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Parents' encounters with health professionals can influence their ability to cope with having a daughter with anorexia nervosa. Using qualitative analysis of in-depth interviews with 24 parents, we examine the question “What support do parents of teenage girls with anorexia want from clinicians?” The analysis shows that parents wanted clinicians to include them in treatment, support and guide them in their daughters' care, and demonstrate positive attitudes toward them. The implications for clinicians are discussed, including being sensitive to parents' vulnerability, ensuring congruence between clinicians' and parents' expectations about treatment, and strengthening formal channels of communication.


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In this paper we posit a radical retheorization of anorexia as a form of deviance. We examine how the disciplinary practices and moral technologies typical of contemporary secondary schooling signify and enter into the articulation of three ‘virtue discourses’ (discipline, achievement and healthism), and tease out how these ‘virtue discourses’ play into the formation of the ‘anorexic’ subject. Informed by Foucauldian theory, our analysis draws on our life history interview study with teenage girls diagnosed with anorexia nervosa and their parents. We argue that anorexia can be understood not as a form of deviance but as a ‘paradox of virtue’ involving zealous compliance with and taking up of socially and culturally sanctioned ‘virtue discourses’ that are immanent in schooling and wider society.


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Resistance to treatment is common among anorexic clients. Three studies indicated that although readiness to change and self-efficacy are applicable to this population, there is a large degree of variability and stability between symptoms. Multi-dimensional, continuous measures of readiness to change and self-efficacy may provide a more accurate, informative assessment.


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This article builds on the argument of a link between behaviours observed in persons with autism spectrum disorders and persons with anorexia nervosa. In describing these behaviours, a link is made between deficits in social cognition, lack of flexible and creative thinking, theory of mind, and deficits in early pretend play ability. Early pretend play ability is a strong avenue to the development and strengthening of social cognition, problem solving, language, logical sequential thought, and understanding social situations. Currently, there is no literature on the pretend play ability of persons who develop anorexia nervosa. This article argues for research into this area which may potentially contribute to developments in new intervention strategies for these persons.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: As pesquisas recentes têm focalizado a plasticidade bioquímica e estrutural do sistema nervoso decorrente da lesão tissular. Os mecanismos envolvidos na transição da dor aguda para crônica são complexos e envolvem a interação de sistemas receptores e o fluxo de íons intracelulares, sistemas de segundo mensageiro e novas conexões sinápticas. O objetivo deste artigo foi discutir os novos mecanismos que envolvem a sensibilização periférica e central. CONTEÚDO: A lesão tissular provoca aumento na resposta dos nociceptores, chamada de sensibilização ou facilitação. Esses fenômenos iniciam-se após a liberação local de mediadores inflamatórios e a ativação de células do sistema imune ou de receptores específicos no sistema nervoso periférico e central. CONCLUSÕES: As lesões do tecido e dos neurônios resultam em sensibilização de nociceptores e facilitação da condução nervosa central e periférica.


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