1000 resultados para . Formação de professores
This work was born from public presentation done during 8th Meeting in High Level Education Program at University Moura Lacerda, Ribeiro Preto, SP, Brazil, in October 2012. That time showed up theoretical hypothesis of teacher education done by a collaborative research group of teachers and researchers and main results for Pedagogy course and students of basic levels. This paper intends to show up the findings of researches done by group of studies for Earth System Science and teacher education. The aim is to think about curriculum politics and teacher education from teachers practices, researches and studies on high school level. Moreover, we show up theoretical fundamentals which guide our actions and think. After we treat of organization, results and curricular innovations guided by Earth System Science and how that changes the view of nature of teachers and students. Qualitative methods of research help to describe curricular processes collectively done together with teachers of public schools. Our findings show up that teacher education must be a long, collective and interactive process to prepare high level teachers and researchers for teaching and teacher education.
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
To contribute to formation of Childhood Education teachers for the Inclusive Education, this article had as its central objective describe how it was addressed the issue of learning difficulties and the impact of misdiagnosis assigned to a child in the initial phase formal learning of writing, in one of the theoretical-reflective meetings undertaken with 43 teachers for Pre II, of the ten schools of Childhood Education of the state of So Paulo. Such a description was guided through the of the collaborative approach taken subproject understanding about the clinical diagnosis of dyslexia and its impact on the educational future of children enrolled in classes II Pre Childhood education, developed as one of the phases and as part of larger project called depathologization of the learning of the writing and Inclusive Education: Reflections and actions of the professor of Childhood Education. At the and, was possible the identification by the reports arising from the participation of teachers mentioned, the need to resignification their didactical experiences for the systematization of new actions aimed at coping with learning difficulties that pervade the process of appropriation writing of the students, which may contribute to depathologization of the school environment to the extent that teachers can assist students in building a more positive relationship with writing, rather than adopting rigid and restricted procedures that do not consider the relationship of each subject with writing and the singularities present in this relationship.
Ps-graduao em Educao Escolar - FCLAR
Ps-graduao em Educao Escolar - FCLAR
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Over the years, society changes, renews and creates conditions for the use of new technological devices. The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to expand in our society and are used also in teaching and learning, making it necessary that the teacher knows them. This study was first to analyze the curriculum of teacher training at the campus of UNESP, specifically in relation to courses Full Degree in Education in order to understand how these courses are structured in relation to the subjects they deal with ICT. For this, we searched the literature on the main issues involving technology and teacher education, curriculum and document analysis of Pedagogy of UNESP. It was noted that only the Faculty of Education offers the campus of Bauru disciplines working technology issues centrally. From this result, the second objective of this research was to understand, through a questionnaire, the views of students of Bauru, enrolled in these disciplines, on the Distance Education. With the results of the questionnaires it was concluded that students rated as important the knowledge of technological tools, made possible by specific disciplines during their training was noted the positive contribution of a comprehensive curriculum with respect to knowledge of ICT for reflection and formation of critical thinking in teachers training
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No Brasil, a partir dos anos 90, as pesquisas educacionais passaram a focalizar a prtica docente e os saberes pedaggicos, pois eram temas poucos explorados, colocando em cena o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional dos professores, pois havia necessidade de se construir lgicas de formao que valorizassem a experincia, como: aluno, aluno-mestre, estagirio, professor principiante, professor titular, professor reformado. Nesse universo escolheu-se pesquisar as representaes que os alunos/estudantes de um curso de licenciatura, Educao Fsica, construram de seus professores e orientadores nos agradecimentos de seus trabalhos de concluso de curso (TCC), tendo como referncia a prtica docente. Portanto, buscou-se identificar nos saberes da experincia, ou dessa experincia, registrados em 150 TCC, os aspectos significativos de histrias de vidas circunscritas em micro narrativas que apontam para o desenvolvimento pessoal, bem como para dimenses do exerccio profissional de professores e orientadores (TCC). Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, tendo como tcnicas fonte documental, entrevista e anlise de contedo. Entre os resultados encontrados nas categorias orientador, professor geral e professor especfico se pode apontar no mbito dos licenciandos, a emergncia de uma pedagogia oculta que valoriza de forma muito acentuada aspectos da dimenso humana nas relaes interpessoais da prtica docente com nfase maior no afetivo, seguido da moral, do cognitivo. Como consideraes finais, aponta-se que, em termos de perfil profissional, valoriza-se tanto nos orientadores como nos professores (geral e especfico) o exerccio da profissionalidade docente composto pela obrigao moral, compromisso com a comunidade e competncia profissional.
