1000 resultados para 61.198


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Sixteen elemental abundances and 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the Nauru Basin basalt (Cores 75 to 90: sub-bottom depths 950 m to 1050 m) from Hole 462A have been determined by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. The result indicates that the basalt is a new type of oceanic tholeiite, elementally similar to normal mid-oceanic ridge basalts and isotopically similar to oceanic island-type basalts.


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The Cretaceous has long been recognized as a time when greenhouse conditions were fueled by elevated atmospheric CO2 and accompanied by perturbations of the global carbon cycle described as oceanic anoxic events (OAEs). Yet, the magnitude and frequency of temperature change during this interval of warm and equable climate are poorly constrained. Here we present a high-resolution record of sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) reconstructed using the TEX86 paleothermometer for a sequence of early Aptian organic-rich sediments deposited during the first Cretaceous OAE (OAE1a) at Shatsky Rise in the tropical Pacific. SSTs range from ~30 to ~36 °C and include two prominent cooling episodes of ~4 °C. The cooler temperatures reflect significant temperature instability in the tropics likely triggered by changes in carbon cycling induced by enhanced burial of organic matter. SST instability recorded during the early Aptian in the Pacific is comparable to that reported for the late Albian-early Cenomanian in the Atlantic, suggesting that such climate perturbations may have recurred during the Cretaceous with concomitant consequences for biota and the marine environment.


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Numerous veins are present in basalts recovered from Hole 462A, Leg 61 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Three mineral assemblages are recognized and stratigraphically controlled. These assemblages are (1) a zeolite-bearing, quartz-poor assemblage which occurs from Core 44 to the bottom of the hole and contains smectite, clinoptilolite, calcite, pyrite, ± chabazite, ± analcime, ± quartz, ± apophyllite, ± talc (?); (2) a quartz-rich, pyrite-bearing assemblage, found between Cores 19 and 29, which contains smectite, calcite, quartz, and pyrite; and (3) a quartz-rich, celadonite-bearing assemblage which occurs from Cores 14 through 17 and contains smectite, calcite, quartz, celadonite, and Fe oxide. These data are interpreted to represent two episodes of vein mineral formation with an oxidative overprint on the more recent. The first episode followed the outpourings of basaltic lavas onto the sea floor. Zeolite-bearing veins were formed at elevated temperatures under low PCO2 while the thermal gradient was high and before a cover of calcareous sediments had formed. The second mineralization episode followed injection of basalt and microdiabase sills into a thick layer of sediments, and produced all the vein minerals now occurring between Cores 14 and 29. These veins formed at lower temperature and higher PCO2 than zeolite-bearing veins. The presence of pyrite indicates a nonoxidative environment. After the initial formation of these veins, oxygenated seawater diffused through the sedimentary cover and oxidized the pyrite and smectite, forming celadonite and Fe oxides.


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Calcareous nannofossil and planktic foraminiferal assemblages from ODP Hole 1210A in the northwestern Pacific Ocean were used to reconstruct surface-water conditions for the past 500 kyr. Stratigraphic control was provided by calcareous nannofossil events that are thought to be synchronous over a broad range of latitudes. Calcareous nannofossil and planktic foraminiferal assemblages and abundance patterns indicate the unlikelihood of long term (Milankovitch-scale) latitudinal shifts of the Kuroshio Extension over the last 500 kyr and illustrate two successive surface water-mass states, one that prevailed prior to 300 ka and one that existed after 300 ka. The relative abundance of very small placoliths and the absolute abundance of the upper photic zone (UPZ) coccolith species decrease abruptly at approximately 300 ka. The relative abundance of the lower photic zone (LPZ) species Florisphaera profunda greatly increases at the same time, although intervals during which the relative abundance of this taxon is very low or absent also occur prior to 300 ka. The absolute abundance of planktic foraminifera gradually increased after the 300-ka boundary, including peaks of Globoconella inflata. These assemblage and abundance changes suggest significant modifications to the surface water-mass structure. Surface water was weakly stratified prior to 300 ka, but alternated between intensely stratified and vertically mixed after 300 ka. Changes in the surface water-mass structure suggest an intensification of the East Asian summer and winter monsoon after 300 ka.