971 resultados para 30 kDa protein


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Surface proteinaceous fibrils, termed fimbriae, were first identified on gram negative bacteria in the 1940s. Fungal fimbriae, discovered some 25 years later, are found on members of all fungal classes. In the present study, polyclonal antiserum raised against the fimbrial proteins of U. vio/acea were used in order to identify antigenically related proteins from Coprinus cinereus and Schizophy//um commune. Two polypeptides with molecular masses of 37 and 39 kDa from C. cinereus were observed and confirm earlier results. A single previously unidentified 50 kDa polypeptide in S. commune crossreacted with the antiserum. The 50 kDa protein was found to consist of 3 isoforms with isoelectric points ranging from 5.6 to 5.8. A fimbrial cDNA derived from U. vio/acea was used to identify DNA restriction fragments from C. cinereus and S. commune showing homology to the fimbrial transcript of U. vio/acea. Heterologous hybridization with this cDNA was used in order to screen a C. cinereus genomic DNA library. A single clone, A2-3A, with a 14 kbp insert showed strong homology to the pfim3-1 cDNA. The region of homology, a 700 bp Xba I fragment, was subcloned into pUG19. This plasmid was refered to as pXX8. DNA sequence determinations of pXX8 and adjacent fragments from A2-3A suggested that the cloned DNA was a portion of the rONA repeat encoding the small subunit rRNA. DNA sequence analysis of pfim3-1 yielded an incomplete open reading frame. The predicted amino acid sequence codes for a 206 amino acid, 22 kDa polypeptide which contains a domain similar to a transmembrane domain from rat leukocyte antigen, GDS3. As well, an untranslated 576 nucleotide domain showed 81 % homology to pXX8 and 830/0 homology to the 188 rRNA sequence of Ustilago maydis. This sequence was found adjacent to a region of adenine-thymine base pairs presumed to represent the polyadenylation sequence of the fimbrial transcript. The size and extent of homology is sufficient to account for the hybridization of pfim3-1 to rDNA. It is suggested that this domain represents a completely novel regulatory domain within eukaryotes that may enable the observed rapid regeneration of fimbriae in U. violacea.


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Black fly (Simuliidae) silk is produced by the larvae and pharate pupae and is used for anchorage and cocoon production. There exists limited information on simuliid silks, including protein composition and genetic sequences encoding such proteins. The present study aimed to expand what is known about simuliid silks by examining the silks of several simuliid species and by making comparisons to the silk of non-biting midges (Chironomidae). Silk glands were dissected out of larval and pupal simuliids, and protein contents were separated by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and visualized with silver stain. Protein contents were compared by mass in kilodaltons (kDa) between life stages and among species. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to expand upon known gene sequence information, and to determine the presence of genes homologous to chironomid silk. SDS-PAGE of cocoons revealed the presence of a 56 kDa and a 67 kDa protein. Silk gland contained as many as 28 different proteins ranging from 319 kDa to 8 kDa. Protein profiles vary among species, and group into large (>200), intermediate(>100), and small (<100) protein classes as is found in chironomids. It is likely that silk evolved in a common ancestor of simuliids and chironomids


