382 resultados para Amblyomma parvum
The lethality and distribution of rabies virus were evaluated in swiss mice experimentally infected with street rabies virus, vaccinated and submitted to immunomodulation by P. acnes (formerly Corynebacterium parvum). The animals were sacrificed at different times,when the different tissues were collected and submitted to fluorescent antibody test (FAT) and mouse inoculation test (MIT). The group submitted to vaccination and P. acnes treatment presented a percentage of survival superior to that observed in infected mice only treated with P. acnes. Control infected animals had the lowest survival rates. The distribution of rabies virus in spleen of infected mice, vaccinated and submitted to P. acnes was superior to that verified in infected mice not treated with P. acnes. The increased survival correlated with the distribution of rabies virus in lymphoid tissues, could be interpreted as the consequence of P. acnes activity on macrophages. The results suggest the role of macrophages against rabies virus infection in mice and the importance of vaccination in the post expositive treatment of rabies. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Brazilian spotted fever is caused by the bacterium Rickettsia rickettsii, which is the most pathogenic species of the spotted-fever rickettsiae group and is transmitted by the bite of infected ticks. Amblyomma cajennense is the most important tick species involved in the cycle of this zoonosis in Brazil as it presents low host specificity, great number of natural reservoirs and wide geographic distribution. It was first described in the state of São Paulo in 1929 and later in Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and Bahia. The number of cases decreased in the 1940's with the development of new plague control techniques and antibiotics. In the last decades, the number of new cases has increased. The current review aimed at reporting some of the epidemiological and public health aspects of this reemergent disease with new foci, mainly in the southeastern region of Brazil.
The objective of this study was to obtain information of epidemiological nature through genotypic characterization of Cryptosporidium isolates from dogs, cats and bovines from the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The extraction of DNA from oocysts was carried out and polymerase chain reaction was accomplished using specific primers to 18S rRNA gene. The amplicons were directed sequenced. Seven cat samples, nine dog samples and nine bovine samples were analysed. From the seven cat samples the genotypic analyses revealed Cryptosporidium felis in all. These were the first genotypic characterization of Cryptosporidium from domestic felines in Brazil. In nine sequenced samples from dogs, genotypic identities compatible with Cryptosporidium canis were revealed in all samples. The genotypic analyses in bovines revealed Cryptosporidium parvum in eight samples and Cryptosporidium bovis in another sample, the last one being a non-zoonotic species, not related to clinical symptoms and described for the first time in Brazil. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar, por meio de revisão de literatura, os resultados de pesquisas sobre a criptosporidiose no Brasil, com ênfase em sua ocorrência em animais e suas implicações em medicina veterinária e em saúde pública. Um número crescente de trabalhos sobre a infecção por Cryptosporidium spp. no Brasil está disponível na literatura nacional e internacional. Nestes trabalhos, são abordados principalmente aspectos relacionados à ocorrência de Cryptosporidium spp. em alimentos, amostras ambientais, no homem e em diversas espécies animais, particularmente em aves, bovinos, cães e gatos. Por meio de técnicas de biologia molecular, a maioria das espécies e alguns genótipos identificados em outros países foram descritos no Brasil. em mamíferos, houve identificação de C. bovis, C. canis, C. felis, C. meleagridis, C. parvum e o genótipo cervídeo; em diversas espécies de aves, foi descrita infecção por C. baileyi, C. galli, C. meleagridis, C. parvum e pelos genótipos I, II e III de aves. Várias espécies foram descritas no homem, como C. parvum e C. hominis, além de algumas espécies adaptadas a hospedeiros animais, como C. canis, C. felis e C. meleagridis.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The occurrence of ectoparasites in sheep flocks is frequently reported but seldom quantified. Sheep production used to be a predominantly family activity in the state of São Paulo (Brazil), but it began to become a commercial activity in the past decade. Thus, information about the ectoparasites existing in sheep flocks has become necessary. The present data were obtained by means of questionnaires sent to all sheep breeders belonging to the 'Associação Paulista de Criadores de Ovinos' (ASPACO; São Paulo State Association of Sheep Breeders). Response reliability was tested by means of random visits paid to 10.6% of the respondents. Most of the properties (89.5%) reported the presence of one or more ectoparasites. Screw-worm (Cochliomyia hominivorax) was the most frequent ectoparasite (72.5%), followed by bot fly larvae (Dermatobia hominis, 45.0%), ticks (Amblyomma cajennense) and Boophilus microplus, 31.3%) and finally lice (Damalinia ovis, 13.8%). Combined infestations also occurred, the most common one being screw-worm with bot fly larvae (36.0%) followed by bot fly larvae with ticks (13.9%), screw-worm with ticks (9.3%), bot fly larvae with lice (6.9%), and ticks with lice (5.0%). The most common triple combination was screw-worm, bot fly larvae and ticks (12.8%). Breeds raised for meat or wool were attacked by bot fly larvae and ticks more often than other breeds. Lice were only absent from animals of indigenous breeds. The relationships among these ectoparasites are discussed in terms of sheep breeds, flock size, seasonality and the ectoparasitic combinations on the host.
