284 resultados para Bitumen.


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Hydrocarbon migration pathways and organic mineral matter associations were used to identify brine pathways in Paleoproterozic to early Mesoproterozoic rocks from the Lawn Hill platform, Mount Isa. Several types of organic matter are identified, and their thermal imprints are used to reconstruct the thermal history of the northern to central parts of the Isa superbasin. Three major thermal hydrothermal episodes are recognized from the organic maturation studies. Isotherm plots on a 175-km-long structural-sedimentological north-south section of the Isa superbasin highlight specific fault systems that acted as hot fluid conduits during the geologic history of the basin. Some of these systems indicate continuing activity into the south Nicholson basin, supported by the presence of low reflectance (type B) bitumen. This bitumen has not been overprinted by later hydrothermal episodes and therefore represents the latest thermal event. Along the north-south profile a general southward increase in temperature is evident. The lowest temperatures are recorded in proximity to the basin margin on the southern flank of the Murphy inlier. Thermal processes and their sequence of events in the basin are recorded by organic maturation, subsequent hydrocarbon generation, its migration and destruction coincident with transport and precipitation of minerals. As some timing and trapping mechanisms for minerals may have analogues with hydrocarbon entrapment, relative timing of processes leading to organic maturation, hydrocarbon generation and migration are utilized in this study to enhance understanding of ore-grade mineralization. In the Proterozoic successions of the Mount Isa basin multiple hydrocarbon generation events are recognized. These events record the transient passage of potential metal-bearing fluids rather than background conductive heat flow from the basement. Such hydrothermal fluids are responsible for inverse maturation profiles in the vicinity of the Termite Range fault and extreme maturation (reflectance values) up to 6 percent Ro at the Grevillea prospect. At Century, intermediate Ro values of


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Bituminous substances in metalliferous sediments from the region of the triple junction in the Indian Ocean were studied. Specific peculiarities of their structure confirming location in "hot conditions" were revealed. Hydrocarbons are genetically connected with hydrothermal matter, and thus they could be considered as a geochemical indicator of hydrothermal processes in the ocean.


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I obtained 68 quarter sections of cores from the JOIDES Organic Geochemistry Panel for studying type, distribution, and stages of organic diagenesis of sedimentary organic matter in the West Philippine and Parece Vela basins and Mariana Trough area (Figure 1). The present chapter compares (1) 11 geochemical parameters used to determine organic source and its stage of genesis within the 9 site locations in this study area and (2) compares these 11 with the same parameters reported from Leg 56, outer trench slope of the Japan Trench, and Leg 60, Mariana Trough and Trench (Schorno, in press a, b). Even though these sediments are considered pelagic, the organic content in most of the core sections appears to be hemipelagic. The sedimentary organic matter in these cores is believed to be in an early stage of diagenesis. Both conclusions are based primarily on the fl-alkane distribution within the organic matter. This particular parameter, I note later, has a major weakness. As Hunt (Hunt, 1979) and I (in press b) observed, marine organisms synthesize /z-alkanes with distributions containing neither odd nor even preferences. Thus those sediments that did contain w-alkane distributions with OEP near 1, suggesting a late stage of catagenesis, may in actuality be immature marine sediments.


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Diatomaceous mud and an organically-rich claystone from holes at Sites 474 and 476 at the mouth of the Gulf of California were analyzed by organic geochemical methods to characterize their organic matter. The lipids of all three samples are primarily marine autochthonous, with the exception of Sample 474-5-3, 105-107 cm, which also contains some vascular plant wax. Based on the lipid composition, the sediment was deposited mainly under oxic environmental conditions. The kerogens were aliphatic and autochthonous marine. Two lignite fragments were also analyzed, and the data indicate that they are driftwood that absorbed marine bitumen from the surrounding sediment during coalification.


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The feasibility of monitoring fluid flow subsurface processes that result in density changes, using the iGrav superconducting gravimeter, is investigated. Practical targets include steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) bitumen depletion and water pumping from aquifers, for which there is currently a void in low-impact, inexpensive monitoring techniques. This study demonstrates that the iGrav has the potential to be applied to multi-scale and diverse reservoirs. Gravity and gravity gradient signals are forward modeled for a real SAGD reservoir at two time steps, and for surface-fed and groundwater-fed aquifer pumping models, to estimate signal strength and directional dependency of water flow. Time-lapse gravimetry on small-scale reservoirs exhibits two obstacles, namely, a µgal sensitivity requirement and high noise levels in the vicinity of the reservoir. In this study, both limitations are overcome by proposing (i) a portable superconducting gravimeter, and (ii) a pair of instruments under various baseline geometries. This results in improved spatial resolution for locating depletion zones, as well as the cancellation of noise common in both instruments. Results indicate that a pair of iGrav superconducting gravimeters meet the sensitivity requirements and the spatial focusing desired to monitor SAGD bitumen migration at the reservoir scales. For SAGD reservoirs, the well pair separation, reservoir depth, and survey sampling determine the resolvability of individual well pair depletion patterns during the steam chamber rising phase, and general reservoir depletion patterns during the steam chamber spreading phase. Results show that monitoring water table elevation changes due to pumping and tracking whether groundwater or surface water is being extracted are feasible.


