989 resultados para AXONAL PROJECTIONS


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In this paper we present a hybrid technique for correcting distortions that appear when projecting images onto geometrically complex, colored and textured surfaces. It analyzes the optical flow that results from perspective distortions during motions of the observer and tries to use this information for computing the correct image warping. If this fails due to an unreliable optical flow, an accurate -but slower and visiblestructured light projection is automatically triggered. Together with an appropriate radiometric compensation, view-dependent content can be projected onto arbitrary everyday surfaces. An implementation mainly on the GPU ensures fast frame rates.


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Let P be a probability distribution on q -dimensional space. The so-called Diaconis-Freedman effect means that for a fixed dimension d<projections of P look like a scale mixture of spherically symmetric Gaussian distributions. The present paper provides necessary and sufficient conditions for this phenomenon in a suitable asymptotic framework with increasing dimension q . It turns out, that the conditions formulated by Diaconis and Freedman (1984) are not only sufficient but necessary as well. Moreover, letting P ^ be the empirical distribution of n independent random vectors with distribution P , we investigate the behavior of the empirical process n √ (P ^ −P) under random projections, conditional on P ^ .


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We prove analogs of classical almost sure dimension theorems for Euclidean projection mappings in the first Heisenberg group, equipped with a sub-Riemannian metric.


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Lameness represents a major welfare and production issue in the poultry industry with a recent survey estimating 27% of birds lame and 3% unable to walk by 40 d of age. A variety of factors may induce lameness and are typically grouped into 2 broad classes on the basis of being infectious or skeletal in nature with the latter accounting for the majority of cases. The current work sought to build upon a large body of literature assessing the anatomical properties of bone in lame birds. Our specific objectives sought to identify relationships between relevant anatomical properties of the tibia and metatarsus using digital quantification from radiographs of legs and a measure of walking difficulty. Resulting output was statistically analyzed to assess 1) observer reliability for consistency in placing the leg during the radiograph procedure and quantification of the various measures within a radiograph, 2) the relationship between the various measurements of anatomical bone properties and sex, bird mass, and gait score, and 3) the relationship between each measurement and leg symmetry. Our anatomical bone measures were found to be reliable (intra-rater and test-retest reliabilities < 0.75) within radiograph for all measures and 8 of the 10 measures across radiographs. Several measures of bone properties in the tibia correlated to difficulty walking as measured by gait score (P < 0.05), indicating greater angulations with increasing lameness. Of the measures that manifested a gait score × bird mass interaction, heavier birds appeared to exhibit less angulation with increasing difficulty walking with lighter birds the opposite. These interactions suggest possibilities for influencing effects of activity or feed intake on bone mineralization with the bone angulation observed. Our efforts agree with that of others and indicate that angulation of the tibia may be related to lameness, though subsequent efforts involving comprehensive measures of bird activity, growth rates, and internal bone structure will be needed if the validity of the measures are to be accepted.


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Since approximately two thirds of epileptic patients are non-eligible for surgery, local axonal fiber transections might be of particular interest for them. Micrometer to millimeter wide synchrotron-generated X-ray beamlets produced by spatial fractionation of the main beam could generate such fiber disruptions non-invasively. The aim of this work was to optimize irradiation parameters for the induction of fiber transections in the rat brain white matter by exposure to such beamlets. For this purpose, we irradiated cortex and external capsule of normal rats in the antero-posterior direction with a 4 mm×4 mm array of 25 to 1000 µm wide beamlets and entrance doses of 150 Gy to 500 Gy. Axonal fiber responses were assessed with diffusion tensor imaging and fiber tractography; myelin fibers were examined histopathologically. Our study suggests that high radiation doses (500 Gy) are required to interrupt axons and myelin sheaths. However, a radiation dose of 500 Gy delivered by wide minibeams (1000 µm) induced macroscopic brain damage, depicted by a massive loss of matter in fiber tractography maps. With the same radiation dose, the damage induced by thinner microbeams (50 to 100 µm) was limited to their paths. No macroscopic necrosis was observed in the irradiated target while overt transections of myelin were detected histopathologically. Diffusivity values were found to be significantly reduced. A radiation dose ≤ 500 Gy associated with a beamlet size of < 50 µm did not cause visible transections, neither on diffusion maps nor on sections stained for myelin. We conclude that a peak dose of 500 Gy combined with a microbeam width of 100 µm optimally induced axonal transections in the white matter of the brain.


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An Ensemble Kalman Filter is applied to assimilate observed tracer fields in various combinations in the Bern3D ocean model. Each tracer combination yields a set of optimal transport parameter values that are used in projections with prescribed CO2 stabilization pathways. The assimilation of temperature and salinity fields yields a too vigorous ventilation of the thermocline and the deep ocean, whereas the inclusion of CFC-11 and radiocarbon improves the representation of physical and biogeochemical tracers and of ventilation time scales. Projected peak uptake rates and cumulative uptake of CO2 by the ocean are around 20% lower for the parameters determined with CFC-11 and radiocarbon as additional target compared to those with salinity and temperature only. Higher surface temperature changes are simulated in the Greenland–Norwegian–Iceland Sea and in the Southern Ocean when CFC-11 is included in the Ensemble Kalman model tuning. These findings highlights the importance of ocean transport calibration for the design of near-term and long-term CO2 emission mitigation strategies and for climate projections.


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Decadal-to-century scale trends for a range of marine environmental variables in the upper mesopelagic layer (UML, 100–600 m) are investigated using results from seven Earth System Models forced by a high greenhouse gas emission scenario. The models as a class represent the observation-based distribution of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2), albeit major mismatches between observation-based and simulated values remain for individual models. By year 2100 all models project an increase in SST between 2 °C and 3 °C, and a decrease in the pH and in the saturation state of water with respect to calcium carbonate minerals in the UML. A decrease in the total ocean inventory of dissolved oxygen by 2% to 4% is projected by the range of models. Projected O2 changes in the UML show a complex pattern with both increasing and decreasing trends reflecting the subtle balance of different competing factors such as circulation, production, remineralization, and temperature changes. Projected changes in the total volume of hypoxic and suboxic waters remain relatively small in all models. A widespread increase of CO2 in the UML is projected. The median of the CO2 distribution between 100 and 600m shifts from 0.1–0.2 mol m−3 in year 1990 to 0.2–0.4 mol m−3 in year 2100, primarily as a result of the invasion of anthropogenic carbon from the atmosphere. The co-occurrence of changes in a range of environmental variables indicates the need to further investigate their synergistic impacts on marine ecosystems and Earth System feedbacks.


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A Pavlovian-conditioning procedure may produce modifications in multiple behavioral responses. As an example, conditioning may result in the elicitation of a specific somatomotor conditioned response (CR) and, in addition, other motor and visceral CRs. In the mollusk Hermissenda conditioning produces two conditioned responses: foot-shortening and decreased locomotion. The neural circuitry supporting ciliary locomotion is well characterized, although the neural circuit underlying foot-shortening is poorly understood. Here we describe efferent neurons in the pedal ganglion that produce contraction or extension of specific regions of the foot in semi-intact preparations. Synaptic connections between polysensory type Ib and type Is interneurons and identified foot contractile efferent neurons were examined. Type Ib and type Is interneurons receive synaptic input from the visual, graviceptive, and somatosensory systems. Depolarization of type Ib interneurons evoked spikes in identified tail and lateral foot contractile efferent neurons. Mechanical displacement of the statocyst evoked complex excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) and spikes recorded from type Ib and type Is interneurons and complex EPSPs and spikes in identified foot contractile efferent neurons. Depolarization of type Ib interneurons in semi-intact preparations produced contraction and shortening along the rostrocaudal axis of the foot. Depolarization of Is interneurons in semi-intact preparations produced contraction of the anterior region of the foot. Taken collectively, the results suggest that type Ib and type Is polysensory interneurons may contribute to the neural circuit underlying the foot-shortening CR in Hermissenda.


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Longitudinal in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) and immunohistochemistry were performed to investigate the tissue degeneration in traumatically injured rat spinal cord rostral and caudal to the lesion epicenter. On 1H-MRS significant decreases in N-acetyl aspartate (NAA) and total creatine (Cr) levels in the rostral, epicenter, and caudal segments were observed by 14 days, and levels remained depressed up to 56 days post-injury (PI). In contrast, the total choline (Cho) levels increased significantly in all three segments by 14 days PI, but recovered in the epicenter and caudal, but not the rostral region, at 56 days PI. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated neuronal cell death in the gray matter, and reactive astrocytes and axonal degeneration in the dorsal, lateral, and ventral white-matter columns. These results suggest delayed tissue degeneration in regions both rostrally and caudally from the epicenter in the injured spinal cord tissue. A rostral-caudal asymmetry in tissue recovery was seen both on MRI-observed hyperintense lesion volume and the Cho, but not NAA and Cr, levels at 56 days PI. These studies suggest that dynamic metabolic changes take place in regions away from the epicenter in injured spinal cord.


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In spite of new legislation and much public and professional interest, intensive family preservation service (IFPS) remains in a vulnerable position as compared to other child welfare services. This article details a method to project ideal IFPS caseloads as a function of children who are at-risk for placement by various referral sources. Using this approach, resource allocation for IFPS can be more nearly on equal ground with the traditional child welfare functions and help IFPS to assume its needed place as a core service in the child welfare continuum.


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Electrophysiological experiments were performed on 96 male New Zealand white rabbits, anesthetized with urethane. Glass electrodes, filled with 2M NaCl, were used for microstimulation of three fiber pathways projecting from "limbic" centers to the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMH). Unitary and field potential recordings were made in the VMH after stimulation.^ Stimulation of the lateral portion of the fimbria, which carries fibers from the ventral subiculum of the hippocampal formation, evokes predominantly an inhibition of neurons medially in the VMH, and excitation of neurons located laterally.^ Stimulation of the dorsal portion of the stria terminalis, which carries fibers from the cortical nucleus of the amygdala, also produces predominantly an inhibition of cells medially and excitation laterally.^ Stimulation of the ventral component of the stria terminalis, which carries fibers from the medial nucleus of the amygdala, evokes excitation of cell medially, with little or no response seen laterally.^ Cells recorded medially in the VMH received convergent inputs from each of the three fiber systems: inhibition from fimbria and dorsal stria stimulation, excitation from ventral stria stimulation.^ The excitatory unitary responses recorded medially to ventral stria stimulation and laterally to fimbria and dorsal stria stimulation were subjected to a series of threshold stimulus intensities. From these tests it was determined that each of these three projections terminates monosynaptically on VMH neurons.^ The evidence for convergence upon single VMH neurons of projections from the amygdala and the hippocampal formation suggests this area of the brain to be important for integration of information from these two limbic centers. The VMH has been implied in a number of behavioral states: eating, reproduction, defense and aggression; it has further been linked to control of the anterior pituitary. These data provide a functional circuit through which the amygdaloid complex and the hippocampal formation can channel information from higher cortical centers into a hypothalamic area capable of coordinating behavioral and hormonal responses. ^