612 resultados para Borlänge


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Examensarbetet utfördes på uppdrag av ABB i Ludvika. ABB vill öka effektiviseringen förhanteringen av inkommande gods. Detta för att det mesta sker manuellt i dagens läge och det tarmycket tid och kan resultera i felkällor.Arbetet har två syften. Det första syftet är att förändra del av verksamheten, genom att kommamed ett förändringsförslag när det gäller godshanteringen. Det andra syftet är att jämförastreckkoder och RFID för att se vilket alternativ som passar bäst.För att få fram ett förändringsförslag har vi jobbat med FA/SIM-metoden.Vi har tagit fram ett antal förändringsförslag nedan följer ett urval av dessa:• Ställa krav på leverantörerna att de skall använda streckkoder med rätt standard Code128.• Utforma tydliga och enkla kravspecifikationer för att enklare kunna ta till sig.• Förbättra nuvarande kundrelationer. Genomför en uppföljning med jämna mellanrum föratt se hur kundrelationerna sköts.


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Nowadays in the world of mass consumption there is big demand for distributioncenters of bigger size. Managing such a center is a very complex and difficult taskregarding to the different processes and factors in a usual warehouse when we want tominimize the labor costs. Most of the workers’ working time is spent with travelingbetween source and destination points which cause deadheading. Even if a worker knowsthe structure of a warehouse well and because of that he or she can find the shortest pathbetween two points, it is still not guaranteed that there won’t be long traveling timebetween the locations of two consecutive tasks. We need optimal assignments betweentasks and workers.In the scientific literature Generalized Assignment Problem (GAP) is a wellknownproblem which deals with the assignment of m workers to n tasks consideringseveral constraints. The primary purpose of my thesis project was to choose a heuristics(genetic algorithm, tabu search or ant colony optimization) to be implemented into SAPExtended Warehouse Management (SAP EWM) by with task assignment will be moreeffective between tasks and resources.After system analysis I had to realize that due different constraints and businessdemands only 1:1 assingments are allowed in SAP EWM. Because of that I had to use adifferent and simpler approach – instead of the introduced heuristics – which could gainbetter assignments during the test phase in several cases. In the thesis I described indetails what ware the most important questions and problems which emerged during theplanning of my optimized assignment method.


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Maxicap AB är ett företag som utvecklar och tillverkar elektronisk utrustning för bland annat olika mätuppgifter. Målet med detta examensjobb var att undersöka och implementera en stabil trådlös dataöverföringsmetod med den utrustning som Maxicap ville använda. Detta skulle åstadkommas/testas genom att sända temperatursensorvärden trådlöst med Nordic Semiconductor’ssändtagare (eng. transceiver) styrda av Atmel’s mikrokontrollers. Arbetet fokuserade på att få till denna stabila trådlösa överföring genom att implementera frekvenshoppning och datapaketskontroll på datatrafiken inom det fria 2,4 GHz ISM-bandet. All den C-kod som utvecklades i detta arbete är skriven för att vara lättanpassad till flera olika modeller av mikrokontrollers inom Atmel’s produktserie samt att kunna användas till andra liknande projekt. Koden är väldokumenterad med kommentarer vid varje funktionsblock som beskriver vad funktionerna gör och hur de skall användas. Arbetet resulterade i två fungerande prototyper. En enhet känner av temperaturen i luften och skickar sedan detta temperaturvärde trådlöst till enhet nummer två. Detta värde samt några inställningsvärden för mottagaren visas sedan på den enhetens display.


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The integration policy in Sweden shall encourage individuals to support themselves and take part in society. It shall alsocontribute to equal rights and opportunities for women as well as for men. In Borlänge this has resulted in a program ofintroduction for new arrivals from other countries. However, at the unit responsible for economic support, they havediscovered that women with immigrant background more often than men seem to have trouble starting or became to anending of the program, which then especially leads women to a long-term dependence for economic support. The purpose of this study has therefore been to investigate what factors affect immigrant women’s participation in theintroduction, and what significance this participation has for their possibilities to become economically self-supporting,and integrated into Swedish society. Previous research shows that some of the obstacles for the integration of immigrant women can be that they give birthto many children, are unskilled or have a low degree of education and that they tend to be living under patriarchalgender patterns. Another problem seem to be that some women are not even known as members of the municipalities.All of these problems are as well what was shown in my own study. I have used theoretical perspectives from Bourdieu, Elias & Scotson, Giddens, Roman and al-Baldawi in my analysis.Bourdieu have interesting thoughts about capital, habitus and field, which can help us to understand how individuals arebeing shaped and are given different opportunities to act in a special way or direction. Elias & Scotson describesthrough their study around established and outsiders how the process of integration can take place and what effects thatcan be shown for the opportunities to succeed in that part. Giddens, Roman and al-Baldawi then give us different waysto look at the patriarchy and family structures around the world. The result of this study shows that the willingness to integrate and be able to take care of your own support for living isan important part for the women for succeeding. For the other women, that don’t succeed, it turns out to be just like theprevious research has been shown. Gender patterns, many children and a low or no education skill all seems to be partof the issue. It is also suggested that the generosity of the Swedish welfare system might hinder rather than help someimmigrant women to become integrated into Swedish society.


