998 resultados para 930
O conhecimento do valor nutritivo de plantas forrageiras é de grande relevância quando se pretende elevar a produtividade dos sistemas pecuários na Amazônia Oriental, principalmente em áreas onde ocorre deficiência de forragem de boa qualidade, em períodos de déficit hídrico. Assim, caracterizar a potencialidade da leguminosa Flemingia macrophylla (Willd.) Merrill, como alternativa para alimentação animal, assume relevante importância, pois pode influenciar no desempenho produtivo de bovídeos para carne e leite. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa visou avaliar a composição química, digestibilidade aparente e consumo voluntário dessa leguminosa na alimentação suplementar de ruminantes, em períodos de reduzida disponibilidade de forragem, de baixo valor nutritivo. O trabalho foi realizado na Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, em Belém-Pará, (1º28´ S 48º27´ W de Greenwich). Foram determinadas as características nutricionais da leguminosa, durante um período de 21 dias, com 16 ovinos, em gaiolas metabólicas individuais, distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em quatro tratamentos e quatro repetições, onde os tratamentos (T1, T2, T3 e T4) continham quicuio-da-amazônia (Brachiaria humidicola) e níveis crescentes de 100%, 75%, 50% e 25% de inclusão de F. macrophylla. Os teores de tanino na composição da dieta foram 1,37; 0,62; 0,31 e 0,17%, respectivamente. Os consumos de matéria seca, em g/dia e % do peso vivo, foram de 901,8 e 2,4; 947,9 e 2,5; 859,5 e 2,2; e 930,2 e 2,5 e de proteína bruta 232,4; 188,7; 132,1 e 107,6 g/dia. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade da matéria seca foram de 54,1; 59,2; 55,1; e 62,0%, da matéria orgânica de 57,3; 61,2; 57,6; e 64,0% e de proteína bruta de 63,2; 60,5; 51,4; 52,0%, respectivamente. A leguminosa possui potencial produtivo, com elevada disponibilidade de matéria seca, para ser utilizada como suplemento alimentar para ruminantes, principalmente em períodos críticos. Níveis de inclusão de F. macrophylla, em torno de 75%, possibilitam maior consumo da matéria seca, matéria orgânica, e das frações fibrosas e 100% permitem melhor consumo de PB e EB.
A Faixa de Dobramentos Paraguai-Araguaia, constituída no Ciclo Brasiliano, estende-se para o norte da Ilha do Bananal, com orientação sub-meridiana. Acima do paralelo 9º30'S ela se faz representar pelo Grupo Baixo Araguaia, uma faixa ofiolítica, alguns corpos graníticos e pela Formação Rio das Barreiras. O Grupo Baixo Araguaia se constitui de três formações, Estrondo, Couto Magalhães e Pequizeiro, esta última de caráter magmático-sedimentar associada à faixa ofiolítica. A faixa ofiolítica é associada à Geossutura Tocantins-Araguaia, que parece se manifestar à superfície através da falha de empurrão entre o Rio Vermelho e Tucuruí, em associação à qual incide fáceis xisto verde glaucofanítica. A evolução da faixa de dobramentos mostra polaridade para oeste dos vários fenômenos, com exceção do magmatismo básico-ultrabásico.