963 resultados para Backward- bending


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This paper presents three different numerical models for the evaluation of the stresses in corrugated sheets under bending. Regarding the numerical simulations different approaches can be considered, i.e., a elastic linear analysis or a physical nonlinear analysis, that considers criteria to fail for the sheet material. Moreover, the construction of the finite element mesh can be used shell elements or solid elements. The choice of each finite element must be made from the consideration of their representativity before behavior to be simulated. Thus, the numerical modelling in this manuscript was performed from the three-dimensional models using the SAP2000Nonlinear software, version 7.42, which has as base the finite elements method (FEM). It was considered shell elements in the build the mesh of finite elements and an analysis of type elastic linear in this case. Five mm thick sheets were evaluated considering three different longitudinal dimensions (spans), i.e., 1100 mm, 1530 mm and 1830 mm. The applied load to the models was 2500 N/m and it was verified that the spans of support of sheets have a significant influence on the results of stresses. The sheets with larger spans present larger stresses for the same applied load. The most intense values of tension occur in the troughs (low waves) of the sheets, on the lower surface, while the most intense values of compression occur in the crests (high waves), on the upper surface of the sheet. The flanks, which are the parts among the troughs and crests of the sheets, are submitted to low levels of stresses. The numeric results of the stresses showed a good agreement with the results obtained from other researchers(3) and these results can be used to predict the behavior of corrugated sheets under bending.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this paper, natural frequencies were analyzed (axial, torsional and flexural) and frequency response of a vertical rotor with a hard disk at the edge through the classical modal and complex analysis. The equation that rules the movement was obtained through the Lagrangian formulation. The model considered the effects of bending, torsion and axial deformation of the shaft, besides the gravitational and gyroscopic effects. The finite element method was used to discretize the structure into hollow cylindrical elements with 12 degrees of freedom. Mass, stiffness and gyroscopic matrices were explained consistently. The classical modal analysis, usually applied to stationary structures, does not consider an important characteristic of rotating machinery which are the methods of forward and backward whirl. Initially, through the traditional modal analysis, axial and torsional natural frequencies were obtained in a static shaft, since they do not suffer the influence of gyroscopic effects. Later research was performed by complex modal analysis. This type of tool, based on the use of complex coordinates to describe the dynamic behavior of rotating shaft, allows the decomposition of the system in two submodes, backward and forward. Thus, it is possible to clearly visualize that the orbit and direction of the precessional motion around the line of the rotating shaft is not deformed. A finite element program was developed using MATLAB (TM) and numerical simulations were performed to validate this model. Natural frequencies and directional frequency forced response (dFRF) were obtained using the complex modal analysis for a simple vertical rotor and also for a typical drill string used in the construction of oil wells.


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Natural frequencies were analyzed (axial, torsional and flexural) and frequency response of a vertical rotor with a hard disk at the edge through the classical and complex modal analysis. The mathematical modeling was based on the theory of Euler-Bernoulli beam. The equation that rules the movement was obtained through the Lagrangian formulation. The model considered the effects of bending, torsion and axial deformation of the shaft, besides the gravitational and gyroscopic effects. The finite element method was used to discretize the structure into hollow cylindrical elements with 12 degrees of freedom. Mass, stiffness and gyroscopic matrices were explained consistently. This type of tool, based on the use of complex coordinates to describe the dynamic behavior of rotating shaft, allows the decomposition of the system in two submodes, backward and forward. Thus, it is possible to clearly visualize that the orbit and direction of the precessional motion around the line of the rotating shaft is not deformed. A finite element program was developed using Matlab ®, and numerical simulations were performed to validate this model.


