897 resultados para Active vibration control
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEB
[EN] PURPOSE: To determine the volume and degree of asymmetry of the musculus rectus abdominis (RA) in professional tennis players. METHODS: The volume of the RA was determined using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in 8 professional male tennis players and 6 non-active male control subjects. RESULTS: Tennis players had 58% greater RA volume than controls (P = 0.01), due to hypertrophy of both the dominant (34% greater volume, P = 0.02) and non-dominant (82% greater volume, P = 0.01) sides, after accounting for age, the length of the RA muscle and body mass index (BMI) as covariates. In tennis players, there was a marked asymmetry in the development of the RA, which volume was 35% greater in the non-dominant compared to the dominant side (P<0.001). In contrast, no side-to-side difference in RA volume was observed in the controls (P = 0.75). The degree of side-to-side asymmetry increased linearly from the first lumbar disc to the pubic symphysis (r = 0.97, P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Professional tennis is associated with marked hypertrophy of the musculus rectus abdominis, which achieves a volume that is 58% greater than in non-active controls. Rectus abdominis hypertrophy is more marked in the non-dominant than in the dominant side, particularly in the more distal regions. Our study supports the concept that humans can differentially recruit both rectus abdominis but also the upper and lower regions of each muscle. It remains to be determined if this disequilibrium raises the risk of injury.
[EN] PURPOSE: To determine the volume and degree of asymmetry of the rectus abdominis muscle (RA) in professional soccer players. METHODS: The volume of the RA was determined using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in 15 professional male soccer players and 6 non-active male control subjects. RESULTS: Soccer players had 26% greater RA volume than controls (P<0.05), due to hypertrophy of both the dominant (28% greater volume, P<0.05) and non-dominant (25% greater volume, P<0.01) sides, after adjusting for age, length of the RA muscle and body mass index (BMI) as covariates. Total volume of the dominant side was similar to the contralateral in soccer players (P = 0.42) and in controls (P = 0.75) (Dominant/non-dominant = 0.99, in both groups). Segmental analysis showed a progressive increase in the degree of side-to-side asymmetry from the first lumbar disc to the pubic symphysis in soccer players (r = 0.80, P<0.05) and in controls (r = 0.75, P<0.05). The slope of the relationship was lower in soccer players, although this trend was not statistically significant (P = 0.14). CONCLUSIONS: Professional soccer is associated with marked hypertrophy of the rectus abdominis muscle, which achieves a volume that is 26% greater than in non-active controls. Soccer induces the hypertrophy of the non-dominant side in proximal regions and the dominant side in regions closer to pubic symphysis, which attenuates the pattern of asymmetry of rectus abdominis observed in non-active population. It remains to be determined whether the hypertrophy of rectus abdominis in soccer players modifies the risk of injury.
BACKGROUND Accurate needle placement is crucial for the success of percutaneous radiological needle interventions. We compared three guiding methods using an optical-based navigation system: freehand, using a stereotactic aiming device and active depth control, and using a stereotactic aiming device and passive depth control. METHODS For each method, 25 punctures were performed on a non-rigid phantom. Five 1 mm metal screws were used as targets. Time requirements were recorded, and target positioning errors (TPE) were measured on control scans as the distance between needle tip and target. RESULTS Time requirements were reduced using the aiming device and passive depth control. The Euclidian TPE was similar for each method (4.6 ± 1.2-4.9 ± 1.7 mm). However, the lateral component was significantly lower when an aiming device was used (2.3 ± 1.3-2.8 ± 1.6 mm with an aiming device vs 4.2 ± 2.0 mm without). DISCUSSION Using an aiming device may increase the lateral accuracy of navigated needle insertion.
Mutualism with our intestinal microbiota is a prerequisite for healthy existence. This requires physical separation of the majority of the microbiota from the host (by secreted antimicrobials, mucus, and the intestinal epithelium) and active immune control of the low numbers of microbes that overcome these physical and chemical barriers, even in healthy individuals. In this review, we address how B-cell responses to members of the intestinal microbiota form a robust network with mucus, epithelial integrity, follicular helper T cells, innate immunity, and gut-associated lymphoid tissues to maintain host-microbiota mutualism.