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate treatment of Brazilian patients with gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD).STUDY DESIGN: A retrospective cohort study with analysis of medical reports performed in 10 Brazilian referral centers from January 2000 to December 2011.RESULTS: Of 5,250 patients 3 died (0.06%) at the time of uterine evacuation. Spontaneous remission of GTD (group G1) was observed in 4,103 cases, and 1,144 (21.8%) progressed to gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN) (G2). In G1 2,716 (66.2%) had complete hydatidiform mole (HM) and 1,210, partial HM (29.5%); 3,772 patients (92.7%) recovered as noted in December 2012. In G2, of 1,118 patients treated, initial histopathological results of previous gestation were complete HM (77.5% [n = 886]), partial HM (8.8% [n = 100]), and choriocarcinoma (8.0% [n = 92]); 930 (81.3%) were low-risk, 200 (17.5%) were high-risk GTN, and 14 had placental site trophoblastic tumor (PSTT) (1.2%); cure was achieved in 1,078 cases (96.4%), but 26 patients (2.3%) died (4 low-risk [0.4%], 19 high-risk [9.5%], and 3 PSTT [21.4%]).CONCLUSION: The highest death rates were due to high-risk GTN and PSTT. Patients with molar pregnancy should be referred to a referral center for an early diagnosis and prompt treatment of GTN in order to reduce the morbidity and mortality found in advanced stages.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O uso de radiações ionizantes (R.I.), nas mais variadas atividades tem aumentado nas últimas décadas. Com o avanço tecnológico, novos e sofisticados equipamentos emissores de R.I. tem surgido no cenário nacional, o que torna imperativo a difusão do conhecimento sobre os conceitos de proteção radiológica junto à comunidade em geral, e neste sentido, o curso de física médica desenvolve um importante papel, quer seja no aspecto informativo quanto formativo de cidadãos e profissionais críticos e politicamente corretos, que possam contribuir com as Políticas Públicos dos órgãos normatizadores e fiscalizadores das atividades de vigilância sanitária. Conforme a legislação atual (Resolução SS-625 de 14/12/1994, da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde, e Portaria 453 de 01/06/1998 da Vigilância Sanitária do Ministério da Saúde), todos os serviços que utilizam radiações ionizantes devem realizar testes de avaliação dos parâmetros radiométricos dos equipamentos emissores de R.I., sendo exigidos as medidas de Levantamento Radiométrico das instalações, o Teste de Radiação de Fuga do cabeçote emissor e a implementação de Programa de Garantia de Qualidade dos equipamentos e dos procedimentos radiológicos. Este procedimento tem como objetivo principal a obtenção de imagens radiográficas com qualidade e a segurança de pacientes e profissionais, evitando a exposição desnecessária à radiação de pacientes e profissionais. A correta realização de procedimentos radiológicos além de reduzir a dose nos pacientes também promove significativa diminuição nos custos, por não haver necessidade da repetição dos exames. No Brasil, conforme dados da Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde SAS/MS, atualmente existem instalados 4.469 mamógrafos, 25.930 aparelhos de raios-x médicos, 39.438 aparelhos de raios-x odontológicos e...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The objective of this study was to estimate the reliability of the alcohol use disorders identification test (AUDIT) applied to adolescents. Evaluations were performed with 141 students of ages ranging from 14 to 17 years (14.93±0.62). The internal consistency of the instrument was estimated by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and its reproducibility by weighted Kappa statistics by score and by a reliability interval of 95%. The AUDIT presented excellent internal consistency (α=0.80, rinter-item=0.29). Most questions present reproducibility ranked as “good”. It is concluded that the AUDIT is a reliable instrument to survey information about alcohol use in adolescents.
