1000 resultados para Andes, cristalina group
OBJECTIVE: To study by doppler echocardiography the cardiac systolic and diastolic functions of health, uncomplicated obese subjects. METHODS: Fifty-nine obese women with an average body mass index (BMI) of 35 kg/m² were evaluated and compared with 19 subjects with an average BMI of 23 kg/m² (control group). RESULTS: In the obese group, a clear tendency was observed toward higher systolic pressure, increased wall thickness and, consequently, myocardial mass, elevation on the circumference stress of the left ventricular wall, and an indisputable presence of diastolic abnormalities. Filling abnormalities were observed with impaired relaxation, with prolonged isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT) and augmented atrium contribution representing early indexes of cardiac dysfunction when systolic performance is still normal. CONCLUSION: Obesity is generally a chronic condition, and doppler echocardiography can be used as a noninvasive instrument for early evaluation of left ventricular diastolic indexes.
Dissertação de mestrado em Tradução e Comunicação Multilingue
OBJECTIVE: Exercise training programs have been proposed as adjuncts to treatment of heart failure. The effects of a 3-month-exercise-training-program with 3 exercise sessions per week were assessed in patients with stable systolic chronic heart failure. METHODS: We studied 24 patients with final left ventricle diastolic diameter of 70±10mm and left ventricular ejection fraction of 37±4%. Mean age was 52±16 years. Twelve patients were assigned to an exercise training group (G1), and 12 patients were assigned to a control group (G2). Patients underwent treadmill testing, before and after exercise training, to assess distance walked, heart rate, systolic blood pressure, and double product. RESULTS: In G2 group, before and after 3 months, we observed, respectively distance walked, 623±553 and 561± 460m (ns); peak heart rate, 142±23 and 146± 33b/min (ns); systolic blood pressure, 154±36 and 164±26 mmHg (ns); and double product, 22211± 6454 and 24293±7373 (ns). In G1 group, before and after exercise, we observed: distance walked, 615±394 and 970± 537m (p<0.003) peak heart rate, 143±24 and 143±29b/min (ns); systolic blood pressure, 136±33 and 133±24 mmHg (ns); and double product, 19907± 7323 and 19115±5776, respectively. Comparing the groups, a significant difference existed regarding the variation in the double product, and in distance walked. CONCLUSION: Exercise training programs in patients with heart failure can bring about an improvement in physical capacity.
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La vuelta de la democracia ha permitido visibilizar a numerosos grupos étnicos que se encontraban oprimidos por las élites en el poder. Éstas, que han tradicionalmente cooptado el concepto de nación, mantienen un enfrentamiento con los grupos indígenas, con recientes accesos al poder. Este conflicto se ha manifestado en diferentes grados a lo largo de los años, yendo desde huelgas hasta conatos de guerra civil. Desde esta perspectiva, el presente proyecto se abocará a discernir las relaciones existentes entre identidad, emergencia étnica y conflicto en la región andina
Este proyecto estudiará las estrategias de vida implementadas por familias productoras fruti hortícolas que viven en Colonia Tirolesa y Chacra de la Merced, lugares que forman parte del cinturón verde de la Ciudad de Córdoba; y su relación con los procesos de diferenciación social, asociados a cambios productivos, económicos, culturales y sociales que están condicionados por el modelo de expansión capitalista. A partir del análisis del capital económico, social, cultural y simbólico se identificará en un contexto rural las motivaciones, logicas productivas y conocimientos agrícolas que incidieron en las decisiones asumidas ante problematicas emergentes, tales como limitaciones para adquirir nuevos paquetes tecnológicos, el impacto ambiental causados por la no conservación y sustentabilidad de los recursos y las consecuencias sociales vinculadas a los laxos de familia, el trabajo y la calidad de vida.Se plantean las siguientes hipótesis: 1)Algunas familias productoras implementaron estrategias de vida que se relacionan con criterios de autosustentabilidad, conocimientos agrícolas tradicionales y pautas culturales.2) Los nuevos espacios productivos no son compatibles con agroecosistemas sustentables. 3) Las nuevas tecnologías causaron impactos en la actividad productiva e incidieron en la economía, calidad de vida y vinculos familiares. 4)El modo de producción familiar fue reemplazado por el modo de producción capitalista lo que incidió en la producción agrícola y en la conservación de los recursos.El objetivo principal es descubrir las estrategias de vida implementadas por un grupo de familias, trabajadoras fruti hortícolas, en respuesta a las transformaciones productivas, tecnológicas y socio económicas impuestas por el modelo de acumulación vigente.Para ello se caracterizará los ambitos productivos de trabajo a campo, identificando la disponibilidad de capital y los conocimientos técnicos y de manejo. También se analizarán las pautas y valores culturales, el impacto de las nuevas tecnologías y la incidencia social, vinculada a los cambios en los modos de producción.El abordaje será de tipo cualitativo, recavando información para elaborar una descripción detallada de las estrategias de vida adoptadas a partir de la década de los noventa. Se tomará como unidad de análisis a las familias que trabajaron o trabajan en la producción de hortalizas o frutales. Se realizarán combinaciones entre procedimientos Tipológicos a Priori; Históricos Comparativos y casos Unitarios. Se analizará las normativas vigentes en relación al uso y calidad del agua y del suelo; también imágenes satelitales para analizar los procesos de cambio en el uso del territorio y del recurso suelo. Se pretende realizar un aporte relacionado con el conocimiento de: la sustentabilidad de los sistemas productivos, la pobreza y los modos de vida de los productores fruti hortícolas que persistencia en ambientes degradados; en una franja intermedia entre el campo y la ciudad.