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La régulation de l’expression des gènes est ce qui permet à nos cellules de s’adapter à leur environnement, de combattre les infections ou, plus généralement, de produire la quantité exacte de protéine nécessaire pour répondre à un besoin spécifique. Parmi les joueurs les plus importants dans cette régulation de l’expression des gènes on retrouve les microARN (miARN). Ces petits ARN de 22 nucléotides sont présents chez la majorité des espèces multicellulaires et sont responsables du contrôle direct de plus de 30% des gènes exprimant des protéines chez les vertébrés. La famille de miARN lethal-7 (let-7) est composée de miARN parmi les plus connus et ayant des fonctions cruciales pour la cellule. La régulation du niveau des miARN let-7 est essentielle au bon développement cellulaire. La biogenèse de ces miARN, du transcrit primaire jusqu’à leur forme mature, est régulée principalement par Lin28, une protéine pluripotente très conservée. Cette protéine est composée d’un domaine cold shock (CSD) et de deux domaines de liaison au zinc. C’est grâce à ces domaines de liaison à l’ARN que Lin28 peut lier et inhiber la maturation des miARN let-7. L’objectif de cette thèse est de caractériser l’interaction entre Lin28 et le microARN précurseur let-7g afin de mieux comprendre le rôle de cette protéine dans l’inhibition de la biogenèse du miARN. À l’aide de techniques biochimiques et biophysiques, nous avons d’abord défini les principaux déterminants de l’interaction entre Lin28 et la boucle terminale du miARN précurseur let-7g (TL-let-7g). Nous avons conclu que le domaine C-terminal de Lin28, composé d’un motif riche en lysines et arginines ainsi que de deux motifs de liaison au zinc, permet à la protéine de lier spécifiquement et avec haute affinité un renflement riche en guanine conservé chez les précurseurs de la famille let-7. Aussi, parce que la séquence et la spécificité de liaison à l’ARN de ce domaine C-terminal sont semblables à celles de la protéine NCp7 du VIH, nous avons défini ce dernier comme le domaine NCp7-like de Lin28. Par la suite, nous avons caractérisé la multimérisation de trois protéines Lin28 sur la boucle terminale de pre-let-7g. Ceci a permis de réconcilier d’apparentes contradictions retrouvées dans la littérature actuelle concernant les sites de liaison de Lin28 lors de sa liaison aux miARN précurseurs. Nous avons identifié trois sites de liaison à haute affinité sur TL-let-7g qui sont liés dans un ordre précis par trois protéines Lin28. Lors de la formation du complexe multimérique, le CSD permet une déstabilisation de l’ARN, ce qui rend accessible plusieurs sites de liaison. Le domaine NCp7-like permet plutôt un assemblage ordonné de la protéine et facilite la liaison initiale de cette dernière. Ces nouveaux résultats rendent possible la mise au point d’un nouveau modèle de l’interaction entre Lin28 et le miARN précurseur let-7g. En conclusion, les études réalisées dans cette thèse apportent une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la régulation post-transcriptionnelle d’une importante famille de miARN et permettront de guider les futures études dans le domaine de recherche en pleine effervescence qu’est celui de la biogenèse des miARN.


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Die an der Glutathionsynthese im Chloroplasten von Spinatblättern beteiligten Enzyme sind auf eine lichtabhängige Regulation durch Thioredoxine (Trx) und Glutaredoxine (Grx) hin untersucht worden. Dazu wurde eine neue, vereinfachte Methode zur Aktivitätsbestimmung für die gamma-Glutamylcystein- und Glutathionsynthetase auf der Kapillarelektrophorese entwickelt. Untersuchungen mit den homologen Thioredoxinen Trx m und Trx f aus Spinatchloroplasten und mit dem E.coli Trx und E.coli Grx 1 zeigten, dass bei beiden Enzymen keine Redoxmodulation durch diese Proteine stattfindet. Weitere Untersuchungen mit der Glutathionsynthetase zeigten keinen Einfluss von Dithiothreit, Sulfit-Ionen und Ascorbat auf die Enzymaktivität. Nur H2O2, in unphysiologischen Konzentrationen, bewirkte eine leichte Abnahme der Ausgangsaktivität. Im Fall der gamma-Glutamylcysteinsynthetase konnten verschiedene Einflüsse ausgemacht werden. So war mit Dithiothreit und H2O2 bei niedrigen Konzentrationen eine Stimulation und bei höheren Konzentration eine Inhibition der Enzymaktivität festzustellen: Sulfit-Ionen zeigten eine starke Stimulierung der gamma-Glutamylcysteinsynthetase über einen weiten Konzentrationsbereich, wobei eine starke pH-Wert-Abhängigkeit der Stimulation zu beobachten war. Ascorbat zeigte, wie bei der Glutathionsynthetase, keinen Einfluss auf die Enzymaktivität der gamma-Glutamyl-cysteinsynthetase. In einem zweiten Teil der Arbeit über die Glutaredoxine des Spinats konnte ein 12,4 kDa Protein mit Thioltransferase-Aktivität, das bisher als cytosolisches Glutaredoxin beschrieben wurde, aufgereinigt und mittels N-terminaler Sequenzierung eindeutig als ein Glutaredoxin identifiziert werden. Überdies konnte ein noch nicht beschriebenes 12,8 kDa Protein mit Thioltransferase-Aktivität aus Spinatchloroplasten aufgereinigt werden. Durch Peptid-Sequenzierung gelang es dieses Protein auch als ein Glutaredoxin zu identifizieren. Beide pflanzlichen Glutaredoxine zeigten keine Modulation der Aktivitäten der chloroplastidären Fructosebisphosphatase (FbPase) und NADPH-Malatdehydrogenase (NADPH-MDH). Auch war mit beiden Glutaredoxinen keine Dehydroascorbatreduktase-Aktivität, oder eine Stimulation der Ribonucleotidreduktase aus Lactobacillus leichmannii festzustellen.


