657 resultados para Antennas.
The mathematical formulation of empirically developed formulas Jirr the calculation of the resonant frequency of a thick-substrate (h s 0.08151 A,,) microstrip antenna has been analyzed. With the use qt' tunnel-based artificial neural networks (ANNs), the resonant frequency of antennas with h satisfying the thick-substrate condition are calculated and compared with the existing experimental results and also with the simulation results obtained with the use of an IE3D software package. The artificial neural network results are in very good agreement with the experimental results
An electromagnetically coupled T-shaped microstrip feed used to enhance the impedance bandwidth of a rectangular microstrip antenna is reported. The proposed antenna offers a 2:1 VSWR bandwidth of -36% with an increase in gain of 0.8 dB
novel design of at internal PIFA integrated with an RF-shielding metal case for application in a clamshell or fielder-tvpe mobile phone is presented. The integrated PIFA has a bent and tapered radiating arm in order to easily fit in the casing of the clamshell mobile phone as an internal antenna. The integrated PlEA can also provide a wide operating bandwidth fir UM7S (1920-2170 MHz) operation. In addition, for the clamshell mobile phone in either the talk or standby condition, only a small effect on the operating bandwidth of the integrated PIFA is obtained. The experimental results of the proposed design are presented
In this paper, we present an effective excitation of a reelangular dielectric resonator antennas (DRA) with a conductor-hacked coplanar waveguide (CB-CPW). The radiation and resonance characteristics are found to van,, depending on the orientation of the DR on doe coplanar feed line. The effect of finite and infinite ground planes of CB-CPIV on the radiation characteristics of the rectangular DRA is studied. The orientation and position of the DR are optimized for maximum gain and bandwidth. The optimized antenna ,geometry offers --10.46 dBi gain and 7.5% bandwidth with low cross-polar radiation characteristics
A modified H-plane sectoral horn antenna with identical E- and'H- plane.patterns over the X-band frequency is discussed. This system has significantly reduced side lobes and hack lobes. Half=power beam width and gain of the antenna are also improved with enhanced matching , Experimental results for a number of horns with various flanges are presented . These find practical application for illuminating symmetric antennas like paraboloids and polarization measurements in radio astronomy, etc. Compared to the fixed pyramidal horns. the present system offers great convenience in trimming the antenna characteristics
A new compact microstrip antenna element is analyzed. The analysis can accurately predict the resonant frequency, input impedance, and radiation patterns. The predicted results are compared with experimental results and excellent agreement is observed . These antenna elements are more suitable in applications where limited antenna real estate is available
The closed form expression for the radiated power of a half-wave microstrip patch is modified to calculate the impedance bandwidth of a printed dipole. Analyses of cavity backed flared and end-loaded printed dipoles are presented
The Present thesis deals with the numerical as well as experimental investigations conducted on the resonance and radiation characteristics of Drum shaped monopole antenna, Funnel shaped monopole antenna and the shorted coplanar antenna.An introduction to the over view of antennas, state of the art planar antenna technologies, different feeding techniques and introduction of coplanar waveguides have been discussed.
In recent years, there is a visible trend for products/services which demand seamless integration of cellular networks, WLANs and WPANs. This is a strong indication for the inclusion of high speed short range wireless technology in future applications. In this context UWB radio has a significant role to play as an extension/complement to existing cellular/access technology. In the present work, we have investigated two major types of wide band planar antennas: Monopole and Slot. Four novel compact broadband antennas, suitable for poratble applications, are designed and characterized, namely 1. Elliptical monopole 2. Inverted cone monopole 3. Koch fractal slot 4. Wide band slot The performance of these designs have been studied using standard simulation tools used in industry/academia and they have been experimentally verified. Antenna design guidelines are also deduced by accounting the resonances in each structure. In addition to having compact sized, high efficiency and broad bandwidth antennas, one of the major criterion in the design of impulse-UWB systems have been the transmission of narrow band pulses with minimum distortion. The key challenge is not only to design a broad band antenna with constant and stable gain but to maintain a flat group delay or linear phase response in the frequency domain or excellent transient response in time domain. One of the major contributions of the thesis lies in the analysis of the frequency and time-domain response of the designed UWB antennas to confirm their suitability for portable pulsed-UWB systems. Techniques to avoid narrowband interference by engraving narrow slot resonators on the antenna is also proposed and their effect on a nano-second pulse have been investigated.
The thesis is the outcome of the experimental and theoretical investigations on a new compact drum-shaped microstrip antenna. A new compact antenna suitable for personal communication system(PCS), Global position System(GPS) and array applications is developed and analysed. The generalised cavity model and spatial fourier transform technique are suitably modified for the analysis of the antenna. The predicted results are compared with experimental results and excellent agreement is observed. The experimental work done by the author in related fields are incorporated as three appendices in this thesis. A single feed dual frequency microstrip antenne is presented in appendix A.Appendix B describes a new broadband dual frequeny microstrip antenna. The bandwidth enhancement effect of microstrip antennas through dielectric resonator loading is demonstarted in Appendix C.
The thesis is the outcome of the theoretical and experimental investigations on mocrostrip-fed printed strip monopole antenna.Finite ground plane has been effectively utilized to excite a new resonance near the fundamental mode by introducing another extended strip from the ground plane,without affecting compactness.Further size reduction was achieved by carrying out folding analysis on dual strip antenna and a compact folded dual strip antenna has been designed.Design methodologies for both the compact dual band antennas are presented.The proposed antennas can be used for mobile and WLAN applications due to wide bandwidth,moderate gain and omnidirectional radiation coverage.
The thesis is the outcome of the exhaustive theoretical and experimental investigations performed on Printed Monopole Antennas loaded with different geometries .The work presented in this thesis describes the development of a 3D- FDTD(Finite Difference Time Domain) Modeller using MATLAB for the numerical computation of the radiation characteristics of the antenna. The predicted results are verified experimentally and also through simulation using Ansoft HFSS.The effect of top loading of the monopole with different geometries ,the dimensions of the loading patch and ground plane and the material parameters of the dielectric substrate upon the radiation performance of the antenna is studied in detail. Optimized Printed Monopole antennas suitable for Ultra Wide Band (UWB) applications have been developed.
The design and performance of a stepped slot printed monopole antenna in the ultrawideband is presented in this article. Multiple resonances generated by the stepped slot geometry are matched in the ultrawideband using a modified microstrip feed. The impedance bandwidth (SWR < 2) of the antenna is from 3 to 11 GHz. Radiation patterns are stable and omnidirectional with appreciable gain throughout the band. Performance of the antenna is also analyzed in the time domain, which reveals good pulse handling capabilities. Compact geometry of the antenna allows easy commercial deployment.
A compact, dual band coplanar waveguide fed modified T-shaped uniplanar antenna is presented. The antenna has resonances at 1.77 and 5.54 GHz with a wide band from 1.47–1.97 GHz and from 5.13–6.48 GHz with an impedance bandwidth of 34% and 26%, respectively. Also the antenna has an average gain of 3 dBi in lower band and 3.5 dBi in higher band with an average efficiency of 90%.
A simple electromagnetically coupled wideband printed microstrip antenna having a 2:1 VSWR bandwidth of 38% covering the 5.2/5.8-GHz WLAN, HIPERLAN2, and HiSWANa communication bands is presented. The large bandwidth is obtained by adding a rectangular metal strip on a slotted square microstrip antenna. The antenna occupies an overall dimension of 42 times 55 times 3.2 mm3 when printed on a substrate of dielectric constant 4. It exhibits good radiation characteristics and moderate gain in the entire operating band. Details of the design along with experimental and simulation results are presented and discussed.