999 resultados para Aphelinidae Hymenoptera
Community of Euglossini (Hymenoptera, Apidae) from the coastal sand dunes of Abaeté, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The Euglossini community structure was analyzed by attracting males with the scents eucalyptol, eugenol, vanillin, benzyl benzoate and methyl salicylate, and by netting bees on flowers. The samplings took place three times a month along one year from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The scent baits attracted 670 individuals belonging to seven species of three genus. The predominant species were Euglossa cordata (Linnaeus, 1758) (76.6%) and Eulaema nigrita Lepeletier, 1841 (21.8%). Euglossini males visited the scents along the whole year, being more abundant in May and in August. The most efficient fragrance was eucalyptol, attracting 624 individuals of five species. The males abundance fluctuated along the day, being the highest frequency observed between 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Forty eigth Euglossini females of four species were netted visiting flowers of 14 plant species belonging to 13 families. Solanaceae and Caesalpiniaceae were the most visited. The species catched on flowers were Euglossa cordata, Eulaema nigrita, Euplusia mussitans (Fabricius, 1787) and Eulaema meriana flavescens Friese 1899. Euglossa cordata was the predominant species on flowers (64.6%), being collected during almost the whole year. Euplusia mussitans was the only species netted on flowers which males were not sampled on the scents.
Highly eusocial bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae) flower visitors in a continental sand dune ecosystem from the medium São Francisco River, Bahia, Brazil. A community of highly eusocial bees in sand dunes, covered with caatinga vegetation, in the medium São Francisco River, Bahia (10º47' 37"S and 42º49' 25"W) was studied. The local climate is semi arid and hot, with mean temperature of 25.7 ºC and annual precipitation of 653.8 mm. Censuses took place every two months, from February to December of 2000. The bees were sampled on flowers with entomological nets, from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. A total of 2,147 individuals of eight species of Apinae were found, of which Apis mellifera Linnaeus (40.2%), Trigona spinipes (Fabricius) (28.7%) and Frieseomelitta silvestri languida Moure (14.7%) were the predominant species. The diversity was H' = 1.53 and the evenness E' = 0.73. The bees were active during the whole year, but there was a significant variation in the monthly abundance of individuals (c2= 799.55; df= 35; p<0.0001). The daily activity was greater between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. The low bee diversity observed is a consequence of the low richness of botanical species and of the small amount of sites for the bees' nests. The community of highly eusocial bees from the dunes presents organization patterns similar to those observed in other caatinga areas, albeit with some particularities.
Heterozygosity and hammuli number asymmetry in adult workers of Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Relationship between individual heterozygosity at particular loci (Mdh-1, Hk-1 ou Pgm-1) or average heterozygosity of the colony and asymmetry of the hammuli number of right and left wings was verified on adult workers of five Africanized and five European colonies of Apis mellifera. Our results demonstrated the importance of statistical tests to verify the type of asymmetry of the character studied and they did not validate the assumption that uni or multiloci heterozygosity has a positive effect on developmental stability.
A new species of Xylocopa Latreille, 1802, and notes on Xylocopa transitoria Pérez and X. mordax Smith (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Xylocopa (Neoxylocopa) orthogonaspis sp. nov. (Brazil, Amazonas) is described. It is a remarkable species from the Amazonian Region easily recognized by the strong and sharp right angle between upper and posterior portions of the scutellum; the wings are slightly brown with a brassy hue and a little vinaceous apex. Some notes to separate Xylocopa (N.) orthogonaspis sp. nov. from X. (N.) transitoria Pérez, 1901, and X. (N.) mordax Smith, 1874, are given. Xylocopa (N.) submordax Cockerell, 1935, on the other hand, is considered as a new synonym of X. (N.) transitoria Pérez, 1901.
Analysis of the Braconidae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonoidea) fauna richness in natural remnants of the Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA) of Descalvado, SP. A survey of the Braconidae fauna on fragmentary natural environments at northeast São Paulo State was conducted using Malaise traps installed in five sites of Área de Proteção Ambiental of Descalvado. A total of 2,262 specimens, representing 22 subfamilies and 94 genera, was sampled throughout a period of sixteen months (from May, 1999 to August, 2000). Biological data were obtained from current literature and behavior patterns of host utilization for the studied fauna, mainly Braconidae which have been successful in control of agricultural insect pests. Statistical analyses indicated that the asymptote of the genera richness has been approached using this sampling method. This is the most complete survey yet available from natural fragmentary areas of the Descalvado Braconidae fauna. Patterns of distribution and richness of the Braconidae genera were established. Cluster Analysis was adopted taking as attribute the number of Braconidae genera.
