995 resultados para American Chemical Society


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Pooled serum samples collected from 8132 residents in 2002/03 and 2004/05 were analyzed to assess human polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) concentrations from specified strata of the Australian population. The strata were defined by age (0−4 years, 5−15 years, < 16 years, 16−30 years, 31−45 years, 46−60 years, and >60 years); region; and gender. For both time periods, infants and older children had substantially higher PBDE concentrations than adults. For samples collected in 2004/05, the mean ± standard deviation ΣPBDE (sum of the homologue groups for the mono-, di-, tri-, tetra-, penta-, hexa-, hepta-, octa-, nona-, and deca-BDEs) concentrations for 0−4 and 5−15 years were 73 ± 7 and 29 ± 7 ng g−1 lipid, respectively, while for all adults >16 years, the mean concentration was lower at 18 ± 5 ng g−1 lipid. A similar trend was observed for the samples collected in 2002/03, with the mean ΣPBDE concentration for children <16 years being 28 ± 8 ng g−1 lipid and for the adults >16 years, 15 ± 5 ng g−1 lipid. No regional or gender specific differences were observed. Measured data were compared with a model that we developed to incorporate the primary known exposure pathways (food, air, dust, breast milk) and clearance (half-life) data. The model was used to predict PBDE concentration trends and indicated that the elevated concentrations in infants were primarily due to maternal transfer and breast milk consumption with inhalation and ingestion of dust making a comparatively lower contribution.


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The redox potentials of 25 cyclic nitroxides from four different structural classes (pyrrolidine, piperidine, isoindoline, and azaphenalene) were determined experimentally by cyclic voltammetry in acetonitrile, and also via high-level ab initio molecular orbital calculations. It is shown that the potentials are influenced by the type of ring system, ring substituents and/or groups surrounding the radical moiety. For the pyrrolidine, piperidine, and isoindolines there is excellent agreement (mean absolute deviation of 0.05 V) between the calculated and experimental oxidation potentials; for the azaphenalenes, however, there is an extraordinary discrepancy (mean absolute deviation of 0.60 V), implying that their one-electron oxidation might involve additional processes not considered in the theoretical calculations. This recently developed azaphenalene class of nitroxide represents a new variant of a nitroxide ring fused to an aromatic system and details of the synthesis of five derivatives involving differing aryl substitution are also presented.


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Free-radical processes underpin the thermo-oxidative degradation of polyolefins. Thus, to extend the lifetime of these polymers, stabilizers are generally added during processing to scavenge the free radicals formed as the polymer degrades. Nitroxide radical precursors, such as hindered amine stabilizers (HAS),1,2 are common polypropylene additives as the nitroxide moiety is a potent scavenger of polymer alkyl radicals (R¥). Oxidation of HAS by radicals formed during polypropylene degradation yields nitroxide radicals (RRNO¥), which rapidly trap the polymer degradation species to produce alkoxyamines, thus retarding oxidative polymer degradation. This increase in polymer stability is demonstrated by a lengthening of the “induction period” of the polymer (the time prior to a sharp rise in the oxidation of the polymer). Instrumental techniques such as chemiluminescence or infrared spectroscopy are somewhat limited in detecting changes in the polymer during the initial stages of degradation. Therefore, other methods for observing polymer degradation have been sought as the useful life of a polymer does not extend far beyond its “induction period”


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A common problem in the design of tissue engineered scaffolds using electrospun scaffolds is the poor cellular infiltration into the structure. To tackle this issue, three approaches to scaffold design using electrospinning were investigated: selective leaching of a water-soluble fiber phase (poly ethylene oxide (PEO) or gelatin), the use of micron-sized fibers as the scaffold, and a combination of micron-sized fibers with codeposition of a hyaluronic acid-derivative hydrogel, Heprasil. These designs were achieved by modifying a conventional electrospinning system with two charged capillaries and a rotating mandrel collector. Three types of scaffolds were fabricated: medical grade poly(epsilon-caprolactone)/collagen (mPCL/Col) cospun with PEO or gelatin, mPCL/Col meshes with micron-sized fibers, and mPCL/Col microfibers cosprayed with Heprasil. All three scaffold types supported attachment and proliferation of human fetal osteoblasts. However, selective leaching only marginally improved cellular infiltration when compared to meshes obtained by conventional electrospinning. Better cell penetration was seen in mPCL/Col microfibers, and this effect was more pronounced when Heprasil regions were present in the structure. Thus, such techniques could be further exploited for the design of cell permeable fibrous meshes for tissue engineering applications.