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Während der Spermatogenese wird das Element Zink an die Sulfhydrylreste der Cysteine in den Mantelfaserproteinen der Spermienflagellen gebunden. So kann in den noch unreifen Mantelfasern die ungerichtete Ausbildung von Disulfidbrücken verhindert werden. Im Zuge der Spermatozoenreifung während der Nebenhodenpassage wird dieses Zink androgenabhängig zu einem hohen Prozentsatz wieder eliminiert. Die nun gerichtete Ausbildung von Disulfidbrücken ermöglicht die Versteifung der Mantelfasern. Diese Rigidität stellt die Voraussetzung zur progressiven Motilität dar, ohne die eine Fertilisierung der Eizelle im weiblichen Genitaltrakt nicht möglich ist. Da eine negative Korrelation zwischen dem Zinkgehalt von Flagellen und ihrer Motilität besteht (Henkel et al., 1999), hat die Zinkeliminierung während der Nebenhodenpassage eine entscheidende Bedeutung in der Entwicklung der Spermatozoen. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Mechanismen der epididymalen Zinkeliminierung sowie die an diesem Prozess beteiligten Komponenten und den Verbleib des eliminierten Zinks am System des Bullen, der Ratte und des Menschen. Mittels proteinchemischer Verfahren kann im bovinen System ein zinkbindendes 60 kDa-Protein als Albumin identifiziert werden. Ein 80 kDa-Protein mit zinkbindenden Eigenschaften bleibt unidentifiziert. Die Zinkbindungskapazität der fraktionierten Proteine ist dabei im Caput epididymidis am stärksten ausgeprägt. Atomabsorptionsspektralphotometrische Untersuchungen zeigen die höchsten flagellären Zinkwerte in den Spermien des Rete testis und eine Abnahme des Zinkgehalts zwischen Nebenhodenkopf und -körper. Durch Autometallographie kann eine epitheliale Zinkresorption im Nebenhodenschwanz nachgewiesen werden. Dort erfolgt auch die basale Anreicherung des Zinks. Am Zinkstoffwechsel scheint auch der Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF) beteiligt zu sein. Dieser ist ein Zytokin mit Oxidoreduktasecharakter und kommt unter anderem im Nebenhodenepithel sowie in den Vesikeln des Nebenhoden-Fluids der Ratte vor. MIF zeigt in den hier durchgeführten Untersuchungen sowohl in systemhomologer, als auch in rekombinanter Form in vitro eine Zink-eliminierende Wirkung auf Rattenspermatozoen des Caputs und der Cauda epididymidis und hat somit möglicherweise Einfluss auf den Reifungsprozess der Spermien im Nebenhoden. Lit.: Henkel R, Bittner J, Weber R, Hüther F, Miska W (1999). Relevance of zinc in human sperm flagella and its relation to motility. Fertil Steril 71: 1138-1143


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El conocimiento de las proteínas implicadas en el proceso de invasión de los merozoitos a los eritrocitos por Plasmodium es el punto de partida para el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias para controlar la malaria. Muchas de estas proteínas han sido estudiadas en Toxoplasma gondii, donde se han identificado las proteínas que pertenecen al Tight Junction (TJ), el cual permite una interacción fuerte entre las membranas de la célula huésped y el parásito, necesaria para la invasión parasitaria. En este género, cuatro proteínas del cuello de las roptrias (RON2, RON4, RON5 y RON8) y una proteína de micronemas (TgAMA-1) se han encontrado como parte del TJ. En Plasmodium falciparum, se han caracterizado las proteínas PfRON2 y PfRON4. En el presente estudio se realiza la identificación de la proteína PfRON5, una proteína de ~110 kDa que se expresa en las etapas de merozoitos y esquizontes de la cepa FCB-2 utilizando técnicas de biología molecular, bioinformática e inmuoquímica.