Phenology of the Braconidae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonoidea) at Área de Proteção Ambiental of Descalvado, São Paulo State. The flight phenology of the Braconidae fauna was conducted using Malaise traps in five sites of the Environmental Protected Area of Descalvado. A total of 2,792 specimens, representing 22 subfamilies, was sampled throughout a period of sixteen months from May, 1999 to August, 2000. The traps catches for koinobionts peak was in August, 1999 a month before of the idiobionts peak and in June, 2000 both peaks were simultaneous. The phenological peaks of dominant koinobiont taxa (Microgastrinae) were similar to all koinobionts, and the peaks of dominant idiobiont taxa (Doryctinae) were similar to all idiobionts, as well. December, 1999 and February, 2000 were the richer months in number of subfamilies (N= 19 and 18, respectivaly), corresponding to the same period when the subfamilies which potentially attack Lepidoptera where collected. The number of females was superior to the number of males and this relation was more accentuated in koinobionts. The peaks of both females and males were similar to dominate koinobiont and idiobionte taxa.
The genus Xylocopa Latreille in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (Hymenoptera, Anthophoridae). A survey of the genus Xylocopa Latreille, 1802 is given for Rio Grande do Sul, the southernmost State of Brazil. Data are based on several studies on the bee fauna of southern Brazil and on unpublished observations. A key is provided to the species (males and females) and information on distribution, nesting habits and relation to flowers. Rio Grande do Sul is strikingly rich in species of Xylocopa because of the diversity of habitats and its geographic position in the transition of tropical/subtropical to temperate climate. Nineteen species, classified into ten subgenera, have been recorded in Rio Grande do Sul. Here we maintain the subgenera Ioxylocopa, Megaxylocopa and Xylocospila, which were put into synonymy recently by Minckley (1998). The species are: Xylocopa (Dasyxylocopa) bimaculata Friese, 1903; Xylocopa (Ioxylocopa) chrysopoda Schrottky, 1902; Xylocopa (Megaxylocopa) frontalis (Olivier, 1789); Xylocopa (Nanoxylocopa) ciliata Burmeister, 1876; Xylocopa (Neoxylocopa) augusti Lepeletier, 1841; Xylocopa (N.) brasilianorum (Linnaeus, 1767); Xylocopa (N.) haematospila Moure, 1951; Xylocopa (N.) hirsutissima Maidl, 1912; Xylocopa (N.) nigrocincta Smith, 1854; Xylocopa (N.) ordinaria Smith, 1874; Xylocopa (N.) suspecta Moure & Camargo, 1988; Xylocopa (N.) tacanensis Moure, 1949; Xylocopa (Schonnherria) macrops Lepeletier, 1841; Xylocopa (S.) simillima Smith, 1854; Xylocopa (S.) splendidula Lepeletier, 1841; Xylocopa (S.) varians Smith, 1874; Xylocopa (Stenoxylocopa) artifex Smith, 1874; Xylocopa (Xylocopoda) elegans Hurd & Moure, 1963; Xylocopa (Xylocopsis) funesta Maidl, 1912; Xylocopa (Xylocospila) bambusae Schrottky, 1902. Xylocopa tacanensis is for the first time recorded in Brasil.
This paper presents a five years survey of endoparasitoids obtained from the larvae of frugivorous Tephritidae and Lonchaeidae flies. The insects were reared from cultivated and wild fruits collected in areas of the cerrado in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The flies obtained from 14 host fruit species were eight Anastrepha species, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann, 1824) (Tephritidae); Dasiops sp. and Neosilba spp. (Lonchaeidae). Eleven parasitoid species were collected: Braconidae - Asobara anastrephae (Muesebek, 1958), Doryctobracon areolatus (Szépligeti, 1911), D. fluminensis (Costa Lima, 1938), Opius bellus Gahan, 1930 and Utetes anastrephae (Viereck, 1913); Figitidae - Aganaspis nordlanderi Wharton, 1998, Lopheucoila anastrephae (Rhower, 1919), Odontosema anastrephae (Borgmeier, 1935) and Trybliographa infuscata Gallardo, Díaz & Uchôa-Fernandes, 2000 and, Pteromalidae - Spalangia gemina Boucek, 1963 and S. endius Walker, 1839. In all cases only one parasitoid emerged per puparium. D. areolatus was the most abundant and frequent parasitoid of fruit fly species, as was L. anastrephae in Neosilba spp. larvae. This is the first record of A. nordlanderi in the midwestern Brazilian region.
The material studied comes from three of the several natural environments which still occur in Paraná State. The samples were collected during the project PROFAUPAR, developed by Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná. The selected sites were: Antonina (in the coastal plain), São José dos Pinhais (in the coastal mountain range) and Telêmaco Borba (in the second plateau). During one year of the project, 2,106 specimens of Braconidae were collected with light trap. These wasps represented 21 subfamilies and 1,966 specimens were identified in 85 genera. Hormiinae, Rogadinae, Microgastrinae, Alysiinae, Doryctinae and Meteorinae were the most frequent subfamilies. Indices of diversity and evenness were used to discuss richness and dominance of genera in each locality. Statistical analyses indicated that the asymptote of actual genera richness have been approached only to Antonina and Telêmaco Borba.
