983 resultados para 842


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El mundo esta envuelto en una espiral de violencia, caracterizada por la agudización de los enfrentamientos supranacionales, regionales, generacionales, étnicos, ambientales, sociales y de género. La transnacionalización de la economía, la concentración del poder, la discriminación, la explotación y exclusión social son parte estructural de estos enfrentamientos que está llevando a que la supervivencia del ser humano se encuentre en extrema fragilidad. Al mismo tiempo, se vive un proceso de globalización galopante, determinada por la ampliación de un "sentido común" que fomenta como manifiesta el investigador social chileno Helio Gallardo, individuos que producen con eficiencia y consumen con opulencia Es decir personas que manejan tecnologías de punta -para mejorar los niveles de explotación laboral- y consumen productos superfluos estandarizados como MacDonalds y Coca Cola En este replanteamiento, la cultura de paz, entendida como un proceso de construcción de comunidad, donde se fomenta mayor justicia y menor violencia, nos da elementos para replantear el mundo en que queremos vivir


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Se registran importantes avances legales y constitucionales en el reconocimiento del derecho de las mujeres. Sin embargo, persisten situaciones de inequidad en los temas pobreza, violencia contra la mujer y acceso a la justicia. En el Ecuador, uno de cada cinco hogares pobres está jefaturado por una mujer, alcanzando el 20% de los mismos el nivel de indigencia. Un 41% de las mujeres encuestadas declara haber sido víctima de violencia psicológica, un 31% afirma haber sufrido violencia física y un 12% sexual. En las Comisarías de la Mujer y la Familia se recibieron 60,789 denuncias por violencia intrafamiliar (2005). La Unidad de Estadísticas del Ministerio Fiscal (2005) registró un total de 8,735 denuncias sobre delitos sexuales, de las cuales 3,842, casi la mitad de ellas, fueron violaciones. El sistema judicial no da respuestas efectivas a las denuncias sobre delitos sexuales y violencia intrafamiliar.


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El presente trabajo está destinado a desarrollar una propuesta de Plan de Negocios para la creación de un supermercado ubicado en el barrio Mariana de Jesús de la parroquia de Calderón en el sector norte de la ciudad de Quito. Se estima un ingreso por ventas de US$ 1.913.842 en el primer año, considerado atender al 35% del número potencial de familias en el área de influencia. En el Plan de Marketing se considera objetivos de segmentación del mercado, producto y precio, provisión, almacenamiento y distribución, y merchandising. El Plan de Operaciones, considera requerimientos de recursos materiales y humanos, plazos, capacidad y stock. El Plan Financiero incluye aspectos de Inversión, financiamiento, costo de venta de los productos, margen de utilidad bruta (7% normal para este tipo de actividad). Los flujos de caja para la determinación del Valor Terminal del negocio, Valor Actual Neto (VAN), Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) y Periodo de Recupero. El VAN del negocio es positivo (US$ 411.800) y la TIR de 35% superando el 24% a la tasa promedio ponderada del capital, lo que determina que el negocio es factible o viable. El VAN del inversionista es positivo (US$ 653.943) y la TIR del mismo es de 46% superando en 38% a la tasa promedio ponderada del capital propio, por lo cual el negocio es conveniente y factible también para los socios. El periodo de recupero de la inversión es de 4,25 años o equivalente a 4 años y 100 días considerada razonable y que también viabiliza el negocio. Las conclusiones que se presentan permiten recomendar la viabilidad del negocio.


