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This study presents the first archeointensity results from Northeast Brazil obtained from 14 groups of architectural brick fragments sampled in the city of Salvador, Bahia State (13 degrees S, 38.5 degrees W) and dated between the middle of the XVIth century and the beginning of the XIXth century. The dating is ascertained by historical documents complemented by archeological constraints, yielding in all cases age uncertainties of less than 50 years. Analyses were carried out using two experimental protocols: 1 the ""zero field-in field"" version of the classical Thellier and Thellier method as proposed by Coe (TT-ZI), including partial thermoremanent magnetization (pTRM) and pTRM-tail checks, and 2 the Triaxe procedure involving continuous high temperature magnetization measurements. Both TRM anisotropy and cooling rate effects were taken into account for the intensity determinations. The cooling rate effect was further explored for the TT-ZI protocol using three increasing slow cooling times (5 h, 10 h and 25 h) between 450 C and room temperature. Following archeological constraints, the slowest cooling time was retained in our study, yielding decreases of the raw intensity values by 4% to 14%. For each fragment, a mean intensity was computed and retained only when the data obtained from all specimens (between 2 and 6) satisfied a coherence test at similar to 5%. A total of 57 fragments (183 specimens) was considered for the computations of site-mean intensity values, with derived standard deviations of less than 8% of the corresponding means. When separately computed using the two experimental techniques, the site-mean intensity values always agree to within 5%. A good consistency is observed between intensity values of similar or close ages, which strengthen their reliability. Our data principally show a significant and continuous decrease in geomagnetic field intensity in Northeast Brazil between the first half of the XVIIth century and the XXth century. One result dated to the second half of the XVIth century further suggests that the geomagnetic field intensity reached a maximum around 1600 AD. This evolution is in good agreement with that expected in the city of Salvador from the available global geomagnetic field models. However, the accuracy of these models appears less well constrained between similar to 1550 AD and similar to 1650 AD. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Apenas alguns relatos na literatura demonstram que lectinas são importantes nos processos de colonização e infecção por Escherichia coli. A falta de compreensão clara dos mecanismos envolvendo lectinas, no processo de colonização por E. coli, motivou a realização deste estudo para se identificar a presença de outras lectinas não descritas em E. coli. Neste trabalho, isolou-se uma proteína de 75kDa de E. coli em coluna de Sepharose, correspondente ao receptor de aerobactina férrica (IutA). A associação de IutA com virulência de cepas de E. coli é controversa, principalmente em E. coli uropatogênica (UPEC), o que levou a se avaliar a presença do gene iutA em UPECs isoladas de pacientes com infecção urinária. O gene estava presente em 38% dos isolados, sugerindo fraca associação com virulência. Devido à existência de redundância nos sistemas de captura de ferro, sugere-se, aqui, que IutA possa ser vantajosa, mas não essencial para UPEC.
Programa de doctorado: Nuevas perspectivas del Derecho Privado
Modellazione al CAD di un aliante sviluppato in Germania nei primi decenni dello scorso secolo e studio preliminare di fattibilità della motorizzazione del velivolo.