Neste trabalho socializo resultados produzidos a partir de uma proposta de pesquisa e interveno desenvolvida com professoras do Ensino Fundamental I de uma escola pblica do interior do estado de So Paulo. Fui coordenador de um curso de musicalizao desenvolvido em dez encontros no contexto do HTPC (Horrio de Trabalho Pedaggico Coletivo), e que ofereceu subsdios para a atuao dessas professoras em sala de aula. Assim, por meio de uma abordagem qualitativa, seguindo a metodologia de pesquisa de orientao scio histrica, na qual o pesquisador e o pesquisado aprendem juntos produzindo sentidos dos eventos observados (FREITAS, 2003, p. 31), busquei refletir sobre a importncia do processo formativo na rea musical de professoras do Ensino Fundamental I, atravs da reflexo sobre a experincia formativa dessas professoras com as quais pesquisei. Os dados produzidos analisados no presente trabalho so falas e escritas das professoras coletadas no terceiro e no ltimo encontro, respectivamente, na busca por compreender a potencialidade dos encontros para repensar na concepo de msica e musicalizao dos professores
Special education and inclusion of students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in regular classrooms of public schools has being widely discussed in academic and political areas. From Salamanca Declaration signed in 1994, which established that the education of people with special needs should be guaranteed by public system, being offered within regular classrooms said. Along the inclusion process, has been observed an increasingly difficult for teachers to work with these special students. This difficulty comes from an incomplete or inadequate formation, resulting in an education that is not always inclusive. The present work aims to investigate what are the motivational factors that lead teachers, working in public schools, to seek continuing courses of formation in specialized educational services, and what are the possible impediments that eschew them from seeking such courses. Data were collected through questionnaires given to elementary school teachers, from public schools in the city of Rio Claro- SP. With their answer, it could be identified what are the motivational factors of the quest for continuing formation, as well as facts that obstruct this specialization. It could be observed that there is a need for constant training of the education professionals, for them to be able to appropriate of the inclusion as a pedagogical approach, not just a law and far from reality
A pesquisa tem por foco o mercado editorial voltado para a formao dos professores da educao bsica, com nfase para as revistas pedaggicas com periodicidade regular em circulao na regio Sudeste do pas. Objetivou-se reconhecer e caracterizar manifestaes desse mercado a partir da anlise da materialidade das revistas, buscando encontrar tambm representaes sobre os professores e sua profisso. O trabalho foi realizado sob uma abordagem qualitativa, nos moldes da pesquisa documental. Em um primeiro momento, realizou-se a identificao de quais so as revistas pedaggicas disponveis no mercado e a que tipo de profissional elas se destinam, partindo de levantamento de materiais presentes em bancas de jornal, livrarias, bibliotecas e tambm em sites especializados. O segundo momento caracteriza-se pela anlise e comparao da materialidade das revistas. Trata-se de um Trabalho de Concluso de Curso que teve apoio financeiro pelo Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciao Cientfica da Pr-Reitoria (PROPE) de Pesquisa da UNESP (PIBIC/Reitoria). parte do projeto Mercado de formao docente: constituio, funcionamento, possibilidades e limites, financiado pelo CNPq, que por sua vez integra o Projeto Temtico FAPESP Programas Especiais de Formao de Professores, educao a distncia e escolarizao: pesquisas sobre novos modelos de formao em servio