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This thesis is an application of the Almost Ideal Demand System approach of Deaton and Muellbauer,1980, for a particular pharmaceutical, Citalopram, in which GORMAN´s (1971) multi-stage budgeting approach is applied basically since it is one of the most useful approach in estimating demand for differentiated products. Citalopram is an antidepressant drug that is used in the treatment of major depression. As for most other pharmaceuticals whose the patent has expired, there exist branded and generic versions of Citalopram. This paper is aimed to define its demand system with two stage models for the branded version and five generic versions, and to show whether generic versions are able to compete with the branded version. I calculated the own price elasticities, and it made me possible to compare and make a conclusion about the consumers’ choices over the brand and generic drugs. Even though the models need for being developed with some additional variables, estimation results of models and uncompensated price elasticities indicated that the branded version has still power in the market, and generics are able to compete with lower prices. One important point that has to be taken into consideration is that the Swedish pharmaceutical market faced a reform on October 1, 2002, that aims to make consumer better informed about the price and decrease the overall expenditures for pharmaceuticals. Since there were not significantly enough generic sales to take into calculation before the reform, my paper covers sales after the reform.


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Syftet med studien Maktens ideologier och språk i svenska skolors värdegrunder är att systematiskt analysera innehållet i skriftliga dokument som kan sägas utgöra eller har utgjort värdegrunder för allmänna svenska skolor. Resultaten visar att det finns en relativt tydlig koppling mellan den rådande maktordningen i samhället och den värdegrund som råder i allmänna svenska skolor. Detta tycks gälla oavsett historisk epok och oavsett vilka ideologier - religiösa eller politiska - de dominerande maktgrupperna förespråkar. Allmänna skolor kan således i hög grad ses som redskap för att reproducera, återskapa, makten hos för tillfället dominerande samhällsgrupper och för att styra eleverna, samhällsmedborgarna, i önskvärd riktning.


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The introduction of a new technology High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) in the Release 5 of the 3GPP specifications raises the question about its performance capabilities. HSDPA is a promising technology which gives theoretical rates up to 14.4 Mbits. The main objective of this thesis is to discuss the system level performance of HSDPAMainly the thesis exploration focuses on the Packet Scheduler because it is the central entity of the HSDPA design. Due to its function, the Packet Scheduler has a direct impact on the HSDPA system performance. Similarly, it also determines the end user performance, and more specifically the relative performance between the users in the cell.The thesis analyzes several Packet Scheduling algorithms that can optimize the trade-off between system capacity and end user performance for the traffic classes targeted in this thesis.The performance evaluation of the algorithms in the HSDPA system are carried out under computer aided simulations that are assessed under realistic conditions to predict the results as precise on the algorithms efficiency. The simulation of the HSDPA system and the algorithms are coded in C/C++ language


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The purpose of this paper is to study China’s income inequality under rapid economic growth.Does the relationship between economic growth and income inequality in China follow theKuznets hypothesis? What is the main cause and trend of China’s income inequality? We usedata which covers the period 1980-2005 to analyze the overall inequality, and data coveringthe period 1980-2002 to analyze the inequality inside rural and urban areas. The derivedresults doubt the validity of Kuznets hypothesis on explaining the relationship betweeneconomic growth and income inequality in China. Also we derive the trend of China’sincreased income inequality and find that the urban-rural income disparity is the main causeof China’s income inequality.


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Den relativt nya företeelsen BrandME – I am the brand är en eTjänst som fungerar som ett virtuellt provrum och därmed gör det möjligt att kunna prova på kläder virtuellt. Till sin hjälp har man bland annat använt sig av 3D-grafik samt databaser. BrandME är en produkt av det kanadensiska företaget My Virtual Model, ett företag som har arbetat med att sätta standarder för virtuell identitet sedan år 2000.Då denna företeelse är relativ ny, skapar detta utrymme för undersökning och bedömning om huruvida välutvecklad och välanpassad BrandME är. Undersökningens syfte är att utvärdera BrandME för att sedan kunna fastställa nyttan med denna eTjänst. Under utvärderingen koncentrerar vi oss dels på användbarheten hos BrandME och dels på utformningen av BrandME.


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The multiprocessor task graph scheduling problem has been extensively studied asacademic optimization problem which occurs in optimizing the execution time of parallelalgorithm with parallel computer. The problem is already being known as one of the NPhardproblems. There are many good approaches made with many optimizing algorithmto find out the optimum solution for this problem with less computational time. One ofthem is branch and bound algorithm.In this paper, we propose a branch and bound algorithm for the multiprocessor schedulingproblem. We investigate the algorithm by comparing two different lower bounds withtheir computational costs and the size of the pruned tree.Several experiments are made with small set of problems and results are compared indifferent sections.


