplexer in CP dual-band systems such as reflector antennas.
Purpose: To investigate the clinical implications of a variable relative biological effectiveness (RBE) on proton dose fractionation. Using acute exposures, the current clinical adoption of a generic, constant cell killing RBE has been shown to underestimate the effect of the sharp increase in linear energy transfer (LET) in the distal regions of the spread-out Bragg peak (SOBP). However, experimental data for the impact of dose fractionation in such scenarios are still limited.
Methods and Materials: Human fibroblasts (AG01522) at 4 key depth positions on a clinical SOBP of maximum energy 219.65 MeV were subjected to various fractionation regimens with an interfraction period of 24 hours at Proton Therapy Center in Prague, Czech Republic. Cell killing RBE variations were measured using standard clonogenic assays and were further validated using Monte Carlo simulations and parameterized using a linear quadratic formalism.
Results: Significant variations in the cell killing RBE for fractionated exposures along the proton dose profile were observed. RBE increased sharply toward the distal position, corresponding to a reduction in cell sparing effectiveness of fractionated proton exposures at higher LET. The effect was more pronounced at smaller doses per fraction. Experimental survival fractions were adequately predicted using a linear quadratic formalism assuming full repair between fractions. Data were also used to validate a parameterized variable RBE model based on linear α parameter response with LET that showed considerable deviations from clinically predicted isoeffective fractionation regimens.
Conclusions: The RBE-weighted absorbed dose calculated using the clinically adopted generic RBE of 1.1 significantly underestimates the biological effective dose from variable RBE, particularly in fractionation regimens with low doses per fraction. Coupled with an increase in effective range in fractionated exposures, our study provides an RBE dataset that can be used by the modeling community for the optimization of fractionated proton therapy.
O presente trabalho tem como objectivo o estudo, desenvolvimento e aplicações na área da biomecânica de sensores intrínsecos baseados em redes de Bragg em fibras ópticas (FBG). As aplicações são feitas em modelos biomecânicos in vitro tais como: implantes de anca, prótese de joelho, placas de osteossíntese e implantes dentários. A optimização do desenvolvimento de próteses e respectivos elementos de fixação é actualmente dependente da geração e validação experimental de seus modelos computacionais. A validação destes modelos é normalmente feita utilizando-se dados de ensaios não invasivos e invasivos em modelos sintéticos. Em ensaios in vitro os sensores convencionais têm um princípio de funcionamento eléctrico e apresentam por vezes dimensões inadequadas. Existem situações exploradas no presente trabalho, tais como sensoriamento de superfícies irregulares e junções ou ainda análises de deformações internas, onde é recomendável a utilização de sensores FBG, pois apresentam dimensões reduzidas e flexibilidade o que permite efectuar medidas localizadas. O desenvolvimento de um protocolo de utilização de FBG e a sua aplicação no contexto apresentado demonstrou-se mais adequado, pela precisão e segurança futura oferecidas. Foi desenvolvida uma metodologia experimental para medidas de deformações utilizando FBG ao longo de uma placa de osteossíntese metálica aparafusada a um fémur sintético fracturado. Foi efectuada a monitorização da cura do cimento ósseo utilizado como fixador do prato tibial na artroplastia total do joelho através da medida da sua contracção e temperatura. Foi também desenvolvido um sistema refrigerador com resposta às leituras de temperatura com vista a evitar a necrose do osso. Foram efectuados estudos de deformação nesse cimento após a sua cura, como resultado da aplicação de cargas mecânicas estáticas. Foram efectuados estudos da cura de cimento ósseo aplicado a próteses de anca e também de deformações nestas próteses. Foi ainda efectuado o estudo comparativo de vários implantes dentários através da medida da distribuição de deformações como resposta a excitações mecânicas impulsivas. Para a desmodulação das FBG foram inicialmente utilizados sistemas comerciais. Entretanto algumas aplicações não puderam ser implementadas com estes sistemas comerciais devido à baixa reflectividade das FBG utilizadas, mas fundamentalmente devido à necessidade de executar testes com uma taxa de aquisição maior do que os 5 Hz disponíveis (cerca de 15 kHz). Por estes motivos foi desenvolvido um sistema optoelectrónico completo de desmodulação de FBG baseado num filtro sintonizável e que tem como característica principal a alta taxa de aquisição (até 1,2 MHz) mas também se destaca pela facilidade na reconfiguração dos parâmetros de leitura, pela apresentação duma interface de utilizador amigável e pela capacidade de operar com até 5 FBG na mesma fibra óptica.