975 resultados para 1,3-BIS(4-PYRIDYL)PROPANE


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Iowa Lottery Authority Player Information Newsletter


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Monthly newsletter for the Iowa Department of Public Health


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Quarterly newsletter from the Division of Cimmunity Action Agenices, part of the Department of Human Rights.


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Newsletter produced by Iowa Civil Right Commission for the community about the community.


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This is a quarterly newsletter for the Iowa Weatherization Program. The purpose of the newsletter is to share with you information on all aspects of the program as well as spotlight a couple of agencies in each issue. We will provide information on upcoming events, training schedules, monitoring schedules and general news about the program. There will be a section of questions we have received from you and the answers provided.


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A bi-monthly bulletin to keep the department/agency management teams of state government better informed. We hope to consolidate most of the service update messages we send throughout the month and keep you updated about the work of the Customer Councils. If yours is one of the many departments who participated in the second annual DAS customer satisfaction survey recently, we thank you for taking the time to give us this important feedback. We look forward to sharing survey results with you, and pledge to consider responses carefully as we work to determine benchmarks and set future priorities.


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Koska panhuilu on vasta "aloitteleva" musiikkioppilaitossoitin, sille ei vielä ole valmiita tasokurssiohjelmistotaulukoita. Panhuilunsoiton opetuksen aloittamisen edellytyksenä on kurssivaatimusten ja ohjelmistoluetteloiden laatiminen myös perusasteelle ja musiikkiopistoasteelle (I/D). Työn tarkoituksena oli siis laatia panhuilulle peruskurssien 1-3 ja I-tason kurssivaatimukset ja tutkinto-ohjelmistoluettelot. Työ sisältää myös tasosuoritusten arviointiohjeet ja osion opettajalle, jossa esitellään tasosuoritukseen sopivia esimerkkisävellyksiä soitinkoulujen, etydivihkojen ja kokoelmavihkojen sisällöistä. Näin opettaja tai itsenäisesti opiskeleva harrastaja pystyy sijoittamaan muitakin teoksia eri suoritustasoille. Aineisto koostuu panhuilulle sävelletyn materiaalin lisäksi oboe-, poikkihuilu-, nokkahuilu-, ja viulukirjallisuudesta, joita olen kerännyt Sibelius-Akatemian, Helsingin Konservatorion sekä Helsingin kaupunginkirjastoista. Nimittäin varsinaisesti panhuilulle sävellettyjä kappaleita on erittäin vähän ja ne ovat vaihtelevan tasoisia. Tasosuoritusten arviointiohjeita käyttäen keräsin kirjastoista tai ostin sopivat nuottimateriaalit ja mapitin kaikki kokoelmavihkot, soitinkoulut ja säestykselliset sävellykset. Tämän jälkeen lajittelin materiaalit omiin kansioihinsa tasokurssien mukaan. Ohjelmistotaulukot ovat eriteltyinä kunkin tasokurssin mukaan. Ne sisältävät seuraavia osa-alueita: soitinkoulut, etydit, kokoelmat, säestykselliset sävellykset, sarjat, konsertot, sonaatit ja kamarimusiikki. Näiden lisäksi jokaiselle tasokurssille on mukana asteikkovaatimukset. Opinnäytetyö on samalla pieni ohjekirja panhuiluopettajalle tai itsenäisesti opiskelevalle oppilaalle: hän saa tietoa panhuilun hengitystekniikasta ja ansatsista verrattuna poikkihuiluun ja oboeen sekä siitä, mitä liikkeitä hänen tulisi varoa soittaessaan panhuilua. Tämän tyyppinen tieto on tärkeää, sillä panhuilu on hyvin fyysinen soitin ja jos sitä "väärinkäyttää", se saattaa aiheuttaa nuorelle oppilaalle pysyviä niskavammoja tms. Osaa aineistosta olen päässyt kokeilemaan eritasoisilla ja -ikäisillä oppilailla Raahessa kesällä 2006 pidetyllä panhuiluleirillä.


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This is a quarterly newsletter for the Iowa Weatherization Program. The purpose of the newsletter is to share with you information on all aspects of the program as well as spotlight a couple of agencies in each issue. We will provide information on upcoming events, training schedules, monitoring schedules and general news about the program. There will be a section of questions we have received from you and the answers provided.


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A bi-weekly newsletter for those involved in the fields of homeland security and/or emergency management


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This bimonthly electronic newsletter will provide information and resources on nutrition and health promotion and disease prevention. The Healthy Aging Update is produced for informal and educational purposes only. The newsletter will be distributed electronically and posted on the Department’s website at www.state.ia.us/elderaffairs.


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PURPOSE: To compare clinical benefit response (CBR) and quality of life (QOL) in patients receiving gemcitabine (Gem) plus capecitabine (Cap) versus single-agent Gem for advanced/metastatic pancreatic cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients were randomly assigned to receive GemCap (oral Cap 650 mg/m(2) twice daily on days 1 through 14 plus Gem 1,000 mg/m(2) in a 30-minute infusion on days 1 and 8 every 3 weeks) or Gem (1,000 mg/m(2) in a 30-minute infusion weekly for 7 weeks, followed by a 1-week break, and then weekly for 3 weeks every 4 weeks) for 24 weeks or until progression. CBR criteria and QOL indicators were assessed over this period. CBR was defined as improvement from baseline for >or= 4 consecutive weeks in pain (pain intensity or analgesic consumption) and Karnofsky performance status, stability in one but improvement in the other, or stability in pain and performance status but improvement in weight. RESULTS: Of 319 patients, 19% treated with GemCap and 20% treated with Gem experienced a CBR, with a median duration of 9.5 and 6.5 weeks, respectively (P < .02); 54% of patients treated with GemCap and 60% treated with Gem had no CBR (remaining patients were not assessable). There was no treatment difference in QOL (n = 311). QOL indicators were improving under chemotherapy (P < .05). These changes differed by the time to failure, with a worsening 1 to 2 months before treatment failure (all P < .05). CONCLUSION: There is no indication of a difference in CBR or QOL between GemCap and Gem. Regardless of their initial condition, some patients experience an improvement in QOL on chemotherapy, followed by a worsening before treatment failure.


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Quarterly newsletter produced by the Iowa Department of Blind, about the information and activities that are on going in the department.


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Newsletter for those who reside on acreages in Iowa. Produced by the Iowa State University Extension Office.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os níveis de expressão de β-1,3-glucanases e quitinases nos porta-enxertos de videira SO4 e R110, respectivamente suscetível e resistente a Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. herbemontis, bem como avaliar o efeito do fungo micorrízico arbuscular Glomus intraradices no crescimento, na expressão dessas enzimas e na supressão do patógeno no porta-enxerto suscetível. Foram quantificadas as atividades enzimáticas de β-1,3-glucanases e quitinases nas raízes dos porta-enxertos. Mudas do porta-enxerto SO4 receberam inóculos de G. intraradices e F. oxysporum, e foram avaliadas quanto ao crescimento, atividade das duas enzimas e sintomas de doença. As atividades das enzimas nas raízes do porta-enxerto resistente aumentaram entre 0 e 5 dias após a inoculação do patógeno. A atividade de quitinases nas raízes do porta-enxerto suscetível aumentou com a inoculação do fungo micorrízico e do patógeno. A atividade de β-1,3-glucanases foi maior somente com a presença do fungo micorrízico e do patógeno. Videiras com inoculação de G. intraradices apresentaram diminuição nos sintomas de infecção por Fusarium spp., o que indica que o fungo micorrízico promove a indução de quitinases e β-1,3-glucanases especificamente na supressão ou inibição do patógeno.