288 resultados para Bifidobacterium bifidum


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Tese de mestrado em Microbiologia Aplicada, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2016


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Eighty-eight samples of Aptian to lower Cenomanian sediments of Sites 545 and 547, DSDP Leg 79, from the Mazagan Plateau area (offshore Northwest Africa) were analyzed for palynomorphs. The very rich dinoflagellate cyst assemblages make it possible to narrow shipboard age determinations and to correlate Sites 545 and 547. The distribution of 174 dinoflagellate cyst taxa is tabulated in this study and the biostratigraphic value of selected dinoflagellate cysts is discussed. Additional taxonomic remarks are made about some species. The new dinoflagellate cyst species Aptea almohadensis, Occisucysta hinzü, O. mazaganensis, and the subspecies Maghrebinia perforata (Clarke and Verdier, 1967) Below, 1981 ssp. mirabilis are described.


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This work evaluated the fresh, spray dried (with 10 % of Arabic Gum) and freeze dried jambolan pulp (Eugenia jambolana Lam.) in regard to physicochemical (pH, moisture, water activity, average particle diameter, solubility and color), bioactive [total phenolic content (TPC), monomeric anthocyanin, pronathocyanidin (PA), total elagic acid (TEA), myricetin and cyanidin] and in vitro functionality (antioxidant, antienzymatic and antimicrobial activities]. In addition, the in vivo functionality of jambolan pulp was investigated using the Caenorhabditis elegans model for insulin signaling, longevity and induced neurodegeneration (Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease related symptoms). The dried jambolan pulp presented TPC retention (50% to 75%), PA (90% to 98%), TEA (31% to 83%), myricetin (40% to 84%), cyanidin (72% to 84%) and antioxidant activity (15%). The fresh jambolan pulp, the freeze dried pulp and the spray dried jambolan pulp presented high enzymatic inhibitory activity against pancreatic lipase (4,4 to 5,8 mg/mL), alpha-glycosidase (10,3 to 13,8 mg/mL) and alpha-amylase (8,9 to 11,2 mg/mL). They also were active inhibitors against the pathogen S. aureus. The dried jambolan experimental samples were able to increase the expression of several genes linked to the insulin signaling pathways (SIR-2.1, PPTR-1, DAF-16, SOD-3, e CTL) and increased the lifespan in C. elegans (18,07 % - 24,34 %), besides decreasing the amyloid AB1-42 aggregation induced paralysis and MPP+ (1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium) induced neurodegeneration. Based on that, the jambolan pulp and the spray dried jambolan pulp were further selected for the production of caprine frozen yogurt with the addition of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BI-07. The final product were evaluated in regard to their physicochemical (pH, acidity, total solids, protein, total reducing sugars, fat, ashes, overrun, melting test), bioactive (TPC and monomeric anthocyanin, antioxidant activity, probiotic viability and sensory analysis (sensory acceptance). The results showed that samples with probiotic had lowest pH and higher acidity, TPC, anthocyanin and antioxidant activity. It was also observed low overrun (14.2% to 22.6%). vi Samples with probiotic had lower flavor scores. Overall, this research presents the jambolan as a highly functional bioactive-rich fruit with the potential to modulate important biological pathways, extend lifespan and retard the development of neurodegenerative diseases. Jambolan is an underexploited exotic fruit with a high colorant potential and this thesis shows for the first time in the literature important technological, biological and scientific data about this fruit that could be used towards the development of health-oriented food products.