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The grading of structural lumber besides contributing for increasing the structure's safety, due to the reduction of the material variability, also allows its rational use. Due to the good correlation between strength and bending stiffness, the latter has been used in estimating the mechanical strength of lumber pieces since the 60's. For industrial application, there are equipment and techniques to evaluate the bending stiffness of lumber, through dynamic tests such as the longitudinal vibration technique, also known as stress wave, and the transverse vibration technique. This study investigated the application of these two techniques in the assessment of the modulus of elasticity in bending of Teca beams (Tectona grandis), from reforestation, and of the tropical species Guajara (Micropholis venulosa). The modulus of elasticity estimated by dynamic tests showed good correlation with the modulus measured in the static bending test. Meantime, we observed that the accuracy of the longitudinal vibration technique was significantly reduced in the evaluation of the bending stiffness of Teca pieces due to the knots existing in this species.


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[EN] The aim of this work is to propose a new method for estimating the backward flow directly from the optical flow. We assume that the optical flow has already been computed and we need to estimate the inverse mapping. This mapping is not bijective due to the presence of occlusions and disocclusions, therefore it is not possible to estimate the inverse function in the whole domain. Values in these regions has to be guessed from the available information. We propose an accurate algorithm to calculate the backward flow uniquely from the optical flow, using a simple relation. Occlusions are filled by selecting the maximum motion and disocclusions are filled with two different strategies: a min-fill strategy, which fills each disoccluded region with the minimum value around the region; and a restricted min-fill approach that selects the minimum value in a close neighborhood. In the experimental results, we show the accuracy of the method and compare the results using these two strategies.


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[EN]When analysing the seismic response of pile groups, a vertically-incident wavefiel is usually employed even though it doesnot necessarily correspond to the worst case scenario. This work aims to study the influence of both type of seismic body wave and its angle of incidence on the dynamic response of pile foundations.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die Anwendung der Rasterkraftmikroskopie auf die Untersuchung mesostrukturierter Materialien. Mesostrukturierte Materialien setzen sich aus einzelnen mesoskopen Bausteinen zusammen. Diese Untereinheiten bestimmen im Wesentlichen ihr charakteristisches Verhalten auf äußere mechanische oder elektrische Reize, weshalb diesen Materialien eine besondere Rolle in der Natur sowie im täglichen Leben zukommt. Ein genaues Verständnis der Selbstorganisation dieser Materialien und der Wechselwirkung der einzelnen Bausteine untereinander ist daher von essentieller Bedeutung zur Entwicklung neuer Synthesestrategien sowie zur Optimierung ihrer Materialeigenschaften. Die Charakterisierung dieser mesostrukturierten Materialien erfolgt üblicherweise mittels makroskopischer Analysemethoden wie der dielektrischen Breitbandspektroskopie, Thermogravimetrie sowie in Biegungsexperimenten. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, wie sich diese Analysemethoden mit der Rasterkraftmikroskopie verbinden lassen, um mesostrukturierte Materialien zu untersuchen. Die Rasterkraftmikroskopie bietet die Möglichkeit, die Oberfläche eines Materials abzubilden und zusätzlich dazu seine quantitativen Eigenschaften, wie die mechanische Biegefestigkeit oder die dielektrische Relaxation, zu bestimmen. Die Übertragung makroskopischer Analyseverfahren auf den Nano- bzw. Mikrometermaßstab mittels der Rasterkraftmikroskopie erlaubt die Charakterisierung von räumlich sehr begrenzten Proben bzw. von Proben, die nur in einer sehr kleinen Menge (<10 mg) vorliegen. Darüberhinaus umfasst das Auflösungsvermögen eines Rasterkraftmikroskops, welche durch die Größe seines Federbalkens (50 µm) sowie seines Spitzenradius (5 nm) definiert ist, genau den Längenskalenbereich, der einzelne Atome mit der makroskopischen Welt verbindet, nämlich die Mesoskala. In dieser Arbeit werden Polymerfilme, kolloidale Nanofasern sowie Biomineralien ausführlicher untersucht.rnIm ersten Projekt werden mittels Rasterkraftmikroskopie dielektrische Spektren von mischbaren Polymerfilmen aufgenommen und mit ihrer lokalen Oberflächenstruktur korreliert. Im zweiten Projekt wird die Rasterkraftmikroskopie eingesetzt, um Biegeexperimente an kolloidalen Nanofasern durchzuführen und so ihre Brucheigenschaften genauer zu untersuchen. Im letzten Projekt findet diese Methode Anwendung bei der Charakterisierung der Biegeeigenschaften von Biomineralien. Des Weiteren erfolgt eine Analyse der organischen Zusammensetzung dieser Biomineralien. Alle diese Projekte demonstrieren die vielseitige Einsetzbarkeit der Rasterkraftmikroskopie zur Charakterisierung mesostrukturierter Materialien. Die Korrelation ihrer mechanischen und dielektrischen Eigenschaften mit ihrer topographischen Beschaffenheit erlaubt ein tieferes Verständnis der mesoskopischen Materialien und ihres Verhaltens auf die Einwirkung äußerer Stimuli.rn


