969 resultados para Antenna Array
An arrow-shaped microstrip antenna with a pair of narrow slots embedded near the non-radiating edges gives wide impedance bandwidth. The experimental and simulated (!E3D) results show that antenna bandwidth is -3.5 times that of a conventional patch with the added advantage of reduced antenna size. The radiation characteristics are found to he uniform throughout the operating band
An electromagnetically coupled T-shaped microstrip feed used to enhance the impedance bandwidth of a rectangular microstrip antenna is reported. The proposed antenna offers a 2:1 VSWR bandwidth of -36% with an increase in gain of 0.8 dB
compact microstrip antenna integrated with an amplifier having an area reduction of 70%, compared to the standard circular microstrip patch antenna, is presented. The antenna also provides an enhanced gain of 10-dB more than its passive counter part. The measured 2:1 VSWR band width is -4% at 790 MHz, which is 2.5 times larger than that of the passive microstrip antenna
very-high-permittivity (e, = 100) multiband dielectrice> e resonator antenna is presented. The compact antenna, excited by a m:'crostrip line, resonates at two frequencies centered around the 1.9- GHz and 2.4-GHz bands with identical polarization . The behavior of the antenna at different positions along the feed line is studied and optimized. Multiple resonances with the same polarization and broad radioticn patterns suggest the suitability of the antenna for multiband wireless application
A novel slope -strip feeding technique for a microstrip antenna is presented in order to achieve a broad bandwidth. The experimental results show that the optimal bandwidth attained is 53.4% for less than -10-dB return loss
A novel compact single-layer dual frequency microstrip antenna which uses an H-shaped geometry with two U-shaped slots embedded near the radiation edges, is presented. By changing the design parameters, the lower and higher resonant frequencies can be controlled easily, and a range of frequency ratios (1.716-2.363) can be obtained in this design. For the two operating frequencies of the proposed antenna, the same polarization planes and broadside radiation patterns are achieved. Compared to the regular dualfrequency patch antenna, this antenna can realize a significant size reduction
A theoretical analysis of a symmetric T-shaped rnicrostripfed rectangular microstrip antenna using the finite-difference titnedoniain (FDTD) method is presented in this paper. The resonant frequency, return loss, impedance bandwidth, and radiation patterns are predicted and are in good agreement with the measured results
The radiation characteristics of a microstrip-line-excited rectangular dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) are studied experimentally.The radiation charactristics and excitation of different modes are highly influenced by the orientation of the DR,feed line parameters ,and finite size of the ground plane
This paper presents the outcome of the experimental studies performed on L-strip fed compact rectangular microstrip antenna. The effect of the feed parameters upon the characteristics of the antenna is studied in detail. The antenna offers an impedance bandwidth of nearly 20% and is suitable for broadband applications
A broadband cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) energized with an L-strip feed is presented The novel exciting technique achieves a 2:1 VSWR bandwidth of 18%. The variation of bandwidth for different feed parameters is also studied
In this paper, we introduce a novel feeding technique for bandwidth enhancement of a rectangular microstrip antenna This antenna offers an impedance bandwidth of 22% without degrading the effciencv. The effect of the feed parameters upon patch characteristics such as resonant frequency, impedance bandwidth, and radiation pattern are studied in detail. The experimental results are verified using the FDTD results
rectangular low-density, high-permittivity dielectric resona or antenna (DRA) excited by T-shaped microstrip feed offering a 2:1 VSWR bandwidth of -22% at 2.975 GHz is reported. The design methoaology and experimental results of the antenna are discussed. The excellent gain and radiation performance of the proposed antenna project: it as a potential candidate for telecommunication applications
A novel reconfigurable, single feed, dual frequency, dualpolarized operation of a hexagonal slot-loaded square mwrostrip antenna is presented in this paper. A pin diode incorporated in the slot is used to switch the two operating frequencies considerably, without significantly affecting the radiation characteristics and gain. The proposed antenna provides a size reduction up to 61% and 26% Jor the two resonating frequencies, compared to standard rectangular patches. This design also gives considerable bandwidth up to 3.3% and 4.27%, for the two frequencies with a low operating frequency ratio
A new design for a compact electronically reconffgurable singlefeed dual frequency dual-polarized operation of a square-microstrip antenna capable of achieving tunable frequency ratios in the range 1.1 to 1.37 is proposed and experimentally studied. Varactor diodes inlegruted with the arms of the hexagonal slot and embedded in the square patch are used to tune the operating frequencies by applying reverse-bias voltage. The design has the advantage of size reduction up to 73.21% and 49.86% for the two resonant frequencies, respectively, as compared to standard rectangular patches. The antenna offers good bandwidth of 5.74% and 5.36% for the two operating frequencies. A highly simplified tuning circuitry without any transmission lines adds to the compactness of the design
In this paper, the advantages of using L-shaped microviij) feed to e.tcite a rectangular dielectric resonator cuuenna (DRA) by elemanagnetic coupling are presented. This feeding technique enhances the hardsvidth and gain of the antenna without affecting its size. The experimental re srdts are validated using Fidelity software based on the finitedifference tine-domain (FDTD) method