The recruitment of 0-group plaice to sandy beach nursery grounds in Galway Bay was examined, using a Riley push-net, from February to June in 2005 and 2006. Sampling was carried out every two weeks on spring tides. Three beaches were sampled, Ballyloughan, Silverstrand and Glann na Ri. Archived 0-group plaice, for Ballyloughan and Silverstrand, from 2004, were processed. Results were compared to findings from a previous study carried out in 2002 and 2003 (Allen 2004). Otolith microstructure analysis was used to determine hatching dates, larval duration, settlement dates, post-larval age and daily growth rates of 0-group plaice in April and May 2005. Results were compared to a previous study (Allen 2004). Hatching dates in Galway Bay ranged from late January to early April in 2005. No significant difference in hatching dates was observed between years or between beaches sampled. Larval duration of 0-group plaice in Galway Bay ranged from 21 to 45 days for fish sampled in April and May 2005. No significant difference was observed in larval age between beaches sampled in Galway Bay or between years in April 2003 and 2005. A significant difference was observed between larval age and years in May 2003 and 2005, however no significant difference was observed between beaches. Settlement timing was calculated using push-net data and otolith microstructure analysis. Settlement of 0-group plaice in Galway Bay generally started in early March and finished in May. Settlement patterns, calculated using otolith microstructure analysis, in 2003 and 2005, were not significantly different to one another. There was also no difference in settlement patterns between the beaches sampled. Results from the present study showed no spatial difference in the pelagic life cycle stages of fish caught in April and May 2003 and 2005.
The economic value of flounder from shore angling around Ireland was assessed. Flounder catches from shore angling tournaments around Ireland were related to domestic and overseas shore angling expenditure in order to determine an economic value for the species. Temporal trends in flounder angling catches, and specimen (trophy) flounder reports were also investigated. Flounder was found to be the most caught shore angling species in competitions around Ireland constituting roughly one third of the shore angling competition catch although this did vary by area. The total value of flounder from shore angling tourism was estimated to be of the order of €8.4 million. No significant temporal trends in flounder angling catches and specimen reports were found. Thus there is no evidence from the current study for any decline in flounder stocks. The population dynamics of 0-group flounder during the early benthic stage was investigated at estuarine sites in Galway Bay, west of Ireland. Information was analysed from the March to June sampling period over five years (2002 to 2006). Spatial and temporal variations in settlement and population length structure were analysed between beach and river habitats and sites. Settlement of flounder began from late March to early May of each year, most commonly in April. Peak settlement was usually in April or early May. Settlement was recorded earlier than elsewhere, although most commonly was similar to the southern part of the UK and northern France. Settlement was generally later in tidal rivers than on sandy beaches. Abundance of 0-group flounder in Galway Bay did not exhibit significant inter -annual variability. 0-group flounder were observed in dense aggregations of up to 105 m'2, which were patchy in distribution. Highest densities of 0-group flounder were recorded in limnetic and oligohaline areas as compared with the lower densities in polyhaline and to a lesser extent mesohaline areas. Measurements to of salinity allowed the classification of beaches, and tidal river sections near the mouth, into a salinity based scheme for length comparisons. Beaches were classified as polyhaline,the lower section of rivers as mesohaline, and the middle and upper sections as oligohaline. Over the March to June sampling period 0-group flounder utilised different sections at different length ranges and were significantly larger in more upstream sections. During initial settlement in April, 0-group flounder of 8-10 mm (standard length, SL) were present in abundance on polyhaline sandy beaches. By about 10mm (SL), flounder were present in all polyhaline, mesohaline and (oligohaline) sections. 0-group flounder became absent or in insignificant numbers in polyhaline and mesohaline sections in a matter of weeks after first appearance. From April to June, 0-group flounder of 12-30mm (SL) were found in more upstream locations in the oligohaline sections. About one month (May or June) after initial settlement, 0-group flounder became absent from the oligohaline sections. Concurrently, flounder start to reappear in mesohaline and polyhaline areas at approximately 30mm (SL) in June. The results indicate 0-group flounder in the early benthic stage are associated with low salinity areas, but as they grow, this association diminishes. Results strongly suggest that migration of 0-group flounder between habitats takes place during the early benthic phase.