Nematodes severely attack net melon plants under protected cultivation conditions. The objective of this research was to select rootstocks with resistance to Meloidogyne incognita and M. javanica. The experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions from October 2010 to April 2011 in Jaboticabal, Sao Paulo state, Brazil. Thirty-three cucurbitaceous genotypes were investigated as rootstocks; melons: CNPH 01-930 (Cucumis melo var. flexuosus), CNPH 01-962, 01-963 CNPH (Cucumis melo var. conomon), cvs. Gaucho Redondo, Gaucho Comprido, Redondo Amarelo, Gulfcoast, Chilton, Bonus no. 2, Fantasy; watermelons: cv. Charleston Gray, Progenie da Coreia (Citrullus lanatus); pumpkins: cvs. Mra. Ma, Ornamental, Howden, Mammoth, Kururu, Goianinha (Cucurbita moschata); gourd: Abobora de Porco, cvs. Maranhao, Brasileirinha (Lagenaria siceraria); squash: cv. Pataca Gigante (Cucurbita maxima); cucumber: cvs. Caipira, Branco Meio Comprido, Curumim (Cucumis sativus); loofah: Metro, Semente Branca, Semente Preta (Luffa cylindrica); wax gourd (Benincasa hispida); pumpkin rootstock: Hybrid cv. Keij; snake gourd (Trichosanthes cucumerins) and musk cucumber (Sicana odorifera). To evaluate the resistance, seedlings were transplanted to pots and the root inoculated with 3,000 eggs and second stage juveniles of M. incognita and M. javanica. Fifty days after the inoculation, the plants were evaluated for nematode resistance by means of the reproduction factor. The grafting compatibility between net melon cvs. Bonus no. 2 and Fantasy and the rootstocks previously characterized as resistant were evaluated by means of 60 graftings. CNPH 01-962, CNPH 01-963 and melon 'Gaucho Redondo', were considered resistant to M. incognita. Melon 'Redondo Amarelo', watermelon 'Charleston Gray', watermelon Progenie da Coreia, Trichosanthes cucumerins were considered resistant to M. javanica. Benincasa hispida was resistant to M. javanica and M. incognita. The compatibility between net melons and resistant rootstocks was higher than 98%.
The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of lineage of oocytes donors on the number and quality of oocytes obtained through ultrasound-guided follicular aspiration in Nellore breed cows derived from two lineages of bulls (Karvadi; K and Taj-Mahal; T). Both maternal (Km and Tm) and paternal (Kp and Tp) lineages, as well as their combinations were investigated. Oocyte aspirations were repeatedly performed with an aspiration interval of 15 days in 56 donor females. Recovered cumulus oocyte-complexes (COCs) were counted, morphologically examined and classified into seven categories (grades from I to VII) according to the number of layers of the cumulus oocyte and cytoplasm appearance. The mean number of oocytes retrieved from donors of lineage Tp-Tm was significantly higher (28.23±1.92, P<0.05) than those obtained from lineages Kp-Tm, Kp-Km, and Tp-Km (21.34±1.32, 21.28±1.73, and 16.72±1.31, respectively). There was no significant difference in the mean number of recovered oocytes between donors of lineages Kp-Km and Kp-Tm, whereas animals of lineage Tp-Km yielded the lowest number of oocytes. Higher mean number of grade III oocytes was recovered from donors of lineage Kp than lineage Tp (10.11±0.66 versus 8.79±0.58, respectively), with more grade III oocytes being obtained in both lineages as compared to the others. Paternal lineage did not influence the quality of recovered oocytes in any other category, but both Kp and Tp yielded a great mean number of oocytes graded as I, II, and III (3.14±0.21; 4.93±0.33, and 10.11±0.66 versus 3.19±0.21, 5.59±0.44, and 8.79±0.58, respectively) than those classified as IV, V, VI, and VII. However, when considering the data from the maternal lineage significantly more oocytes (P<0.05) of grade I, II and III were obtained from Taj-Mahal (11.67 ± 0.67, 5.9±0.42 and 3.64±0.25, respectively) than for lineage Karvadi, with similar results for oocytes of grades IV, V, VI, and VII. Similarly to the paternal lineage, the number of oocytes of grade III was superior (P<0.05) when compared to other categories for both lineages. In conclusion, we demonstrate here a direct influence of lineage of oocyte donor on the production and quality of oocytes obtained through ultrasound-guided follicular aspiration in Nellore cows.
