994 resultados para Astronomía s.XIII
La parròquia, poc valorada per la historiografia medieval, fou una la institució fonamental per a l'ordenació de la societat rural del bisbat de Girona entre els segles X i XIV. Constituïa un territori ben delimitat, els habitants del qual rebien els sagraments eclesiàstics dels clergues que regien l'església i, a través de l'obreria i dels obrers, participaven en la gestió del temple i de la seva economia. La parròquia va incidir directament en l'ordenació del poblament rural a través tant dels nuclis eclesials o "celleres" com dels masos dispersos pel terme d'una parròquia. A més, la parròquia era una important font de rendes: a través de la documentació generada pel bisbe de Girona, el delme era una renda en mans, sobretot, de senyors feudals, cavallers i importants institucions eclesiàstiques; els clergues parroquials només rebien les primícies i altres drets de menor valor. Finalment, la parròquia contribuí enormement a la configuració de les comunitats rurals de bona part del bisbat de Girona.
A partir da consideração do mais importante exemplar da hagiografia medieval, a Legenda aurea do dominicano Jacopo de Varazze, o texto pretende discorrer sobre os diversos níveis de erudição dos clérigos cristãos no século XIII e sua importância para a consideração das fontes documentais do período.
A mutation in the factor XIII gene (FXIII Val34Leu) gene was recently reported to confer protection against myocardial infarction, but its relationship with venous thrombosis is unknown. In addition, a mutation in the 5'-untranslated region of the FXII gene (46 C→T) was identified which is associated with low plasma levels of the protein. Its prevalence in patients with venous thrombosis is also unknown. We investigated the frequency of the FXIII Val34Leu and FXII 46 C→T mutations in 189 patients with deep venous thrombosis and in 187 age-, gender- and race-matched controls. FXIII Val34Leu was detected in 38.6% of the patients and in 41.2% of the controls. Interestingly, homozygosity for the FXIII mutation was found in 1.6% of the patients and in 9.6% of the controls. yielding an odds ratio (OR) for venous thrombosis of 0.16 (95% CI: 0.05-0.5). The OR for heterozygotes was 1.1 (95% CI: 0.7-1.7). The FXII 46 C→T mutation was detected in 46.0% of the patients and in 48.6% of the controls. The OR for heterozygotes was 0.9 (95% CI: 0.6-1.4) and for homozygotes the OR was 0.8 (95% CI: 0.3-1.9). Our data indicate that the FXII 46 C→T mutation is unlikely to be a major risk factor for venous thrombotic disease. In contrast, the homozygous state for FXIII Val34Leu is a strong protective factor against venous thrombosis, which emerges as a novel generic factor involved in the aetiology of thrombophilia.