767 resultados para Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
Many rural communities have developed around highways or major county roads; as a result, the main street through small rural communities is often part of a high-speed rural highway. Highways and county roads are characterized by high speeds outside the city limits; they then transition into a reduced speed section through the rural community. Consequently, drivers passing through the community often enter at high speeds and maintain those speeds as they travel through the community. Traffic calming in small rural communities along major roadways is common in Europe, but the U.S. does not have experience with applying traffic-calming measures outside of major urban areas. The purpose of the project was to evaluate traffic-calming treatments on the major road through small Iowa communities using either single-measure low-cost or gateway treatments. The project was partially funded by the Iowa Highway Research Board (IHRB). The focus of the IHRB portion was to evaluate single-measure, low-cost, traffic-calming measures that are appropriate to major roads through small rural communities. Seven different low-cost traffic treatments were implemented and evaluated in five rural Iowa communities. The research evaluated the use of two gateway treatments in Union and Roland; five single-measure treatments (speed table, on-pavement “SLOW” markings, a driver speed feedback sign, tubular markers, and on-pavement entrance treatments) were evaluated in Gilbert, Slater, and Dexter.
OBJECTIVE: To compare image quality of a standard-dose (SD) and a low-dose (LD) cervical spine CT protocol using filtered back-projection (FBP) and iterative reconstruction (IR). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty patients investigated by cervical spine CT were prospectively randomised into two groups: SD (120 kVp, 275 mAs) and LD (120 kVp, 150 mAs), both applying automatic tube current modulation. Data were reconstructed using both FBP and sinogram-affirmed IR. Image noise, signal-to-noise (SNR) and contrast-to-noise (CNR) ratios were measured. Two radiologists independently and blindly assessed the following anatomical structures at C3-C4 and C6-C7 levels, using a four-point scale: intervertebral disc, content of neural foramina and dural sac, ligaments, soft tissues and vertebrae. They subsequently rated overall image quality using a ten-point scale. RESULTS: For both protocols and at each disc level, IR significantly decreased image noise and increased SNR and CNR, compared with FBP. SNR and CNR were statistically equivalent in LD-IR and SD-FBP protocols. Regardless of the dose and disc level, the qualitative scores with IR compared with FBP, and with LD-IR compared with SD-FBP, were significantly higher or not statistically different for intervertebral discs, neural foramina and ligaments, while significantly lower or not statistically different for soft tissues and vertebrae. The overall image quality scores were significantly higher with IR compared with FBP, and with LD-IR compared with SD-FBP. CONCLUSION: LD-IR cervical spine CT provides better image quality for intervertebral discs, neural foramina and ligaments, and worse image quality for soft tissues and vertebrae, compared with SD-FBP, while reducing radiation dose by approximately 40 %.
L'adaptació al nou espai europeu d'educació superior (EEES) ha plantejat alguns canvis en l'enfocament de la formació universitària al nostre país. On abans era el docent el protagonista, ara és l'estudiant el que pren el rol d'actor principal de la seva formació, i l'aprenentatge s¿orienta cap a una autonomia i reflexió més grans. En aquest escenari, les noves tecnologies ofereixen un ampli ventall d'opcions per millorar els processos formatius. En aquests sentit, el Grup d'Innovació Docent G¿IDEA ha participat activament en aquest procés d'adaptació des de ja fa uns quants anys, i ha creat una sèrie de recursos docents digitals que han estat àmpliament provats en diversos ensenyaments de la Facultat d'Economia i Empresa de la Universitat de Barcelona. L'objectiu d¿aquest article és presentar el protocol dissenyat per l'equip d'investigadors del G¿IDEA per implantar aquestes eines didàctiques (webquestes i exercicis tutoritzats), i també els resultats d'una enquesta de satisfacció sobre les competències i habilitats adquirides pels nostres estudiants en la utilització dels recursos. Els resultats mostren, d'una banda, que no ha estat possible crear un mateix protocol aplicable a tots els recursos, a causa de les diferències en els objectius didàctics de les distintes eines docents implantades. D'altra banda, la valoració que els estudiants fan de la utilització de les eines és molt positiva, tot i que hi ha algunes diferències entre els recursos analitzats. Conèixer la valoració que l'alumnat fa d'aquests recursos permet al grup d'investigadors poder-los millorar i adequar al perfil dels estudiants perquè aquests en puguin treure el màxim profit possible.