Hepatozoon canis is a tick-borne protozoan that infects dogs and has been reported throughout the world. Manifestation of H. canis infection varies from being sub-clinical in apparently healthy dogs to severe illness. The main vector of the infection is the dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus although other species may also transmit this agent. H. canis has been reported previously in Brazil, but mostly as an occasional finding during laboratory exams and always associated with other diseases. The prevalence of H. canis in dogs of rural areas of Brazil has been little studied. For this study, 250 dogs from seven counties of Rio de Janeiro state were examined. All the dogs were from rural areas, near forest. of the dogs examined, 26 dogs were from Seropedica, 82 from Itaguai, 41 from Paracambi, 26 from Mangaratiba, 32 from Barra do Pirai, 32 from Pirai and 11 from Miguel Pereira. Blood smears from the peripheral blood of the ear were taken and ticks found on the dogs were collected for identification in the laboratory. Using blood smear evaluation, H. canis was identified in 39.2% of the animals examined. Other hemoparasites identified were Babesia canis (5.2%) and Ehrlichia canis (4.8%). Four tick species were found parasitizing the dogs: Amblyomma cajennense (23.6%), R. sanguineus (12.4%), Amblyomma aureolatum (2.8%) and Amblyomma ovale (2.0%). There was a positive correlation between the presence of A. cajennense and H. canis infection. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The status of Babesia spp. infection in dogs from rural areas of São Paulo State, Brazil was Studied. For this, l 50 animals were examined by blood smears and by PCR; the presence of tick infestation was also investigated. By the blood smear examination, 3 animals (2%) were detected positive and by PCR for Babesia spp. 12 (8%) were positive, with bands Visualized in 450 bp. Rhipicephalus sanguineus or Amblyomma spp. were found on 36 (24%) of the 150 dogs. Amblyomma species found were A. cajennense (9/36-25%) and A. ovale (9/36-25%). It was not possible to correlate the presence of R. sanguineus and the infection with Babesia spp. The sequencing of four positive samples demonstrated close identity with B. canis vogeli already characterized in Brazil.
No presente trabalho caracterizou-se a população de ectoparasitos em cães de núcleo de expansão urbana de Juiz de Fora, MG. As coletas foram realizadas de julho a setembro de 2003, examinando-se 101 cães SRD (sem raça definida). Os ectoparasitos foram coletados através de inspeção visual e tátil dos animais e acondicionados em frascos com etanol 70°GL e identificados sob estereoscopia. Espécimes foram clarificados e montados para análise em microscopia fotônica. Dentre os sifonápteros, Ctenocephalides felis foi mais prevalente (64,35%) com intensidade média de 6,12 ± 5,37 sifonápteros/cão, seguido por Rhopalopsyllus lutzi (3,96%), híbrida C. felis X C. canis (1,98%), Tunga penetrans (1,98%). Aúnica espécie de fitiráptero encontrada foi Trichodectes canis (7,92%) com 1,3 ± 0,51 fitiráptero/cão. Dentre os ixodídeos, Rhipicephalus sanguineus foi a espécie mais prevalente (49,50%) com intensidade média de 6,44 ± 10,2 ixodídeos/ cão, seguido por Amblyomma cajennense (3,96%), Boophilus microplus (2,97%), A. ovale (1%) e A. aureolatum (1%). As ninfas de ixodídeos foram separadas em ninfas de Amblyomminae (58,41%) com 10,11 ± 10,09 ninfas/cão e ninfas Rhipicephalinae (24,75%) com 2,64 ± 3,25 ninfas/cão. em 3,96 % dos cães foram encontradas larvas de ixodídeo.
Infecções oportunistas do trato gastrointestinal constituem ameaça à população crescente de portadores de imunossupressão. O comprometimento do estômago por Cryptosporidium é incomum. Quando identificado no exame histopatológico da mucosa gástrica, é mandatória a investigação do estado imunológico do hospedeiro. São apresentados os dados clinicopatológicos e endoscópicos de uma paciente de 64 anos com gastrite erosiva associada à infecção por Cryptosporidium. O encontro deste agente oportunista no exame histopatológico da mucosa gástrica foi fundamental para esclarecer a doença de base da paciente, que era a síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida.
Pesquisou-se a presença de anticorpos contra Borrelia burgdorferi latu sensu em cães de áreas rurais de sete municípios do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, pelo ensaio imunoenzimático indireto, associando-se os resultados com a presença de carrapatos nestes animais. de 199 cães examinados, 15,58% estavam positivos, com títulos que variaram de 400 (13,57%) a 1600 (0,5%). Os casos positivos se distribuíram uniformemente nos sete municípios. Não houve diferença estatística (P > 0,05) de soropositivos entre as faixas etárias dos cães acima de seis meses. Carrapatos foram encontrados e coletados em 71 (35,68%) cães, dos quais 24,1% estavam infestados com Amblyomma cajennense, 13,6% com Rhipicephalus sanguineus, 2,5% com Amblyomma aureolatum e 1,5% com Amblyomma ovale. Dos animais soropositivos para B. burgdorferi, 38,7% apresentavam A. cajennense e 22,6% apresentavam R. sanguineus, não havendo, entretanto, correlação positiva entre a presença do carrapato e sorologia positiva.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Foram coletados espécimes de carrapatos em 1993, 1996, 1997, e 1998, principalmente de animais selvagens e domésticos, nas Regiões Sudeste e Centro-oeste do Brasil. Nove espécies de Amblyommidae foram identificadas: Anocentor Nitens, Amblyomma cajennense, Amblyomma ovale, Amblyomma fulvum, Amblyomma striatum, Amblyomma rotundatum, Boophilus microplus, Boophilus annulatus e Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Analisou-se o potencial destas nove espécies de carrapatos como transmissores de patógenos para o homem. Um Flaviviridade Flavivirus foi isolado de espécimes de Amblyomma cajennense coletados de um capivara doente (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris). Amblyomma cajennense é o transmissor principal da Rickettsia rickettsii (=R. rickettsi), o agente causador da febre maculosa no Brasil. Os mamíferos selvagens, principalmente capivaras e veados infestados por carrapatos vivem em próximo contato com gado, cavalos e cachorros, com quem compartilham os mesmos carrapatos, oferecendo risco de transmissão destas zoonoses silvestres aos animais domésticos e ao homem.