988 resultados para >425 µm
Työssä tutkitaan, kuinka pitkää moottorikaapelia on jännitevälipiiritaajuusmuuttajan kanssa mahdollista käyttää niin, että määritellyt reunaehdot vielä toteutuvat. Tavoitteena on tuottaa tietoa myynnille, markkinoinnille, tuotehallinnalle sekä tuoteylläpidolle siitä, miten taajuus-muuttaja toimii pidemmillä moottorikaapeleilla kuin valmistaja suosittelee. Tutkitut moottori-kaapelipituudet olivat 175…1025 metriä ja tutkitut laitteet nimellislähtövirroiltaan 2,4...25 A. Työssä aihetta käsitellään jänniteheijastusten näkökulmasta. Lisäksi tutkitaan moottorikaapelin pituuden vaikutusta taajuusmuuttajan eri komponenttien lämpenemiseen. Taajuusmuuttajan toiminnallisuutta arvioidaan moottorin suunnanvaihtojen avulla sekä turvallista toimintaa oikosulkutestein. Tutkittujen taajuusmuuttajien kohdalla on mahdollista käyttää taajuusmuuttajavalmistajan suositusta pidempiä moottorikaapeleita. Moottoriliittimien ylijännitteitä aiheuttavat jännite-heijastukset eivät aiheuttaneet raja-arvoja ylittäviä huippujännitteitä tutkituilla laitekokoon-panoilla. Myös lämpötilannousu oli maltillista tai jopa vähäistä taajuusmuuttajasta mitatuilla komponenteilla. Moottorisäätö havaittiin toimintakykyiseksi pidemmilläkin moottorikaape-leilla, tosin moottorin vääntömomentti heikkeni moottorikaapelien pituutta kasvatettaessa. Virranmittaus toimi hyvin myös pitkillä kaapeleilla, tuottaen vikalaukaisun kaikissa tehdyissä oikosulkutilanteissa. Moottorin ja taajuusmuuttajan melutaso nousivat moottorikaapelien pi-tuutta kasvatettaessa, vaikkakin moottorin käynti oli tasaista ja katkotonta Moottorikaapelin pituutta voidaan kasvattaa 325 metriin kaikissa tutkituissa laitteissa ilman, että mikään tutkittu ominaisuus vielä olennaisesti heikkenisi. Vielä 525 metrin moottorikaape-leita on mahdollista käyttää, mutta tällöin vääntömomentin tuotto on jo heikompaa.
1818/09/21 (Numéro 425).
Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar a composição química de duas espécies de macrófitas aquáticas flutuantes (Eichhornia crassipes e Pistia stratiotes), utilizadas no tratamento de efluentes de aqüicultura, e inferir as possibilidades de aproveitamento desses vegetais. E. crassipes apresentou os maiores conteúdos de cálcio (1,51%), magnésio (3.916,67 mg kg-1), manganês (1.233,33 mg kg-1), zinco (81,83 mg kg-1), ferro (5.425,00 mg kg¹) e cobre (25,83 mg kg-1). Na biomassa de P. stratiotes foram obtidos os maiores valores de matéria mineral (18,95%), fósforo (0,38%), nitrogênio (2,40%), proteína bruta (15,02%) e aminoácidos, à exceção de ácido aspártico e triptofano.
Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a atividade microbiana e o potencial de solubilização de fosfato inorgânico em solos cultivados com soja sob diferentes manejos fitossanitários. O experimento foi conduzido em campo, em Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo câmbico. Foram avaliados dez tratamentos em delineamento de blocos casualizados, no esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. Nas parcelas, avaliou-se o efeito da aplicação ou não da mistura de inseticida (endossulfan) + fungicida (tebuconazole) e, nas subparcelas, o efeito dos métodos de controle de plantas daninhas (testemunha não capinada, testemunha capinada, aplicação única de glyphosate, aplicação sequencial de glyphosate e aplicação única de fomesafen + fluazifop-p-butil). Amostras de solo da entrelinha da cultura foram coletadas quando as plantas atingiram o estádio R2, para avaliação de taxa respiratória, biomassa microbiana, quociente metabólico, potencial de solubilização de fosfato inorgânico e potencial hidrogeniônico do solo. Quanto à taxa respiratória do solo, não se observaram alterações com a utilização dos diferentes manejos fitossanitários. Os herbicidas avaliados interferiram em características como o CBM e qCO2 - variáveis diretamente relacionadas à qualidade do solo. O glyphosate aplicado em dose única ou sequencial associado ou não com endossulfan + tebuconazole apresentou os menores valores de qCO2 (0,075 - 0,079 mg mg-1 d-1 ) e os maiores de CBM (239,64 - 312,82 mg g-1), indicando menor grau de distúrbio do solo. Maiores atividades de solubilização de fosfato (425 e 472 mg L-1) foram observadas nos tratamentos com aplicação única ou sequencial de glyphosate, respectivamente, sem combinação com endossulfan + tebuconazole. A aplicação dos agrotóxicos na parte aérea das plantas de soja interfere na atividade dos microrganismos associados à rizosfera.