Background: Treatment of depression, the most prevalent and costly mental disorder, needs to be improved. Non-concordance with clinical guidelines and non-adherence can limit the efficacy of pharmacological treatment of depression. Through pharmaceutical care, pharmacists can improve patients' compliance and wellbeing. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness and costeffectiveness of a community pharmacist intervention developed to improve adherence and outcomes of primary care patients with depression. Methods/design: A randomized controlled trial, with 6-month follow-up, comparing patients receiving a pharmaceutical care support programme in primary care with patients receiving usual care. The total sample comprises 194 patients (aged between 18 and 75) diagnosed with depressive disorder in a primary care health centre in the province of Barcelona (Spain). Subjects will be asked for written informed consent in order to participate in the study. Diagnosis will be confirmed using the SCID-I. The intervention consists of an educational programme focused on improving knowledge about medication, making patients aware of the importance of compliance, reducing stigma, reassuring patients about side-effects and stressing the importance of carrying out general practitioners' advice. Measurements will take place at baseline, and after 3 and 6 months. Main outcome measure is compliance with antidepressants. Secondary outcomes include; clinical severity of depression (PHQ-9), anxiety (STAI-S), health-related quality of life (EuroQol-5D), satisfaction with the treatment received, side-effects, chronic physical conditions and sociodemographics. The use of healthcare and social care services will be assessed with an adapted version of the Client Service Receipt Inventory (CSRI). Discussion: This trial will provide valuable information for health professionals and policy makers on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a pharmaceutical intervention programme in the context of primary care. Trial registration: NCT00794196
Objective: To assess the safety/tolerability of the combination lapatinib (L) and docetaxel (D) in patients with Her 2/neu overexpressing breast cancer (BC). This study is important as it will define how to deliver lapatinib with taxotere, a highly active drug in breast cancer. Patients and Methods: Female patients (pts) with locally advanced, inflammatory or large operable BC were treated with escalating doses of L from 1000 to 1250 mg/day, in combination with D given IV every 21 days at doses ranging from 75 to 100 mg/m2 for 4 cycles. At least 3 pts were treated at each dose level. The definition of dose limiting toxicity (DLT) is based on the toxicity assessed at cycle 1 as follows: any grade 3−4 non hematological toxicity, ANC < 0.5 G/L lasting for 7 days or more, febrile neutropenia or thrombocytopenia <25 G/L. GCSF was not permitted as primary prophylaxis. Core biopsies were mandatory at baseline and after cycle 4. Pharmcokinetic (PK) samples were collected on day 1 of cycles 1 and 2. Results: To date, 18 pts with a median age of 53 years (range 36−65) have been enrolled at 5 Dose Levels (DLs). The toxicity profile for 18 patients (68 documented cycles) is summarized below. At DL5 (1000/100), 2 pts had DLTs (neutropenia grade 4 _7 days and febrile neutropenia), and 3 additional pts were enrolled with primary prophylactic G-CSF. As expected, the safety profile improved and the dose escalation will continue with prophylactic G-CSF to investigate DL6 (1250/100). These findings are consistent with published Phase I data for this combination [1]. N= 18 patients n (%) Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 neutropenia 1 (6) 3 (17) 13 (72) febrile neutropenia 2 (11) fatigue 8 (44) 7 (39) diarrhoea 9 (50) 3 (17) pain: joint/muscle/other 5 (28)/4 (22)/3 (17) 4 (22)/4 (22)/3 (17) 0/0/1 (6) constipation 2 (11) 3 (17) 1 (6) elevated transaminases SGPT/SGOT 7 (39)/5 (28) Conclusions: The main toxicity of the L + D combination is haematological and was reached at DL5 (1000/100), without primary GCSF. An additional DL6 with primary prophylactic GCSF is being investigated (1250/100). PK data will be presented at the meeting plus the recommended dose for phase II studies.
Aquest estudi analitza diferents variables ecològiques i socials amb l’objectiu de determinar la viabilitat de l’espècie Canis lupus en el territori que compren la Vall d’Alinyà, i definir unes pautes per extrapolar aquest tipus d’anàlisis a altres àrees d’estudi. El llop va desaparèixer de Catalunya a causa de la forta pressió antròpica exercida sobre l’espècie en el passat. En l’última dècada, s’han donat indicis d’una possible reaparició del súper depredador en el territori català. Com a mètode per a la cerca del llop s’ha experimentat amb l’ús de gossos de rastreig per a la cerca i diferenciació de rastres de llop, aquesta és una tècnica innovadora no utilitzada anteriorment per a aquest tipus d’objectiu. L’exploració de les inquietuds dels ramaders i caçadors de la zona, mostra una bona predisposició a la reaparició de l’animal. Malgrat no s’ha detectat llop amb els mètodes emprats, es demostra que li és viable d’establir-se a la zona.
