999 resultados para Atmospheric radio refractivity.


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Accurately characterizing the time-varying interference caused to the primary users is essential in ensuring a successful deployment of cognitive radios (CR). We show that the aggregate interference at the primary receiver (PU-Rx) from multiple, randomly located cognitive users (CUs) is well modeled as a shifted lognormal random process, which is more accurate than the lognormal and the Gaussian process models considered in the literature, even for a relatively dense deployment of CUs. It also compares favorably with the asymptotically exact stable and symmetric truncated stable distribution models, except at high CU densities. Our model accounts for the effect of imperfect spectrum sensing, which depends on path-loss, shadowing, and small-scale fading of the link from the primary transmitter to the CU; the interweave and underlay modes or CR operation, which determine the transmit powers of the CUs; and time-correlated shadowing and fading of the links from the CUs to the PU-Rx. It leads to expressions for the probability distribution function, level crossing rate, and average exceedance duration. The impact of cooperative spectrum sensing is also characterized. We validate the model by applying it to redesign the primary exclusive zone to account for the time-varying nature of interference.


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This study reports characteristics of inertia-gravity waves (IGWs) in the atmospheric boundary layer during the passage of Tropical Cylone-03B, using the Doppler Sound Detection and Ranging (SODAR) observations at the Indian tropical station of Gadanki (13.45 degrees N, 79.2 degrees E; near the east coast of India). Wavelet analysis of horizontal winds indicates significant wave motion (60h) near the characteristic inertial period. The hodograph analysis of the filtered winds shows an anti-cyclonic turning of horizontal wind with height and time, indicating the presence of IGW. This study finds important implications in boundary layer dynamics during the passage of tropical cyclones.


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In the present work, the spray structure of diesel from a 200-mu m, single-hole solenoid injector is studied using microscopic imaging at injection pressures of 700, 1000 and 1400 bar for various gas pressures. A long-distance microscope with a high resolution camera is used for spray visualization with a direct imaging technique. This study shows that even at very high injection pressures, the spray structure in an ambient environment of atmospheric pressure reveals presence of entangled ligaments and non-spherical droplets during the injection period. With increase in the injection pressure, the ligaments tend to get smaller and spread radially. The spray structure studies are also conducted at high gas pressures in a specially designed high pressure chamber with optical access. The near nozzle spray structure at the end of the injection shows that the liquid jet breakup is improved with increase in gas density. The droplet size measurement is possible only late in the injection duration when the breakup appears to be complete and mostly spherical droplets are observed. Hence, droplet size measurements are performed after 1.3 ms from start of the injection pulse. Spatial and temporal variation in Sauter Mean `Diameter (SMD) is observed and reported for the case corresponding to an injection pressure of 700 bar. Overall, this study has highlighted the importance of verifying the extentof atomization and droplet shape even in dense sprays before using conventional dropsizing methods such as PDPA.


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Strong atmospheric turbulence is a major hindrance in wireless optical communication systems. In this paper, the performance of a wireless optical communication system is analyzed using different modulation formats such as, binary phase shift keying-subcarrier intensity modulation (BPSK-SIM), differential phase shift keying (DPSK), differential phase shift keying-subcarrier intensity modulation (DPSK-SIM), Mary pulse position modulation (M-PPM) and polarization shift keying (PoISK). The atmospheric channel is modeled for strong atmospheric turbulences with combined effect of turbulence and pointing errors. Novel closed-form analytical expressions for average bit error rate (BER), channel capacity and outage probability for the various modulation techniques, viz. BPSK-SIM, DPSK, DPSK-SIM, PoISK and M-PPM are derived. The simulated results for BER, channel capacity and outage probability of various modulation techniques are plotted and analyzed. (C) 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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We report the results of extensive follow-up observations of the gamma-ray pulsar J1732-3131, which has recently been detected at decametre wavelengths, and the results of deep searches for the counterparts of nine other radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars at 34 MHz, using the Gauribidanur radio telescope. No periodic signal from J1732-3131 could be detected above a detection threshold of 8 sigma, even with an effective integration time of more than 40 h. However, the average profile obtained by combining data from several epochs, at a dispersion measure of 15.44 pc cm(-3), is found to be consistent with that from the earlier detection of this pulsar at a confidence level of 99.2 per cent. We present this consistency between the two profiles as evidence that J1732-3131 is a faint radio pulsar with an average flux density of 200-400 mJy at 34 MHz. Despite the extremely bright sky background at such low frequencies, the detection sensitivity of our deep searches is generally comparable to that of higher frequency searches for these pulsars, when scaled using reasonable assumptions about the underlying pulsar spectrum. We provide details of our deep searches, and put stringent upper limits on the decametre-wavelength flux densities of several radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars.


