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Little is known about insect intestinal sugar absorption, in spite of the recent findings, and even less has been published regarding water absorption. The aim of this study was to shed light on putative transporters of water and glucose in the insect midgut Glucose and water absorptions by the anterior ventriculus of Dysdercus peruvianus midgut were determined by feeding the insects with a glucose and a non-absorbable dye solution, followed by periodical dissection of insects and analysis of ventricular contents. Glucose absorption decreases glucose/dye ratios and water absorption increases dye concentrations. Water and glucose transports are activated (water 50%, glucose 33%) by 50 mM K(2)SO(4) and are inhibited (water 46%, glucose 82%) by 0.2 mM phloretin, the inhibitor of the facilitative hexose transporter (GLUT) or are inhibited (water 45%, glucose 35%) by 0.1 mM phlorizin, the inhibitor of the Na(+)-glucose cotransporter (SGLT). The results also showed that the putative SGLT transports about two times more water relative to glucose than the putative GLUT. These results mean that D. peruvianus uses a GLUT-like transporter and an SGLT-like transporter (with K(+) instead of Na(+)) to absorb dietary glucose and water. A cDNA library from D. peruvianus midgut was screened and we found one sequence homologous to GLUT1, named DpGLUT, and another to a sodium/solute symporter, named DpSGLT. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR studies revealed that DpGLUT and DpSGLTs mRNA were expressed in the anterior midgut, where glucose and water are absorbed, but not in fat body, salivary gland and Malpighian tubules. This is the first report showing the involvement of putative GLUT and SGLT in both water and glucose midgut absorption in insects. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Objective: Abnormalities in the morphology and function of two gray matter structures central to emotional processing, the perigenual anterior cingulate cortex (pACC) and amygdala, have consistently been reported in bipolar disorder (BD). Evidence implicates abnormalities in their connectivity in BD. This study investigates the potential disruptions in pACC-amygdala functional connectivity and associated abnormalities in white matter that provides structural connections between the two brain regions in BD. Methods: Thirty-three individuals with BD and 31 healthy comparison subjects (HC) participated in a scanning session during which functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during processing of face stimuli and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) were performed. The strength of pACC-amygdala functional connections was compared between BD and HC groups, and associations between these functional connectivity measures from the fMRI scans and regional fractional anisotropy (FA) from the DTI scans were assessed. Results: Functional connectivity was decreased between the pACC and amygdala in the BD group compared with HC group, during the processing of fearful and happy faces (p < .005). Moreover, a significant positive association between pACC-amygdala functional coupling and FA in ventrofrontal white matter, including the region of the uncinate fasciculus, was identified (p < .005). Conclusion: This study provides evidence for abnormalities in pACC-amygdala functional connectivity during emotional processing in BD. The significant association between pACC-amygdala functional connectivity and the structural integrity of white matter that contains pACC-amygdala connections suggest that disruptions in white matter connectivity may contribute to disturbances in the coordinated responses of the pACC and amygdala during emotional processing in BD.
Abnormal anterior cingulum integrity in bipolar disorder determined through diffusion tensor imaging
Background Convergent evidence implicates white matter abnormalities in bipolar disorder. The cingulum is an important candidate structure for study in bipolar disorder as it provides substantial white matter connections within the corticolimbic neural system that subserves emotional regulation involved in the disorder. Aims To test the hypothesis that bipolar disorder is associated with abnormal white matter integrity in the cingulum. Method Fractional anisotropy in the anterior and posterior cingulum was compared between 42 participants with bipolar disorder and 42 healthy participants using diffusion tensor imaging. Results Fractional anisotropy was significantly decreased in the anterior cingulum in the bipolar disorder group compared with the healthy group (P=0.003); however, fractional anisotropy in the posterior cingulum did not differ significantly between groups. Conclusions Our findings demonstrate abnormalities in the structural integrity of the anterior cingulum in bipolar disorder. They extend evidence that supports involvement of the neural system comprising the anterior cingulate cortex and its corticolimbic gray matter connection sites in bipolar disorder to implicate abnormalities in the white matter connections within the system provided by the cingulum.
