992 resultados para Óxido de tungsténio (VI)
Bottom ash has been used as raw material to glass and glass ceramic production because it is a source of SiO2 and Al2O3. However, the high concentration of iron (about 10% wt.) difficulty the control of the nucleation and the crystallization processes. The iron content was reduced by magnetic process, where the magnetite phase was mainly removed. In order to compare glass ceramics obtained from original and low iron bottom ashes, microstructural and dilatometric characterizations were performed.
The optimization of ferrate(VI) ion generation has been studied due to its favorable characteristics for application in several fields, including environmental quality control. The paper presents the best conditions for electrolytic generation of ferrate(VI) in alkaline media. An appropriate electrolyte was NaOH, 10 mol/L. Circulation of the electrolyte solution was important to avoid acidification close to the anode surface. An anode pre-cleaning with 10% HCl was more efficient than a cathodic pre-polarization. Among the distinct anode materials tested, pig iron showed the best performance, allowing up to 20 g/L of Na2FeO4, in 10 mol/L NaOH solution to be obtained, after 7 h of reactor operation, which is a concentration higher than those found in literature for alternative processes.
Tungsten oxide thin films with three different compositions were deposited by reactive sputtering in an oxygen-argon plasma. In a system composed of a home made photochemical reactor coupled with an optic fiber spectrophotometer, the photochromic effect was studied in these oxide films as function of UV irradiation time, in ethanol, methanol and formaldehyde atmospheres. It was observed that the photochromic efficiency depends on the vapor chemical nature where the film is irradiated as well as the film composition. Kinetic analysis suggest that two kinds of optical absorption centers should respond by the photochromic effect in these films, one generated at film surface and other inside it, which one presenting a different time constant.
In this work, we report the synthesis and the photoluminescence features of Eu(III)-doped yttrium-aluminium oxide obtained by non-hydrolytic sol-gel routes. After heating the powders above 600 ºC the XRD patterns show the presence of the Y4Al2O9 (YAM) and Y3Al5O12 (YAG) phases. At 800 and at 1500 ºC the PL spectra display the Eu(III) lines characteristic of the YAM monoclinic phase. The 5D0->7F2 transition is favored relatively to the 5D0->7F1 lines. However, at 1100 ºC the cubic YAG is the preferential phase and the 5D0->7F1 transition dominates the spectrum. The Eu(III) ions lie in a centrosymmetrical site. The different solvents used in the sol-gel synthesis also change the relative proportion between these two phases. This is monitored analyzing the modifications in the relative intensity between the 5D0->7F2 and the 5D0->7F1 transitions.
This work reports the preparation, characterization and study of the ion exchange behavior of hydrous niobium oxide prepared by a homogeneous precipitation method. The precipitating agent was obtained in aqueous solution by thermal decomposition of urea or ammonium carbonate. The compounds were chemically and physically characterized by X-ray diffractometry, thermal analysis (TG/DTG), surface area measurements and ion exchange behavior with sodium. The materials prepared with ammonium carbonate presented a higher degree of crystallinity and better ion exchange capacity with sodium than materials prepared with urea. In the homogeneous precipitation method, materials were obtained with specific surface area of 123 - 224 m² g-1. A variation of the preparation process produced hydrous niobium oxide with a different degree of hydration and specific surface area. This provided materials with different physico-chemical properties.
Products resulting from the ethoxylation of hydroxylated compounds, especially water and ethanol, are of great commercial importance. This work presents several aspects concerning the catalytic reactions of ethylene oxide, a chemical substance used in the production of a wide variety of products. Mechanisms of ethoxylation, distribution of products, formation of undesired by-products and perspectives for new processes using heterogeneous catalysis are also reviewed and discussed.
Aluminum oxide was dispersed on a commercial silica gel surface, using successive grafting reactions. The reaction products were characterized by N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms, scanning electron microscopy and infrared spectroscopy. The progressive incorporation of aluminum, up to 5.5% (w/w), does not produce agglomeration of alumina, since changes in the original pore size distribution of the silica matrix were not observed. The aluminum oxide covers homogeneously the silica surface.
