982 resultados para ARTIGAS, JOSE GERVASIO, 1764-1850.
The mottled shore crab P. transversus is probably the most common brachyuran crab living in the marine rocky intertidal of southeastern Brazil. However, its biology is largely unknown. In this study, some aspects of the population biology of this species are investigated. Distribution of individuals in the intertidal range is heterogeneous. Sabellariid worm reefs and mytilid mussel beds can be considered as nursery grounds retaining most part of juveniles, while the rocky surface is mostly inhabited by adults, which find safety shelters in rock crevices. Annual size frequency distributions revealed clues of population stability and indicated that young individuals reach the adult habitat in a gradual process. Sex-ratio follows the 1:1 proportion in smaller size classes but is biased towards males in larger ones. Higher mortality in larger females is indicated as a possible cause of this pattern. Ovigerous ratio shows a remarkable seasonality in which highest percentages of ovigerous females occur during summer months, while recruitment of young is more intense from April to July, suggesting a very extensive larval development. Once established in the intertidal zone, young recruits will develop to mature individuals in late spring, when molting crabs become scarce and proportion of breeding females increases. Therefore, growth and reproduction are in a great part temporally separated, allowing an annual life cycle in which settlement, growth and breeding may take place within a I-yr period.
The allometric growth of secondary sexual characters in Pachygrapsus transversus is investigated from the 2(nd) crab stage onward. Clear sexual dimorphism is restricted to abdominal morphology, but ANCOVA analyses showed that chelae become larger in males and the carapace becomes wider in females. Size at the puberty moult in both sexes was estimated using Somerton's computer techniques. Mature II analyses applied to bi-log gonopod length vs, carapace length relationships indicated a puberty moult at 5.0 mm in males.In females, Mature I analyses detected the overlapping growth phase lines in bi-log carapace length vs. abdomen width scatterplots. Fitting the logistic equation provided an estimate of 50% maturity at 5.5 mm. The regression lines separate young and resting individuals from the potentially reproductive females, but they do not separate young from adult crabs. Year-round monthly samples showed that the proportion of small adult-like females is higher during the breeding season. After breeding, females may moult to a young-like morphotype, as observed in controlled laboratory conditions. Moulting to a resting condition splits smaller mature females into different growth phase lines. Therefore, estimates of female size at sexual maturity by means of abdomen allometric growth analyses are inadequate in this species.
The oldest fragment of continental crust recognized in South America occurs as an isolated Archean enclave in northeastem Brazil's Borborema Province, ca. 600 Ma Brasiliano-Pan African orogenic belt. This Archean fragment, the Sao Jose do Campestre massif, is surrounded by large tracts of 2.2-2.0 Ga Paleoproterozoic gneisses and is located more than 600-1500 km from the much larger assemblages of Archean rocks found in the Sao Fransciso and Amazonian cratons, located to the south and west, respectively. Geochronological studies of the Sao Jose do Campestre massif show that its oldest rocks contain zircons with U-Pb ages up to 3.5 Ga and Sm-Nd T-DM model ages of more than 3.7 Ga, indicating that they represent reworked crust. This older nucleus is flanked by both reworked and juvenile 3.25 and 3.18 Ga rocks which arc intruded by both 3.00 and 2.69 Ga plutonic bodies. The protracted evolution the Sao Jose do Campestre massif is consistent with that of a larger continental mass as opposed to a small crustal fragment that grew in isolation. As such, the Sao Jose do Campestre massif is interpreted as representing a detached piece of an evolved craton that became entrained with younger rocks during a subsequent Paleoproterozoic accretionary-orogenic event. This hypothesis is bolstered by the presence of Paleoproterozoic gneisses that envelop the Sao Jose do Campestre massif, as well as the existence of ca. 2.0 Ga metamorphic zircon and monazite within its rocks. The occurrence of several different Archean cratonic basement inliers within the greater Paleoproterozoic crustal framework of the Borborema Province suggests that cratonic slices spalled off one or more larger Archean masses prior to the ca. 2.2-2.0 Ga Paleoproterozoic orogenic collage. A important challenge is to link these older fragments to their parent cratons. Although results are not unique, the pattern of ages and isotopic signatures observed in the Sao Jose do Campestre massif is similar to that seen in parts of the Sao Francisco Craton, and it is possible that the Sao Jose do Campestre massif is a fragment of an Archean continental fragment formed during an episode of continental breakup prior to 2200 Ma. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A study of the geological characteristics of the Buaru Group basaltic substratum and stratigraphical unities was carried out, taking into account the groundwater exploration in S.Jose do Rio Preto area. The presence of the tectonic structures in this substratum exercised a profound influence on the sedimentation of the Bauru Group and on the variations in the hydrological properties of the sediments of the area.-English summary
Monthly samples of the shore crab Pachygrapsus transversus from two distinct annual periods showed that ovigerous females are present throughout the Year in the population. However, the relative ovigerous abundance of specimens among sexually mature changes from less than 10% during the winter months to almost 80% in summer. Linear correlations for each year revealed that both temperature and photoperiod were positively associated with relative abundance of ovigerous females. Multiple regression analyses suggested that photoperiod was the main factor affecting breeding in this species. Timing of observed reproductive pattern may enhance larval survival because of particular oceanographic conditions in the study region and favor early juvenile development due to certain species-specific growth features.
Were examined 58 dairy goats, 41 kids and 17 adults, Saanen and Alpine breeds, males and females, in intensive system, in the São José do Rio Preto region, São Paulo state, for detection and identification of Eimeria spp. oocysts. The 58 feces samples analyzed by the Centrifugal-flotation technique, were positive for, at least, one Eimeria species. The Eimeria species found in this research were: E. ninakohlyakimovae (77,6%), E. jolchijevi (72,4%), E. alijevi (63,8%), E. christenseni (63,8%), E. arloingi (62,1%), E. caprovina (56,9%), E. hirci (50,0%) and E. caprina (48,3%). It follows that the high rate of the positive animals and the high frequency of the Eimeria species among the animals demonstrated that the disease is common in dairy goats, kids and adults, in intensive system.
Morphological, cytochemical and ultrastructural studies are important to demonstrate the function of the blood cells, which is very little understood in teleosts. In peripheral blood of piracanjuba' Brycon orbignyanus, thrombocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils and heterophils were studied and characterized. Thrombocytes had a fusiform or oval shape with PAS-positive granules. Lymphocytes presented small size with sparse basophilic cytoplasm. Monocytes were large in size, presented basophilic cytoplasm that may be foamy or vacuolated, with non-specific esterase staining. The neutrophils presented lightly neutrophilic granule cytoplasm, with positivity for PAS and peroxidase. The heterophils were large in size, with eosinophilic and basophilic granules cytoplasm and PAS-positive. Transmission electron microscopy study demonstrated that the thrombocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes features were similar to other teleosts. In ultrastructural study only one type of neutrophils was observed. Cytochemical findings indicated that neutrophils and monocytes of B. orbignyanus may be involved in phagocytosis, and neutrophils play an important microbicidal role.