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Bitumen extraction from surface-mined oil sands results in the production of large volumes of Fluid Fine Tailings (FFT). Through Directive 085, the Province of Alberta has signaled that oil sands operators must improve and accelerate the methods by which they deal with FFT production, storage and treatment. This thesis aims to develop an enhanced method to forecast FFT production based on specific ore characteristics. A mass relationship and mathematical model to modify the Forecasting Tailings Model (FTM) by using fines and clay boundaries, as the two main indicators in FFT accumulation, has been developed. The modified FTM has been applied on representative block model data from an operating oil sands mining venture. An attempt has been made to identify order-of-magnitude associated tailings treatment costs, and to improve financial performance by not processing materials that have ultimate ore processing and tailings storage and treatment costs in excess of the value of bitumen they produce. The results on the real case study show that there is a 53% reduction in total tailings accumulations over the mine life by selectively processing only lower tailings generating materials through eliminating 15% of total mined ore materials with higher potential of fluid fines inventory. This significant result will assess the impact of Directive 082 on mining project economic and environmental performance towards the sustainable development of mining projects.


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This report studied the effect of crumb rubber in the asphalt mixture. The mixtures were also having limestone filler as a modifier. Mastic and mortar (mastic-fine aggregate system) mixture having different quantities of crumb rubber and limestone filler modifiers have been tested in order to find the best rutting resistance combination with an acceptable stiffness. The rheological tests on bituminous mastics and mortars have done in the laboratories in Nottingham Transport Engineering Centre (NTEC) and University of Bologna (DICAM). In the second chapter, an extensive literature review about the binders, additives, asphalt mixtures, various modelling and testing methods have been reviewed. In the third chapter, the physical and rheological properties of the binders have been investigated using both traditional devices and DSRs. The forth chapter is dedicated to finding the behaviour of the modified mastics (Binder-modifier system) with different combinations. Five different combinations of crumb rubber and limestone filler mastic tested with various methods using Dynamic Shear Rheometers. In the fifth chapter, in order to find the effect of the modifiers in the rheological properties of the complete asphalt mixture, the fine aggregates added to the same mastic combinations. In this phase, the behaviour of the system so-called mortar; binder, rubber, filler and fine aggregates) has been studied using the DSR device and the traditional tests. The results show that using fine crumb rubber reduces the thermo sensibility of the mastic (Binder Bitumen System) and improves its elasticity. Limestone filler in the other hand increases the mixture stiffness at high Frequencies. Another important outcome of this research was that the rheological properties of the mortars were following the same trend of the mastics, therefore study the rheological properties of the mastic gives an upright estimation of the mortar.


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Steel slag, an abundant by-product of the steel-making industry, after it is aged, has a huge potential for use as an aggregate in road construction. However, the high pH of steel slag seepage (pH≥12) is a major impediment in its beneficial use. Analyses on aged steel slag samples demonstrated that the alkalinity producing capacity of aged steel slag samples strongly correlated to Ca(OH)2 dissolution and that prolonged aging periods have marginal effects on overall alkalinity. Treatment methods that included bitumen-coating, bathing in Al(III) solutions and addition of an alum-based drinking water treatment residual (WTR) were evaluated based on reduction in pH levels and leachate alkalinity. 10% (wt./wt.) alum-based drinking water treatment residual (WTR) addition to slag was determined to be the most successful mitigation method, providing 65−70% reduction in alkalinity both in batch-type and column leach tests, but final leachate pH was only 0.5−1 units lower and leachates were contaminated by dissolved Al(+III) (≥3−4 mM). Based on the interpretation of calculated saturation indices and SEM and EDX analyses, formation of calcium sulfoaluminate phases (i.e., ettringite and monosulfate) was suggested as the mechanism behind alkalinity mitigation upon WTR-modification. The residual alkalinity in WTR-amended slag leachates was able to be completely eliminated utilizing a biosolids compost with high base neutralization capacity. In column leach tests, effluent pH levels below 7 were maintained for 58−74 pore volumes worth of WTR-amended slag leachate using 0.13 kg compost (dry wt.) per 1 kg WTR-amended slag on average; also, dissolved Al(+III) was strongly retained on the compost.