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A multi phase, delay-locked loop (DLL) based frequency synthesizer is designed for harmonic rejection mixing in reconfigurable radios. This frequency synthesizer uses a 1 GHz input reference frequency, and achieves <= 20ns settling time by utilizing a wide loop bandwidth. The circuit has been designed in 0.13-mu m CMOS technology. It is designed for a frequency range of 500 MHz to 3 GHz with stuck/harmonic lock removal assist. Index Terms-stuck lock, harmonic lock, delay-locked loops, multi phase, phase detector, frequency synthesis


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In the present work, Li2-x MnO3-y (LMO) thin films have been deposited by radio frequency (RF) reactive magnetron sputtering using acid-treated Li2MnO3 powder target. Systematic investigations have been carried out to study the effect of RF power on the physicochemical properties of LMO thin films deposited on platinized silicon substrates. X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, surface chemical analysis and electrochemical studies were carried out for the LMO films after post deposition annealing treatment at 500 A degrees C for 1 h in air ambience. Galvanostatic charge discharge studies carried out using the LMO thin film electrodes, delivered a highest discharge capacity of 139 mu Ah mu m(-1) cm(-2) in the potential window 2.0-3.5 V vs. Li/Li+ at 100 W RF power and lowest discharge capacity of 80 mu Ah mu m(-1) cm(-2) at 75 W RF power. Thereafter, the physicochemical properties of LMO films deposited using optimized RF power 100 W on stainless steel substrates has been studied in the thickness range of 70 to 300 nm as a case study. From the galvanostatic charge discharge experiments, a stable discharge capacity of 68 mu Ah mu m(-1) cm(-2) was achieved in the potential window 2.0-4.2 V vs. Li/Li+ tested up to 30 cycles. As the thickness increased, the specific discharge capacity started reducing with higher magnitude of capacity fading.


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SARAS is a correlation spectrometer connected to a frequency independent antenna that is purpose-designed for precision measurements of the radio background at long wavelengths. The design, calibration, and observing strategies admit solutions for the internal additive contributions to the radiometer response, and hence a separation of these contaminants from the antenna temperature. We present here a wideband measurement of the radio sky spectrum by SARAS that provides an accurate measurement of the absolute brightness and spectral index between 110 and 175MHz. Accuracy in the measurement of absolute sky brightness is limited by systematic errors of magnitude 1.2%; errors in calibration and in the joint estimation of sky and system model parameters are relatively smaller. We use this wide-angle measurement of the sky brightness using the precision wide-band dipole antenna to provide an improved absolute calibration for the 150 MHz all-sky map of Landecker and Wielebinski: subtracting an offset of 21.4 K and scaling by a factor of 1.05 will reduce the overall offset error to 8 K (from 50 K) and scale error to 0.8% (from 5%). The SARAS measurement of the temperature spectral index is in the range -2.3 to -2.45 in the 110-175MHz band and indicates that the region toward the Galactic bulge has a relatively flatter index.


