756 resultados para Academic genres
Objective. To ascertain goal orientations of pharmacy students and establish whether associations exist between academic performance, gender, or year of study. Methods. Goal orientations were assessed using a validated questionnaire. Respondents were categorized as high or low performers based on university grades. Associations and statistical significance were ascertained using parametric and nonparametric tests and linear regression, as appropriate. Results. A response rate of 60.7% was obtained. High performers were more likely to be female than male. The highest mean score was for mastery approach; the lowest for work avoidance. The mean score for work avoidance was significantly greater for low performers than for high performers and for males than for females. First-year students were most likely to have top scores in mastery and performance approaches. Conclusion. It is encouraging that the highest mean score was for mastery approach orientation, as goal orientation may play a role in academic performance of pharmacy students.
No abstract available
This chapter examines the ramifications of continental travel and associated epistolary communication for English poets of the period. It argues that recourse to neo-Latin, the universal language of diplomacy, served not only to establish a sense of shared space—linguistic, cultural, generic—between England and the continent, but also to signal self-conscious differences (climatic, geographical, historical, political) between England and her continental peers. Through an investigation of a range of ‘performances’ on stages that were ‘academic’, poetic, autobiographical, and epistolographic, it assesses the central role of neo-Latin as a language that underwent a series of textual itineraries. These ‘itineraries’ manifest themselves in a number of ways. Neo-Latin as a shared linguistic medium can facilitate, and quite uniquely so, intertextual engagement with the classics, but now ancient Rome, its language, its mythology, its hierarchy of genres, are viewed through a seventeenth-century lens and appropriated by poets in both England and Italy to describe contemporary events, whether personal, or political. Close examination of the neo-Latin poetry of Milton and Marvell reveals, it is argued, a self-fashioning coloured by such textual itineraries and interchanges. The absorption and replication of continental literary and linguistic methodologies (the academic debate; the etymological play of Marinism; the hybridity of neo-Latin and Italian voices) reveal in short a linguistic and textual reciprocity that gave birth to something very new.
This chapter discusses English Language Education at university and highlights a number of trends and their associated challenges in teaching and learning academic discourse. Academic discourse refers to the ways in which language is used by participants in academia. It encompasses written discourse, from article and book publishing, PhD theses to course assignments; spoken discourse, from study groups, tutorials, conference presentations to inaugural lectures; and more recently, computer-mediated discourse, from asynchronous text-based conferencing to academic blogs. The role of English language educators in preparing students and academics for successful participation in these academic events, or the academy, in English is not to be underestimated. Academic communication is not only vital to an individual’s success at university, but to the maintenance and creation of academic communities and to scientific progress itself (Hyland, 2009). This chapter presents an overview of academic discourse and discusses recent issues which have an impact on teaching and learning English at university and discusses their associated challenges: first, the increasing internationalisation of universities. Second, the emergence of a mobile academe in its broadest sense, in which students and academics move across traditional geopolitical, institutional and disciplinary boundaries, is discussed. Third, the growth of UK transnational higher education is examined as a trend which sees academics and students vicariously or otherwise involved in English language teaching and learning. Fourth, the chapter delves into the rapid and ongoing development in technology assisted and online learning. While responding to trends can be difficult, they can also inspire ingenuity. Furthermore, such trends and challenges will not emerge in the same manner in different contexts. The discussion in this chapter is illustrated with examples from a UK context but the implications of the trends and challenges are such that they reach beyond borders.
An overview of research and public policy debate on academic selection in Northern Ireland. The chapter examines the outcomes of the major investigation of the effects of the selective system of secondary education published in 2000, including a consideration of comparative evidence collected in Scotland. The paper outlines the debate which followed the publication of the Burns Report and presents the current state of play in policy and practice.
This paper reports on a research study to identify the nature of the profession of Organisation Development (OD) in the UK and how it has evolved over four decades. The study is designed to compare academic perspectives on OD with what is happening in the professional practice world. Three forms of data were collected for this study, content analysis of job advertisements from a four decade period, a bibliometric search and interviews with subject experts. The findings were analysed through the theory lens of institutional theory, the dissemination of ideas and fads and fashions in management. Emerging insights are that there is a difference between academic and practitioners development of the OD profession in the UK. The reasons for the difference have been explored in the discussion.
The purpose of this research study was to investigate and identify possible patterns relating to academic performance on the effects of university students self-selecting where to sit in a lecture theatre.
The key research questions are:
1. Does seating position affect student performance?
2. Do the most academically able and engaged students regularly sit at the front of lecture theatres?
Academic achievement
Preliminary results suggest significant assessment score differences between those that sit at the front and those that sit further the back. Of those that received a grade of 75%+ (Grade A) 6.67% regularly sat at the back. With the same group 46.67% regularly sat at the front. Of the group that scored less than 50% (Grade D) 0% of students regularly sat at the front. 12.50% regularly sat in the middle zones with 37.50% sitting at the back. It was also observed that the remaining numbers did not consistently sit in the same zone.
