944 resultados para Atlântico Ocidental
A área de Potiraguá, no sul do Estado da Bahia, é constituída geologicamente por rochas metamórficas pré-cambrianas de pelo menos três idades diferentes. Os granulitos da parte oriental, representados localmente por associações ácidas e intermediárias (enderbitos), são orientados segundo N-NE, com fortes mergulhos para W. Essas rochas têm idades superiores a 2,5 bilhões de anos. Aos granulitos parecem associados migmatitos e gnaisses que ocorrem em torno de Potiraguá. Na parte ocidental, quartzitos, quartzo-muscovita-xistos e gnaisses cataclásticos formam uma seqüência mais nova, que foi correlacionada às rochas do embasamento sul do Grupo Rio Pardo, datadas do Pré-Cambriano Superior. Ao sul da área, rochas carbonáticas fracamente metamórficas foram assumidas do Grupo Rio Pardo, cujo metamorfismo ocorreu a 470 milhões de anos. Anortositos formam um maciço alongado de direção N-S, encaixado em rochas granulíticas. São compostos principalmente de andesina-labradorita, augita, hiperstênio e olivina, apresentando todas as características dos anortositos que formam intrusões independentes em terrenos pré-cambrianos de diversas partes do mundo. Não foram encontradas evidências que pudessem relacionar os anortositos às rochas da série charnoquítica (granulitos). Três maciços alcalinos foram delimitados, alinhando-se na direção N-NW. A idade das rochas alcalinas de Potiraguá foi determinada, sendo da ordem de 765 milhões de anos, bastante mais antiga em relação as outras províncias alcalinas brasileiras. Petrograficamente, foram determinadas rochas da família dos nefelina-sienitos, com tipos de transição para os litchfielditos. Em muitos casos, sodalita substitui completamente a nefelina, formando os sodalita-sienitos. Pertita constituída de microclina e albita, nefelina, cancrinita, biotita, anfibólio e sodalita são os minerais mais difundidos nas rochas da área, enquanto esfeno é, sem dúvida, o mais importante dos minerais acessórios. As determinações químicas mostraram que são rochas pobres em sílica, cálcio e magnésio e ricas em sódio e potássio, tendo um caráter atlântico forte. Alguns diagramas de variação apontaram resultados em grande parte concordantes com uma origem a partir da cristalização de um magma basáltico, não existindo, entretanto, qualquer outra prova de que este tenha sido o processo genético envolvido. Sienitos e quartzo-sienitos ocorrem próximos às rochas alcalinas, havendo notável concordância estrutural entre os quartzo-sienitos da Serra das Araras e os nefelina-sienitos, tendo sido sugerido um relacionamento genético.
At head of title: Ramón de Manjarrés.
Contiene: T. II. Planos que representan los reconocimientos de las riberas del Tajo verificados en 1641, 1755 y 1828 con objeto de arreglar la navegacion de este rio (118 h. de lám.)
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Translation of Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution.
