286 resultados para BOR
Aim: To determine the influence of breastfeeding on overweight and obesity in early adolescence. Methods: Data about breastfeeding duration, BMI of children at 14 years, and confounding variables, were collected from an ongoing longitudinal study of a birth cohort of 7776 children in Brisbane. Prevalence of overweight and obesity at 14 years was assessed according to duration of breastfeeding, with logistic regression being used to adjust for the influence of confounders. Results: Data were available for 3698 children, and those not included were significantly different in age, educational level, income, race, birthweight, and small-for-gestational-age status. Breastfeeding for longer than six months was protective of obesity (OR 0.6, 95% CI 0.4, 0.96) though not of overweight. When confounding variables were considered the effect size diminished and lost statistical significance OR 0.8 (95% CI 0.5, 1.3). Breastfeeding for less than 6 months had no effect on either obesity or overweight though a trend was found for increased prevalence of overweight at 14 years with shorter periods of breastfeeding. Conclusion: This investigation contributes to the gathering body of evidence that breastfeeding for longer than 6 months has a modest protective effect against obesity in adolescence.
A globalizálódó világgazdaságban a vezető bortermelő országok egyre jelentősebb borkereskedelmet bonyolítanak le egymás között. Míg Európában a fogyasztók egyre kevesebb bort vásárolnak, addig Amerikában és Ázsiában a bor iránti kereslet folyamatosan bővül: a borkereskedelem földrajzi átrendeződése zajlik. A kulturális hasonlóság és a földrajzi távolság kereskedelemre gyakorolt hatását gyakran a kereskedelemelméletek gravitációs modelljével elemzik. E tanulmány azt vizsgálja, hogy a fő borexportáló országok közötti földrajzi távolság, kulturális hasonlóság és szabadkereskedelem milyen hatással van a nemzetközi borkereskedelemre, annak költségeire. A regressziós becslés eredményei alátámasztják, hogy a borkereskedelem költségei alacsonyabbak, ha a kereskedelmi partnerek kulturálisan hasonlók, földrajzilag közel helyezkednek el egymáshoz, vagy van tengeri kikötőjük, tagjai a WTO-nak, illetve ha kötöttek egymással regionális kereskedelmi megállapodást. Ezenkívül megállapítható, hogy az angolszász, a latin-amerikai és az európai kulturális klaszterek elsősorban egymással kereskednek. A kutatás számos kulturális változó alkalmazásával és több ökonometriai modell, illetve becslési eljárás nagymintás tesztelésével gazdagítja a szakirodalmat. ____ In a globalizing world, major wine-producing countries export considerable quantities to the global wine market and turn over a notable trade, but in what happens European wine regions differ markedly from the New World. Here major wine producers suffered a remarkable fall in domestic wine consumption in recent decades, while New World wine producers increased their production potential and generated new foreign demand. The changes have been joined by geographical relocation of wine consumption and exports. The gravity equation can be derived from demand-side or supply-side theory-consistent estimation methods that suggest relationships between the size of the economies, geographical distances, cultural similarities, and size of their trade. The paper analyses the effects of cultural and geographical proximity, free trade, and linguistic similarity on bilateral trade in the main wine-producing countries, using a cross-section gravity model for 2012. The results suggest that larger countries export more wine, while transport costs rise in line with geographical distance and are higher for landlocked trading partners. Wine export costs are lower if trading partners are culturally similar, share a dominant religion, or are both WTO members with regional trade agreements. Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Latin American and Latin European countries mainly trade wines within their groups. The paper looks to extend the number of trading partners, investigate the effect of language clusters, and confirm that the results are robust by different econometric methodologies.
A compilation of basal dates of peatland initiation across the northern high latitudes, associated metadata including location, age, raw and calibrated radiocarbon ages, and associated references. Includes previously published datasets from sources below as well as 365 new data points.