During the cruise the turbulence probe MSS050 was used for microstructure measurements. The profiler is produced by Sea and Sun Technology GmbH in co-operation with ISW Wassermesstechnik. The probe was equipped with 2 velocity microstructure shear sensors, a microstructure temperature sensor, standard CTD sensors for precision measurements, a vibration control sensor, a two component tilt sensor, a fluorescence sensor and surface detection sensor (SD) to indicate the water surface hit at rising measurements. The sampling rate for all sensors is 1024 samples per second, the resolution 16 bit. During the MSS measurements, the ship was moving with speed approx. 0.5-1.0 knots with respect to the water against the wind. In order to take into account the intermittent nature of marine turbulence, repeated MSS measurements were carried out in bursts of typically 10 profiles per station. The measurement interval was approximately 7 (10) min for a profile to 140 (200) dbar. During JC87 cruise 8 series of turbulence measurements were conducted. Fluorescence data was obtained on the 5 of them.
El control, o cancelación activa de ruido, consiste en la atenuación del ruido presente en un entorno acústico mediante la emisión de una señal igual y en oposición de fase al ruido que se desea atenuar. La suma de ambas señales en el medio acústico produce una cancelación mutua, de forma que el nivel de ruido resultante es mucho menor al inicial. El funcionamiento de estos sistemas se basa en los principios de comportamiento de los fenómenos ondulatorios descubiertos por Augustin-Jean Fresnel, Christiaan Huygens y Thomas Young entre otros. Desde la década de 1930, se han desarrollado prototipos de sistemas de control activo de ruido, aunque estas primeras ideas eran irrealizables en la práctica o requerían de ajustes manuales cada poco tiempo que hacían inviable su uso. En la década de 1970, el investigador estadounidense Bernard Widrow desarrolla la teoría de procesado adaptativo de señales y el algoritmo de mínimos cuadrados LMS. De este modo, es posible implementar filtros digitales cuya respuesta se adapte de forma dinámica a las condiciones variables del entorno. Con la aparición de los procesadores digitales de señal en la década de 1980 y su evolución posterior, se abre la puerta para el desarrollo de sistemas de cancelación activa de ruido basados en procesado de señal digital adaptativo. Hoy en día, existen sistemas de control activo de ruido implementados en automóviles, aviones, auriculares o racks de equipamiento profesional. El control activo de ruido se basa en el algoritmo fxlms, una versión modificada del algoritmo LMS de filtrado adaptativo que permite compensar la respuesta acústica del entorno. De este modo, se puede filtrar una señal de referencia de ruido de forma dinámica para emitir la señal adecuada que produzca la cancelación. Como el espacio de cancelación acústica está limitado a unas dimensiones de la décima parte de la longitud de onda, sólo es viable la reducción de ruido en baja frecuencia. Generalmente se acepta que el límite está en torno a 500 Hz. En frecuencias medias y altas deben emplearse métodos pasivos de acondicionamiento y aislamiento, que ofrecen muy buenos resultados. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un sistema de cancelación activa de ruidos de carácter periódico, empleando para ello electrónica de consumo y un kit de desarrollo DSP basado en un procesador de muy bajo coste. Se han desarrollado una serie de módulos de código para el DSP escritos en lenguaje C, que realizan el procesado de señal adecuado a la referencia de ruido. Esta señal procesada, una vez emitida, produce la cancelación acústica. Empleando el código implementado, se han realizado pruebas que generan la señal de ruido que se desea eliminar dentro del propio DSP. Esta señal se emite mediante un altavoz que simula la fuente de ruido a cancelar, y mediante otro altavoz se emite una versión filtrada de la misma empleando el algoritmo fxlms. Se han realizado pruebas con distintas versiones del algoritmo, y se han obtenido atenuaciones de entre 20 y 35 dB medidas en márgenes de frecuencia estrechos alrededor de la frecuencia del generador, y de entre 8 y 15 dB medidas en banda ancha. ABSTRACT. Active noise control consists on attenuating the noise in an acoustic environment by emitting a signal equal but phase opposed to the undesired noise. The sum of both signals results in mutual cancellation, so that the residual noise is much lower than the original. The operation of these systems is based on the behavior principles of wave phenomena discovered by Augustin-Jean Fresnel, Christiaan Huygens and Thomas Young. Since the 1930’s, active noise control system prototypes have been developed, though these first ideas were practically unrealizable or required manual adjustments very often, therefore they were unusable. In the 1970’s, American researcher Bernard Widrow develops the adaptive signal processing theory and the Least Mean Squares algorithm (LMS). Thereby, implementing digital filters whose response adapts dynamically to the variable environment conditions, becomes possible. With the emergence of digital signal processors in the 1980’s and their later evolution, active noise cancellation systems based on adaptive signal processing are attained. Nowadays active noise control systems have been successfully implemented on automobiles, planes, headphones or racks for professional equipment. Active noise control is based on the fxlms algorithm, which is actually a modified version of the LMS adaptive filtering algorithm that allows compensation for the acoustic response of the