Among the herbicides recommended for the dry season and registered to sugarcane crop, amicarbazone, isoxaflutole and the association diuron + hexazinone + sulfomethuron-methyl can be highlighted. These are pre-emergence herbicides efficient against broad-leaved weeds. Morning glory causes large losses in infested sugarcane fields by bending the stalks and interfering in harvesting. In this study the effectiveness of pre-emergence herbicides for two species of morning glory (Ipomoea hederifolia and Ipomoea grandifolia) was evaluated. Treatments were arranged in completely randomized factorial design (4 x 7). There were four periods of water restriction (0, 30, 60 and 90 days), seven chemical treatments [diuron + hexazinone + sulfometuron-methyl (1387 + 391 + 33.35 g a.i. ha-1), diuron + hexazinone + sulfometuron-methyl (1507.5 + 425 + 36.25 g a.i. ha-1), diuron + hexazinone + sulfometuron-methyl (1658.25 + 467.5 + 39.87 g a.i. ha-1), diuron + hexazinone + sulfometuronmethyl (1809 + 510 + 43.5 g a.i. ha-1), amicarbazone (1190 g a.i. ha-1), amicarbazone + isoxaflutole (840 + 82.5 g a.i. ha-1)] and a control with no application. At 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after the restoration of moisture, control was visually evaluated. After the final evaluation, the dry mass of morning glories was measured. At 90 days of water restriction, diuron + hexazinone + sulfometuron-methyl was more effective to control I. hederifolia than the amicarbazone + isoxaflutole tank mixture. The four diuron + hexazinone + sulfometuronmethyl doses have reduced morning glory dry mass to zero; whereas treatments with amicarbazone have not. The most effective treatment for morning glory control was diuron + hexazinone + sulfometuron-methyl. This result may be due to a possible synergistic interaction.
Munasarjasyöpä on Suomessa tappavin ja toiseksi yleisin gynekologinen syöpä, lisäksi se on kymmenenneksi yleisin naisten syöpä. Yli 90% munasarjasyövistä on epiteeliperäisiä ja morfologisista alatyypeistä yleisin on seroosi syöpä. Serooseista syövistä yli 90 % on korkean riskin eli high grade –syöpää. Vaikka uudet hoidot ovat pidentäneet potilaan selviytymistä, niin kaiken kaikkiaan kokonaisennuste ei kuitenkaan ole parantunut viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana. Aikaisin havaittu paikallinen epiteeliperäinen munasarjasyöpä on parannettavissa kirurgialla. Yli 2/3 epiteliaalisista munasarjasyövistä diagnosoidaan vasta levinneessä vaiheessa, jolloin viiden vuoden selviytyvyys potilailla on vain noin 30 %. Aiemmin munasarjasyöpien arveltiin olevan lähtöisin munasarjojen pintaepiteelistä, mutta uusimpien tutkimusten mukaan kyseessä on niin molekulaarisesti kuin etiologisesti ryhmä eri syöpiä, jotka ilmenevät samassa anatomisessa paikassa. Syventävässä työssäni tutkin munasarjasyövän käyttäytymistä ennustavia merkkiaineita Merkkiaineita tutkimalla pyritään tulevaisuudessa ennustamaan paremmin syöpien käyttäytymistä ja antamaan potilaille parempia täsmähoitoja. Syventävien opintojeni tarkoituksena oli tutkia munasarjasyöpää kirjallisuuteen tutustumalla ja tutkimalla retrospektiivistä vuosien 2001–2007 munasarjapotilasaineistoa. Keräsimme toisen tutkijan kanssa aineistoon 356 potilaan tiedot, joista 310 sisällytettiin tekemiini tilastoihin. Lisäksi tutkin kiinnostavia munasarjasyövän käyttäytymiseen mahdollisesti liittyviä merkkiaineita (EGFR, HER2, P53 JA ALDH1) uudessa 48 potilaan aineistossa ja selvitin proteiinien merkitystä taudin kulussa ja ennusteessa. 310 potilaan aineiston tulokset olivat sopusoinnussa aiempiin julkaisuihin. Aineistomme munasarjasyövistä 60 % on seroosia high grade –syöpää ja 67 % syövistä on levinneen vaiheen eli luokan III-IV tauteja. 48 potilaan immunohistokemiallisissa värjäyksissä mielenkiintoisin tulos on se, että Her2 :n värjäytymisintensiteetti korreloi kääntäen vahvaan ALDH1-värjäykseen eli se on korkea, kun ALDH1 on matala (korrelaatio -0.425; p=0.00994) Vastaavasti Her2 :n intensiteetin ollessa korkea ALDH1/heikko-soluja on paljon (p=0.00975). Tällaista tutkimus tulosta ei aiemmin ole esitetty. Tämä kiinnostava tulos tulee jatkossa varmistaa laajemmassa aineistossa.