Introduction: Obesity-related comorbidities are present in young obese children, providing a platform for early adult cardiovascular disorders. Objectives: To compare and correlate markers of adiposity to metabolic disturbances, vascular and cardiac morphology in a European pediatric obese cohort. Methods: We carried out an observational and transversal analysis in a cohort consisting of 121 obese children of both sexes, between the ages of 6 and 17 years. The control group consisted of 40 children with normal body mass index within the same age range. Markers of adiposity, plasma lipids and lipoproteins, homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance, common carotid artery intima-media thickness and left ventricular diameters were analyzed. Results: There were statistically significant differences between the control and obese groups for the variables analyzed, all higher in the obese group, except for age, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and adiponectin, higher in the control group. In the obese group, body mass index was directly correlated to left ventricular mass (r=0.542; p=0.001), the homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance (r=0.378; p=<0.001) and mean common carotid artery intima-media thickness (r=0.378; p=<0.001). In that same group, insulin resistance was present in 38.1%, 12.5% had a combined dyslipidemic pattern, and eccentric hypertrophy was the most common left ventricular geometric pattern. Conclusions: These results suggest that these markers may be used in clinical practice to stratify cardiovascular risk, as well as to assess the impact of weight control programs.
The study of pod corn seems still of much importance from different points of view. The phylogenetical importance of the tunicate factor as a wild type relic gene has been recently discussed in much detail by MANGELSDORF and REEVES (1939), and by BRIEGER (1943, 1944a e b). Selection experiments have shown that the pleiotropic effect of the Tu factor can be modified very extensively (BRIEGER 1944a) and some of the forms thus obtained permitt comparison of male and female inflorescences in corn and related grasses. A detailed discussion of the botanical aspect shall be given shortly. The genetic apect, finally, is the subject of the present publication. Pod corn has been obtained twice: São Paulo Pod Corn and Bolivia Pod Corn. The former came from one half ear left in our laboratory by a student and belongs to the type of corn cultivated in the State of São Paulo, while the other belongs to the Andean group, and has been received both through Dr. CARDENAS, President of the University at Cochabamba, Bolivia, and through Dr. H. C. CUTLER, Harvard University, who collected material in the Andes. The results of the studies may be summarized as follows: 1) In both cases, pod corn is characterized by the presence of a dominant Tu factor, localized in the fourth chromosome and linked with sul. The crossover value differs somewhat from the mean value of 29% given by EMERSON, BEADLE and FRAZER (1935) and was 25% in 1217 plants for São Paulo Pod Corn and 36,5% in 345 plants for Bolivia Pod Corn. However not much importance should be attributed to the quantitative differences. 2) Segregation was completely normal in Bolivia Pod Corn while São Paulo Pod Corn proved to be heterozygous for a new com uma eliminação forte, funcionam apenas 8% em vez de 50%. Existem cerca de 30% de "jcrossing-over entre o gen doce (Su/su) e o fator gametofítico; è cerca de 5% entre o gen Tu e o fator gametofítico. A ordem dos gens no cromosômio IV é: Ga4 - Tu - Sul. 3) Using BRIEGER'S formulas (1930, 1937a, 1937b) the following determinations were made. a) the elimination of ga4 pollen tubes may be strong or weak. In the former case only about 8% and in the latter 37% of ga4 pollen tubes function, instead of the 50% expected in normal heterozygotes. b) There is about 30,4% crossing-over between sul and ga4 and 5,3% between Tu and ga3, the order of the factors beeing Su 1 - Tu - Ga4. 4) The new gametophyte factor differs from the two others factors in the same chromosome, causing competition between pollen tubes. The factor Gal, ocupies another locus, considerably to the left of Sul (EMERSON, BEADLE AND FRAZSER, 1935). The gen spl ocupies another locus and causes a difference of the size of the pollen grains, besides an elimination of pollen tubes, while no such differences were observed in the case of the new factor Ga4. 5) It may be mentioned, without entering into a detailed discussion, that it seems remarquable that three of the few gametophyte factors, so far studied in detail are localized in chromosome four. Actuality there are a few more known (BRIEGER, TIDBURY AND TSENG 1938), but only one other has been localized so far, Ga2, in chromosome five between btl and prl. (BRIEGER, 1935). 6) The fourth chromosome of corn seems to contain other pecularities still. MANGELSDORF AND REEVES (1939) concluded that it carries two translocations from Tripsacum chromosomes, and BRIEGER (1944b) suggested that the tu allel may have been introduced from a tripsacoid ancestor in substitution of the wild type gene Tu at the beginning of domestication. Serious disturbances in the segregation of fourth chromosome factors have been observed (BRIEGER, unpublished) in the hybrids of Brazilian corn and Mexican teosinte, caused by gametophytic and possibly zygotic elimination. Future studies must show wether there is any relation between the frequency of factors, causing gametophyte elimination and the presence of regions of chromosomes, tranfered either from Tripsacum or a related species, by translocation or crossing-over.
The A. studied the use of "crescilin", a residual byproduct of penicillin manufacture. It has been recommended the proportion of 1 per cent and proclaimed to supply 400,000 U. O. per kg. The results obtained permited to conclude that 1 per cent of crescilin did not increase the growth of pigs.
n.s. no.91(1999)
Evolution of neotropical cricetine rodents (Muridae) with special reference to the phyllotine group.