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In order to understand the role of the mar locus in Salmonella with regard to multiple antibiotic resistance, cyclohexane resistance, and outer membrane protein F (OmpF) regulation, a marA::gfp reporter mutant was constructed in an antibiotic-sensitive salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium DT104 background. Salicylate induced marA, whereas a number of antibiotics, disinfect ants, and various growth conditions did not. Increased antibiotic resistance was observed upon salicylate induction, although this was shown to be by both mar-dependent and mar-independent pathways. Cyclohexane resistance, however, was induced by salicylate by a mar-dependent pathway. Complementation studies with a plasmid that constitutively expressed marA confirmed the involvement of map in Salmonella with low-level antibiotic resistance and cyclohexane resistance, although the involvement of mar in down regulation of OmpF was unclear. However, marA overexpression did increase the expression of a ca. 50-kDa protein, but its identity remains to be elucidated Passage of the marA::gfp reporter mutant with increasing levels of tetracycline, a method reported to select for mar mutants in Escherichia coli, led to both multiple-antibiotic and cyclohexane resistance. Collectively, these data indicate that low-level antibiotic resistance, cyclohexane resistance, and modulation of OMPs in Salmonella, as in E. coli, can occur in both a mar-dependent and mar-independent manner.


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Certain serine proteases signal to cells by cleaving protease-activated receptors (PARs) and thereby regulate hemostasis, inflammation, pain and healing. However, in many tissues the proteases that activate PARs are unknown. Although pancreatic trypsin may be a physiological agonist of PAR(2) and PAR(4) in the small intestine and pancreas, these receptors are expressed by cells not normally exposed pancreatic trypsin. We investigated whether extrapancreatic forms of trypsin are PAR agonists. Epithelial cells lines from prostate, colon, and airway and human colonic mucosa expressed mRNA encoding PAR(2), trypsinogen IV, and enteropeptidase, which activates the zymogen. Immunoreactive trypsinogen IV was detected in vesicles in these cells. Trypsinogen IV was cloned from PC-3 cells and expressed in CHO cells, where it was also localized to cytoplasmic vesicles. We expressed trypsinogen IV with an N-terminal Igkappa signal peptide to direct constitutive secretion and allow enzymatic characterization. Treatment of conditioned medium with enteropeptidase reduced the apparent molecular mass of trypsinogen IV from 36 to 30 kDa and generated enzymatic activity, consistent with formation of trypsin IV. In contrast to pancreatic trypsin, trypsin IV was completely resistant to inhibition by polypeptide inhibitors. Exposure of cell lines expressing PAR(2) and PAR(4) to trypsin IV increased [Ca(2+)](i) and strongly desensitized cells to PAR agonists, whereas there were no responses in cells lacking these receptors. Thus, trypsin IV is a potential agonist of PAR(2) and PAR(4) in epithelial tissues where its resistance to endogenous trypsin inhibitors may permit prolonged signaling.


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The present study describes the enzymatic properties and molecular identification of 5`-nucleotidase in soluble and microsomal fractions from rat cardiac ventricles. Using AMP as a substrate, the results showed that the cation and the concentration required for maximal activity in the two fractions was magnesium at a final concentration of 1 mM. The pH optimum for both fractions was 9.5. The apparent K-m (Michaelis constant) values calculated from the Eadie-Hofstee plot were 59.7 +/- 10.4 mu M and 134.8 +/- 32.1 mu M, with V-max values of 6.7 +/- 0.4 and 143.8 +/- 23.8 nmol P-i/min/mg of protein (means +/- S.D., n = 4) from soluble and microsomal fractions respectively. Western blotting analysis of ecto-5`-nucleotidase revealed a 70 kDa protein in both fractions, with the major proportion present in the microsomal fraction. The presence of these enzymes in the heart probably has a physiological function in adenosine signalling. Furthermore, the presence of ecto-5`-nucleotidase in the microsomal fraction could have a role in the modulation of the excitation-contraction-coupling process through involvement of the Ca2+ influx into the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The measurement of maximal enzyme activities in the two fractions highlights the potential capacity of the different pathways of purine metabolism in the heart.


