351 resultados para Biocombustíveis


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A great competition between companies happens nowadays, due to, among other factors, the globalized economic system, the growing consumer demand and the technological advances. This fact implies the need for fast and efficient tools in decision making. A validated simulation model is able to perform this task. Thus, it was parameterized a simulation model of a fuel distribution terminal. It is a complex system because of its great variability. The model´s data input were collected, however the model was not statistically validated, in other word, does not adequately represent the real system. A search was made for the possible causes of this fact: dividing the compartments of tanker trucks, data collection may have been insufficient, inefficient model for unloading of biofuels


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In this work concepts of flammability limits of anhydrous and hydrated ethanol to pressures below atmospheric, using the Dalton model for gaseous mixtures. Theoretical and experimental methods for determining the boundaries and the influence of parameters such as concentration, temperature and pressure were introduced. Analyzes from partial pressures of fuel vapor and correlations with temperature and total pressure were made. Finally presents an overview of aviation fuels, their requisites and trends in the use of biofuels in commercial aviation industry


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Ethanol, the main automotive biofuel, has its production based on the fermentation of sugars found in biological materials and on the distillation of the alcoholic media formed during the fermentative process. Stillage is the main residue from ethanol production, containing a high organic loading in addition to acidic and corrosive characteristics. Considering the available technologies to treat stillage, we highlight anaerobic digestion, which allows the reduction of the impacts associated to pollutants loading of this effluent and the generation of energy from the methane gas produced in the process. Based on the high treatment efficiency usually associated to the anaerobic process, this work aimed to assess whether anaerobic systems applied to the treatment of stillage are energetically self-sufficient. First we evaluated the energy recovery capacity in an anaerobic reactor applied to the treatment of stillage resulting from corn-to-ethanol processing. The results indicated the great influence that a correct selection of electrical equipment and their respective operating periods have on the net energy balance of the anaerobic treatment. The high energy consumption of the heater would not allow the system to achieve a positive net energy balance – the maximum energy recovery would reach only 0.68% of the consumption. However, the replacement of the mixture equipment would result in energy gains ranging from 8.5 to 967.9% of the consumption. In this work we also assessed the efficiency of methane yields for a few studies and the correlation between some parameters of the anaerobic process. With respect to the methane yield, we noted that mesophilic systems tend to be more advantageous than the thermophilic ones (efficiency of 76.45 ± 22.51% vs. 69.40 ± 30.36%). Considering the study... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Faced with the global discussion about the development of new alternative energy sources, this work tries to contribute to the understanding of the introduction of biodiesel in the energy market, identifying the barriers in the social logic, economic and productive in different spaces, rural and urban. Based on the guidelines of the National Biodiesel Production and Use Program (PNPB), it intended to accompany the implementation of public policies in relation to family farmers settled in the Pontal, located in the western region of São Paulo. In parallel, we will analyze the organizational structure and logistics of the production of biodiesel in the city, although it does not dependent on agricultural production and it is not a target of public policies, it takes advantage of the demand created by PNPB when it comes to increasing the amount of biodiesel blended with mineral origin diesel. The activity examined in the urban space is the collection of used frying oil held by Ecosanta Biofuels, a company located in the town of Maua, São Paulo metropolitan region. The monograph aims to broaden our understanding despite the urban-rural issue regarding the obstacles and opportunities in expanding renewable energy


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O trabalho apresentado é constituído de dois capítulos distintos, ambos com preocupação recorrente de realizar uma ciência que tenha interface com a realidade, uma Ecologia aplicável às questões e demandas da sociedade contemporânea como ferramenta para compreender a realidade, mediar conflitos. No capítulo I - Integrando o meio físico, biológico e sócioeconômico na proposição de novos Índices de Sensibilidade Ambiental (ISA) propomos o desenvolvimento de índices que combinem aspectos bióticos, socioeconômicos e ecológicos como: a) Índice de Sensibilidade Ambiental Biológico (ISAB), pautado na comunidade de mamíferos de médio e grande porte; b) Índice de Sensibilidade Ambiental Socioeconômico (ISASE), composto pelo tipo de atividade econômica e pelas características da comunidade do entorno e c) Índice de Sensibilidade Ambiental Ecológico (ISAEc). No capítulo II - Contribuição da área do fragmento e dos corredores ecológicos para a comunidade de mamíferos de médio e grande porte das matas ciliares, ressaltamos a importância da Ecologia da Paisagem para a presença/ausência de espécies de mamíferos de médio e grande porte. Quais correlações são relevantes e como as métricas da paisagem têm influência sobre a comunidade da mastofauna. Há a clara intenção de compreender a realidade e propor soluções para as problemáticas modernas visando o bem estar da sociedade e a conservação e preservação da biota


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The focus of this research study were gas exchange between soil and atmosphere of nitrous oxide (N2O) between different fertilization treatments Corn The research, conducted in the experimental field Dedelow - Brandenburg / Germany, analyzed three different fertilization treatments, aiming to quantify GHE emissions, to identify the influence of the residue of biogas in the release of these gases process in agricultural soils in search for a solution fertilization less harmful to the environment and the greenhouse effect , based on the comparison of three treatments: organic fertilization, mineral fertilization and no fertilization. It was found through the analysis of the measurements that the first was the one which issued N2O, showing that even though coming from the residue of biogas , when returned to the soil, it becomes harmful to the environment and global warming . The cultivation of energy crops can lower or raise the emissions of greenhouse gases, so it is necessary for further research on this question not only in Germany , where such research is in continuity, but also in Brazil, a pioneer in the introduction to his energy matrix of a biofuel produced from cane sugar