The correlation between dietary trans fatty acids and neoplasia was examined in the present study. Walker 256 tumor-bearing and control rats were fed a trans monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA)-rich diet for 8 weeks and the incorporation of trans fatty acids by tumor tissue was examined. Also, the effect of tumor growth on trans fatty acid composition of plasma and liver, and the content of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) was determined. Walker 256 tumor cells presented both trans and cis MUFAs given in the diet. The equivalent diet proportions were 0.66 for trans and 1.14 for cis. Taking into consideration the proportion of trans MUFAs in plasma (11.47%), the tumor incorporated these fatty acids in a more efficient manner (18.27%) than the liver (9.34%). Therefore, the dietary trans fatty acids present in the diet are actively incorporated by the tumor. Tumor growth itself caused marked changes in the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the plasma and liver but provoked only slight modifications in both trans and cis MUFAs. Tumor growth also reduced the unsaturation index in both plasma and liver, from 97.79 to 86.83 and from 77.51 to 69.64, respectively. This effect was partially related to an increase in the occurrence of the lipid oxidation/peroxidation process of TBARS content which was increased in both plasma (from 0.428 to 0.505) and liver (from 9.425 to 127.792) due to tumor growth.
The expression of P53, Bcl-2, Bax, Bag-1, and Mcl-1 proteins in CD5/CD20-positive B-chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) cells from 30 typical CLL patients was evaluated before and after 48 h of incubation with 10-6 M fludarabine using multiparametric flow cytometric analysis. Protein expression was correlated with annexin V expression, Rai modified clinical staging, lymphocyte doubling time, and previous treatment. Our main goal was to determine the predictive value of these proteins in CLL cells in terms of disease evolution. Bcl-2 expression decreased from a median fluorescence index (MFI) of 331.71 ± 42.2 to 245.81 ± 52.2 (P < 0.001) after fludarabine treatment, but there was no difference between viable cells (331.57 ± 44.6 MFI) and apoptotic cells (331.71 ± 42.2 MFI) before incubation (P = 0.859). Bax expression was higher in viable cells (156.24 ± 32.2 MFI) than in apoptotic cells (133.56 ± 35.7 MFI) before incubation, probably reflecting defective apoptosis in CLL (P = 0.001). Mcl-1 expression was increased in fludarabine-resistant cells and seemed to be a remarkable protein for the inhibition of the apoptotic process in CLL (from 233.59 ± 29.8 to 252.04 ± 35.5; P = 0.033). After fludarabine treatment, Bag-1 expression was increased in fludarabine-resistant cells (from 425.55 ± 39.3 to 447.49 ± 34.5 MFI, P = 0.012), and interestingly, this higher expression occurred in patients who had a short lymphocyte doubling time (P = 0.022). Therefore, we could assume that Bag-1 expression in such situation might identify CLL patients who will need treatment earlier.
It has been reported that mental stress causes abnormality of spermiogram parameters. We investigated the effect of psychological stress on the L-arginine-nitric oxide (NO) pathway. Semen samples were collected from 29 healthy fourth semester medical students just before (stress) and 3 months after (non-stress) the final examinations. Psychological stress was measured by the State Anxiety Inventory questionnaire. After standard semen analysis, arginase activity and NO concentration were measured spectrophotometrically in the seminal plasma. Measurements were made in duplicate. During the stress period, sperm concentration (41.28 ± 3.70 vs 77.62 ± 7.13 x 10(6)/mL), rapid progressive motility of spermatozoa (8.79 ± 1.66 vs 20.86 ± 1.63%) and seminal plasma arginase activity (0.12 ± 0.01 vs 0.22 ± 0.01 U/mL) were significantly lower than in the non-stress situation, whereas seminal plasma NO (17.28 ± 0.56 vs 10.02 ± 0.49 µmol/L) was higher compared to the non-stress period (P < 0.001 for all). During stress there was a negative correlation between NO concentration and sperm concentration, the percentage of rapid progressive motility and arginase activity (r = -0.622, P < 0.01; r = -0.425, P < 0.05 and r = -0.445, P < 0.05, respectively). These results indicate that psychological stress causes an increase of NO level and a decrease of arginase activity in the L-arginine-NO pathway. Furthermore, poor sperm quality may be due to excessive production of NO under psychological stress. In the light of these results, we suggest that the arginine-NO pathway, together with arginase and NO synthase, are involved in semen quality under stress conditions.