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In this thesis the measurement of the effective weak mixing angle wma in proton-proton collisions is described. The results are extracted from the forward-backward asymmetry (AFB) in electron-positron final states at the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. The AFB is defined upon the distribution of the polar angle between the incoming quark and outgoing lepton. The signal process used in this study is the reaction pp to zgamma + X to ee + X taking a total integrated luminosity of 4.8\,fb^(-1) of data into account. The data was recorded at a proton-proton center-of-mass energy of sqrt(s)=7TeV. The weak mixing angle is a central parameter of the electroweak theory of the Standard Model (SM) and relates the neutral current interactions of electromagnetism and weak force. The higher order corrections on wma are related to other SM parameters like the mass of the Higgs boson.rnrnBecause of the symmetric initial state constellation of colliding protons, there is no favoured forward or backward direction in the experimental setup. The reference axis used in the definition of the polar angle is therefore chosen with respect to the longitudinal boost of the electron-positron final state. This leads to events with low absolute rapidity have a higher chance of being assigned to the opposite direction of the reference axis. This effect called dilution is reduced when events at higher rapidities are used. It can be studied including electrons and positrons in the forward regions of the ATLAS calorimeters. Electrons and positrons are further referred to as electrons. To include the electrons from the forward region, the energy calibration for the forward calorimeters had to be redone. This calibration is performed by inter-calibrating the forward electron energy scale using pairs of a central and a forward electron and the previously derived central electron energy calibration. The uncertainty is shown to be dominated by the systematic variations.rnrnThe extraction of wma is performed using chi^2 tests, comparing the measured distribution of AFB in data to a set of template distributions with varied values of wma. The templates are built in a forward folding technique using modified generator level samples and the official fully simulated signal sample with full detector simulation and particle reconstruction and identification. The analysis is performed in two different channels: pairs of central electrons or one central and one forward electron. The results of the two channels are in good agreement and are the first measurements of wma at the Z resonance using electron final states at proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=7TeV. The precision of the measurement is already systematically limited mostly by the uncertainties resulting from the knowledge of the parton distribution functions (PDF) and the systematic uncertainties of the energy calibration.rnrnThe extracted results of wma are combined and yield a value of wma_comb = 0.2288 +- 0.0004 (stat.) +- 0.0009 (syst.) = 0.2288 +- 0.0010 (tot.). The measurements are compared to the results of previous measurements at the Z boson resonance. The deviation with respect to the combined result provided by the LEP and SLC experiments is up to 2.7 standard deviations.