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The molecular mechanism of factor Xa (FXa) inhibition by Alboserpin, the major salivary gland anticoagulant from the mosquito and yellow fever vector Aedes albopictus, has been characterized. cDNA of Alboserpin predicts a 45-kDa protein that belongs to the serpin family of protease inhibitors. Recombinant Alboserpin displays stoichiometric, competitive, reversible and tight binding to FXa (picomolar range). Binding is highly specific and is not detectable for FX, catalytic site-blocked FXa, thrombin, and 12 other enzymes. Alboserpin displays high affinity binding to heparin (K(D) similar to 20 nM), but no change in FXa inhibition was observed in the presence of the cofactor, implying that bridging mechanisms did not take place. Notably, Alboserpin was also found to interact with phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine but not with phosphatidylserine. Further, annexin V (in the absence of Ca(2+)) or heparin outcompetes Alboserpin for binding to phospholipid vesicles, suggesting a common binding site. Consistent with its activity, Alboserpin blocks prothrombinase activity and increases both prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time in vitro or ex vivo. Furthermore, Alboserpin prevents thrombus formation provoked by ferric chloride injury of the carotid artery and increases bleeding in a dose-dependent manner. Alboserpin emerges as an atypical serpin that targets FXa and displays unique phospholipid specificity. It conceivably uses heparin and phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidylethanolamine as anchors to increase protein localization and effective concentration at sites of injury, cell activation, or inflammation.


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Both soluble (SfTre1) and membrane-bound (SfTre2) trehalases occur along the midgut of Spodoptera frugiperda larvae. Released SfTre2 was purified as a 67 kDa protein. Its K(m) (1.6 mM) and thermal stability (half life 10 min at 62 degrees C) are different from the previously isolated soluble trehalase (K(m) = 0.47 mM; 100% stable at 62 degrees C). Two cDNAs coding for S. frugiperda trehalases have been cloned using primers based on consensus sequences of trehalases and having as templates a cDNA library prepared from total polyA-containing RNA extracted from midguts. One cDNA codes for a trehalase that has a predicted transmembrane sequence and was defined as SfTre2. The other, after being cloned and expressed, results in a recombinant trehalase with a K(m) value and thermal stability like those of native soluble trehalase. This enzyme was defined as SfTre1 and, after it was used to generate antibodies, it was immunolocalized at the secretory vesicles and at the glycocalyx of columnar cells. Escherichia coli trehalase 3D structure and sequence alignment with SfTre1 support a proposal regarding the residue modulating the pKa value of the proton donor.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The presence of Mycobacterium bovis in bovine carcasses with lesions suggestive of tuberculosis was evaluated. Seventy-two carcass samples were selected during slaughter inspection procedures in abattoirs in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Seventeen (23.6%) of samples showed colonies suggestive of mycobacteria that were confirmed to be acid-fast bacilli by Ziehl-Neelsen staining. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers specific for M. bovis identified M. bovis in 13 (76.5%) isolates. The PCR-restriction enzyme pattern analysis using gene encoding for the 65-kDa protein and two restriction enzymes identified the remaining four isolates that were represented by two M. tuberculosis complex and two nontuberculous mycobacteria. The results are indicative of infection of slaughter cattle by M. bovis and other mycobacteria in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul.


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Toxocara vitulorum is a nematode parasite of the small intestine of cattle and water buffalo, particularly buffalo calves between one and three months of age, causing high morbidity and mortality. The purpose of this research was to characterize the excretory/secretory (ES) antigens of T vitulorum larvae by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and Western blot (WB), using immune sera and colostrum of buffalo naturally infected by T vitulorum. The parasitological status of the buffalo calves was also evaluated using sequential fecal examinations. The results showed that the ES antigen revealed eight (190, 150, 110, 90, 64, 56, 48, and 19 kDa) protein bands by SDS-PAGE. The majority of these bands were recognized in the sera and colostrum of infected buffalo with T vitulorum when analyzed by WB. However, particularly fractions of high molecular weight (190, 150, 110, and 90 kDa) were represented in more prominent bands and persisted in the groups of buffalo calves at the peak of egg output, as well as during the period of rejection of T vitulorum by the feces of the calves. During the period of post-rejection of the worms (between the day 118 and 210 of age) the serum antibodies did not react with any protein bands. on the other hand, sera from buffalo calves at one day of age (after suckling the colostrum and at the beginning of infection) reacted with the same bands detected in the serum and colostrum of the buffalo cows.