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This study aims to compare the thermal performance of tiles made from recycled material (waste packaging cardboard with aluminized film) with the tiles of fiber and bitumen, fiber cement and red ceramic with the aim of verifying the suitability of tile to be used in hot and humid climate of low latitude. The samples were selected according to the availability from Natal - RN market, as they are sold to the consumers. The methodology was based on studies that used experimental apparatus composed of thermal chambers heated by banks of incandescent bulbs, to analyze the thermal performance of materials. The tiles in the study were submitted to analysis of thermal performance, thermophysical properties and absorptance, using chambers of thermal performance, measuring the thermophysical properties and portable spectrometer, respectively. Comparative analysis of thermal performance between two samples of the recycled material with dimple sizes and different amounts of aluminum were made, in order to verify, if these characteristics had some interference on the thermal performance of them; the results showed no significant performance differences between the samples. The data obtained in chambers of thermal performance and confirmed by statistical analysis, showed, that the tile of recycled material have similar thermal performance to the tile of fiber cement. In addition to these tests was carried out the automatic monitoring of a building covered with tiles of recycled material, to verify its thermal performance in a real situation. The results showed that recycled shingles must be used with technical criteria similar to those used for fiber cement tiles, with regard to the heat gain into the building. Within these criteria should be taken into account local characteristics, especially in regions with hot and humid climate, and its use must be associated, according to the literature, to elements of thermal insulation and use of passive techniques such as vented attics, ceilings and right foot higher


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This study aims to compare the thermal performance of tiles made from recycled material (waste packaging cardboard with aluminized film) with the tiles of fiber and bitumen, fiber cement and red ceramic with the aim of verifying the suitability of tile to be used in hot and humid climate of low latitude. The samples were selected according to the availability from Natal - RN market, as they are sold to the consumers. The methodology was based on studies that used experimental apparatus composed of thermal chambers heated by banks of incandescent bulbs, to analyze the thermal performance of materials. The tiles in the study were submitted to analysis of thermal performance, thermophysical properties and absorptance, using chambers of thermal performance, measuring the thermophysical properties and portable spectrometer, respectively. Comparative analysis of thermal performance between two samples of the recycled material with dimple sizes and different amounts of aluminum were made, in order to verify, if these characteristics had some interference on the thermal performance of them; the results showed no significant performance differences between the samples. The data obtained in chambers of thermal performance and confirmed by statistical analysis, showed, that the tile of recycled material have similar thermal performance to the tile of fiber cement. In addition to these tests was carried out the automatic monitoring of a building covered with tiles of recycled material, to verify its thermal performance in a real situation. The results showed that recycled shingles must be used with technical criteria similar to those used for fiber cement tiles, with regard to the heat gain into the building. Within these criteria should be taken into account local characteristics, especially in regions with hot and humid climate, and its use must be associated, according to the literature, to elements of thermal insulation and use of passive techniques such as vented attics, ceilings and right foot higher


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The world has many types of oil that have a range of values of density and viscosity, these are characteristics to identify whether an oil is light, heavy or even ultraheavy. The occurrence of heavy oil has increased significantly and pointing to a need for greater investment in the exploitation of deposits and therefore new methods to recover that oil. There are economic forecasts that by 2025, the heavy oil will be the main source of fossil energy in the world. One such method is the use of solvent vaporized VAPEX which is known as a recovery method which consists of two horizontal wells parallel to each other, with a gun and another producer, which uses as an injection solvent that is vaporized in order to reduce the viscosity of oil or bitumen, facilitating the flow to the producing well. This method was proposed by Dr. Roger Butler, in 1991. The importance of this study is to analyze how the influence some operational reservoir and parameters are important in the process VAPEX, such as accumulation of oil produced in the recovery factor in flow injection and production rate. Parameters such as flow injection, spacing between wells, type of solvent to be injected, vertical permeability and oil viscosity were addressed in this study. The results showed that the oil viscosity is the parameter that showed statistically significant influence, then the choice of Heptane solvent to be injected showed a greater recovery of oil compared to other solvents chosen, considering the spacing between the wells was shown that for a greater distance between the wells to produce more oil


