376 resultados para 1335


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We studied the interactive effects of pCO2 and growth light on the coastal marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana CCMP 1335 growing under ambient and expected end-of-the-century pCO2 (750 ppmv), and a range of growth light from 30 to 380 µmol photons/m**2/s. Elevated pCO2 significantly stimulated the growth of T. pseudonana under sub-saturating growth light, but not under saturating to super-saturating growth light. Under ambient pCO2 susceptibility to photoinactivation of photosystem II (sigma i) increased with increasing growth rate, but cells growing under elevated pCO2 showed no dependence between growth rate and sigma i, so under high growth light cells under elevated pCO2 were less susceptible to photoinactivation of photosystem II, and thus incurred a lower running cost to maintain photosystem II function. Growth light altered the contents of RbcL (RUBISCO) and PsaC (PSI) protein subunits, and the ratios among the subunits, but there were only limited effects on these and other protein pools between cells grown under ambient and elevated pCO2.


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This data set contains grain size analyses of bottom sediments collected by scientists from the V.P. Zenkovich Laboratory of Shelf and Sea Coasts (P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences) during the Project ''Arctic Shelf of the Eurasia in the Late Quaternary'' in a number of expeditions to the Barents, Kara, East Siberian and Chukchi Seas on board the research vessels R/V Professor Shtokman, H/V Dmitry Laptev, H/V Malygin, and icebreaker Georgy Sedov since 1978. The analyses have been carried out according to the methods published by Petelin (1967) in the Analytical Laboratory of the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology. Archiving and electronic publication was performed through a data rescue by Evgeny Gurvich in 2003.


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For the optimal use in palaeoceanographic studies of the stable oxygen isotopic signal and elemental composition of the calcareous photosynthetic dinoflagellate Thoracosphaera heimii, it is essential to gain detailed information about its calcification depth and spatial distribution. We therefore studied the vertical and horizontal distribution patterns of T. heimii in the upper water column (0-200 m) along three transects: an inshore-offshore gradient off Cape Blanc (CB), a south-north transect from CB to the Portuguese coast and a north-south transect off Tanzania. We compared concentrations of living cysts (cells with cell content) with chlorophyll-a, salinity and temperature measurements at the sampling depth. In order to explore the seasonal variability in cyst production, three transect off CB were sampled at three different times of the year. Living T. heimii cysts were found in the upper 160 m of the water column with highest concentrations in the photic zone indicating that the calcification of T. heimii occurs in the upper part of the water column. Maximal abundances of living cysts were found relatively often in or just above the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM), the depth of which varies regionally from about 20-40 m off CB to about 80 m off Tanzania and along the transect from CB to the Portuguese Coast. However, there was no significant correlation at the 95% confidence level between the cyst concentrations and temperature, salinity and chlorophyll-a concentrations at the sampling depths observed. In both the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, the highest abundances of T. heimii were observed in regions where the upper water masses contained relatively low nutrient concentrations that are influenced only sporadically, or not at all, by enhanced photic zone mixing related to the presence of upwelling cells or river outflow plumes at or close to the sampling sites. The seasonal production of cysts by T. heimii appears to be negatively related to the presence of upwelling filaments across the sampling sites. Our study suggests that turbulence of the upper water masses is a major environmental factor influencing T. heimii production.