Epidemiological investigations suggest that T102C polymorphism of gene 5-HT2A may be associated with mean life span because diseases and behaviors related to this polymorphism, such as schizophrenia, suicide, aggression, and addiction, may potentially shorten mean life span. A sample of 687 individuals without previous neuropsychiatric disease was genotyped and separated into 3 groups according to their gender and age: 14-45 years old, 46-64 years old and 65-100 years old. Molecular genotyping was performed using the technique of polymerase chain reaction followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism using HpaII restriction enzyme. 5-HT2A genotype frequencies were: TT = 21.5% (148), CC = 16.6% (114) and TC = 61.9% (425) and allele frequencies were T = 52.5% and C = 46.5%. Significant differences were found between mean age of the TT genotype carriers (60.27 ± 12.60 years) and TC genotype carriers (56.80 ± 13.18 years) of T102C polymorphism of gene 5-HT2A (P = 0.026) as well as the age groups (P = 0.012). Carriers of genotype TT were older than the other two genotypes, whereas carriers of genotype CC had an intermediate age compared with TT and CC subjects. The present results demonstrate an association between T102C polymorphism of gene 5-HT2A and age. Our results suggest that T102C polymorphism of gene 5-HT2A is associated with mean life span, and thus this gene becomes a possible candidate for the group of adaptive genes to meat consumption proposed in the literature. Further studies should be conducted in order to elucidate this association.
Our objective was to evaluate the association of rs12255372 in theTCF7L2 gene with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in the world population. We carried out a survey of the literature about the effect of rs12255372 on genetic susceptibility to T2DM by consulting PubMed, the Cochrane Library, and Embase from 2006 to 2012, and then performed a meta-analysis of all the studies in order to evaluate the association between rs12255372 and T2DM. A total of 33 articles including 42 studies (with 34,076 cases and 36,192 controls) were confirmed to be eligible and were included in the final meta-analysis: 6 studies conducted on Europeans, 14 on Caucasians, 17 on Asians, 2 on Africans, and 3 on Americans. Overall, the effect size was as follows: for the variant allele T (OR = 1.387, 95%CI = 1.351-1.424), for the TT genotype (OR = 1.933, 95%CI = 1.815-2.057), for the GT genotype (OR = 1.363, 95%CI = 1.315-1.413), for the dominant model (OR = 1.425, 95%CI = 1.344-1.510), and for the recessive model (OR = 1.659, 95%CI = 1.563-1.761). In summary, by pooling all available qualified data from genetic studies on rs12255372 and T2DM, we have confirmed that rs12255372 is significantly associated with susceptibility to T2DM in the global population.
The T-cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain (TIM) family is associated with autoimmune diseases, but its expression level in the immune cells of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients is not known. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the expression of TIM-3 mRNA is associated with pathogenesis of SLE. Quantitative real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction analysis (qRT-PCR) was used to determine TIM-1, TIM-3, and TIM-4 mRNA expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from 132 patients with SLE and 62 healthy controls. The PBMC surface protein expression of TIMs in PBMCs from 20 SLE patients and 15 healthy controls was assayed by flow cytometry. Only TIM-3 mRNA expression decreased significantly in SLE patients compared with healthy controls (P<0.001). No significant differences in TIM family protein expression were observed in leukocytes from SLE patients and healthy controls (P>0.05). SLE patients with lupus nephritis (LN) had a significantly lower expression of TIM-3 mRNA than those without LN (P=0.001). There was no significant difference in the expression of TIM-3 mRNA within different classes of LN (P>0.05). Correlation of TIM-3 mRNA expression with serum IgA was highly significant (r=0.425, P=0.004), but was weakly correlated with total serum protein (rs=0.283, P=0.049) and serum albumin (rs=0.297, P=0.047). TIM-3 mRNA expression was weakly correlated with the Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index (SLEDAI; rs=-0.272, P=0.032). Our results suggest that below-normal expression of TIM-3 mRNA in PBMC may be involved in the pathogenesis of SLE.
Työvoimakoulutusraportti Pirkanmaa 2016 – Seuranta- ja ennakointitietoa työvoimakoulutuksen suunnitteluun on Pirkanmaan elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskuksen sekä Ramboll Management Consulting Oy:n yhteistyössä laatima selvitys ammattialojen ja työllisyyden kehitysnäkymistä. Raportti toimii työvoimakoulutuksen suunnittelun tukena tarjoten seurantatietoa Pirkanmaalla järjestetystä työvoimakoulutuksesta. Lisäksi raportti kokoaa yhteen ennakointitietoa ja ennusteita toimialojen ja ammattien tulevaisuudesta.