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Nowadays, most of the hydrocarbon reserves in the world are in the form of heavy oil, ultra - heavy or bitumen. For the extraction and production of this resource is required to implement new technologies. One of the promising processes for the recovery of this oil is the Expanding Solvent Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (ES-SAGD) which uses two parallel horizontal wells, where the injection well is situated vertically above the production well. The completion of the process occurs upon injection of a hydrocarbon additive at low concentration in conjunction with steam. The steam adds heat to reduce the viscosity of the oil and solvent aids in reducing the interfacial tension between oil/ solvent. The main force acting in this process is the gravitational and the heat transfer takes place by conduction, convection and latent heat of steam. In this study was used the discretized wellbore model, where the well is discretized in the same way that the reservoir and each section of the well treated as a block of grid, with interblock connection with the reservoir. This study aims to analyze the influence of the pressure drop and heat along the injection well in the ES-SAGD process. The model used for the study is a homogeneous reservoir, semi synthetic with characteristics of the Brazilian Northeast and numerical simulations were performed using the STARS thermal simulator from CMG (Computer Modelling Group). The operational parameters analyzed were: percentage of solvent injected, the flow of steam injection, vertical distance between the wells and steam quality. All of them were significant in oil recovery factor positively influencing this. The results showed that, for all cases analyzed, the model considers the pressure drop has cumulative production of oil below its respective model that disregards such loss. This difference is more pronounced the lower the value of the flow of steam injection


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By employing interpretive policy analysis this thesis aims to assess, measure, and explain policy capacity for government and non-government organizations involved in reclaiming Alberta's oil sands. Using this type of analysis to assess policy capacity is a novel approach for understanding reclamation policy; and therefore, this research will provide a unique contribution to the literature surrounding reclamation policy. The oil sands region in northeast Alberta, Canada is an area of interest for a few reasons; primarily because of the vast reserves of bitumen and the environmental cost associated with developing this resource. An increase in global oil demand has established incentive for industry to seek out and develop new reserves. Alberta's oil sands are one of the largest remaining reserves in the world, and there is significant interest in increasing production in this region. Furthermore, tensions in several oil exporting nations in the Middle East remain unresolved, and this has garnered additional support for a supply side solution to North American oil demands. This solution relies upon the development of reserves in both the United States and Canada. These compounding factors have contributed to the increased development in the oil sands of northeastern Alberta. Essentially, a rapid expansion of oil sands operations is ongoing, and is the source of significant disturbance across the region. This disturbance, and the promises of reclamation, is a source of contentious debates amongst stakeholders and continues to be highly visible in the media. If oil sands operations are to retain their social license to operate, it is critical that reclamation efforts be effective. One concern non-governmental organizations (NGOs) expressed criticizes the current monitoring and enforcement of regulatory programs in the oil sands. Alberta's NGOs have suggested the data made available to them originates from industrial sources, and is generally unchecked by government. In an effort to discern the overall status of reclamation in the oil sands this study explores several factors essential to policy capacity: work environment, training, employee attitudes, perceived capacity, policy tools, evidence based work, and networking. Data was collected through key informant interviews with senior policy professionals in government and non-government agencies in Alberta. The following are agencies of interest in this research: Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP); Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development (AESRD); Alberta Energy Regulator (AER); Cumulative Environmental Management Association (CEMA); Alberta Environment Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting Agency (AEMERA); Wood Buffalo Environmental Association (WBEA). The aim of this research is to explain how and why reclamation policy is conducted in Alberta's oil sands. This will illuminate government capacity, NGO capacity, and the interaction of these two agency typologies. In addition to answering research questions, another goal of this project is to show interpretive analysis of policy capacity can be used to measure and predict policy effectiveness. The oil sands of Alberta will be the focus of this project, however, future projects could focus on any government policy scenario utilizing evidence-based approaches.


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El presente trabajo de grado busca exponer el panorama actual de la exploración y producción de hidrocarburos en Yacimientos No Convencionales, realizada utilizando el fracturamiento hidráulico – Fracking – cómo método para lograr mejores condiciones físicas en el reservorio que permitan la extracción del recurso. El método mencionado es estudiado a la luz de los principios de prevención, precaución y desarrollo sostenible, que rigen la política ambiental en Colombia, con el objetivo de analizar los posibles impactos ambientales y sociales que se puedan generar por el desarrollo de la actividad extractiva de hidrocarburos en Yacimientos No Convencionales. Para finalmente mostrar que el Fracking como actividad está legalmente permitida en Colombia, y la legislación vigente responde a los principios mencionados previamente.