environment. Therefore it is possible to dynamically filter a noise reference signal to obtain the appropriate cancelling signal. As the noise cancellation space is limited to approximately one tenth of the wavelength, noise attenuation is only viable for low frequencies. It is commonly accepted the limit of 500 Hz. For mid and high frequencies, conditioning and isolating passive techniques must be used, as they produce very good results. The objective of this project is to develop a noise cancellation system for periodic noise, by using consumer electronics and a DSP development kit based on a very-low-cost processor. Several C coded modules have been developed for the DSP, implementing the appropriate signal processing to the noise reference. This processed signal, once emitted, results in noise cancellation. The developed code has been tested by generating the undesired noise signal in the DSP. This signal is emitted through a speaker simulating the noise source to be removed, and another speaker emits an fxlms filtered version of the same signal. Several versions of the algorithm have been tested, obtaining attenuation levels around 20 – 35 dB measured in a tight bandwidth around the generator frequency, or around 8 – 15 dB measured in broadband.
Entre os vários fatores que contribuem para a produção de uma cultura de milho, a distribuição vertical dos semeadores avaliada através da localização da semente em profundidade é um fator-chave, especialmente na técnica de sementeira direta. Simultaneamente, dada a complexidade dos ecossistemas naturais e agrícolas em sistemas de agricultura de conservação, a gestão diferenciada e localizada das parcelas assume um importante papel na análise e gestão da variabilidade das propriedades do solo e estabelecimento das culturas, nomeadamente utilizando informação geo referenciada e tecnologia expedita. Assim, o principal objetivo desta Tese foi a avaliação em culturas de milho da variabilidade espacial da localização de semente em profundidade e estabelecimento da cultura em sementeira direta usando sistemas convencionais de controlo de profundidade, tendo-se comparado com diferentes sistemas de mobilização e recorrendo a tecnologias de agricultura de precisão. Os ensaios decorreram na região Mediterrânea do Alentejo, em propriedades agrícolas no decorrer das campanhas de 2010, 2011, 2012 e 2015 em 6 diferentes campos experimentais. O trabalho experimental consistiu em ensaios com avaliações in loco do solo e cultura, consumo de combustível das operações e deteção remota. Os resultados obtidos indicam que não só o sistema de mobilização afetou a localização da semente em profundidade, como em sementeira direta a profundidade de sementeira foi afetada pelo teor de humidade do solo, resistência do solo à profundidade e velocidade da operação de sementeira. Adicionalmente observaram-se condições heterogéneas de emergência e estabelecimento da cultura afetadas por condições físicas de compactação do solo. Comparando os diferentes sistemas de mobilização, obteve-se uma significativa redução de combustível para a técnica de sementeira direta, apesar de se terem observado diferenças estatísticas significativas considerando diferentes calibrações de profundidade de sementeira Do trabalho realizado nesta Tese ressalva-se a importância que as tecnologias de agricultura de precisão podem ter no acompanhamento e avaliação de culturas em sementeira direta, bem como a necessidade de melhores procedimentos no controlo de profundidade dos semeadores pelo respetivos operadores ou ao invés, a adoção de semeadores com mecanismos ativos de controlo de profundidade. ABSTRACT Among the various factors that contribute towards producing a successful maize crop, seeders vertical distribution evaluated through seed depth placement is a key determinant, especially under a no-tillage technique. At the same time in conservation agriculture systems due to the complexity of natural and agricultural ecosystems site specific management became an important approach to understand and manage the variability of soil properties and crop establishment, especially when using geo spatial information and affording readily technology Thus, the main objective of this Thesis was to evaluate the spatial variability of seed depth placement and crop establishment in maize crops under no-tillage conditions compared to different tillage systems, using conventional seed depth control no till seeders and precision farming technologies. Trials were carried out in the Mediterranean region of Alentejo, in private farms along the sowing operations season over the years 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2015 in 6 different experimental fields. Experimental work covered field tests with in loco soil and crop evaluations, fuel operation evaluations and aerial sensing. The results obtained indicate that not only tillage system affected seed depth placement but under no till conditions seed depth was affected by soil moisture content, soil resistance to penetration and seeders forward speed. In addition uneven crop seedling and establishment depended on seed depth placement and could be affected by physical problems of compaction layers. Significant reduction in fuel consumption was observed for no till operations although significant differences observed according to different setting calibrations of seed depth control. According to the results, precision agriculture is an important tool to evaluate crops under no till conditions and seed depth mechanisms should be more accurate by the operators or is determinant the adoption of new active depth control technology to improve seeders performance.