La geometria frattale descrive la complessità strutturale di oggetti che presentano, entro certi limiti, invarianza a fattori di scala. Obiettivo di questa tesi è l’analisi di indici frattali della morfologia cerebrale e cerebellare da immagini di risonanza magnetica (MRI) pesate T1 e della loro correlazione con l’età. A tale scopo sono state analizzate la dimensione frattale (D0) e la lacunarità (λs), indice di eterogeneità strutturale, della sostanza grigia (GM) e bianca (WM), calcolate mediante algoritmi di box counting e di differential gliding box, implementati in linguaggio C++, e regressione lineare con scelta automatica delle scale spaziali. Gli algoritmi sono stati validati su fantocci 3D ed è stato proposto un metodo per compensare la dipendenza di λs dalle dimensioni dell’immagine e dalla frazione di immagine occupata. L’analisi frattale è stata applicata ad immagini T1 a 3T del dataset ICBM (International Consortium for Brain Mapping) composto da 86 soggetti (età 19-85 anni). D0 e λs sono state rispettivamente 2.35±0.02 (media±deviazione standard) e 0.41±0.05 per la GM corticale, 2.34±0.03 e 0.35±0.05 per la WM cerebrale, 2.19±0.05 e 0.17±0.02 per la GM cerebellare, 1.95±0.06 e 0.30±0.04 per la WM cerebellare. Il coefficiente di correlazione lineare tra età e D0 della GM corticale è r=−0.38 (p=0.003); tra età e λs, r=0.72 (p<0.001) (mostrando che l’eterogeneità strutturale aumenta con l’invecchiamento) e tra età e λs compensata rispetto al volume della GM cerebrale (GMV), r=0.51 (p<0.001), superiore in valore assoluto a quello tra età e GMV (r=−0.45, p<0.001). In un modello di regressione lineare multipla, dove l’età è stata modellata da D0, λ e GMV della GM corticale, λs è risultato l’unico predittore significativo (r parziale=0.62, p<0.001). La lacunarità λs è un indice sensibile alle variazioni strutturali dovute all’invecchiamento cerebrale e si candida come biomarcatore nella valutazione della complessità cerebrale nelle malattie neurodegenerative.
Late preterm births with a gestational age of 340/7-366/7 are physiologically, anatomically and metabolically immature and develop medical complications significantly more frequently, have a high morbidity and an elevated mortality. Consideration of this knowledge will in future require new strategies for obstretric, peripartal and neonatal management options that take into account not only maternal risks and demands but also those of the infant.
OBJECTIVES: To describe the occurrence of systemic hypertension in dogs with acute kidney injury and the efficacy of amlodipine besylate for its treatment. METHODS: This retrospective study included 52 dogs with acute kidney injury (2007 to 2008) grouped based on the use of amlodipine in their treatment. Systemic blood pressure was measured with an oscillometric device at admission, before, during, and after amlodipine therapy. RESULTS: Occurrence of systolic systemic hypertension (>/=160 mmHg) and severe systolic systemic hypertension (>/=180 mmHg) was 37% and 15% at admission and increased with hospitalisation to 81% and 62%, respectively. Twenty-two dogs were treated with amlodipine, at a median daily dosage of 0.38 mg/kg (interquartile range 0.28 to 0.49) divided in one to two applications per day. Amlodipine therapy was associated with a decrease in systolic systemic blood pressure of 24 mmHg (12 to 34) and a correction of severe systemic hypertension in 10 of 11 dogs within 24 hours. Overall, 73% of the dogs survived with a significantly lower proportion of survivors in treated compared to non-treated dogs (59% versus 83%, respectively, P=0.05). CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Results of this study reveal that systemic hypertension is common in canine acute kidney injury and that treatment with amlodipine is beneficial in reducing systemic hypertension. The potential effect of amlodipine on global outcome requires prospective assessment.
This phase I trial was designed to develop a new effective and well-tolerated regimen for patients with aggressive B cell lymphoma not eligible for front-line anthracycline-based chemotherapy or aggressive second-line treatment strategies. The combination of rituximab (375 mg/m(2) on day 1), bendamustine (70 mg/m(2) on days 1 and 2), and lenalidomide was tested with a dose escalation of lenalidomide at three dose levels (10, 15, or 20 mg/day) using a 3 + 3 design. Courses were repeated every 4 weeks. The recommended dose was defined as one level below the dose level identifying ≥2/6 patients with a dose-limiting toxicity (DLT) during the first cycle. Thirteen patients were eligible for analysis. Median age was 77 years. WHO performance status was 0 or 1 in 12 patients. The Charlson Comorbidity Index showed relevant comorbidities in all patients. Two DLTs occurred at the second dose level (15 mg/day) within the first cycle: one patient had prolonged grade 3 neutropenia, and one patient experienced grade 4 cardiac adverse event (myocardial infarction). Additional grade 3 and 4 toxicities were as follows: neutropenia (31 %), thrombocytopenia (23 %), cardiac toxicity (31 %), fatigue (15 %), and rash (15 %). The dose of lenalidomide of 10 mg/day was recommended for a subsequent phase II in combination with rituximab 375 mg/m(2) on day 1 and bendamustine 70 mg/m(2) on days 1 and 2.