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Caracterizar financieramente al sector comercial ecuatoriano involucra el investigar las principales variables macroeconómicas y financieras inmersas dentro del sector, para lo cual, se partió de la hipótesis de que el sector comercial ecuatoriano tiene un determinado desempeño financiero que se puede caracterizar a través de la construcción de un modelo estadístico. Se inició con la búsqueda de información sobre el desarrollo de modelos estadísticos similares, en tres países (Alemania, México y Chile), sin embargo, en la web superficial no se obtuvo un modelo a seguir pues únicamente se han estructurado modelos utilizando variables macroeconómicas. Por ello, se diseñó un modelo estadístico basado en el método de mínimos cuadrados ordinarios. La base de datos empleada corresponde al formulario 101 “impuesto a la renta de sociedades y establecimientos permanentes” del Servicio de Rentas Internas (SRI). El modelo estadístico trabaja con un nivel de confianza del 95%, existen once observaciones (período 2002-2012), siete variables independientes (exportaciones netas, inventario de materia prima y productos terminados, total costos y gastos, total ingresos, total pasivo, total patrimonio neto y ventas netas locales totales excluye activos fijos) que explican el comportamiento de la variable dependiente (utilidad del ejercicio). Se realizaron las pruebas de hipótesis correspondientes, presentando consistencia en los resultados encontrados. También se realizó la predicción del comportamiento de la variable dependiente por un período, la misma que difirió en 7,1% del valor real, lo que se explica por el limitado número de observaciones. Se construyeron dos escenarios (pesimista y optimista), asignándoles una probabilidad de ocurrencia, con lo que se calculó el valor esperado (US $ 3.727 millones) y la desviación estándar (US $ 4.842 millones). La investigación se compone de cinco capítulos. El primero, realiza una introducción y aborda la metodología. El segundo, refiere al marco teórico. El tercer capítulo, caracteriza estadística y financieramente al sector comercial ecuatoriano. En el cuarto capítulo se evalúan los efectos de la construcción del modelo utilizando el análisis de escenarios y de elasticidad. Mientras que el quinto capítulo recoge las conclusiones, observaciones y recomendaciones de la investigación.


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Alanine dehydrogenase (AldA) is the principal enzyme with which pea bacteroids synthesize alanine de novo. In free-living culture, AMA activity is induced by carboxylic acids (succinate, malate, and pyruvate), although the best inducer is alanine. Measurement of the intracellular concentration of alanine showed that AldA contributes to net alanine synthesis in laboratory cultures. Divergently transcribed from aldA is an AsnC type regulator, aldR. Mutation of aldR prevents induction of AldA activity. Plasmid-borne gusA fusions showed that aldR is required for transcription of both aldA and aldR; hence, AldR is autoregulatory. However, plasmid fusions containing the aldA-aldR intergenic region could apparently titrate out AldR, sometimes resulting in a complete loss of AldA enzyme activity. Therefore, integrated aldR::gusA and aldA::gusA fusions, as well as Northern blotting, were used to confirm the induction of aldA activity. Both aldA and aldR were expressed in the II/III interzone and zone III of pea nodules. Overexpression of aldA in bacteroids did not alter the ability of pea plants to fix nitrogen, as measured by acetylene reduction, but caused a large reduction in the size and dry weight of plants. This suggests that overexpression of aldA impairs the ability of bacteroids to donate fixed nitrogen that the plant can productively assimilate. We propose that the role of AldA may be to balance the alanine level for optimal functioning of bacteroid metabolism rather than to synthesize alanine as the sole product of N-2 reduction.


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Three large deformation rheological tests, the Kieffer dough extensibility system, the D/R dough inflation system and the 2 g mixograph test, were carried out on doughs made from a large number of winter wheat lines and cultivars grown in Poland. These lines and cultivars represented a broad spread in baking performance in order to assess their suitability as predictors of baking volume. The parameters most closely associated with baking volume were strain hardening index, bubble failure strain, and mixograph bandwidth at 10min. Simple correlations with baking volume indicate that bubble failure strain and strain hardening index give the highest correlations, whilst the use of best subsets regression, which selects the best combination of parameters, gave increased correlations with R-2 = 0.865 for dough inflation parameters, R-2 = 0. 842 for Kieffer parameters and R-2 = 0.760 for mixograph parameters. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new type of horn antenna for operation at 1.6 THz, that can be fabricated monolithically with 1/4-height micromachined waveguide, is described. Height, limitations imposed by the micromachining process are overcome by removing a tapered slot in the upper surface of a scalar horn, allowing the E-plane fields to extend outside the confines of the metallic structure before radiation, with a consequent reduction in E-plane beamwidth. 1.6 THz radiation pattern measurements for different designs show that, while there is scope for further optimisation, 3 dB beamwidths of 24 degrees and 17.5 degrees in the E- and H-planes, respectively, can be achieved.