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Tradeoffs are examined between mitigating black carbon (BC) and carbon dioxide (CO2) for limiting peak global mean warming, using the following set of methods. A two-box climate model is used to simulate temperatures of the atmosphere and ocean for different rates of mitigation. Mitigation rates for BC and CO2 are characterized by respective timescales for e-folding reduction in emissions intensity of gross global product. There are respective emissions models that force the box model. Lastly there is a simple economics model, with cost of mitigation varying inversely with emission intensity. Constant mitigation timescale corresponds to mitigation at a constant annual rate, for example an e-folding timescale of 40 years corresponds to 2.5% reduction each year. Discounted present cost depends only on respective mitigation timescale and respective mitigation cost at present levels of emission intensity. Least-cost mitigation is posed as choosing respective e-folding timescales, to minimize total mitigation cost under a temperature constraint (e.g. within 2 degrees C above preindustrial). Peak warming is more sensitive to mitigation timescale for CO2 than for BC. Therefore rapid mitigation of CO2 emission intensity is essential to limiting peak warming, but simultaneous mitigation of BC can reduce total mitigation expenditure. (c) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Cognitive Radio (CR) is a promising technology which provides a novel way to subjugate the issue of spectrum underutilization caused due to the fixed spectrum assignment policies. In this paper we report the design and implementation of a soft-real time CR MAC, consisting of multiple secondary users, in a frequency hopping (Fit) primary scenario. This MAC is capable of sensing the spectrum and dynamically allocating the available frequency bands to multiple CR users based on their QoS requirements. As the primary is continuously hopping, a method has also been implemented to detect the hop instant of the primary network. Synchronization usually requires real time support, however we have been able to achieve this with a soft-real time technique which enables a fully software implementation of CR MAC layer. We demonstrate the wireless transmission and reception of video over this CR testbed through opportunistic spectrum access. The experiments carried out use an open source software defined radio package called GNU Radio and a basic radio hardware component USRP.


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Gas discharge plasmas used for thinfilm deposition by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) must be devoid of contaminants, like dust or active species which disturb the intended chemical reaction. In atmospheric pressure plasma systems employing an inert gas, the main source of such contamination is the residual air inside the system. To enable the construction of an atmospheric pressure plasma (APP) system with minimal contamination, we have carried out fluid dynamic simulation of the APP chamber into which an inert gas is injected at different mass flow rates. On the basis of the simulation results, we have designed and built a simple, scaled APP system, which is capable of holding a 100 mm substrate wafer, so that the presence of air (contamination) in the APP chamber is minimized with as low a flow rate of argon as possible. This is examined systematically by examining optical emission from the plasma as a function of inert gas flow rate. It is found that optical emission from the plasma shows the presence of atmospheric air, if the inlet argon flow rate is lowered below 300 sccm. That there is minimal contamination of the APP reactor built here, was verified by conducting an atmospheric pressure PECVD process under acetylene flow, combined with argon flow at 100 sccm and 500 sccm. The deposition of a polymer coating is confirmed by infrared spectroscopy. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy shows that the polymer coating contains only 5% of oxygen, which is comparable to the oxygen content in polymer deposits obtained in low-pressure PECVD systems. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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A fully real-time coherent dedispersion system has been developed for the pulsar back-end at the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT). The dedispersion pipeline uses the single phased array voltage beam produced by the existing GMRT software back-end (GSB) to produce coherently dedispersed intensity output in real time, for the currently operational bandwidths of 16 MHz and 32 MHz. Provision has also been made to coherently dedisperse voltage beam data from observations recorded on disk. We discuss the design and implementation of the real-time coherent dedispersion system, describing the steps carried out to optimise the performance of the pipeline. Presently functioning on an Intel Xeon X5550 CPU equipped with a NVIDIA Tesla C2075 GPU, the pipeline allows dispersion free, high time resolution data to be obtained in real-time. We illustrate the significant improvements over the existing incoherent dedispersion system at the GMRT, and present some preliminary results obtained from studies of pulsars using this system, demonstrating its potential as a useful tool for low frequency pulsar observations. We describe the salient features of our implementation, comparing it with other recently developed real-time coherent dedispersion systems. This implementation of a real-time coherent dedispersion pipeline for a large, low frequency array instrument like the GMRT, will enable long-term observing programs using coherent dedispersion to be carried out routinely at the observatory. We also outline the possible improvements for such a pipeline, including prospects for the upgraded GMRT which will have bandwidths about ten times larger than at present.


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Cooperative relaying combined with selection exploits spatial diversity to significantly improve the performance of interference-constrained secondary users in an underlay cognitive radio network. We present a novel and optimal relay selection (RS) rule that minimizes the symbol error probability (SEP) of an average interference-constrained underlay secondary system that uses amplify-and-forward relays. A key point that the rule highlights for the first time is that, for the average interference constraint, the signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio (SINR) of the direct source-to-destination (SI)) link affects the choice of the optimal relay. Furthermore, as the SINR increases, the odds that no relay transmits increase. We also propose a simpler, more practical, and near-optimal variant of the optimal rule that requires just one bit of feedback about the state of the SD link to the relays. Compared to the SD-unaware ad hoc RS rules proposed in the literature, the proposed rules markedly reduce the SEP by up to two orders of magnitude.


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