Understanding the oxidative reactivity of nanoparticles (NPs; <100 nm) could substantially contribute to explaining their toxicity. We attempted to refine the use of 2′7-dichlorodihydrofluorescein (DCFH) to characterize NP generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Several fluorescent probes have been applied to testing oxidative reactivity, but despite DCFH being one of the most popular for the detection of ROS, when it has been applied to NPs there have been an unexplainably wide variability in results. Without a uniform methodology, validating even robust results is impossible. This study, therefore, identified sources of conflicting results and investigated ways of reducing occurrence of artificial results. Existing techniques were tested and combined (using their most desirable features) to form a more reliable method for the measurement of NP reactivity in aqueous dispersions. We also investigated suitable sample ranges necessary to determine generation of ROS. Specifically, ultrafiltration and time-resolved scan absorbance spectra were used to study possible optical interference when using high sample concentrations. Robust results were achieved at a 5 µM DCFH working solution with 0.5 unit/mL horseradish peroxidase (HRP) dissolved in ethanol. Sonication in DCFH-HRP working solution provided more stable data with a relatively clean background. Optimal particle concentration depends on the type of NP and in general was in the µg/mL range. Major reasons for previously reported conflicting results due to interference were different experimental approaches and NP sample concentrations. The protocol presented here could form the basis of a standardized method for applying DCFH to detect generation of ROS by NPs.
Abstract¿La deteción del espectro libre para las comunicaciones inalámbricas en un momento puntual es una tarea compleja cuyo desarrollo se simplica al realizarse de forma distribuida por una red de radio cognitiva. Sin embargo existes dificultades y vulnerabilidades de seguridad que han de ser tenidas en cuenta y solventadas a la hora de autenticar y validar los nodos de la red. Este artículo presenta una propuesta de mejora del protocolo fully distributed decision making protocol for CRN con el fin de llevar a cabo esta tarea de detección del espectro de una manera eficiente y segura.
Purpose: To compare the additional informations obtainedwith axial and sagittal T2 weighted with fat saturation(T2FS) and T1 weighted with Gadolinium iv sequenceswith fat saturation (T1FSGd) to detect degenerativeinflammatory lumbar spine lesions.Materials and Methods: Our retrospective study included73 patients (365 lumbar levels) with lumbar spinedegenerative disease (25 males, 48 females, mean age56 years). MRI protocol was performed with T1 and T2weighted sagittal and T2 weighted axial sequences(standard protocol), axial and sagittal T2FS and T1FSGd.Images were independently analyzed by two musculoskeletalradiologists and a neurosurgeon. Two groups ofsequences were analyzed: standard + T2FS sequences(group 1), standard + T1FSGd sequences (group 2).Degenerative inflammatory lumbar spine lesions werenoted at each level in: anterior column (vertebralendplate), spinal canal (epidural and peri-radicular fat)and posterior column (facet joint with capsular recessand subchondral bone).Results: Degenerative inflammatory lesions were present in18% (66/365) of levels in group 1, and 48% (175/365) oflevels in group 2. In details, lesions were noted in group 1 and2 respectively:-in 44 and 66 levels for anterior column,-in22 and 131 levels for posterior column,-in 0 and 36 levelsfor spinal canal. All these differences were statisticallysignificant. Intra and Interobserver agreements were good.Conclusion: The T1FSGd sequence is more sensitive thanT2FS to show the degenerative inflammatory lumbar spinelesions, especially in spinal canal and posterior column.
Concrete durability may be considered as the ability to maintain serviceability over the design life without significant deterioration, and is generally a direct function of the mixture permeability. Therefore, reducing permeability will improve the potential durability of a given mixture and, in turn, improve the serviceability and longevity of the structure. Given the importance of this property, engineers often look for methods that can decrease permeability. One approach is to add chemical compounds known as integral waterproofing admixtures or permeability-reducing admixtures, which help fill and block capillary pores in the paste. Currently, there are no standard approaches to evaluate the effectiveness of permeability-reducing admixtures or to compare different products in the US. A review of manufacturers’ data sheets shows that a wide range of test methods have been used, and rarely are the same tests used on more than one product. This study investigated the fresh and hardened properties of mixtures containing commercially available hydrophilic and hydrophobic types of permeability-reducing admixtures. The aim was to develop a standard test protocol that would help owners, engineers, and specifiers compare different products and to evaluate their effects on concrete mixtures that may be exposed to hydrostatic or non-hydrostatic pressure. In this experimental program, 11 concrete mixtures were prepared with a fixed water-to-cement ratio and cement content. One plain mixture was prepared as a reference, 5 mixtures were prepared using the recommended dosage of the different permeability-reducing admixtures, and 5 mixtures were prepared using double the recommended dosage. Slump, air content, setting time, compressive and flexural strength, shrinkage, and durability indicating tests including electrical resistivity, rapid chloride penetration, air permeability, permeable voids, and sorptivity tests were conducted at various ages. The data are presented and recommendations for a testing protocol are provided.