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OBJECTIVE: The present study was carried out to determine effects of test meals of different fatty acid compositions on postprandial lipoprotein and apolipoprotein metabolism. DESIGN: The study was a randomized, single blind design. SETTING: The study was carried out in the Clinical Investigation Unit of the Royal Surrey County Hospital. SUBJECTS: Twelve male normal subjects with an average age of 22.4 +/- 1.4 years (mean +/- SD) were selected from the student population of the University of Surrey; one subject dropped out of the study because he found the test meal unpalatable. INTERVENTIONS: The subjects were given three evening test meals on three separate occasions, in which the oils used were either a mixed oil (rich in saturated fatty acids and approximated the fatty acid intake of the current UK diet), corn oil (rich in n-6 fatty acids), or fish oil (rich in n-3 fatty acids) 40 g of the oil under investigation were incorporated into a rice-based test meal. Triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins-triacylglycerol (TRL-TAG), TRL-cholesterol (TRL-cholesterol), plasma-TAG, plasma cholesterol (T-C), and serum apolipoprotein A-I and B (apo A-I and B) responses were measured. Postprandial responses were followed for 11 h. RESULTS: Postprandial plasma-TAG responses, calculated as incremental areas under the response curves (IAUC) were significantly reduced following the fish oil meal [365.5 +/- 145.4 mmol/l x min (mean +/- SD)[ compared with the mixed oil meal (552.0 +/- 141.7 mmol/l x min) (P < 0.05) and there was a strong trend towards the same direction in the TRL-TAG responses. In all instances, plasma-and TRL-TAG showed a biphasic response with increased concentrations occurring at 1h and between 3 and 7h postprandially. TRL-cholesterol, T-C, and serum apo A-I and B responses to the three meals were similar. CONCLUSIONS: The findings support the view that fish oils decrease postprandial lipaemia and this may be an important aspect of their beneficial effects in reducing risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Further work is required to determine the mechanisms responsible for this effect.


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This paper describes a study of the cursor trajectories of motion-impaired users in "point and click" interactions. A characteristic of cursor movement is proposed that aims to capture the spatial distribution of cursor movement about a target. This characteristic indicates that users often exhibit increased cursor movement in the vicinity of the target, have more difficulty performing the "clicking" part of the interaction as compared to the navigation part, and tend to navigate directly toward the target during the middle portion of the cursor trajectory. The implications of these characteristic behaviours on interface design are discussed.


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Background The process of weaning causes a major shift in intestinal microbiota and is a critical period for developing appropriate immune responses in young mammals.Objective To use a new systems approach to provide an overview of host metabolism and the developing immune system in response to nutritional intervention around the weaning period.Design Piglets (n=14) were weaned onto either an egg-based or soya-based diet at 3 weeks until 7 weeks, when all piglets were switched onto a fish-based diet. Half the animals on each weaning diet received Bifidobacterium lactis NCC2818 supplementation from weaning onwards. Immunoglobulin production from immunologically relevant intestinal sites was quantified and the urinary (1)H NMR metabolic profile was obtained from each animal at post mortem (11 weeks).Results Different weaning diets induced divergent and sustained shifts in the metabolic phenotype, which resulted in the alteration of urinary gut microbial co-metabolites, even after 4 weeks of dietary standardisation. B lactis NCC2818 supplementation affected the systemic metabolism of the different weaning diet groups over and above the effects of diet. Additionally, production of gut mucosa-associated IgA and IgM was found to depend upon the weaning diet and on B lactis NCC2818 supplementation.ConclusionThe correlation of urinary (1)H NMR metabolic profile with mucosal immunoglobulin production was demonstrated, thus confirming the value of this multi-platform approach in uncovering non-invasive biomarkers of immunity. This has clear potential for translation into human healthcare with the development of urine testing as a means of assessing mucosal immune status. This might lead to early diagnosis of intestinal dysbiosis and with subsequent intervention, arrest disease development. This system enhances our overall understanding of pathologies under supra-organismal control.