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The automated timetabling and scheduling is one of the hardest problem areas. This isbecause of constraints and satisfying those constraints to get the feasible and optimizedschedule, and it is already proved as an NP Complete (1) [1]. The basic idea behind this studyis to investigate the performance of Genetic Algorithm on general scheduling problem underpredefined constraints and check the validity of results, and then having comparative analysiswith other available approaches like Tabu search, simulated annealing, direct and indirectheuristics [2] and expert system. It is observed that Genetic Algorithm is good solutiontechnique for solving such problems and later analysis will prove this argument. The programis written in C++ and analysis is done by using variation in various parameters.


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The field of automated timetabling and scheduling meeting all the requirementsthat we call constraints is always difficult task and already proved as NPComplete. The idea behind my research is to implement Genetic Algorithm ongeneral scheduling problem under predefined constraints and check the validityof results, and then I will explain the possible usage of other approaches likeexpert systems, direct heuristics, network flows, simulated annealing and someother approaches. It is observed that Genetic Algorithm is good solutiontechnique for solving such problems. The program written in C++ and analysisis done with using various tools explained in details later.


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In order to achieve the high performance, we need to have an efficient scheduling of a parallelprogram onto the processors in multiprocessor systems that minimizes the entire executiontime. This problem of multiprocessor scheduling can be stated as finding a schedule for ageneral task graph to be executed on a multiprocessor system so that the schedule length can be minimize [10]. This scheduling problem is known to be NP- Hard.In multi processor task scheduling, we have a number of CPU’s on which a number of tasksare to be scheduled that the program’s execution time is minimized. According to [10], thetasks scheduling problem is a key factor for a parallel multiprocessor system to gain betterperformance. A task can be partitioned into a group of subtasks and represented as a DAG(Directed Acyclic Graph), so the problem can be stated as finding a schedule for a DAG to beexecuted in a parallel multiprocessor system so that the schedule can be minimized. Thishelps to reduce processing time and increase processor utilization. The aim of this thesis workis to check and compare the results obtained by Bee Colony algorithm with already generatedbest known results in multi processor task scheduling domain.


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Syfte: Att undersöka patienters upplevelse av ECT-behandling. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie med deskriptiv ansats. Artikelsökning av både kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar har gjorts i fritextdatabaserna Cinahl, ELIN och Whiley interscience. Artiklar granskades enligt granskningsmallar för kvalitetsbedömning och var en modifierad version av Willman, Stoltz, Bahtsevani, (2006) och Forsberg, Wengström, (2008).Litteratur i introduktionsdelen har inhämtats enligt ett bekvämlighetsurval på respektive uppsatsförfattares hemort (Borlänge, Leksand). Resultat: Rädsla är ett återkommande tema när det gäller patienters upplevelse av ECT. De flesta kände rädsla före och under behandlingen, men upplevde en lägre grad av rädsla efteråt. Patienternas upplevelse av ECT-behandlingen var komplex vad gäller det egna ställningstagandet till positiv eller negativ behandlingsmetod, upplevelsen av ECT sågs dock som övervägande negativ. Minnesförlust och minskad kognitiv förmåga sågs som två huvudsakliga negativa faktorer med ECT behandlingen. Många patienter upplevde att informationen och undervisningen inför och under behandlingen var dålig. Attityd och kunskap om behandlingen stod i relation till varandra då mer kunskap om ECT ger bättre attityd till behandlingen. Attityden till behandlingen förändras heller inte efter behandlingen utan patienterna håller fast vid sin inställning. Boendemiljön har en inverkan vad gäller viljan att genomgå underhållsbehandling med ECT då patienter på institution är mer benägna att vägra behandlingen än patienter som genomgår behandlingen polikliniskt.


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Internet protocol TV (IPTV) is predicted to be the key technology winner in the future. Efforts to accelerate the deployment of IPTV centralized model which is combined of VHO, encoders, controller, access network and Home network. Regardless of whether the network is delivering live TV, VOD, or Time-shift TV, all content and network traffic resulting from subscriber requests must traverse the entire network from the super-headend all the way to each subscriber's Set-Top Box (STB).IPTV services require very stringent QoS guarantees When IPTV traffic shares the network resources with other traffic like data and voice, how to ensure their QoS and efficiently utilize the network resources is a key and challenging issue. For QoS measured in the network-centric terms of delay jitter, packet losses and bounds on delay. The main focus of this thesis is on the optimized bandwidth allocation and smooth datatransmission. The proposed traffic model for smooth delivering video service IPTV network with its QoS performance evaluation. According to Maglaris et al [5] First, analyze the coding bit rate of a single video source. Various statistical quantities are derived from bit rate data collected with a conditional replenishment inter frame coding scheme. Two correlated Markov process models (one in discrete time and one incontinuous time) are shown to fit the experimental data and are used to model the input rates of several independent sources into a statistical multiplexer. Preventive control mechanism which is to be include CAC, traffic policing used for traffic control.QoS has been evaluated of common bandwidth scheduler( FIFO) by use fluid models with Markovian queuing method and analysis the result by using simulator andanalytically, Which is measured the performance of the packet loss, overflow and mean waiting time among the network users.