984 resultados para Animal environment


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Background: The risks for depression broadly include biological and environmental factors. Furthermore, having a family member suffering from major depression is also likely to have consequences for the family environment. Further research aimed at understanding the effects of having a child with major depression on family interaction patterns is warranted. Methods: We studied 31 families with an 8- to 17-year-old child (mean age +/- SD = 12.9 +/- 2.7 years) who met the DSM-IV criteria for major depressive disorder (MDD) and 34 families with no mentally ill children (mean age 8 SD = 12.6 +/- 2.9 years) or parents. Children and their parents were assessed with the K-SADS-PL (Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia - Present and Lifetime Version) interview. Parents completed the Moos Family Environment Scale (FES) to assess their perceptions of current family functioning. Data were analyzed using the nonparametric Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test. Results: Families of MDD children showed significantly different patterns of family functioning on FES subscales representing relationships and personal growth dimensions. The families with MDD children showed higher levels of conflict (p < 0.001) and lower levels of cohesion (p < 0.001), expressiveness (p = 0.003) and active-recreational orientation (p = 0.02) compared to the families without mentally ill children. Conclusion: Families with MDD children show a lower degree of commitment, provide less support to one another, provide less encouragement to express feelings and have more conflicts compared to families with no mentally ill children or parents. Interventions aimed at improving family dynamics may be beneficial to MDD children and their families. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel


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BACKGROUND: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been considered for human regenerative therapy applications, and safe culture and expansion protocols are needed especially in the context of interspecies contamination. Human platelet lysate (PL) has been proposed as animal serum substitute during in vitro MSC expansion. In this work, a simplified and efficient method to obtain autologous PL to replace animal serum in cell culture applications is described. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: PL obtained by freezing and centrifugation procedures was tested as medium supplement for human adipose mesenchymal stem cell (hASC) culture. Differential proliferation, immunophenotypic changes, and differentiation under PL or fetal bovine serum (FBS) were assessed. RESULTS: In contrast to 10% FBS supplementation, cell population doubling time was significantly lower when hASCs were cultured with the same concentration of PL ( PL 22.9 +/- 1.5 hr vs. FBS 106.7 +/- 6.5 hr, t test, p < 0.05). Furthermore, hASCs maintained with 2.5% PL supplementation also showed satisfactory results. Immunophenotypic analysis revealed no differences between hASCs cultivated with PL or FBS supplementation and both cultures retained the potential to differentiate into adipose cells. These results demonstrate that autologous PL obtained from the same donor can be used as animal serum substitute in hASC culture. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, evidence is provided that platelets provided by a single donor are sufficient to obtain PL for hASC propagation for clinical-scale applications mitigating the potential untoward side effects associated with the use of animal-derived reagents.


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To develop an experimental model in rabbits to analyse the efficiency of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) for Peyronie`s disease. We used 15 adult male rabbits divided into three equal groups. In group 1 (no penile ESWT) rabbits had three sessions of ESWT with 2000 shocks each (15 kV), but a rubber mat was placed between the shock head and rabbit to protect the penis; the rabbits were killed at 7 days after the last session of ESWT. In group 2 the rabbits had three sessions of ESWT using the same parameters, and were killed immediately after the last session to analyse the penis. In group 3 the rabbits had three sessions of ESWT as before but were killed at 7 days after the last session, and the penile tissue analysed macroscopically and histologically. The results showed clearly that the model was efficient, creating a similar situation to that when applying ESWT in the human penis. All of the rabbits in groups 2 and 3 had haematomas and diffuse petechiae after ESWT, and only four had urethral and penile bleeding. Almost all macroscopic changes disappeared after 48 h and only one rabbit in group 3 after 7 days had a haematoma on the dorsal penile surface. The histology (assessed using haematoxylin and eosin staining) of the cavernous body of the penis showed: unchanged histology in group 1; in group 2 there was a dilated and congested vascular space in the cavernous body, with interstitial extensive bleeding in the dermis; and in group 3 there was an increase in interstitial fibrous tissue in the cavernous septum, with deposition of collagen fibres and thickening of the tunica albuginea. The present model was efficient in producing tissue injury in the normal penis when treated with ESWT, suggesting that this promising model should be considered for use future studies of Peyronie`s disease.