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In situ near-IR transmittance measurements have been used to characterize the density of trapped electrons in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs). Measurements have been made under a range experimental conditions including during open circuit photovoltage decay and during recording of the IV characteristic. The optical cross section of electrons at 940 nm was determined by relating the IR absorbance to the density of trapped electrons measured by charge extraction. The value, σn = 5.4 × 10-18 cm2, was used to compare the trapped electron densities in illuminated DSCs under open and short circuit conditions in order to quantify the difference in the quasi Fermi level, nEF. It was found that nEF for the cells studied was 250 meV over wide range of illuminat on intensities. IR transmittance measurements have also been used to quantify shifts in conduction band energy associated with dye adsorption.


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A new steady state method for determination of the electron diffusion length in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) is described and illustrated with data obtained using cells containing three different types of electrolyte. The method is based on using near-IR absorbance methods to establish pairs of illumination intensity for which the total number of trapped electrons is the same at open circuit (where all electrons are lost by interfacial electron transfer) as at short circuit (where the majority of electrons are collected at the contact). Electron diffusion length values obtained by this method are compared with values derived by intensity modulated methods and by impedance measurements under illumination. The results indicate that the values of electron diffusion length derived from the steady state measurements are consistently lower than the values obtained by the non steady-state methods. For all three electrolytes used in the study, the electron diffusion length was sufficiently high to guarantee electron collection efficiencies greater than 90%. Measurement of the trap distributions by near-IR absorption confirmed earlier observations of much higher electron trap densities for electrolytes containing Li+ ions. It is suggested that the electron trap distributions may not be intrinsic properties of the TiO2 nanoparticles, but may be associated with electron-ion interactions.


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Piezoelectric polymers based on polyvinylidene flouride (PVDF) are of interest as adaptive materials for large aperture space-based telescopes. In this study, two piezoelectric polymers, PVDF and P(VDF-TrFE), were exposed to conditions simulating the thermal, radiative and atomic oxygen conditions of low Earth orbit. The degradation pathways were governed by a combination of chemical and physical degradation processes with the molecular changes primarily induced via radiative damage, and physical damage from temperature and atomic oxygen exposure, as evident from depoling, loss of orientation and surface erosion. The piezoelectric responsiveness of each polymer was strongly dependent on exposure temperature. Radiation and atomic oxygen exposure caused physical and chemical degradation, which would ultimately cause terminal damage of thin films, but did not adversely affect the piezoelectric properties.


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The effects of simulated low earth orbit conditions on vinylidene-fluoride based thin-film piezoelectrics for use in lightweight, large surface area spacecraft such as telescope mirrors and antennae is presented. The environmental factors considered as having the greatest potential to cause damage are temperature, atomic oxygen and vacuum UV radiation. Using the piezoelectric strain coefficients and bimorph deflection measurements the piezoelectric performance over the temperature range -100 to +150°C was studied. The effects of simultaneous AO/VUV exposure were also examined and films characterized by their piezoelectric, surface, and thermal properties. Two fluorinated piezoelectric polymers, poly(vinylidene fluoride) and poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene), were adversely affected at elevated temperatures due to depoling caused by randomization of the dipole orientation, while AO/VUV contributed little to depoling but did cause significant surface erosion and, in the case of P(VDF-TrFE), bulk crosslinking. These results highlight the importance of materials selection for use in space environments.