Nitric oxide (NO) is a substance that acts as a second-messenger and is associated with a number of important physiological functions such as regulation of the vascular tonus, immune modulation and neurotransmission. As a physiological mediator, alteration of its concentration level may cause pathophysiological disfunctions such as hypertension, septic shock and impotence. Possible therapeutic approaches are being developed to control NO levels in vivo. We review herein the main physical and chemical properties of NO, its biological functions and available chemical interventions to reduce and increment its physiological concentration levels. Recent developments in the field are also highlighted.
Chromium (VI) removal and its reduction to chromium (III) from aqueous solution by untreated and heat-treated Quercus cerris and heat-treated Quercus suber black agglomerate cork granules was investigated. Initial screening studies revealed that among the sorbents tested, untreated Q. cerris and Q. suber black agglomerate are the most efficient in the removal of Cr(VI) ions and were selected for adsorption essays. Heat treatment adversely affected chromium adsorption and chromium (VI) reduction in Q. cerris cork. The highest metal uptake was found at pH 3.0 for Q. cerris and pH 2.0 for black agglomerate. The experimental data fitted the Langmuir model and the calculated qmax was 22.98 mg/g in black agglomerate and 21.69 mg/g in untreated Q. cerris cork. The FTIR results indicated that while in black agglomerate, lignin is the sole component responsible for Cr(VI) sorption, and in untreated Q. cerris cork, suberin and polysaccharides also play a significant role on the sorption. The SEM-EDX results imply that chromium has a homogenous distribution within both cork granules. Also, phloemic residues in Q. cerris granules showed higher chromium concentration. The results obtained in this study show that untreated Q. cerris and black agglomerate cork granules can be an effective and economical alternative to more costly materials for the treatment of liquid wastes containing chromium
In this paper the current status of fuel cells is described with particular emphasis on high (T > 800 ºC) and intermediate (T < 800 ºC) temperature solid oxide fuel cells. Also the importance of the fuel cell technology is shown. Reviewed are the fundamental features, the basic principles, types of fuel cell, fabrication methods, cell configurations and the development of components (cathodes, anodes, electrolytes, interconnect) and materials.
El palacio conocido con el nombre de Qasr ibn Wardan se encuentra hoy día en el interior de la zona esteparia siria. Aunque nosotros nos vamos a centrar en el palacio en sí, en realidad es un complejo de edificios que también incluye una iglesia y un posible cuartel. Aparte del alto grado de conservación, su importancia radica en ser uno de los pocos ejemplos de arquitectura civil de época justinianea en todo Oriente Próximo. Redescubierto a finales del siglo xix, el palacio ha sido estudiado parcialmente desde entonces. Gracias a los trabajos de restauración llevados a cabo entre las décadas de 1970 y 1990, se pudieron volver a estudiar los restos, destacando en ello la obra de F. De’Maffei publicada en 1995. Nuestro trabajo pretende retomar el estudio de este edificio, ofrecer una restitución en 3D para una mejor comprensión de sus fases edilicias y plantear nuevas hipótesis acerca de las motivaciones que llevaron a su construcción a partir del año 561.
Digitoitu 24. 4. 2008.
The aim of this work was to study the removal of CO2 and NO by microalgae and to evaluate the kinetic characteristics of the cultures. Spirulina sp. showed µmax and Xmax (0.11 d-1, 1.11 g L-1 d-1) when treated with CO2 and NaNO3. The maximum CO2 removal was 22.97% for S. obliquus treated with KNO3 and atmospheric CO2. The S. obliquus showed maximum NO removal (21.30%) when treated with NO and CO2. Coupling the cultivation of these microalgae with the removal of CO2 and NO has the potential not only to reduce the costs of culture media but also to offset carbon and nitrogen emissions.
Invocatio: [hepreaa].