Change on vertical jump after competitive period in professionals soccer players. Brazilian Journal of Biomotricity, v. 4, n. 2, p. 140-147, 2010. Soccer is a sport that demands different intensities of run, with decisive actions of a match being held in maximum intensity. Vertical jump test is widely used in soccer players due to the strong relationship with speed and agility. Futhermore, there are little information about change on vertical jump after the competitive season in soccer players. The aim of this study was to analyze change on vertical jump after the competitive season in professional soccer players. Took part in this study 21 male athletes (20.82 ± 3.16 years, 72.28 ± 8.74 kg and 179.91 ± 6.14 cm) subscribers to the 4th division of the Paulista championship of 2009. The competitive season had a duration of 20 weeks, with a total of 20 official matchs done. The test used was the counter-movement vertical jump (VJ), that was performed in the first (PRE) and last (POS) training session of the competitive period. After confirmation of data normality by Kolmogorov-Smirnov, the inferential analysis of the results of VJ between PRE and POS was performed using the paired t-test, considering the significance level of 5%. There was a significant increase (p<0,05) on VJ after the competitive period (PRE=54,19±4,46 and POS=57,94±5,23). According to the results of this study, it is possible to increase the performance of VJ in professional soccer players after the competitive period of 20 weeks duration.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV
The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of supplementing glutamine and nucleotides on growth performance and development intestinal morphology in broiler chicks. In the trial, 600 male broiler chicks distributed in randomized blocks in a 3x2 factorial arrangement (consisting of a uniform basal diet supplemented with: 0.0, 0.5 or 1.0% glutamine, and 0.0 or 0.04% nucleotides), for a total of 6 treatments with 25 birds each. Means of performance (weight, weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion and mortality) were obtained 7, 21 and 42 days of age. At the end of the experiment 4 broilers per treatment were used to determine organs weight and development intestinal morphology. Glutamine supplementation (1%) improved the body weight, feed intake and feed conversion in the first week. Glutamine and nucleotides supplementation did not affect performance in broiler chicks in the period one to 21 and one to 42 days of age. In conclusion, it was demonstrated that feeding 1.0% glutamine improved growth performance of broiler birds at 21 days of age.
The present study has for objective been to know the answers of performance indicators between different positions of volleyball and check for possible relationship between subjective perception referred by coach effort of volleyball athletes during training. Eleven athlete of the feminine sex, during eight weeks, 23 carried through sessions of training and eleven games, inferior members (Vertical Jump) and superiors had been evaluated by means of measures of explosive power in (Throw Medicine Ball), at the beginning and end of each week. For the verification of the subjective perceived of exertion it was used scales proposal for Foster (1998), to the end of each session of training. The collected data had been kept in computer file, producing information in the descriptive plan (measured central and dispersion) and the inferencial for the analysis of variance for the model with a factor complemented with the test of multiple comparisons of Tukey and linear correlation of Pearson. The results present as it has detached: i) the exercises specifics as content of bigger frequency in the training; ii) the test of vertical jump presented difference between the positions and, finally, iii) the subjective perceived of exertion between coach and athlete, he points that the trainer overestimates in 9,76% the perceived of the athletes. Such data are argued how much to the contents of the training as well as the load used in the interior of the process of preparation and monitoring of the training.
O conhecimento sobre a turbidez atmosférica é de grande importância para áreas de climatologia, monitoramento de poluição e estudos da atenuação da radiação solar em condições de céu limpo. Neste trabalho o modelo de turbidez atmosférica de Linke (TL), modificado por Li e Lam é descrito e utilizado na estimativa da turbidez atmosférica e radiação solar direta na incidência (Ib). Os dados de Ib na incidência e radiação global utilizados são do período de 1996 a 2003. Os resultados mostram que TL apresenta sazonalidade em função do clima local variando entre 3,10±0,72 (maio) e 3,93±0,91(setembro), com média anual igual a 3,51±0,25. Na estimativa de Ib, ocorreu sub/superestimativa (MBE), espalhamento (RMSE) e ajustamento (d), respectivamente, em: janeiro: -4,38%; 13,87%; 0,83 e junho: 2,00%; 8,98%; 0,94. Com base nos valores dos três indicativos estatísticos, o melhor desempenho do modelo foi obtido nos meses de céu sem nuvens e baixa poluição.