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Il collasso di diverse colonne, caratterizzate da danneggiamenti simili, quali ampie fessure fortemente inclinate ad entrambe le estremità dell’elemento, lo schiacciamento del calcestruzzo e l’instabilità dei ferri longitudinali, ha portato ad interrogarsi riguardo gli effetti dell’interazione tra lo sforzo normale, il taglio ed il momento flettente. Lo studio è iniziato con una ricerca bibliografica che ha evidenziato una sostanziale carenza nella trattazione dell’argomento. Il problema è stato approcciato attraverso una ricerca di formule della scienza delle costruzioni, allo scopo di mettere in relazione lo sforzo assiale, il taglio ed il momento; la ricerca si è principalmente concentrata sulla teoria di Mohr. In un primo momento è stata considerata l’interazione tra solo due componenti di sollecitazione: sforzo assiale e taglio. L’analisi ha condotto alla costruzione di un dominio elastico di taglio e sforzo assiale che, confrontato con il dominio della Modified Compression Field Theory, trovata tramite ricerca bibliografica, ha permesso di concludere che i risultati sono assolutamente paragonabili. L’analisi si è poi orientata verso l’interazione tra sforzo assiale, taglio e momento flettente. Imponendo due criteri di rottura, il raggiungimento della resistenza a trazione ed a compressione del calcestruzzo, inserendo le componenti di sollecitazione tramite le formule di Navier e Jourawsky, sono state definite due formule che mettono in relazione le tre azioni e che, implementate nel software Matlab, hanno permesso la costruzione di un dominio tridimensionale. In questo caso non è stato possibile confrontare i risultati, non avendo la ricerca bibliografica mostrato niente di paragonabile. Lo studio si è poi concentrato sullo sviluppo di una procedura che tenta di analizzare il comportamento di una sezione sottoposta a sforzo normale, taglio e momento: è stato sviluppato un modello a fibre della sezione nel tentativo di condurre un calcolo non lineare, corrispondente ad una sequenza di analisi lineari. La procedura è stata applicata a casi reali di crollo, confermando l’avvenimento dei collassi.


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In questa tesi viene esposto il modello EU ETS (European Union Emission Trading Scheme) per la riduzione delle emissoni di gas serra, il quale viene formalizzato matematicamente da un sistema di FBSDE (Forward Backward Stochastic Differential Equation). Da questo sistema si ricava un'equazione differenziale non lineare con condizione al tempo finale non continua che viene studiata attraverso la teoria delle soluzioni viscosità. Inoltre il modello viene implementato numericamente per ottenere alcune simulazioni dei processi coinvolti.


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Knowledge about segmental flexibility in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is crucial for a better biomechanical understanding, particularly for the development of fusionless, growth-guiding techniques. Currently, there is lack of data in this field. The objective of this study was, therefore, to compute segmental flexibility indices (standing angle minus corrected angle/standing angle). We compared segmental disc angles in 76 preoperative sets of standing and fulcrum-bending radiographs of thoracic curves (paired, two-tailed t tests, p < 0.05). The mean standing Cobb angle was 59.7 degrees (range 41.3 degrees -95 degrees ) and the flexibility index of the curve was 48.6\% (range 16.6-78.8\%). The disc angles showed symmetric periapical distribution with significant decrease (all p values <0.0001) for every cephalad (+) and caudad (-) level change. The periapical levels +1 and -1 wedged at 8.3 degrees and 8.7 degrees (range 3.5 degrees -14.8 degrees ), respectively. All angles were significantly smaller on the-bending views (p values <0.0001). We noted mean periapical flexibility indices of 46\% (+1), 49\% (-1), 57\% (+2) and 81\% (-2), which were significantly less (p < 0.001) than for the group of remote levels 105\% (+3), 149\% (-3), 231\% (+4) and 300\% (-4). The discal and bony wedging was 60 and 40\%, respectively, and mean values 35 degrees and 24 degrees (p < 0.0001). Their relationship with the Cobb angle showed a moderate correlation (r = 0.56 and 0.45). Functional, radiographic analysis of idiopathic thoracic scoliosis revealed significant, homogenous segmental tethering confined to four periapical levels. Future research will aim at in vivo segmental measurements in three planes under defined load to provide in-depth data for novel therapeutic strategies.