Permafrost degradation influences the morphology, biogeochemical cycling and hydrology of Arctic landscapes over a range of time scales. To reconstruct temporal patterns of early to late Holocene permafrost and thermokarst dynamics, site-specific palaeo-records are needed. Here we present a multi-proxy study of a 350-cm-long permafrost core from a drained lake basin on the northern Seward Peninsula, Alaska, revealing Lateglacial to Holocene thermokarst lake dynamics in a central location of Beringia. Use of radiocarbon dating, micropalaeontology (ostracods and testaceans), sedimentology (grain-size analyses, magnetic susceptibility, tephra analyses), geochemistry (total nitrogen and carbon, total organic carbon, d13Corg) and stable water isotopes (d18O, dD, d excess) of ground ice allowed the reconstruction of several distinct thermokarst lake phases. These include a pre-lacustrine environment at the base of the core characterized by the Devil Mountain Maar tephra (22 800±280 cal. a BP, Unit A), which has vertically subsided in places due to subsequent development of a deep thermokarst lake that initiated around 11 800 cal. a BP (Unit B). At about 9000 cal. a BP this lake transitioned from a stable depositional environment to a very dynamic lake system (Unit C) characterized by fluctuating lake levels, potentially intermediate wetland development, and expansion and erosion of shore deposits. Complete drainage of this lake occurred at 1060 cal. a BP, including post-drainage sediment freezing from the top down to 154 cm and gradual accumulation of terrestrial peat (Unit D), as well as uniform upward talik refreezing. This core-based reconstruction of multiple thermokarst lake generations since 11 800 cal. a BP improves our understanding of the temporal scales of thermokarst lake development from initiation to drainage, demonstrates complex landscape evolution in the ice-rich permafrost regions of Central Beringia during the Lateglacial and Holocene, and enhances our understanding of biogeochemical cycles in thermokarst-affected regions of the Arctic.
Funded by Department of Geography (Durham University) Department of Geography and the Environment (University of Aberdeen) Royal Geographical Society-IBG Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland
The neoliberal period was accompanied by a momentous transformation within the US health care system. As the result of a number of political and historical dynamics, the healthcare law signed by President Barack Obama in 2010 ‑the Affordable Care Act (ACA)‑ drew less on universal models from abroad than it did on earlier conservative healthcare reform proposals. This was in part the result of the influence of powerful corporate healthcare interests. While the ACA expands healthcare coverage, it does so incompletely and unevenly, with persistent uninsurance and disparities in access based on insurance status. Additionally, the law accommodates an overall shift towards a consumerist model of care characterized by high cost sharing at time of use. Finally, the law encourages the further consolidation of the healthcare sector, for instance into units named “Accountable Care Organizations” that closely resemble the health maintenance organizations favored by managed care advocates. The overall effect has been to maintain a fragmented system that is neither equitable nor efficient. A single payer universal system would, in contrast, help transform healthcare into a social right.
Questa tesi verte sulla traduzione di ricette scritte a mano o tramandate oralmente da diverse generazioni di alcune famiglie russe. Anche tali ricette, e non solo quelle riportate nei libri di cucina stampati, contengono preziose informazioni sulle abitudini alimentari dei russi, nonché sulla loro vita quotidiana e sulla storia del loro paese. Ho intervistato alcuni membri di queste famiglie e inviato un questionario online ad altri. Ho fotografato o chiesto di mandarmi fotografie delle ricette trascritte a mano da loro stessi o da alcuni familiari su libri o fogli conservati in casa. Alcune di queste ricette sono state scritte decenni fa, altre sono rielaborazioni più recenti di ricette tradizionali della famiglia o invenzioni delle ultime generazioni. Nella prima parte della mia tesi ho analizzato le tappe fondamentali della letteratura culinaria russa e i processi con cui le ricette tradizionali vengono tramandate alle generazioni successive, sia sotto forma di libri di cucina scritti da chef e autorità nel campo, sia in ambito familiare, trascritte a mano su fogli e quaderni oppure insegnate direttamente, in forma orale. In seguito sono riportate le traduzioni delle ricette: dal boršč della mamma di Kristina, una mia compagna di università alla Moscow State Univesity, alle antiche ricette della bisnonna della mia professoressa Maria Arapova, ancora scritte con l’ortografia prerivoluzionaria, alle specialità di Marzhan, 15 anni, ma già abilissima ai fornelli. Le ricette sono precedute da una breve introduzione sulla storia del piatto oppure da memorie e aneddoti familiari legati ad esso che mi sono stati raccontati durante le interviste o nelle risposte al questionario. Segue un’analisi dei principali problemi affrontati durante la traduzione. In primo luogo, quelli legati al genere testuale: la ricetta è un testo prescrittivo, il che rende l’efficacia della traduzione un aspetto cruciale, ed è anche una tipologia testuale ricca di elementi culturally specific, ad esempio ingredienti e unità di misura. In secondo luogo, vengono analizzate le difficoltà legate al tipo particolare di ricette tradotte: testi ad uso domestico e familiare, ricchi di omissioni e spesso scritti in una grafia difficile da decifrare.