The purpose of this Project is, first and foremost, to disclose the topic of nonlinear vibrations and oscillations in mechanical systems and, namely, nonlinear normal modes NNMs to a greater audience of researchers and technicians. To do so, first of all, the dynamical behavior and properties of nonlinear mechanical systems is outlined from the analysis of a pair of exemplary models with the harmonic balanced method. The conclusions drawn are contrasted with the Linear Vibration Theory. Then, it is argued how the nonlinear normal modes could, in spite of their limitations, predict the frequency response of a mechanical system. After discussing those introductory concepts, I present a Matlab package called 'NNMcont' developed by a group of researchers from the University of Liege. This package allows the analysis of nonlinear normal modes of vibration in a range of mechanical systems as extensions of the linear modes. This package relies on numerical methods and a 'continuation algorithm' for the computation of the nonlinear normal modes of a conservative mechanical system. In order to prove its functionality, a two degrees of freedom mechanical system with elastic nonlinearities is analized. This model comprises a mass suspended on a foundation by means of a spring-viscous damper mechanism -analogous to a very simplified model of most suspended structures and machines- that has attached a mass damper as a passive vibration control system. The results of the computation are displayed on frequency energy plots showing the NNMs branches along with modal curves and time-series plots for each normal mode. Finally, a critical analysis of the results obtained is carried out with an eye on devising what they can tell the researcher about the dynamical properties of the system.
Poor hygienic practices and illness of restaurant employees are major contributors to the contamination of food and the occurrence of food-borne illness in the United States, costing the food industry and society billions of dollars each year. Risk factors associated with this problem include lack of proper handwashing; food handlers reporting to work sick; poor personal hygiene; and bare hand contact with ready-to-eat foods. However, traditional efforts to control these causes of food-borne illness by public health authorities have had limited impact, and have revealed the need for comprehensive and innovative programs that provide active managerial control over employee health and hygiene in restaurant establishments. Further, the introduction and eventual adoption by the food industry of such programs can be facilitated through the use of behavior-change theory. This Capstone Project develops a model program to assist restaurant owners and operators in exerting active control over health and hygiene in their establishments and provides theory-based recommendations for the introduction of the program to the food industry.