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The uninterrupted rise in emission of greenhouse gases open way to the use of biofuels, due to politics that focus on fuel safe, clean and renewable. The use of microalgae for biodiesel production has been described as one of the most promising sources of biomass for biofuels. The aim of this study was to evaluate the extraction and lipid profile of the microalgae Dunaliella tertiolecta, Isochrysis galbana and Tetraselsim gracilis. The extractions were performed with solvents chloroform /methanol and petroleum ether. The lipid profile was analyzed by gas chromatography after transesterification.The petroleum ether showed more efficiency in the extraction, the best result obtained was in the microalgae D. tertiolecta with 19.52% of lipid. The lipid profile analysis indicated a biodiesel stable to oxidation and elevated viscosity


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O glicerol é um importante subproduto de processos fermentativos. Em algumas bebidas alcoólicas, como vinhos e vodcas contribuem com seu sabor tornando-a aceitável para o consumidor. Com o incentivo na produção de biocombustíveis, a disponibilidade do glicerol deve aumentar, já que é o principal subproduto gerado na produção do Biodiesel. A sua presença em alguns alimentos, pode identificar presença de microrganismos, já que pode ser uma fonte de carbono para eles. Devido às inúmeras utilizações do glicerol para diversos tipos de indústrias, a dosagem do glicerol se torna cada vez mais importante e rotineira. Isso incentiva novas pesquisas de métodos de doseamento. A enzima GK é presente em vários microrganismos e converte o glicerol em glicerol-3-fosfato. Com a utilização da enzima Glicerol -3- fofato desidrogenase, o glicerol - 3 – fosfato é convertido a di-hidroxi-acetona fosfato com a produção de NADH. Este pode ser quantificado através do espectrofotômetro, tornando-se um rápido e eficiente método para doseamento. A levedura recombinante Pichia pastoris foi escolhida pois foi inserida no seu DNA, o Gene GUT1 que expressa a GK em Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Além disso, a expressão enzimática é extracelular, diminuindo etapas no processo de isolamento da enzima GK. O trabalho consistiu em otimizar a produção de GK expressa pela levedura recombinante Pichia pastoris por meio da adição de oxigênio no biorreator de fermentação em escala de 2,5 L. Os resultados do presente estudo indicam o ponto ótimo de oxigenação em fermentador nos parâmetros estabelecidos é de 2,0 lpm tanto para a produção de enzimática quanto para biomassa formada


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Due to the new discoveries of oil and gas reservoirs, and also the increasing production of bio-fuels, the brazilian general pipeline system is being vertiginously extended. On the other hand, there is a lack of clear parameters that would allow a better utilization of the geological-geotechnical studies in the process of environmental licensing of pipeline systems. Therefore, this paper presents guidelines that would orientate the environmental licensing procedures to build pipeline systems, and also the geological-geotechnical studies that would support the characterization of the physical context. The method applied in this study consisted in the existing data survey and in their organization, analysis and review. In doing so, there is a well-subsidy integration of the many steps of the pipeline system implementation, the required environmental licenses and the investigation methods of the correlated physical context. As a result, it’s presented a flowchart of the guidelines, detailing the interaction between the environmental licensing, the geological-geotechnical studies and the phases of the pipeline’s project.


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Liquid-liquid extraction is utilized for purification of biomolecules by Aqueous Biphasic Systems (ABS), since this process does not damage the biotechnological potential of these compounds. In this work, using the free software Scilab®, the fractionated liquid-liquid extraction was studied aiming a lipase (target enzyme) partition in a water + PEG + DEX system. Lisozime was considered as contaminant. As computer simulations has been extensively used when a first estimation of technical feasibility of process is desired, this work demonstred that the system is viable for recovery the 80 % till 90 % the target enzyme, but should be noted that the trial aimed only the fractionation of the enzyme target of a contaminant, not its concentration, which should be done by another process.


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Com 27 trabalhos produzidos por pesquisadores do Instituto de Pesquisa em Bioenergia (Bioen), da Unesp, este livro oferece uma ampla visão sobre as áreas que compõem o segmento. Seu principal objetivo é contribuir para melhorar a compreensão dos vários aspectos da bioenergia, em especial no Brasil, que figura entre os países com maior nível de desenvolvimento tecnológico no setor. Os artigos abordam uma série abrangente de questões relacionadas à bioenergia, como a construção genética das plantas de cana-de-açúcar visando ao aumento de produtividade, a disseminação de sementes para estimular a propagação de espécies com potencial energético, etapas de produção de bioenergia, usos do combustível e seus efeitos nos diversos tipos de motores. Agrupados por assunto, os textos estão distribuídos em cinco partes: Biomassa para bioenergia; Produção de biocombustíveis; Utilização de bioenergia; Biorrefinaria, alcoolquímica e oleoquímica e Sustentabilidade dos biocombustíveis.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV