998 resultados para APIS-MELLIFERA L
Adult honey bees are maintained in vitro in laboratory cages for a variety of purposes. For example, researchers may wish to perform experiments on honey bees caged individually or in groups to study aspects of parasitology, toxicology, or physiology under highly controlled conditions, or they may cage whole frames to obtain newly emerged workers of known age cohorts. Regardless of purpose, researchers must manage a number of variables, ranging from selection of study subjects (e.g. honey bee subspecies) to experimental environment (e.g. temperature and relative humidity). Although decisions made by researchers may not necessarily jeopardize the scientific rigour of an experiment, they may profoundly affect results, and may make comparisons with similar, but independent, studies difficult. Focusing primarily on workers, we provide recommendations for maintaining adults under in vitro laboratory conditions, whilst acknowledging gaps in our understanding that require further attention. We specifically describe how to properly obtain honey bees, and how to choose appropriate cages, incubator conditions, and food to obtain biologically relevant and comparable experimental results. Additionally, we provide broad recommendations for experimental design and statistical analyses of data that arises from experiments using caged honey bees. The ultimate goal of this, and of all COLOSS BEEBOOK papers, is not to stifle science with restrictions, but rather to provide researchers with the appropriate tools to generate comparable data that will build upon our current understanding of honey bees.
n recent years, declines of honey bee populations have received massive media attention worldwide, yet attempts to understand the causes have been hampered by a lack of standardisation of laboratory techniques. Published as a response to this, the COLOSS BEEBOOK is a unique collaborative venture involving 234 bee scientists from 34 countries, who have produced the definitive guide to how to carry out research on honey bees. It is hoped that these volumes will become the standards to be adopted by bee scientists worldwide. Volume II includes approximately 600 separate protocols dealing with the study of the pests and diseases of the honey bee, Apis mellifera. These cover epidemiology and surveying techniques, virus diseases, bacterial diseases such as European and American foulbrood, fungal and microsporidian diseases such as Nosema, mites such as Acarapis, Varroa and Tropilaelaps, and other pests such as the small hive beetle.
In recent years, declines of honey bee populations have received massive media attention worldwide, yet attempts to understand the causes have been hampered by a lack of standardisation of laboratory techniques. Published as a response to this, the COLOSS BEEBOOK is a unique collaborative venture involving 234 bee scientists from 34 countries, who have produced the definitive guide to how to carry out research on honey bees. It is hoped that these volumes will become the standards to be adopted by bee scientists worldwide. Volume I includes approximately 1,100 separate protocols dealing with the study of the honey bee, Apis mellifera. These cover anatomy, behavioural studies, chemical ecology, breeding, genetics, instrumental insemination and queen rearing, pollination, molecular studies, statistics, toxicology and numerous other techniques
Sex-related differences in susceptibility to pathogens are a common phenomenon in animals. In the eusocial Hymenoptera the two female castes, workers and queens, are diploid and males are haploid. The haploid susceptibility hypothesis predicts that haploid males are more susceptible to pathogen infections compared to females. Here we test this hypothesis using adult male (drone) and female (worker) honey bees (Apis mellifera), inoculated with the gut endoparasite Nosema ceranae and/or black queen cell virus (BQCV). These pathogens were chosen due to previously reported synergistic interactions between Nosema apis and BQCV. Our data do not support synergistic interactions between N. ceranae and BQCV and also suggest that BQCV has limited effect on both drone and worker health, regardless of the infection level. However, the data clearly show that, despite lower levels of N. ceranae spores in drones than in workers, Nosema-infected drones had both a higher mortality and a lower body mass than non-infected drones, across all treatment groups, while the mortality and body mass of worker bees were largely unaffected by N. ceranae infection, suggesting that drones are more susceptible to this pathogen than workers. In conclusion, the data reveal considerable sex-specific differences in pathogen susceptibility in honey bees and highlight the importance of ultimate measures for determining susceptibility, such as mortality and body quality, rather than mere infection levels
Three hundred eleven honeybee samples from twelve countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) (Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Yemen, Palestine and Sudan) were analyzed for the presence of deformed wing virus (DWV). The prevalence of DWV throughout the MENA region was pervasive, but variable. The highest prevalence was found in Lebanon and Syria, with prevalence dropping in Palestine, Jordan and Egypt before increasing slightly moving westwards to Algeria and Morocco Phylogenetic analysis of a 194 nucleotide section of the DWV Lp gene did not identify any significant phylogenetic resolution among the samples, although the sequences did show consistent regional clustering, including an interesting geographic gradient from Morocco through North Africa to Jordan and Syria. The sequences revealed several clear variability hotspots in the deduced amino acid sequence, that furthermore showed some patterns of regional identity. Furthermore, the sequence variants from the Middle East and North Africa appear more numerous and diverse than those from Europe. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Viruses seem to play a key role in European honey bee, Apis mellifera health, and have a much broader host spectrum than previously thought. Few studies have investigated interspecific virus transfer within the genus Apis. The introduction of A. mellifera into Asia exposed endemic Apis species to the risk of obtaining new viruses or viral strains and vice versa. To investigate the potential for host shifts, virus prevalence and sequences were monitored over three years in single and mixed-species apiaries hosting introduced A. mellifera and endemic Apis cerana. Deformed wing virus (DWV), Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV), black queen cell virus (BQCV), and sacbrood virus (SBV) were found, but not KBV, VDV-1, ABPV, or CBPV. Virus infections and prevalence were generally lower in A. cerana compared to A. mellifera, and varied over the years. The sequence data provided evidence for interspecific transfer of IAPV, BQCV, and DWV, but SBV strains seem to be species specific. Prevalence and sequence results taken together indicate that interspecific transfers of viruses are rare, even if honey bees are kept in close proximity. We discuss the pattern observed in the context host specificity and resistance. Our understanding of the extent of these exchanges is limited by a lack of knowledge on the mechanisms of adaptation of viruses to different hosts.
Interactions between pesticides and parasites are believed to be responsible for increased mortality of honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies in the northern hemisphere. Previous efforts have employed experimental approaches using small groups under laboratory conditions to investigate influence of these stressors on honey bee physiology and behaviour, although both the colony level and field conditions play a key role for eusocial honey bees. Here, we challenged honey bee workers under in vivo colony conditions with sublethal doses of the neonicotinoid thiacloprid, the miticide tau-fluvalinate and the endoparasite Nosema ceranae, to investigate potential effects on longevity and behaviour using observation hives. In contrast to previous laboratory studies, our results do not suggest interactions among stressors, but rather lone effects of pesticides and the parasite on mortality and behaviour, respectively. These effects appear to be weak due to different outcomes at the two study sites, thereby suggesting that the role of thiacloprid, tau-fluvalinate and N. ceranae and interactions among them may have been overemphasized. In the future, investigations into the effects of honey bee stressors should prioritize the use of colonies maintained under a variety of environmental conditions in order to obtain more biologically relevant data.
Historically an ectoparasite of the native Giant honey bee Apis dorsata, the mite Tropilaelaps mercedesae has switched hosts to the introduced western honey bee Apis mellifera throughout much of Asia. Few data regarding lethal and sub-lethal effects of T. mercedesae on A. mellifera exist, despite its similarity to the devastating mite Varroa destructor. Here we artificially infested worker brood of A. mellifera with T. mercedesae to investigate lethal (longevity) and sub-lethal (emergence weight, Deformed wing virus (DWV) levels and clinical symptoms of DWV) effects of the mite on its new host. The data show that T. mercedesae infestation significantly reduced host longevity and emergence weight, and promoted both DWV levels and associated clinical symptoms. Our results suggest that T. mercedesae is a potentially important parasite to the economically important A. mellifera honey bee.
Nosema spp. and Varroa destructor are common parasites of honey bee colonies. Beekeepers routinely treat colonies with the fungicide fumagillin to control Nosema and an array of miticides to control V. destructor. Interactions between these parasites and chemical treatments are poorly understood. We allocated honey bee colonies to distinct chemical treatment regimes and monitored parasite intensities in the subsequent year. Infections of Nosema and infestations of V. destructor were positively correlated. Fumagillin was effective at mitigating Nosema intensities only over the short term, suggesting that biannual application is essential. V. destructor intensities were higher in colonies that had been previously treated with miticides, reasons for this warrant further investigation.
The goals of this study are to determine relationships between synaptogenesis and morphogenesis within the mushroom body calyx of the honeybee Apis mellifera and to find out how the microglomerular structure characteristic for the mature calyx is established during metamorphosis. We show that synaptogenesis in the mushroom body calycal neuropile starts in early metamorphosis (stages P1-P3), before the microglomerular structure of the neuropile is established. The initial step of synaptogenesis is characterized by the rare occurrence of distinct synaptic contacts. A massive synaptogenesis starts at stage P5, which coincides with the formation of microglomeruli, structural units of the calyx that are composed of centrally located presynaptic boutons surrounded by spiny postsynaptic endings. Microglomeruli are assembled either via accumulation of fine postsynaptic processes around preexisting presynaptic boutons or via ingrowth of thin neurites of presynaptic neurons into premicroglomeruli, tightly packed groups of spiny endings. During late pupal stages (P8-P9), addition of new synapses and microglomeruli is likely to continue. Most of the synaptic appositions formed there are made by boutons (putative extrinsic mushroom body neurons) into small postsynaptic profiles that do not exhibit presynaptic specializations (putative intrinsic mushroom body neurons). Synapses between presynaptic boutons characteristic of the adult calyx first appear at stage P8 but remain rare toward the end of metamorphosis. Our observations are consistent with the hypothesis that most of the synapses established during metamorphosis provide the structural basis for afferent information flow to calyces, whereas maturation of local synaptic circuitry is likely to occur after adult emergence.
The Maya of the Yucatan region have a long history of keeping the native stingless bees (subfamily Meliponinae). However, market forces in the last few decades have driven the Maya to favor the use of invasive Africanized honey bees (Apis mellifera scutellata) for producing large quantities of high quality honey that has an international market. Furthermore, the native bees traditionally used by the Maya are now disappearing, along with the practice of keeping them. ^ An interdisciplinary approach was taken in order to determine the social factors behind the decrease in stingless beekeeping and the ecological driving forces behind their disappearance from the wild. Social research methods included participant observation with stingless beekeepers, Apis beekeepers, and marketing intermediaries. Ecological research methods included point observations of commonly known melliferous and polliniferous plants along transects in three communities with different degrees of human induced ecosystem disturbance. ^ The stingless bee species most important to the Maya, Melipona beecheii, has become extremely rare, and this has caused a breakdown of stingless beekeeping tradition, compounded with the pressure of the market economy, which fuels Apis beekeeping and has lessened the influence of traditional practices. The community with the heaviest amount of human induced ecosystem disturbance also had the highest degree of dominance of Apis mellifera, while the area with the most intact ecosystem had the highest diversity of stingless bees, though Apis mellifera was still the dominant species. Aggressive competitive behavior involving physical attacks by Apis mellifera against stingless bees was observed on several occasions, and this is a new observation previously unreported by science. ^
Tesis (Zootecnista). -- Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Programa de Zootecnia, 2014
1. The comparison of molecular exclusion cromatography profiles of venoms from sting apparatuses of Apis mellifera ligustica, Apis mellifera adansonii and Africanized honey-bees in Sephadex G-100 revealed both qualitative and quantitative differences.2. The venoms from A.m. ligustica and A.m. adansonii presented, respectively, three and two peaks characteristic of each sub-species, while Africanized honey-bee was characterized by the absence of eight peaks common to the former.3. The polypeptides with M(r) in the range from 100,000 to 7500 da correspond respectively to 62.0%, 66.6% and 68.7% of total proteins from the venon of A.m. ligustica, A.m. adansonii and Africanized honey-bees, while the peptidic fraction with M(r) range from 4100 to 2000 da corresponds to 11.4%, 32.4% and 10.2% of venom protein, respectively.
As abelhas pertencem à família dos Apídeos, existem em torno de vinte mil espécies distintas, porém são as da espécie Apis mellifera que são as maiores responsáveis pela polinização, colaborando assim para a agricultura com a produção da cera, do mel, própolis, geléia real e o pólen. A nosema spp. é uma doença causada por fungos formando microesporos que podem contaminar abelhas adultas, e é considerado um parasita do trato digestivo das abelhas adultas a que podem ocasionar a morte. Este estudo objetivou avaliar morfologicamente os esporos de nosema spp. e verificar se existe diferença em relação a área de coleta e o ano que foram coletadas as amostras. O presente trabalho foi executado no laboratório de patologia apícola pertencente ao Instituto Politécnico de Bragança em Portugal, em atividades de intercâmbio pelo programa 'Minas Mundi' no primeiro semestre de 2016. As amostras foram processadas de acordo com a metodologia estabelecida pela organização mundial de saúde animal (O.I.E.) e adotada pelo laboratório de referência nacional, utilizando técnicas de microscopia óptica, baseadas em exames microscópicos e macroscópicos do material biológico. As amostras tiveram origem na associação de apicultores da região de Leiria (AARL), sendo estas de diferentes distritos (Guarda, Santarém, Viseu, Leiria e Évora) em Portugal. Foram coletadas um total de 96 amostras de abelhas adultas dos diferentes distritos. Para verificar a presença de nosema spp. foram retirada a traqueIa de todas as abelhas da amostra (total de 60 abelhas por amostra) o tórax e o abdomen foram colocados em um vasilhame com 10ml de água destilada onde foi realizada a compreensão das abelhas maceradando-as até atingir o liquido com cor amarelada. Após a realização desde procedimento, 1ml deste líquido foi transferido para um tubo de ensaio devidamente identificado com a codificação da amostra e com 9ml de água destilada. Uma alíquota foi depositada em câmara de Neubauer para pesquisa de nosema spp.. Com auxilio do software VisicamImageAnalyser 7 pôde-se visualizar os esporos e posteriormente, por meio de fotografias, avaliou-se o comprimento e largura dos mesmos. Para análise estatística foram realizados análise de variância (ANOVA). Das 96 amostras analisadas, 68 obtiveram resultado positivo para nosema spp., sendo que após verificar as amostras positivas em relação ao distrito não se notou diferença significativa (p<0,05) do tamanho dos esporos sendo estes comprimento e largura em relação a origem distintas. Em relação ao ano, ao comparar a morfologia dos esporos de nosema spp. nos anos de 2014 e 2015 destes distritos verificou-se que não houve diferença significativa (p<0,05). Com os resultados obtidos conclui-se que as amostras positivas na região centro de Portugal são homogéneas em relação à morfologia dos esporos. Além disso, o conhecimento de amostras positivas, auxiliou os produtores na melhoria da produção dos apiários e na redução da incidência da nosema nas colmeias prevenindo que este patogeno passasse para outros apiários ou colmeias.
Honey bees are considered keystone species in ecosystem, the effect of harmful pesticides for the honey bees, the action of extreme climatic waves and their consequence on honey bees health can cause the loss of many colonies which could contribute to the reduction of the effective population size and incentive the use of non-autochthonous queens to replace dead colonies. Over the last decades, the use of non-ligustica bee subspecies in Italy has increased and together with the mentioned phenomena exposed native honey bees to hybridization, laeding to a dramatic loss of genetic erosion and admixture. Healthy genetic diversity within honey bee populations is critical to provide tolerance and resistance to current and future threatening. Nowadays it is urgent to design strategies for the conservation of local subspecies and their valorisation on a productive scale. In this Thesis we applied genomics tool for the analysis of the genetic diversity and the genomic integrity of honey bee populations in Italy are described. In this work mtDNA based methods are presented using honey bee DNA or honey eDNA as source of information of the genetic diversity of A. mellifera at different level. Taken together, the results derived from these studies should enlarge the knowledge of the genetic diversity and integrity of the honey bee populations in Italy, filling the gap of information necessary to design efficient conservation programmes. Furthermore, the methods presented in these works will provide a tool for the honey authentication to sustain and valorise beekeeping products and sector against frauds.