Objective: Five double-blind, randomized, saline-controlled trials (RCTs) were included in the United States marketing application for an intra-articular hyaluronan (IA-HA) product for the treatment of osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. We report an integrated analysis of the primary Case Report Form (CRF) data from these trials. Method. Trials were similar in design, patient population and outcome measures - all included the Lequesne Algofunctional Index (LI), a validated composite index of pain and function, evaluating treatment over 3 months. Individual patient data were pooled; a repeated measures analysis of covariance was performed in the intent-to-treat (ITT) population. Analyses utilized both fixed and random effects models. Safety data from the five RCTs were summarized. Results: A total of 1155 patients with radiologically confirmed knee OA were enrolled: 619 received three or five IA-HA injections; 536 received. placebo saline injections. In the active and control groups, mean ages were 61.8 and 61.4 years; 62.4% and 58.8% were women; baseline total Lequesne scores 11.03 and 11.30, respectively. Integrated analysis of the pooled data set found a statistically significant reduction (P < 0.001) in total Lequesne score with hyaluronan (HA) (-2.68) vs placebo (-2.00); estimated difference -0.68 (95% CI: -0.56 to -0.79), effect size 0.20. Additional modeling approaches confirmed robustness of the analyses. Conclusions: This integrated analysis demonstrates that multiple design factors influence the results of RCTs assessing efficacy of intra-articular (IA) therapies, and that integrated analyses based on primary data differ from meta-analyses using transformed data. (C) 2006 OsteoArthritis Research Society International. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Magnetic levitation bearings eliminate friction, wear and the need for lubrication and so have high speed capability and potential for vibration control. One noteworthy development in the realm of magnetic levitation is the self-bearing or bearingless motor - an electromagnetic machine that supports its own rotor by way of magnetic forces generated by windings on its stator. Accordingly, various winding schemes have been proposed to accomplish the task of force production. This thesis proposes a novel concept of winding based on a bridge connection for polyphase self-bearing rotating electrical machines with the following advantages: • the connection uses a single set of windings and thus power loss is relatively low when compared with self-bearing motors with conventional dual set of windings. • the motor and levitation controls are segregated such that only one motor inverter is required for the normal torque production and levitation forces are produced by using auxiliary power supplies of relatively low current and voltage rating. The usual way of controlling the motor is retained. • there are many variant winding schemes to meet special needs. • independent power supplies for levitation control offer redundancy for fault tolerance. This thesis dwells specifically on the conceptual design and implementation of the proposed single set of windings scheme. The new connection has been verified to exhibit characteristics of a self-bearing motor via coupled-field finite element analysis: results are crosschecked analytically. Power loss and other aspects such as cost, design implementation are compared to support the newly proposed connection as a potential alternative to present designs.
This thesis examines options for high capacity all optical networks. Specifically optical time division multiplexed (OTDM) networks based on electro-optic modulators are investigated experimentally, whilst comparisons with alternative approaches are carried out. It is intended that the thesis will form the basis of comparison between optical time division multiplexed networks and the more mature approach of wavelength division multiplexed networks. Following an introduction to optical networking concepts, the required component technologies are discussed. In particular various optical pulse sources are described with the demanding restrictions of optical multiplexing in mind. This is followed by a discussion of the construction of multiplexers and demultiplexers, including favoured techniques for high speed clock recovery. Theoretical treatments of the performance of Mach Zehnder and electroabsorption modulators support the design criteria that are established for the construction of simple optical time division multiplexed systems. Having established appropriate end terminals for an optical network, the thesis examines transmission issues associated with high speed RZ data signals. Propagation of RZ signals over both installed (standard fibre) and newly commissioned fibre routes are considered in turn. In the case of standard fibre systems, the use of dispersion compensation is summarised, and the application of mid span spectral inversion experimentally investigated. For green field sites, soliton like propagation of high speed data signals is demonstrated. In this case the particular restrictions of high speed soliton systems are discussed and experimentally investigated, namely the increasing impact of timing jitter and the downward pressure on repeater spacings due to the constraint of the average soliton model. These issues are each addressed through investigations of active soliton control for OTDM systems and through investigations of novel fibre types respectively. Finally the particularly remarkable networking potential of optical time division multiplexed systems is established, and infinite node cascadability using soliton control is demonstrated. A final comparison of the various technologies for optical multiplexing is presented in the conclusions, where the relative merits of the technologies for optical networking emerges as the key differentiator between technologies.
Non-pharmacological interventions for cognitive impairment due to systemic cancer treatment (Review)
It is estimated that up to 75% of cancer survivors may experience cognitive impairment as a result of cancer treatment and given the increasing size of the cancer survivor population, the number of affected people is set to rise considerably in coming years. There is a need, therefore, to identify effective, non-pharmacological interventions for maintaining cognitive function or ameliorating cognitive impairment among people with a previous cancer diagnosis.
To evaluate the cognitive effects, non-cognitive effects, duration and safety of non-pharmacological interventions among cancer patients targeted at maintaining cognitive function or ameliorating cognitive impairment as a result of cancer or receipt of systemic cancer treatment (i.e. chemotherapy or hormonal therapies in isolation or combination with other treatments).
Search methods
We searched the Cochrane Centre Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE, Embase, PUBMED, Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) and PsycINFO databases. We also searched registries of ongoing trials and grey literature including theses, dissertations and conference proceedings. Searches were conducted for articles published from 1980 to 29 September 2015.