Temporal movement
There is little evidence of movement between seating zones of the Grade A group throughout the 24 week period. However there was considerable movement with the Grade D group. Although still under analysis there appears be a pattern of students in this group graduating towards the back seating positions over the course of the programme.
The frequency of completed entries on PinPoint was also used as an indicator of engagement. With the Grade A group 75% of them regularly completed an entry whereas in the Grade D group this drops to less than 50%.
Further analysis on the attitudinal factors in relational to seating position and performance are ongoing, but preliminary results suggest that those students that scored highly in attitude tended to sit at the front and middle sections.
It would indeed appear that the more highly engaged and academically capable students voluntarily sit at the front for most lectures. Interestingly as the course progresses those who had lesser engagement and below average midterm results tend to began to sit progressively toward the back. If this is a repeatable pattern then a linear regression analysis of the seating positions and midterm results could help predict students in danger of failing.
Ce mémoire porte sur la réception, par des lectrices de la génération X, de cinq oeuvres autofictionnelles écrites par les auteures québécoises Marie-Sissi Labrèche ( Borderline 2000 et La brèche 2003), Nelly Arcan (Putain 2001 et Folle 2004) et Mélikah Abdelmoumen (Le dégoût du bonheur 2001), lesquelles appartiennent à cette même génération. Leurs récits ont suscité un certain engouement public et obtenu un écho considérable dans la sphère médiatique et dans le milieu de la recherche universitaire. Les observateurs notent, de façon générale, que les narratrices autodiégétiques, alter ego des auteures, sont brutalement imparfaites, névrosées, mal dans leur peau, sexuellement soumises, assujetties aux désirs des hommes, et qu'elles ne parviennent pas à s'épanouir comme êtres humains, mais surtout, comme femmes. D'une part, les héroïnes rompent avec les représentations largement véhiculées dans les médias et dans la littérature québécoise contemporaine. D'autre part, leur profil correspond aux discours populaires sur la génération X, fréquemment qualifiée de génération sacrifiée, désabusée. Ma recherche, exploratoire, se fonde sur quatre approches théoriques : théorie des genres littéraires, théories de la réception, études féministes et gender studies, sociologie des générations. J'ai tenu cinq entretiens collectifs auprès de seize Québécoises de la génération X. J'ai réuni ces lectrices, qui s'étaient d'elles-mêmes intéressées aux récits, en petits groupe [i.e. groupes] de trois ou quatre participantes. Le compte-rendu et l'analyse de leurs discussions m'ont permis d'observer la portée sociale des récits éminemment personnels de Labrèche, d'Arcan et d'Abdelmoumen. Une interrogation m'a habitée du début à la fin de ma démarche : pourquoi et comment ces récits"parlent-ils", intellectuellement et émotionnellement, aux lectrices de la génération X? Je dégage de mon analyse quelques hypothèses interprétatives. D'abord, les lectrices ont du mal à distinguer les auteures et les narratrices. Elles tendent à appréhender les récits autofictionnels comme des autobiographies et elles procèdent à une lecture littérale des oeuvres. Ensuite, plus de la moitié des lectrices s'identifient, à différents degrés, aux narratrices. Comme ces dernières, les participantes à ma recherche affirment qu'elles ressentent une certaine pression sociale liée aux normes de beauté et de féminité et à l'hypersexualisation de l'espace public. En cela, leurs positions se rapprochent de celles du courant féministe radical. Cependant, les lectrices refusent d'être cantonnées dans un rôle de victime. Elles reprochent aux narratrices de s'autodétruire. Les femmes doivent, selon les participantes, se responsabiliser et se montrer critiques envers les modèles qui leur sont offerts. Enfin, les lectrices reconnaissent dans les héroïnes certains traits associés à la génération X. Elles attribuent en partie la souffrance des narratrices au contexte social dans lequel ces dernières évoluent. Mais elles estiment que cette souffrance est surtout tributaire de carences familiales. Les discussions des lectrices reflètent en quelque sorte leur propre appartenance à la génération X. Ainsi, l'importance qu'elles accordent à la sphère privée, par rapport à la sphère publique, constitue une des particularités des X qui ressort clairement des entretiens. Par ailleurs, leurs observations sont teintées d'un certain individualisme. Bref, à la lumière de mes résultats, je conclus que les récits autofictionnels de Marie-Sissi Labrèche, de Nelly Arcan et de Mélikah Abdelmoumen ont une certaine portée sociale, mais que leur écho résonne davantage sur le plan individuel, chez les lectrices qui s'identifient personnellement aux narratrices. Cela dit, les participantes semblent toutes avoir été portées à se questionner et à réfléchir, pendant et après leur lecture, sur l'identité féminine dans la société actuelle.
This assignment is about the development of a general strategic marketing plan for academic libraries in Germany and can be used as a guideline for libraries that want to develop concrete marketing strategies for several products and services. Two examples of marketing projects are at its end presented for linking theoretical approaches to practice. Finally the development of an own marketing strategy for “information literacy” builds the last part of the assignment.