Alphomelon brasiliensis sp. nov. (from São Paulo) and A. rugosus sp. nov. (from Rio Grande do Sul) are described and a key to species is presented.
Trichogramma atopovirilia Oatman & Platner is an egg parasitoid of the corn earworm Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), and has recently been collected from eggs of Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner on soybeans. In order to evaluate the suitability of A. gemmatalis eggs as hosts of T. atopovirilia, field surveys were conducted in 1999 and 2000 on corn and soybeans, and a colony of the parasitoid was established in laboratory. At 25 ºC, development from oviposition to emergence lasted nine days and a sex-ratio of 0.58 (females:males) was obtained. Females lived significantly longer (11.4 days) when kept in ovipositional activity, than in the absence of host eggs (6.6 days). Total fecundity averaged 104.5 parasitized eggs, resulting in the emergence of 138.3 descendents. Mean daily fecundity was highest (30 eggs/female) on the first day. Oviposition continued until one day before the death of the females, however 70% of the eggs were laid during the first four days after emergence. A female-biased progeny was produced during the first three days of oviposition, whereas further ovipositions were male-biased. Females lived significantly longer when exposed to host eggs in comparison to females deprived of eggs. The results show that eggs of A. gemmatalis are suitable for the development of T. atopovirilia, and this parasitoid should be considered in future programs of biological control of the velvetbean caterpillar.
The parasitism behavior of Trichogramma atopovirilia and T. pretiosum in Spodoptera frugiperda eggs was evaluated focusing on the features related to the associative learning (alpha conditioning) and recognition of the egg parasitized by the female after the first oviposition experience. Females of both species were observed to recognize the parasitized egg, which takes place after the female drills into the host egg. Following oviposition, 43.59% and 67.53 of females began to feed with an average feeding time of 73.26 ± 11.57 and 64.04 ± 7.05 seconds for T. atopovirilia and T. pretiosum, respectively. The time elapsed in each step of the parasitism behavior significantly decreased after the first oviposition experience, with a trend to stabilize after the 2nd or 3rd egg parasitized, indicating associative learning in these Trichogramma species.
Twenty-two nests of Trypoxylon asuncicola were sampled in Viçosa, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, in January 2000 and the occupants' behavior of three nests was registered in 2h of direct observation. 528 brood cells were excavated (24±13.84 SD cells per nest), 129 were reused cells, some of them for seven times (meconium deposit count). The mean number of total cells, mean number of open and closed cells, parasitism rate and mean number of reused cells per nest were similar between old and new nests. Parasitism rate and cell reuse were associated with the number of building cells in the nest, but nest aggregate in the sampled area may play some role in the parasitism rate. Brachymeria sp. (Chalcididae) was the most important agent of brood mortality (80%). Other parasites were Melittobia sp. (Eulophidae) (17%) and a species of Icheumonidae (3%). The number of closed cells with immature individuals per nest was 4±4.2SD (N=17) and the mean reproductivity per female was 3±2.4SD (N=5). New nests produced more offspring (0 a 35%) than old nests (0 to 11%). Females and males can be found resting in the nest but copula or guarding behavior by the male was not observed. There is some evidence that in the sampled area the switch of nests by females is great and agonistic behavior between a nest owner and a visitor was not evident. Females were larger (3.9±0.4SD mm) than males (3.1±0.3SD mm) (measured as forewing length). The secondary sex ratio was 1.26 (±0.07 SE) in favor of females, which was not different from 1:1 ratio. The majority (97%) of the sampled larvae of T. asuncicola showed diapause. Some (5.1%) 'anomalous cells' were found.