No presente trabalho foram colhidas amostras da aponeurose da linha alba abdominal de 26 pacientes com idades entre 26 e 75 anos, portadores de hérnias da parede abdominal anterior, para avaliação qualitativa e quantitativa do colágeno total, tipo I e III. Oito desses pacientes foram operados no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), quatro no Hospital Pompéia de Caxias do Sul (HP) e 14 na Clínica Particular do autor (CPA) em Caxias do Sul. Todos os pacientes eram portadores de hérnias da parede abdominal anterior, sendo seis casos de hérnias incisionais, 11 casos de hérnias umbilicais e sete casos de hérnias epigástricas, um caso com duas hérnias: incisional e epigástrica e um outro caso também com duas hérnias, sendo uma epigástrica e outra umbilical. As amostras foram retiradas na linha média da linha alba, três centímetros acima da cicatriz umbilical e outra a dois centímetros abaixo dessa cicatriz. Uma vez no laboratório, as amostras foram subdivididas em duas. Em uma delas realizou-se a avaliação quantitativa do colágeno total e na outra a avaliação qualitativa dos colágenos tipo I e III. A avaliação quantitativa foi realizada por meio da coloração com picrosirius e contagem das fibras colágenas em microscópio de luz polarizada e análise digital por birrefringência, tendo sido utilizado o aplicativo Image Pro Plus (Media Cybernetics, Silver Spring, USA). A avaliação qualitativa foi feita por meio da imuno-histoquímica, com a utilização de anticorpos monoclonais anticolágeno tipo I e III. Os achados obtidos nesses pacientes foram comparados com os achados obtidos em um grupo-controle de cadáveres não formolizados do Instituto Médico Legal de Caxias do Sul. No grupo-controle de cadáveres sem hérnias, foram realizados os mesmos estudos dos pacientes cirúrgicos portadores de hérnias, para avaliar as diferenças das quantidades de colágeno total, tipo I e III entre os dois grupos. Os resultados mostraram que as quantidades de colágeno total eram 18,05% menores nos pacientes com hérnias da parede anterior do abdome, quando comparados com o grupo-controle de cadáveres sem hérnias (p 0,05). Já as quantidades do colágeno tipo I foram 20,50% menores nos pacientes (p 0,05). O mesmo ocorreu com o colágeno tipo III que apresentou uma percentagem 7,3% menor nesses mesmos pacientes (p = 0,383).
Ilustração componente do jogo “Quimolécula (http://www.loa.sead.ufscar.br/quimolecula.html)” desenvolvido pela equipe do Laboratório de Objetos de Aprendizagem da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (LOA/UFSCar).
Objective: To determine the prevalence of ocular findings of the external structures and anterior segment of the eye, detected by biomicroscopic examination in schoolchildren in Natal (RN) - Brazil. Methods: After previous random selection, 1,024 pupils from elementary and secondary public and private schools in the city of Natal were evaluated from March to June 2001. All were submitted to preestablished standard research norms, consisting of identification, demographic information, ophthalmologic biomicroscopic examination, with slit lamp, performed by ophthalmologists from the “Onofre Lopes” University Hospital. Results: Alterations of the conjunctival and palpebral conditions were the most prevalent (10.4% and 6.2% respectively). Follicles (4.2%) and papillae (3.0%) were the frequent conjunctival lesions, while blepharitis (3.5%) and meibomitis (1.1%) were the most detected abnormalities in the eyelids. Upon examining the cornea, iris, lens and anterior vitreous, the most encountered findings were nubecula (0.5%), papillary membrane reliquiae (0.5%), posterior capsula opacity (0.8%) and hyaloid arteria reliquiae (2.0%). Conclusion: The most prevalent findings affecting the external structures of the eye such as eyelids and conjunctiva, consisted of blepharitis followed by follicular reaction of the conjunctiva. The most prevalent abnormalities in the cornea, iris, lens and anterior vitreous were nubecula, papillary membrane reliquiae, posterior capsular opacity and hyaloid arteria reliquiae, in that order
