1000 resultados para Anchieta Island


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Loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) are migratory, long-lived, and slow maturing. They are difficult to study because they are seen rarely and their habitats range over vast stretches of the ocean. Movements of immature turtles between pelagic and coastal developmental habitats are particularly difficult to investigate because of inadequate tagging technologies and the difficulty in capturing significant numbers of turtles at sea. However, genetic markers found in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) provide a basis for predicting the origin of juvenile turtles in developmental habitats. Mixed stock analysis was used to determine which nesting populations were contributing individuals to a foraging aggregation of immature loggerhead turtles (mean 63.3 cm straight carapace length [SCL]) captured in coastal waters off Hutchinson Island, Florida. The results indicated that at least three different western Atlantic loggerhead sea turtle subpopulations contribute to this group: south Florida (69%), Mexico (20%), and northeast Florida-North Carolina (10%). The conservation and management of these immature sea turtles is complicated by their multinational genetic demographics.


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This paper summarizes progress in an ongoing study of California's temperature trends. It supplements studies reported at PACLIM in 1984, 1986, and 1987. ... Objectives of this study are twofold: to examine and map the trends in maximum and minimum temperatures for the warm and cool seasons separately, and to examine regional differences in maximum and minimum temperature trends in California.


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Mafia waters in the western Indian Ocean on the east coast of Africa is a natural attractive area for fishing. It has extensive coral beds which harbour good fish life and attracts sport fishery in the area. About 12 commercially important fishes listed are caught by sports fishermen. The data indicates that this area can become an attractive centre for sports fishery almost throughout the year with peak season from November to February. Long-term planning of the fishery is necessary. The conservation measures should be evolved and gan fishing, dynamiting or any other kind of distructive fishing should be prohibited. This area has natural potential to become a sports fishing centre in the future and a great attraction for tourists and anglers.


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Problems in India regarding the management of various coastal saline soil and waterlogged environments are discussed in detail, considering in particular the potential application of mixed fish farming systems. Various operational and cost requirements of such systems are examined.


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Ichthyofauna was studied in the inshore waters around the Great Nicobar Island to assess the extent of biodiversity of fishery resources in the Great Nicobar waters by using various gears and crafts. During the present study, 258 species of fin fishes belonging to 141 genera, 84 families and 19 orders were recorded. Among these, Perciformes topped the list with 47 families, 84 genera and 169 species followed by Clupeiformes, Angulliformes, Tetrodoniformes, Cyprinodontiformes, Scorpaeniformes, Rajiformes, Elopiformes, Pleuronectiformes, Syluriformes, Laminiformes, Bercyformes, Aelopiformes, Syngathiformes and Gonorhychiformes which includes the medicinally important and ornamentally valuable species.


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Background: CpG islands, which are clusters of CpG dinucleotides in GC-rich regions, are considered gene markers and represent an important feature of mammalian genomes. Previous studies of CpG islands have largely been on specific loci or within one geno


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The larval development of the semiterrestrial sesarmid mangrove crab Neosarmarium trispinosum was studied under laboratory conditions at salinities 0-35%o and constant temperatures of 20-30°C. The larval development consists of five zoeal stages and a megalopa. Larvae survived to the first crab stage at salinities between 15 and 35%o with different percentages. At 0, 5 and 10%o, the larvae died within 12-18 hours without moulting to subsequent stages. The highest survival rate was recorded at 20-25%o and 25-30°C with shortest development duration to the first crab stage ranging from 24-28 days. At the highest salinity (35%o), survival rate was gradually decreased with increasing development duration. There were significant differences (P


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The stomach contents of two length-groups of the catfish Mystus gulio collected from Vemblai Canal in Vypeen Island (Kochi) were examined by frequency of occurrence and points methods. Analyses using standard indices proved difference in diet composition between the two size-groups.