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The removal of toxic anions has been achieved using hydrotalcite via two methods: (1) coprecipitation and (2) thermal activation. Hydrotalcite formed via the coprecipitation method, using solutions containing arsenate and vanadate up to pH 10, are able to remove more than 95% of the toxic anions (0.2 M) from solution. The removal of toxic anions in solutions with a pH of >10 reduces the removal uptake percentage to 75%. Raman spectroscopy observed multiple A1 stretching modes of V−O and As−O at 930 and 810 cm−1, assigned to vanadate and arsenate, respectively. Analysis of the intensity and position of the A1 stretching modes helped to identify the vanadate and arsenate specie intercalated into the hydrotalcite structure. It has been determined that 3:1 hydrotalcite structure predominantly intercalate anions into the interlayer region, while the 2:1 and 4:1 hydrotalcite structures shows a large portion of anions being removed from solution by adsorption processes. Treatment of carbonate solutions (0.2 M) containing arsenate and vanadate (0.2 M) three times with thermally activated hydrotalcite has been shown to remove 76% and 81% of the toxic anions, respectively. Thermally activated hydrotalcite with a Mg:Al ratio of 2:1, 3:1, and 4:1 have all been shown to remove 95% of arsenate and vanadate (25 ppm). At increased concentrations of arsenate and vanadate, the removal uptake percentage decreased significantly, except for the 4:1 thermally activated hydrotalcite. Thermally activated Bayer hydrotalcite has also been shown to be highly effective in the removal of arsenate and vanadate. The thermal activation of the solid residue component (red mud) removes 30% of anions from solution (100 ppm of both anions), while seawater-neutralized red mud removes 70%. The formation of hydrotalcite during the seawater neutralization process removes anions via two mechanisms, rather than one observed for thermally activated red mud.


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Ultrathin films of a poly(styrene)-block-poly(2-vinylpyrindine) diblock copolymer (PS-b-P2VP) and poly(styrene)-block-poly(4-vinylpyrindine) diblock copolymer (PS-b-P4VP) were used to form surface-induced nanopattern (SINPAT) on mica. Surface interaction controlled microphase separation led to the formation of chemically heterogeneous surface nanopatterns on dry ultrathin films. Two distinct nanopatterned surfaces, namely, wormlike and dotlike patterns, were used to investigate the influence of topography in the nanometer range on cell adhesion, proliferation, and migration. Atomic force microscopy was used to confirm that SINPAT was stable under cell culture conditions. Fibroblasts and mesenchymal progenitor cells were cultured on the nanopatterned surfaces. Phase contrast and confocal laser microscopy showed that fibroblasts and mesenchymal progenitor cells preferred the densely spaced wormlike patterns. Atomic force microscopy showed that the cells remodelled the extracellular matrix differently as they migrate over the two distinctly different nanopatterns


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Along with their essential role in electricity transmission and distribution, some powerlines also generate large concentrations of corona ions. This study aimed at comprehensive investigation of corona ions, vertical dc e-field, ambient aerosol particle charge and particle number concentration levels in the proximity of some high/sub-transmission voltage powerlines. The influence of meteorology on the instantaneous value of these parameters, and the possible existence of links or associations between the parameters measured were also statistically investigated. The presence of positive and negative polarities of corona ions was associated with variation in the mean vertical dc e-field, ambient ion and particle charge concentration level. Though these variations increased with wind speed, their values also decreased with distance from the powerlines. Predominately positive polarities of ions were recorded up to a distance of 150 m (with the maximum values recorded 50 m downwind of the powerlines). At 200 m from the source, negative ions predominated. Particle number concentration levels however remained relatively constant (103 particle cm-3) irrespective of the sampling site and distance from the powerlines. Meteorological factors of temperature, humidity and wind direction showed no influence on the electrical parameters measured. The study also discovered that e-field measurements were not necessarily a true representation of the ground-level ambient ion/particle charge concentrations.


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We alternately measured on-road and in-vehicle ultrafine (<100 nm) particle (UFP) concentration for 5 passenger vehicles that comprised an age range of 18 years. A range of cabin ventilation settings were assessed during 301 trips through a 4 km road tunnel in Sydney, Australia. Outdoor airflow(ventilation) rates under these settings were quantified on open roads using tracer gas techniques. Significant variability in tunnel trip average median in-cabin/on-road (I/O) UFP ratios was observed (0.08 to ∼1.0). Based on data spanning all test automobiles and ventilation settings, a positive linear relationship was found between outdoor air flow rate and I/O ratio, with the former accounting for a substantial proportion of variation in the latter (R2 ) 0.81). UFP concentrations recorded in cabin during tunnel travel were significantly higher than those reported by comparable studies performed on open roadways. A simple mathematical model afforded the ability to predict tunnel trip average in-cabin UFP concentrations with good accuracy. Our data indicate that under certain conditions, in-cabin UFP exposures incurred during tunnel travel may contribute significantly to daily exposure. The UFP exposure of automobile occupants appears strongly related to their choice of ventilation setting and vehicle.