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This thesis describes two newly sequenced B. longum subsp. longum genomes and subsequent comparative analysis with publicly available B. longum subsp. longum, B. longum subsp. infantis and B. longum subsp. suis genomes (Chapter 2). The acquired data revealed a closed pan-genome for this bifidobacterial species and furthermore facilitated the definition of the B. longum core genome. The comparative analysis also highlights differences in the potential metabolic abilities of all three sub-species. Interestingly, phylogenetic analysis of the B. longum core genome indicated the existence of a novel B. longum subspecies. Characterisation of restriction-modification systems from two B. longum subsp. longum strains is described in Chapter 3. These defence mechanisms limit the uptake of genetic material, which was successfully demonstrated for some of the identified systems. When these systems were by-passed by methylation of DNA prior to the transformation procedure, the resulting transformation efficiency of both B. longum subsp. longum strains was increased to a level that allowed for the generation of mutants via homologous recombination. Arabinoxylan metabolism by B. longum subsp. longum NCIMB 8809 was investigated in Chapter 4 of this thesis. Transcriptome analysis allowed the identification of a number of genes involved in the degradation, uptake and utilisation of arabinoxylan. Biochemical analysis revealed that three of the identified genes encode arabinofuranosidase activity. Phenotypic assessment of a number of insertion mutants in genes identified by the transcriptome analysis revealed the essential role of two of these enzymes in arabinoxylan metabolism, and a third enzyme in the metabolism of debranched arabinan. Furthermore, this investigation revealed that B. longum subsp. longum NCIMB 8809 does not completely degrade arabinoxylan, but utilises the arabinose substitutions only, while leaving the xylan backbone untouched.Finally, Chapter 5 outlines that B. longum subsp. longum NCIMB 8809 is capable of removing ferulic and p-coumaric acid substitutions that originate from arabinoxylan. Analysis of the genome sequence led to the identification of a candidate gene for this activity, which was subsequently cloned and expressed in E. coli. Biochemical analysis revealed that the enzyme, designated here as FaeA, is indeed capable of releasing both ferulic and p-coumaric acid from arabinoxylan. Furthermore, it is shown that a derivative of B. longum subsp. longum NCIMB 8809 carrying an insertion mutation in faeA had lost the ability to release ferulic and p-coumaric acid from arabinoxylan, and that growth of this mutant strain is negatively affected when cultivated on growth-limiting levels of arabinoxylan.


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Obiettivo di questa sperimentazione è stata la valutazione in vitro dell’attività prebiotica di un sottoprodotto dell’industria alimentare, il pastazzo di agrumi, ed una pianta officinale largamente diffusa in natura, l’equiseto, nei confronti di alcuni batteri lattici isolati da feci di origine umana. Come riferimento si sono utilizzati due composti a riconosciuta attività prebiotica, l’inulina ed i frutto-oligosaccaridi (FOS), e ceppi di Bifidobacterium isolati da un preparato commerciale (Bifiselle®, Bromatech). I ceppi batterici utilizzati per tale prova sono stati isolati da campioni fecali di individui caratterizzati da differenti regimi alimentari – onnivoro, vegano od ovo-latto vegetariano -nell’ambito delle attività relative al progetto PRIN 2010-2011 “Microrganismi negli alimenti e nell'uomo: studio del microbiota e del relativo metaboloma in funzione della dieta onnivora, vegetariana o vegana (Gut4Diet)”. I risultati ottenuti hanno messo in evidenza come alcuni dei ceppi studiati posseggano una buona capacità di crescita in terreni di coltura con sottoprodotti agrumari ed equiseto come fonti di carbonio. Tramite analisi delle molecole volatili si sono determinate più di 60 molecole appartenenti principalmente alle classi degli acidi organici e loro esteri, alcoli, aldeidi, chetoni e pirazine. Tra queste vi sono alcuni esteri di acidi grassi a corta catena che si sono accumulati soprattutto nei sistemi addizionati di equiseto, FOS ed inulina. E’ noto che gli acidi grassi a corta catena sono prodotti dalla flora batterica intestinale durante la fermentazione di polisaccaridi non digeribili ed esplicano un ruolo protettivo nei confronti di differenti patologie.


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Maternal obesity has been shown to increase the risk for adverse reproductive health outcomes such as gestational diabetes, hypertension, and preeclampsia. Moreover, several studies have indicated that overnutrition and maternal obesity adversely program the development of offspring by predisposing them to obesity and other chronic diseases later in life. The exact molecular mechanisms leading to developmental programming are not known, but it has recently been suggested that obesity-related low-grade inflammation, gut microbiota and epigenetic gene regulation (in particularly DNA methylation) participate in the developmental programming phenomenon. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the effect of diet, dietary counseling and probiotic intervention during pregnancy in endorsing favorable developmental programming. The study population consisted of 256 mother-child pairs participating in a prospective, double-blinded dietary counselling and probiotic intervention (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12) NAMI (Nutrition, Allergy, Mucosal immunology and Intestinal microbiota) study. Further overweight women were recruited from maternal welfare clinics in the area of Southwest Finland and from the prenatal outpatient clinic at Turku University Hospital. Dietary counseling was aimed to modify women’s dietary intake to comply with the recommended intake for pregnant women. Specifically, counseling aimed to affect the type of fat consumed and to increase the amount of fiber in the women’s diets. Leptin concentration was used as a marker for obesity-related low-grade inflammation, antioxidant vitamin status as an efficiency marker for dietary counselling and epigenetic DNA methylation of obesity related genes as a marker for probiotics influence. Results revealed that dietary intake may modify obesity-associated low-grade inflammation as measured by serum leptin concentration. Specifically, dietary fiber intake may lower leptin concentration in women, whereas the intakes of saturated fatty acids and sucrose have an opposite effect. Neither dietary counselling nor probiotic intervention modified leptin concentration in women, but probiotics tended to increase children’s leptin concentration. Dietary counseling was an efficient tool for improving antioxidant vitamin intake in women, which was reflected in the breast milk vitamin concentration. Probiotic intervention affected DNA methylation of dozens of obesity and weight gain related genes both in women and their children. Altogether these results indicate that dietary components, dietary counseling and probiotic supplementation during pregnancy may modify the intrauterine environment towards favorable developmental programming.