Background: Children with disabilities living in low and middle income countries’ perceptions of participation are not shown in research. These perceptions are important for providing appropriate interventions. Aim: To describe how children aged 8-12 with an intellectual disability living in Ethiopia perceive their situation regarding participation in activities in everyday life. Method: A descriptive design with a quantitative approach was used. The sample was gathered using consecutive sampling. Fifteen structured interviews were conducted, using “Picture my participation,” an instrument under development. Analyses were made using SPSS Statistics and Microsoft Excel. Results: The children perceived that they participated in activities in everyday life. There was a broad variation in the activities the children prioritized as most important. On a group level, they were very involved in these activities. The majority did not experience any barriers to perform these activities. Conclusions: The perceptions of the majority of the children were that they were involved in daily activities. They did not experience any barriers to participation. The results should be read with caution and generalization is not possible, due to the sample characteristics and that the instrument is under development.
The enthusiasm towards writing music for the viola that flourished in the early 1900’s thanks to the efforts of a number of twentieth-century violists and composers rapidly spilled over to North and South America. Viola works by American and Canadian composers have already become cornerstones of the viola repertoire worldwide. On the other hand, compositions from other parts of the American continent remain lesser known outside of their country of origin. This is due in part to the less developed publishing and recording industry in these countries which makes it difficult for performers and programmers from other countries to buy or rent performing materials. As a violist born and trained in Venezuela, performing works by important Latin American composers to new audiences is deeply important to me. This dissertation was completed by performing selected works by Canadian, American, Cuban, Mexican, Brazilian, and Venezuelan composers. Composers from these countries have mixed their rich musical traditions with modern compositional techniques, creating original works that have greatly enriched the viola repertoire. This eclectic mixture of styles makes the music from Latin American composers not only very different from that of American and Canadian composers, but also very different from those of their neighboring countries. Through my three dissertation recitals, I intend to share this music with new audiences and inspire other violists to become familiar with this repertoire. The first recital includes compositions by American composers George Rochberg (1918-2015), Elliott Carter (1908-2012), and Alan Shulman (1915-2002) and Canadian composer Elizabeth Raum (b. 1945). The second recital includes works by Cuban composers Cesar Orozco (b. 1980), and Keyla Orozco (b. 1969), Venezuelan composers Aldemaro Romero (1928-2007) and Modesta Bor (1926-1998), and Venezuelan-Uruguayan composer Efrain Oscher (b. 1974). The third recital includes works by Mexican composers Carlos Chavez (1899-1978), José Pablo Moncayo (1912-1958) and Manuel M Ponce (1882-1948), and Brazilian composers Francisco Mignone (1897-1986) and Brenno Blauth (1931-1993). This music represents a bouquet of a distinctive mixture of styles from different parts of the American continent. Recordings of all three recitals can be accessed at the University of Maryland Hornabake Library.
Bakgrund: Demens är en av de stora folksjukdomarna och vårdpersonal möter dessa personer med demens både inom akutsjukvård och kommunal vård. På slutet av sitt liv bor de flesta personer som drabbats av demens på institution. Personcentrerad vård beskrivs vara gynnsamt i vården av personer med demens och personalens erfarenhet av detta har stor betydelse. Syfte: Syftet var att studera sjuksköterskors, enhetschefers och undersköterskors erfarenhet av personcentrerad omvårdnad inom kommunal hälso och sjukvård. Metod: Designen var en deskriptiv studie med kvalitativ ansats som har analyserats med hjälp av en induktiv innehållsanalys. Deltagarna som inkluderades i intervjustudien kom från samma kommun. Det var tio personer och bestod av fyra sjuksköterskor, fyra undersköterskor och två enhetschefer. De valdes ut av verksamhetschefen där inklusionskriteriet var att ha arbetat med personer med demens i minst fem år. Resultat: I resultatet framkom fyra kategorier och 12 subkategorier. Personcentrerad omvårdnad ansågs relevant i samband med god omvårdnad av personer med demens. I arbetet med personcentrerad vård var fokus att; anpassa sig till personen med demens, att se till dennes identitet och personlighet. Vidare lades vikt vid anhörigas deltagande, bemötande och ett gemensamt arbetssätt, vilket bestod av att identifiera behov och se personen bakom sjukdomen. Slutsats: Resultatet visade att de flesta intervjupersonerna hade liknande erfarenheter i att arbeta med personer med demens. Det framkom i studien att bemötandet hade stor betydelse i omvårdnaden. Fokus i personcentrerad omvårdnad var de redovisade kategorierna och dess innehåll och ansågs betydelsefull och nödvändig för att personer med demens får ett så bra och värdigt liv som möjligt efter sjukdomsdebuten.