Selection criteria
Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of non-pharmacological interventions to improve cognitive impairment or to maintain cognitive functioning among survivors of adult-onset cancers who have completed systemic cancer therapy (in isolation or combination with other treatments) were eligible. Studies among individuals continuing to receive hormonal therapy were included. We excluded interventions targeted at cancer survivors with central nervous system (CNS) tumours or metastases, non-melanoma skin cancer or those who had received cranial radiation or, were from nursing or care home settings. Language restrictions were not applied.
Data collection and analysis
Author pairs independently screened, selected, extracted data and rated the risk of bias of studies. We were unable to conduct planned meta-analyses due to heterogeneity in the type of interventions and outcomes, with the exception of compensatory strategy training interventions for which we pooled data for mental and physical well-being outcomes. We report a narrative synthesis of intervention effectiveness for other outcomes.
Main results
Five RCTs describing six interventions (comprising a total of 235 participants) met the eligibility criteria for the review. Two trials of computer-assisted cognitive training interventions (n = 100), two of compensatory strategy training interventions (n = 95), one of meditation (n = 47) and one of physical activity intervention (n = 19) were identified. Each study focused on breast cancer survivors. All five studies were rated as having a high risk of bias. Data for our primary outcome of interest, cognitive function were not amenable to being pooled statistically. Cognitive training demonstrated beneficial effects on objectively assessed cognitive function (including processing speed, executive functions, cognitive flexibility, language, delayed- and immediate- memory), subjectively reported cognitive function and mental well-being. Compensatory strategy training demonstrated improvements on objectively assessed delayed-, immediate- and verbal-memory, self-reported cognitive function and spiritual quality of life (QoL). The meta-analyses of two RCTs (95 participants) did not show a beneficial effect from compensatory strategy training on physical well-being immediately (standardised mean difference (SMD) 0.12, 95% confidence interval (CI) -0.59 to 0.83; I2= 67%) or two months post-intervention (SMD - 0.21, 95% CI -0.89 to 0.47; I2 = 63%) or on mental well-being two months post-intervention (SMD -0.38, 95% CI -1.10 to 0.34; I2 = 67%). Lower mental well-being immediately post-intervention appeared to be observed in patients who received compensatory strategy training compared to wait-list controls (SMD -0.57, 95% CI -0.98 to -0.16; I2 = 0%). We assessed the assembled studies using GRADE for physical and mental health outcomes and this evidence was rated to be low quality and, therefore findings should be interpreted with caution. Evidence for physical activity and meditation interventions on cognitive outcomes is unclear.
Authors' conclusions
Overall, the, albeit low-quality evidence may be interpreted to suggest that non-pharmacological interventions may have the potential to reduce the risk of, or ameliorate, cognitive impairment following systemic cancer treatment. Larger, multi-site studies including an appropriate, active attentional control group, as well as consideration of functional outcomes (e.g. activities of daily living) are required in order to come to firmer conclusions about the benefits or otherwise of this intervention approach. There is also a need to conduct research into cognitive impairment among cancer patient groups other than women with breast cancer.
Background Many acute stroke trials have given neutral results. Sub-optimal statistical analyses may be failing to detect efficacy. Methods which take account of the ordinal nature of functional outcome data are more efficient. We compare sample size calculations for dichotomous and ordinal outcomes for use in stroke trials. Methods Data from stroke trials studying the effects of interventions known to positively or negatively alter functional outcome – Rankin Scale and Barthel Index – were assessed. Sample size was calculated using comparisons of proportions, means, medians (according to Payne), and ordinal data (according to Whitehead). The sample sizes gained from each method were compared using Friedman 2 way ANOVA. Results Fifty-five comparisons (54 173 patients) of active vs. control treatment were assessed. Estimated sample sizes differed significantly depending on the method of calculation (Po00001). The ordering of the methods showed that the ordinal method of Whitehead and comparison of means produced significantly lower sample sizes than the other methods. The ordinal data method on average reduced sample size by 28% (inter-quartile range 14–53%) compared with the comparison of proportions; however, a 22% increase in sample size was seen with the ordinal method for trials assessing thrombolysis. The comparison of medians method of Payne gave the largest sample sizes. Conclusions Choosing an ordinal rather than binary method of analysis allows most trials to be, on average, smaller by approximately 28% for a given statistical power. Smaller trial sample sizes may help by reducing time to completion, complexity, and financial expense. However, ordinal methods may not be optimal for interventions which both improve functional outcome