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O presente trabalho avaliou, na etapa experimental, um processo simultâneo de catálise e fermentação láctica visando obter um iogurte com potenciais características nutracêuticas e, na sua etapa teórica, estabeleceu uma interlocução entre a vivência experimentalista e a teoria da cinética enzimática, no que se refere à conversão da lactose e à síntese de galactooligossacarídeos (GOS). Na abordagem experimental, para um substrato específico, avaliouse biocatálise conduzida simultaneamente à fermentação, defasando a adição da enzima em relação ao início do processo fermentativo. A fermentação foi realizada a partir de cultura láctica liofilizada comercial contendo dois micro-organismos probióticos, Bifidobacterium animalis e Lactobacillus acidophilus, associados aos micro-organismos característicos do iogurte, Lactobacillus bulgaricus e Streptococcus thermophilus. Foi utilizado um preparado enzimático contendo -galactosidases obtidas de duas origens distintas: Kluyveromyces lactis e Aspergillus niger. Foram avaliados os efeitos da concentração da enzima e do tempo de adição da enzima em um planejamento experimental 2 2 . As respostas foram às concentrações, ao final do processo, de lactose, de GOS, de glicose e de galactose e a hidrólise dos galactooligossacarídeos ao longo do tempo. No que se refere à abordagem teórica, o presente trabalho considerou modelos matemáticos de hidrólise de dissacarídeos e conversão da lactose, em que a inibição foi representada a partir do incremento da concentração dos produtos da reação. No que se refere à conversão da lactose e síntese de GOS, o presente trabalho buscou estabelecer um modelo matemático em que a inibição ocorreu por efeito do incremento das concentrações de glicose e de galactose, comparando-o com os modelos conhecidos na literatura. Verificou-se que o desempenho do modelo obtido no presente trabalho foi robusto em relação às premissas estabelecidas. Na comparação com resultados experimentais de conversão enzimática, o modelo mostrou-se capaz de minimizar o erro e de ajustar-se aos dados experimentais.


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The adult intestinal microbiota comprises a microbial ecosystem of approximately 100 trillion microorganisms, with specific bacterial communities holding distinct metabolic capabilities. Bacteria produce a range of bioactive compounds to survive unfavourable stimuli and to interact with other organisms, and generate several bioactive products during degradation of dietary constituents the host is not capable of digesting. This thesis addressed the impact of feeding potential probiotic bacteria and other dietary strategies such as pure fatty acids and prebiotics, on gut microbiota composition, short chain fatty acid (SCFA) production and modulation of metabolism in animal models. In the first experimental chapter (Chapter 2) a gas chromatography method for the quantification of SCFA was optimized and applied in the analysis of caecal samples obtained in animal studies described in other chapters of this thesis. In Chapter 3, t10, c12 CLA supplementation was shown to significantly alter murine gut microbiota composition and SCFA production rather than no supplementation. These changes were suggested to be extra factors affecting host lipid metabolism. Chapter 4 described the contrasting effects of CLA-producing strains, Bifidobacterium breve DPC 6330 and B. breve NCIMB 702258, on murine fat distribution/composition and gut microbiota composition, suggesting that these changes were most likely strain-dependent. In Chapter 5, dietary GABA-producing strain Lactobacillus brevis DPC 6108 was shown to significantly increase (p<0.05) serum insulin in healthy rats, leading to a second experiment using a type 1 diabetes rat model. Lb. brevis DPC 6108 administration did not change insulin levels in diabetic rats, but attenuated high levels of glucose when compared to diabetic control. However, an auto-immune-induced diabetes model was suggested as a better model to study GABA-related effects on diabetes. In Chapter 6 bovine milk oligosaccharides, 6’sialyllactose and Beneo Orafti P95 oligofructose supplementations were associated with depletion or reduction of less favourable bacteria, demonstrating that ingestion of these oligosaccharides might be a safe and effective approach to modulate populations of the intestinal microbiota. In Chapter 7 (General discussion) the major findings of all studies were reviewed and discussed.