993 resultados para AAA
Contiene: Apendice y coleccion de los documentos y notas pertencientes al Tratado de la nobleza de la Corona de Aragon ..
Contiene con portadilla propia : Mich. Io. Bodini Panegyricus Beato Thomae archiep. valent. scriptus ..
A novel method for generating patient-specific high quality conforming hexahedral meshes is presented. The meshes are directly obtained from the segmentation of patient magnetic resonance (MR) images of abdominal aortic aneu-rysms (AAA). The MRI permits distinguishing between struc-tures of interest in soft tissue. Being so, the contours of the lumen, the aortic wall and the intraluminal thrombus (ILT) are available and thus the meshes represent the actual anato-my of the patient?s aneurysm, including the layered morpholo-gies of these structures. Most AAAs are located in the lower part of the aorta and the upper section of the iliac arteries, where the inherent tortuosity of the anatomy and the presence of the ILT makes the generation of high-quality elements at the bifurcation is a challenging task. In this work we propose a novel approach for building quadrilateral meshes for each surface of the sectioned geometry, and generating conforming hexahedral meshes by combining the quadrilateral meshes. Conforming hexahedral meshes are created for the wall and the ILT. The resulting elements are evaluated on four patients? datasets using the Scaled Jacobian metric. Hexahedral meshes of 25,000 elements with 94.8% of elements well-suited for FE analysis are generated.
Pie de imp. tomado del colofón
Contiene con port. y paginación propia: Sermones sancti Vincentii fratris ordinis predicatorum de te[m]pore Pars hyemalis, [200] h., a-z8, z6 ; Sermones sancti Vincentii fratris ordis predicator[um] de tempore Pars estiualis, [243] h., a8, aa-zz8, AA-EE8, FF6, GG5 ; Sermones sancti vince[n]tii fratris ordinis predicatoru[m] De Sanctis, [130] h., fx6, AAA-OOO8, PPP-QQQ6
Contiene con port. y pag.propia: Sermones Sancti Vincentii fratris ordinis predicato[rum] sacre theologie professoris eximii de têpore per têpus hyemale in hoc libro côtinêtur, [212] h., [ ]9, A-C8, D6, E-F8, G6, H-K8, L6, M-P8, Q6, R-X8, Y6, Z8, aa8, bb-cc6, dd8; Sermones electissimi sanctii Vincentii Ferrariensis ... per te[m]p[ore] estiuale, [256] h., AA-BB6, CC-GG8, HH6, II-KK8, LL6, MM-OO8, PP-SS6, TT8, UU6, XX8, YY10, ZZ6, AAA-BBB6, CCC8, DDD6, FFF10, GGG-LLL6, AA-BB6, [signo]8; Sermones Sancti Vincentii fratris ordinis predicato[rum] sacre theologie professoris eximii de sanctis per totum annum in hoc libro côtinêtur, [138] h., a-e8,f6,g-h8, i-o6, p8, q6, r8, [paragáfo]6
Sign.: [calderón]4, [calderón]2, A-Z4, Aa-Zz4, Aaa-Ggg4, Hhh2
Existe emisión con pie de imp.: "En la impression de Felipe Mey: a costa de Pablo Clapes"
Sign.: [ ]1, [calderón]-[calderón][calderón]4, A-Z4, Aa-zz4, Aaa-Ddd4, Eee2
Precede al tit. la mención de responsabilidad
Sign.: [calderón]-[dos calderones]4,[ ]1, A-Z4, Aa-Zz4,Aaa-Zzz4, Aaaa-Zzzz4, Aaaaa-Ccccc4
Contiene : Laurel de Apolo, p. 1-221; La selva sin amor: égloga pastoral, p. 223-255 ; Al quadro y retrato de su magestad, que hizo Pedro Pablo de Rubens, p. 256--259 ; Epistola de don Michael de Solis ..., p. 260-273 ; Sonetos, p. 273-276 ; Epistolas de Lope de Vega Carpio a varias personas, p. 277-509 ; Eregia en la muerte de Elisio de Medinilla, p. 510-517
Contiene : La Hermosura de Angelica, p. 1-370 ; La Philomena, p. 373-467 ; Descripcion de la Tapada, p. 471-493 ; La Andromeda, p. 497-521