998 resultados para Arts facilities -- Goteburg (Sweden)
This paper builds on the experience of the on-going, mainly ethnographic, research project called Teacher training in’ multicultural’ Sweden. Class, gender and ethnicity. In this multi-disciplinary project a number of scholars conduct research through participant observation in, and through the study and analysis of documents from, a number of teacher training colleges in Sweden. In this paper I will use empirical material gathered from two teacher training colleges to discuss this basic issue. One college is situated in a suburb outside Stockholm and it consciously portrays itself as a college for ‘multicultural’ students who will later teach in ‘multicultural’ suburbs. The other college is situated in a small town and although ‘multiculturalism’ is seen as important in the educational system students with mainly ‘Swedish’ background are recruited. In the first college ‘differences’ are lauded and students are encouraged to ponder upon and develop their ethnic profile. In the second ‘similarities’ are more taken for granted. I will argue, however, that within these colleges ‘differences’ and ’similarities’ are not only discussed but actually created against a backdrop of macro-constraints which are not much scrutinized within these colleges.
Guidelines on the Provision of Structured Car Parking Facilities at Acute Hospitals These guidelines have been developed to ensure that any future developments for car parking facilities are consistent with Department policy and deliver value for money. They are intended to assist acute hospitals in ensuring that best practice is followed at all stages in the provision and management of structured car parking facilities. Click here to download PDF 23kb
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L'objectiu d'aquest treball és aclarir, fins on sigui possible, quines van ser les reaccions de quatre escriptors catalans en esclatar el conflicte, Pere Calders, Avel·lí Artís-Gener (
This work has highlighted a number of areas of prescribing concern, for example, the long term use of both benzodiazepines and hypnotics, in older residents residing in long term care facilities. Each of these individual areas should be further investigated to determine the underlying reason(s) for the prescribing concerns in these areas and strategic methods of addressing and preventing further issues should be developed on a national level.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
La circularité relationnelle du savoir-être : l'enseignement post-grade selon une perspective systémique / Marco Vannotti - La passion de transmettre : une lecture platonicienne en hommage à M. Vannotti / Michèle Gennart - «Apprendre à coopérer pour apprendre» : la construction des échanges coopératifs / Olivier Real del Sarte - Apprendre à traiter les enfants battus : la transformation de l'intervenant / Stefano Cirillo - Fin de thérapie / Ferenc Rakoczy - La transmission du savoir psychiatrique à la Policlinique Médicale Universitaire : les liaisons dangereuses / Christian Marin - Entre transmission et acquisition des savoirs : le poids de la parole / Brikela Sulstarova - La volonté de faire sens en médecine : clinique, intersubjectivité, et reconnaissance / Francesco Panese - Médecine et rationalité / Jean Starobinski
The Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht will introduce a Public Service Education Dividend (PSED). This will place new obligations on the Arts Council, on arts organisations and on individual artists in receipt of public funds. The Arts Council will ensure that arts organisations which it supports from the public purse include arts – in - education as part of their programme of work. All publicly funded arts organisations will be obliged to donate time per annum to a local education initiative. Individual artists funded from the public purse, including those in receipt of the artists' tax exemption, shall donate at least 2 hours each per annum to a local education initiative.
Regional Guideline on the Use of Observation and Therapeutic Engagement in Adult Psychiatric Inpatient Facilities in Northern Ireland
The Northern Ireland Prevalence Survey of Healthcare-Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Use in Long Term Care Facilities, also known as the 'HALT' survey was conducted as part of the 2013 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) European HALT survey.In May 2013, 42 Northern Ireland long-term care facilities (nursing and residential homes) participated in a European point prevalence survey of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use. Thirty-one privately owned nursing homes and 11 HSC Trust-controlled residential homes took part.The report and results have highlighted priority areas for future interventions to prevent and control HCAI, antimicrobial stewardship and future local and national prevalence surveys in long-term care facilities. The 2013 European report was published on 5th May 2014.