The fast growth of the elderly population is a reality throughout the world and has become one of the greatest challenges for contemporary public health. When considering the increased life expectancy and the aging as a multidimensional phenomenon, one should highlight the need to investigate if the increase of longevity is associated with satisfactory levels of Quality of Life (QOL). This study has the objective of assessing the QOL of elderly people from the Paraíba’s Western Curimataú microregion, explained by its health and living conditions. This is a cross-sectional and observational study with quantitative design held with 444 elderly people from five cities: Barra de Santa Rosa, Cuité, Nova Floresta, Remígio e Sossego. In order to obtain information, the following instruments were used: I) Questionnaire for collection data related to the elderly population, for sociodemographic, clinical and behavioral characteristics; and II) WHOQOL-Old questionnaire, with a view to measuring and assessing QOL. Data were processed on the IBM-SPSS Statistics 20.0 software by means of the ANOVA (one-way), Student’s t, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis and Pearson’s correlation tests, with p-values<0,05 accepted as being statistically significant. The results indicate a good global QOL (ETT=65,69%), with better assessment by elderly men, aged between 60 and 74 years, married, living with partner and children, without caregiver, physical activity practitioners, with up to one health problem before an aspect of multimorbidity and with very good and/or good assessment of basic needs. The self-reported stress showed a negative significant correlation before the global QOL, where the greater the perception of stress, the worse the assessment of QOL. In the faceted assessment of QOL, the Sensory Operation showed the best performance (ETF= 68,86%) and the Social Participation (SP) the worst (ETF=60,37%). In the multiple linear regression model, SP is singly responsible for 51,8% (R2=0,518) of explanation of the global QOL. In the intercorrelation among the WHOQOL-Old facets, only Death and Dying did not reveal significance. The harmony highlighted among the facets raises the need to ensure a comprehensive health care for the elderly population, especially in understanding the social participation as an intrinsic part of the QOL and that it requires the re-discussion and reconstruction of individual and collective, family and community, political and government actions. Hence, guaranteeing an active, healthy and participatory aging, with QOL, is the major challenge.
The fast growth of the elderly population is a reality throughout the world and has become one of the greatest challenges for contemporary public health. When considering the increased life expectancy and the aging as a multidimensional phenomenon, one should highlight the need to investigate if the increase of longevity is associated with satisfactory levels of Quality of Life (QOL). This study has the objective of assessing the QOL of elderly people from the Paraíba’s Western Curimataú microregion, explained by its health and living conditions. This is a cross-sectional and observational study with quantitative design held with 444 elderly people from five cities: Barra de Santa Rosa, Cuité, Nova Floresta, Remígio e Sossego. In order to obtain information, the following instruments were used: I) Questionnaire for collection data related to the elderly population, for sociodemographic, clinical and behavioral characteristics; and II) WHOQOL-Old questionnaire, with a view to measuring and assessing QOL. Data were processed on the IBM-SPSS Statistics 20.0 software by means of the ANOVA (one-way), Student’s t, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis and Pearson’s correlation tests, with p-values<0,05 accepted as being statistically significant. The results indicate a good global QOL (ETT=65,69%), with better assessment by elderly men, aged between 60 and 74 years, married, living with partner and children, without caregiver, physical activity practitioners, with up to one health problem before an aspect of multimorbidity and with very good and/or good assessment of basic needs. The self-reported stress showed a negative significant correlation before the global QOL, where the greater the perception of stress, the worse the assessment of QOL. In the faceted assessment of QOL, the Sensory Operation showed the best performance (ETF= 68,86%) and the Social Participation (SP) the worst (ETF=60,37%). In the multiple linear regression model, SP is singly responsible for 51,8% (R2=0,518) of explanation of the global QOL. In the intercorrelation among the WHOQOL-Old facets, only Death and Dying did not reveal significance. The harmony highlighted among the facets raises the need to ensure a comprehensive health care for the elderly population, especially in understanding the social participation as an intrinsic part of the QOL and that it requires the re-discussion and reconstruction of individual and collective, family and community, political and government actions. Hence, guaranteeing an active, healthy and participatory aging, with QOL, is the major challenge.
Este artículo analiza las estatuas-menhir noroccidentales que se distribuyen en el área comprendida entre los valles del río Duero y el río Miño, pero que descubrimientos recientes han extendido a regiones fuera de este área nuclear. Partiendo de tres aspectos claves para su interpretación (la cronología, su relación con el paisaje y su sentido iconográfico), se examinan las relaciones entre estas formas materiales y un paisaje socio-material de acción específico (las formas socio-materiales de interacción propias del Bronce final atlántico). Para ello, se tiene en cuenta diferentes conexiones materiales (presencia, encuentro, coexistencia, hibridación, etc.) que permiten contextualizar las estatuasmenhir dentro de un proceso histórico particular: la integración del noroeste de la península Ibérica en un contexto de relaciones mediterráneo-atlánticas, en la segunda mitad del II milenio a.C.