This work, dedicated to the study of nesting habits of the species of the Neotropical genus Partamona Schwarz, is a sequence to the taxonomic revision recently published elsewhere. A total of 214 nests and nest aggregations of 18 species [Partamona epiphytophila Pedro & Camargo, 2003; P. testacea (Klug, 1807); P. mourei Camargo, 1980; P. vicina Camargo, 1980; P. auripennis Pedro & Camargo, 2003; P. combinata Pedro & Camargo, 2003; P. chapadicola Pedro & Camargo, 2003; P. nhambiquara Pedro & Camargo, 2003; P. ferreirai Pedro & Camargo, 2003; P. pearsoni (Schwarz, 1938); P. gregaria Pedro & Camargo, 2003; P. batesi Pedro & Camargo, 2003; P. ailyae Camargo, 1980; P. cupira (Smith, 1863); P. mulata Moure in Camargo, 1980; P. seridoensis Pedro & Camargo, 2003; P. criptica Pedro & Camargo, 2003; P. helleri (Friese, 1900)] were studied , including data about habitat, substrate, structural characteristics, construction materials and behavior. The descriptions of the nests are illustrated with 48 drawings. Partial data of the nests of P. bilineata (Say, 1837), P. xanthogastra Pedro & Camargo, 1997, P. orizabaensis (Strand, 1919), P. peckolti (Friese, 1901), P. aequatoriana Camargo, 1980, P. musarum (Cockerell, 1917) and P. rustica Pedro & Camargo, 2003 are also presented. Nests of P. grandipennis (Schwarz, 1951), P. yungarum Pedro & Camargo, 2003, P. subtilis Pedro & Camargo, 2003, P. vitae Pedro & Camargo, 2003, P. nigrior (Cockerell, 1925), P. sooretamae Pedro & Camargo, 2003 and P. littoralis Pedro & Camargo, 2003 are unknown. The species of Partamona build notable nest entrance structures, with special surfaces for incoming / exiting bees; some of them are extremely well-elaborated and ornamented, serving as flight orientation targets. All species endemic to western Ecuador to Mexico with known nesting habits (P. orizabaensis, P. peckolti, P. xanthogastra, P. bilineata, P. aequatoriana and P. musarum) build their nests in several substrates, non-associated with termitaria, such as cavities and crevices in walls, among roots of epiphytes and in bases of palm leaves, in abandoned bird nests, under bridges, and in other protected places, except P. peckolti that occasionally occupies termite nests. In South America, on the eastern side of the Andes, only P. epiphytophila and P. helleri nest among roots of epiphytes and other substrates, non-associated with termitaria. All other species studied (P. batesi, P. gregaria, P. pearsoni, P. ferreirai, P. chapadicola, P. nhambiquara, P. vicina, P. mourei, P. auripennis, P. combinata, P. cupira, P. mulata, P. ailyae, P. seridoensis, P. criptica and P. rustica) nest inside active termite nests, whether epigeous or arboreous. The only species that builds obligate subterranean nests, associated or not with termite or ant nests (Atta spp.) is P. testacea. Nests of Partamona have one vestibular chamber (autapomorphic for the genus) closely adjacent to the entrance, filled with a labyrinth of anastomosing pillars and connectives, made of earth and resins. One principal chamber exists for food and brood, but in some species one or more additional chambers are filled with food storage pots. In nests of P. vicina, there is one atrium or "false nest", between the vestibule and the brood chamber, which contains involucral sheaths, cells and empty pots. All structures of the nest are supported by permanent pillars made of earth and resins (another autapomorphy of the genus). The characters concerning nesting habits were coded and combined with morphological and biogeographic data, in order to hypothesize the evolutive scenario of the genus using cladistic methodology. The phylogenetic hypothesis presented is the following: (((((P. bilineata (P. grandipennis, P. xanthogastra)) (P. orizabaensis, P. peckolti)) (P. aequatoriana, P. musarum)) P. epiphytophila, P. yungarum, P. subtilis, P. vitae) (((((P. testacea (P. mourei, P. vicina)) (P. nigrior (P. auripennis, P. combinata))) (P. ferreirai (P. pearsoni (P. gregaria (P. batesi (P. chapadicola, P. nhambiquara)))))) ((((P. ailyae, P. sooretamae) P. cupira, P. mulata) P. seridoensis) P. criptica, P. rustica, P. littoralis)) P. helleri))). One area cladogram is presented. Dates of some vicariance / cladogenesis events are suggested. For bilineata / epiphytophila group, which inhabits the Southwestern Amazonia and the Chocó-Mexican biogeographical components, the origin of ancestral species is attributed to the Middle Miocene, when the transgressions of the Maracaibo and Paranense seas isolated the tropical northwestern South America from the eastern continental land mass. The next cladogenic event in the history of the bilineata / epiphytophila group is attributed to the Plio-Pleistocene, when the Ecuadorian Andes reached more than 3000 m, and the ancestral species was fragmented in two populations, one occupying the western Andes (ancestral species of the bilineata subgroup) and other the southwestern Amazon (ancestral species of the epiphytophila subgroup). Other aspects of the history of Partamona are also discussed.
Three new species of Centris Fabricius, 1804 are described: C. (Melacentris) melanosara sp. nov. (Viçosa-MG, Brazil), C. (Ptilotopus) melampoda sp. nov. (Manaus-AM, Brazil), and C. (Ptilotopus) erythrotricha sp. nov. (Pucallpa, Peru). Centris (Melacentris) frieseana nom. nov., a new name given to Centris friesei Ducke, 1902, non Schrottky, 1902. Comments and comparison between C. (Melacentris) rhodoprocta Moure & Seabra, 1961 and C. (Ptilotopus) nobilis Westwood, 1840, are given. All the species are figured.