Os feijões estão entre os alimentos mais antigos, fazendo parte da alimentação diária da população brasileira. Objetivou-se com este trabalho determinar o período de convivência anterior à interferência das plantas daninhas (PAI) na cultura do feijoeiro em diferentes espaçamentos e densidades de plantas. Os tratamentos foram constituídos de períodos de convivência entre a cultura e as plantas daninhas, sendo zero a dez, zero a 20, zero a 30, zero a 40, zero a 50, zero a 60, zero a 70 e zero a 80 dias e mais uma testemunha sem convívio com as plantas daninhas. Além dos períodos de convivência, realizaram-se ainda estudos com espaçamentos entre linhas de 0,45 e 0,60 m e mais duas densidades de semeadura: dez e 15 plantas m-1. Adotou-se delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Quando o feijoeiro esteve presente com as plantas daninhas durante o ciclo, a produtividade dos grãos foi reduzida a 63, 50, 42 e 57% para os tratamentos com espaçamento de 0,45 m, densidades de semeadura de dez e 15 plantas m-1, espaçamento de 0,60 m e densidades de semeadura de dez e 15 plantas m-1, respectivamente. Os períodos anteriores à interferência (PAIs) da cultura foram de 23, 27, 13 e 19 dias após emergência, respectivamente.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar o efeito da adubação sobre a comunidade infestante e sobre o período anterior à interferência (PAI) das plantas daninhas na cultura do amendoim, cv. IAC Runner 886, em sistema convencional. Os períodos de convivência estudados foram: 0, 7, 15, 20, 30, 45, 55 e 126 dias após a emergência (DAE), totalizando oito tratamentos, dispostos em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições, em dois níveis de adubação: 0 e 150 kg ha-1 da formulação 00-20-20 (N-P-K). A adubação não alterou a composição da comunidade infestante, destacando-se Cyperus rotundus, Eleusine indica, Indigofera hirsuta, Portulaca oleraceae e Sida rhombifolia como as espécies de maior importância relativa. Contudo, a densidade de plantas daninhas foi maior na área não adubada, mas sem afetar de modo diferenciado a massa seca acumulada por elas. O cultivar de amendoim IAC Runner 886 pode conviver com essa comunidade com e sem adubação por até 15 e 17 DAE (PAI), respectivamente, sem sofrer perdas significativas na produção. A interferência das plantas daninhas reduziu entre 31 e 34% a produtividade do amendoim para as áreas sem adubação e com adubação, respectivamente.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a concentração e a absorção de macronutrientes em soja cultivada em subseqüência a sete espécies vegetais em solo com diferentes níveis de compactação. O experimento foi conduzido em vasos contendo amostras de um Latossolo Vermelho, textura franco-arenosa, com camada de 3,5 cm compactada até as densidades de 1,12, 1,36 e 1,60 Mg m³, em que se cultivou anteriormente aveia-preta, guandu, milheto, mucuna-preta, soja, sorgo granífero, tremoço azul, mantendo-se um tratamento sem planta (pousio). Essas espécies se desenvolveram por 37 a 39 dias, foram cortadas ao nível do solo, picadas em partículas de, aproximadamente, 3 cm, e deixadas sobre a superfície do vaso por 40 dias. As plantas foram colhidas 28 dias após a emergência. Avaliou-se a produção de matéria seca, concentração e acúmulo de macronutrientes na parte aérea das plantas. A compactação do solo em subsuperfície diminui a nutrição da soja. A nutrição da soja é beneficiada quando cultivada em sucessão a plantas de cobertura no solo. O pousio antecedendo a cultura da soja não é recomendado como meio de reduzir os efeitos da compactação do solo.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of high fat diet and different frequencies of swimming programs in the tibial anterior muscle in male Wistar rats. In conclussion, the aerobic training during two days/week and five days/week caused injuries in muscle fibers and the high fat diet did not cause statically significant results compared to normal diet.
Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is known for its positive results but studies on the biological and biomodulator characteristics of the effects produced in the skeletal muscle are Still lacking. In this Study the effects of two laser dosages, 5 or 10 J/cm(2), on the lesioned tibial muscle were compared. Gerbils previously lesioned by 100 g load impact were divided into three groups: GI (n = 5) controls, lesion non-irradiated; GII (n = 5), lesion irradiated with 5 J/Cm(2) and GIII (n = 5), lesion irradiated with 10 J/cm(2), and treated for 7 consecutive days with a laser He-Ne (lambda = 633 rim). After intracardiac perfusion, the muscles were dissected and reduced to small fragments, post-fixed in 1% osmium tetroxide, dehydrated in increasing alcohol concentrations, treated with propylene oxide and embedded in Spurr resin at 60 degrees C. Ultrafine Cuts examined on a transmission electron microscope (Jeol 1010) revealed in the control GI group a large number of altered Muscle fibers with degenerating mitochondria, intercellular substance containing degenerating cell fragments and budding blood capillaries with Underdeveloped endothelial cells. However, groups GII and GIII showed muscle fibers with few altered myofibrils, regularly contoured mitochondria, ample intermembrane spaces and dilated mitochondrial crests. The clean intercellular Substance showed numerous collagen fibers and capillaries with multiple abluminal processes, intraluminal protrusions and several pinocytic vesicles in endothelial cells. it was concluded that laser dosages of 5 or 10 J/cm(2) delivered by laser He-Ne (lambda = 633 rim) during 7 consecutive days increase mitochondrial activity in muscular fibers, activate fibroblasts and macrophages and stimulate angiogenesis, thus suggesting effectivity of laser therapy tinder these experimental conditions. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Muscle fatigue is a phenomenon that promotes physiological and biomechanical disorders and their changes in healthy subjects have been widely studied and have significant importance for care in preventing injuries, but we do not have many information about its effects in patients after ACL reconstruction. Thus, this study is to analyze the effects of fatigue on neuromuscular behavior of quadriceps after ACL reconstruction. To reach this objective, participants were forty men, twenty healthy (26,90 ± 6,29 years) and twenty after ACL reconstruction (29,75 ± 7,01 years) with a graft of semitendinosus and gracilis tendons, between four to six months after surgery. At first, there was an assessment of joint position sense (JPS) at the isokinetic dynamometer at a speed of 5°/s and target angle of 45° to analyze the absolute error of JPS. Next, we applied the a muscle fatigue protocol, running 100 repetitions of isokinetic knee flexion-extension at 90°/s. Concurrently with this protocol, there was the assessment of muscle performance, as the peak torque (PT) and fatigue index, and electromyographic activity (RMS and median frequency). Finally, we repeated the assessment of JPS. The statistical analysis showed that patients after ACL reconstruction have, even under normal conditions, the amended JPS compared with healthy subjects and that after fatigue, both have disturbances in the JPS, but this alteration is significantly exacerbated in patients after ACL reconstruction. About muscle performance, we could notice that these patients have a lower PT, although there are no differences between the dynamometric and EMG fatigue index. These findings show the necessity about the cares of pacients with ACL reconstruction in respect of the risks of articulate instability and overload in ligamentar graft
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this study was to comparatively evaluate the mechanical strength of squared and rectangular 2.0 mm system miniplates comparing them to the standard configuration with 2 straight miniplates in stabilizing fractures in the anterior mandible. Ninety synthetic polyurethane mandible replicas were used in mechanical test. The samples were divided into six groups of three different methods for fixation. Groups 1, 2 and 3 showed complete fractures in symphysis, characterized by a linear separation between the medial incisor, and groups 4, 5 and 6 showed complete fractures in parasymphysis with oblique design. Groups 1 and 4 were represented by the standard technique with two straight miniplates parallel to each other. Groups 2 and 5 were stabilized by squared miniplates and groups 3 and 6 were fixed by rectangular design. Each group was subjected to a mechanical test at a displacement speed of 10 mm/min on a universal testing machine, receiving linear vertical load on the region of the left first molar. The values of the maximum load and when displacements reached 5 mm were obtained and statistically analyzed by calculating the confidence interval of 95%. Fixation systems using squared (G2) and rectangular (G3) miniplates obtained similar results. No statistically significant differences with respect to the maximum load and the load at 5 mm displacement were found when compared to standard method in symphyseal fractures (G1). In parasymphysis the fixation method using squared miniplates (G5) obtained results without significant differences regarding the maximum load and the load at 5 mm when compared to the standard configuration (G4). The fixation method using rectangular miniplates (G6) showed inferior results which were statistically significant when compared to the standard configuration (G4) for parasymphysis fractures. The mechanical behavior of the fixation methods was similar, except when rectangular miniplates were used. The fixation methods showed better results with statistical significance in symphyseal fractures