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The pathogenic mechanisms of Leptospira interrogans, the causal agent of leptospirosis, remain largely unknown. This is mainly due to the lack of tools for genetically manipulating pathogenic Leptospira species. Thus, homologous recombination between introduced DNA and the corresponding chromosomal locus has never been demonstrated for this pathogen. Leptospiral immunoglobulin-like repeat (Lig) proteins were previously identified as putative Leptospira virulence factors. In this study, a ligB mutant was constructed by allelic exchange in L. interrogans; in this mutant a spectinomycin resistance (Spc(r)) gene replaced a portion of the ligB coding sequence. Gene disruption was confirmed by PCR, immunoblot analysis, and immunofluorescence studies. The ligB mutant did not show decrease virulence compared to the wild-type strain in the hamster model of leptospirosis. In addition, inoculation of rats with the ligB mutant induced persistent colonization of the kidneys. Finally, LigB was not required to mediate bacterial adherence to cultured cells. Taken together, our data provide the first evidence of site-directed homologous recombination in pathogenic Leptospira species. Furthermore, our data suggest that LigB does not play a major role in dissemination of the pathogen in the host and in the development of acute disease manifestations or persistent renal colonization.


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Background: We studied the characteristics of family functioning in bipolar children and healthy comparison children. We hypothesized that the family environment of bipolar children would show greater levels of dysfunction as measured by the Family Environment Scale (FES). Methods: We compared the family functioning of 36 families that included a child with DSM-IV bipolar disorder versus 29 comparison families that included only healthy children. All subjects and their parents were assessed with the K-SADS-PL interview. The parents completed the FES to assess their current family functioning. Multivariate analysis of variance was used to compare the family environment of families with and without offspring with bipolar disorder. Results: Parents of bipolar children reported lower levels of family cohesion (p<0.001), expressiveness (p=0.005), active-recreational orientation (p<0.001), intellectual-cultural orientation (p=0.04) and higher levels of conflict (p<0.001) compared to parents with no bipolar children. Secondary analyses within the bipolar group revealed lower levels of organization (p=0.03 1) and cohesion (p=0.014) in families where a parent had a history of mood disorders compared to families where parents had no history of mood disorders. Length of illness in the affected child was inversely associated with family cohesion (r=-0.47, p=0.004). Limitations: Due to the case-control design of the study, we cannot comment on the development of these family problems or attribute their cause specifically to child bipolar disorder. Conclusion: Families with bipolar children show dysfunctional patterns related to interpersonal interactions and personal growth. A distressed family environment should be addressed when treating children with bipolar disorder. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To assess the ability of a three-layer graft in the closuse of large fetal skin defects. Methods: Ovine fetuses underwent a large (4 x 3 cm) full-thickness skin defect over the lumbar region at 105 days` gestation (term = 140 days). A bilaminar artificial skin was placed over a cellulose interface to cover the defect (3-layer graft). The skin was partially reapproximated with a continuous nylon suture. Pregnancy was allowed to continue and the surgical site was submitted to histopathological analysis at different post-operative intervals. Results: Seven fetuses underwent surgery. One maternal/fetal death occurred, and the remaining 6 fetuses were analyzed. Artificial skin adherence to the wound edges was observed in cases that remained in utero for at least 15 days. Neoskin was present beneath the silicone layer of the bilaminar artificial skin. Conclusions: Our study shows that neoskin can develop in the fetus using a 3-layer graft, including epidermal growth beneath the silicone layer of the bilaminar skin graft. These findings suggest that the fetus is able to reepithelialise even large skin defects. Further experience is necessary to assess the quality of this repair.


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