BACKGROUND: Video-laryngoscopes are marketed for intubation in difficult airway management. They provide a better view of the larynx and may facilitate tracheal intubation, but there is no adequately powered study comparing different types of video-laryngoscopes in a difficult airway scenario or in a simulated difficult airway situation. METHODS/DESIGN: The objective of this trial is to evaluate and to compare the clinical performance of three video-laryngoscopes with a guiding channel for intubation (Airtraq?, A. P. Advance?, King Vision?) and three video-laryngoscopes without an integrated tracheal tube guidance (C-MAC?, GlideScope?, McGrath?) in a simulated difficult airway situation in surgical patients. The working hypothesis is that each video-laryngoscope provides at least a 90% first intubation success rate (lower limit of the 95% confidence interval >0.9). It is a prospective, patient-blinded, multicenter, randomized controlled trial in 720 patients who are scheduled for elective surgery under general anesthesia, requiring tracheal intubation at one of the three participating hospitals. A difficult airway will be created using an extrication collar and taping the patients' head on the operating table to substantially reduce mouth opening and to minimize neck movement. Tracheal intubation will be performed with the help of one of the six devices according to randomization. Insertion success, time necessary for intubation, Cormack-Lehane grade and percentage of glottic opening (POGO) score at laryngoscopy, optimization maneuvers required to aid tracheal intubation, adverse events and technical problems will be recorded. Primary outcome is intubation success at first attempt. DISCUSSION: We will simulate the difficult airway and evaluate different video-laryngoscopes in this highly realistic and clinically challenging scenario, independently from manufacturers of the devices. Because of the sufficiently powered multicenter design this study will deliver important and cutting-edge results that will help clinicians decide which device to use for intubation of the expected and unexpected difficult airway. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT01692535.
BACKGROUND: Methodological research has found that non-published studies often have different results than those that are published, a phenomenon known as publication bias. When results are not published, or are published selectively based on the direction or the strength of the findings, healthcare professionals and consumers of healthcare cannot base their decision-making on the full body of current evidence. METHODS: As part of the OPEN project (http://www.open-project.eu) we will conduct a systematic review with the following objectives:1. To determine the proportion and/or rate of non-publication of studies by systematically reviewing methodological research projects that followed up a cohort of studies that a. received research ethics committee (REC) approval,b. were registered in trial registries, orc. were presented as abstracts at conferences.2. To assess the association of study characteristics (for example, direction and/or strength of findings) with likelihood of full publication.To identify reports of relevant methodological research projects we will conduct electronic database searches, check reference lists, and contact experts. Published and unpublished projects will be included. The inclusion criteria are as follows:a. RECs: methodological research projects that examined the subsequent proportion and/or rate of publication of studies that received approval from RECs;b. Trial registries: methodological research projects that examine the subsequent proportion and/or rate of publication of studies registered in trial registries;c. Conference abstracts: methodological research projects that examine the subsequent proportion and/or rate of full publication of studies which were initially presented at conferences as abstracts.Primary outcomes: Proportion/rate of published studies; time to full publication (mean/median; cumulative publication rate by time).Secondary outcomes: Association of study characteristics with full publication.The different questions (a, b, and c) will be investigated separately. Data synthesis will involve a combination of descriptive and statistical summaries of the included methodological research projects. DISCUSSION: Results are expected to be publicly available in mid 2013.
BACKGROUND: Meta-analyses are particularly vulnerable to the effects of publication bias. Despite methodologists' best efforts to locate all evidence for a given topic the most comprehensive searches are likely to miss unpublished studies and studies that are published in the gray literature only. If the results of the missing studies differ systematically from the published ones, a meta-analysis will be biased with an inaccurate assessment of the intervention's effects.As part of the OPEN project (http://www.open-project.eu) we will conduct a systematic review with the following objectives:â-ª To assess the impact of studies that are not published or published in the gray literature on pooled effect estimates in meta-analyses (quantitative measure).â-ª To assess whether the inclusion of unpublished studies or studies published in the gray literature leads to different conclusions in meta-analyses (qualitative measure). METHODS/DESIGN: Inclusion criteria: Methodological research projects of a cohort of meta-analyses which compare the effect of the inclusion or exclusion of unpublished studies or studies published in the gray literature.Literature search: To identify relevant research projects we will conduct electronic searches in Medline, Embase and The Cochrane Library; check reference lists; and contact experts.Outcomes: 1) The extent to which the effect estimate in a meta-analyses changes with the inclusion or exclusion of studies that were not published or published in the gray literature; and 2) the extent to which the inclusion of unpublished studies impacts the meta-analyses' conclusions.Data collection: Information will be collected on the area of health care; the number of meta-analyses included in the methodological research project; the number of studies included in the meta-analyses; the number of study participants; the number and type of unpublished studies; studies published in the gray literature and published studies; the sources used to retrieve studies that are unpublished, published in the gray literature, or commercially published; and the validity of the methodological research project.Data synthesis: Data synthesis will involve descriptive and statistical summaries of the findings of the included methodological research projects. DISCUSSION: Results are expected to be publicly available in the middle of 2013.