408 resultados para zeichnerisches Studium


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Global observations of the chemical composition of the atmosphere are essential for understanding and studying the present and future state of the earth's atmosphere. However, by analyzing field experiments the consideration of the atmospheric motion is indispensable, because transport enables different chemical species, with different local natural and anthropogenic sources, to interact chemically and so consequently influences the chemical composition of the atmosphere. The distance over which that transport occurs is highly dependent upon meteorological conditions (e.g., wind speed, precipitation) and the properties of chemical species itself (e.g., solubility, reactivity). This interaction between chemistry and dynamics makes the study of atmospheric chemistry both difficult and challenging, and also demonstrates the relevance of including the atmospheric motions in that context. In this doctoral thesis the large-scale transport of air over the eastern Mediterranean region during summer 2001, with a focus on August during the Mediterranean Intensive Oxidant Study (MINOS) measurement campaign, was investigated from a lagrangian perspective. Analysis of back trajectories demonstrated transport of polluted air masses from western and eastern Europe in the boundary layer, from the North Atlantic/North American area in the middle end upper troposphere and additionally from South Asia in the upper troposphere towards the eastern Mediterranean. Investigation of air mass transport near the tropopause indicated enhanced cross-tropopause transport relative to the surrounding area over the eastern Mediterranean region in summer. A large band of air mass transport across the dynamical tropopause develops in June, and is shifted toward higher latitudes in July and August. This shifting is associated with the development and the intensification of the Arabian and South Asian upper-level anticyclones and consequential with areas of maximum clear-air turbulence, hypothesizing quasi-permanent areas with turbulent mixing of tropospheric and stratospheric air during summer over the eastern Mediterranean as a result of large-scale synoptic circulation. In context with the latex knowledge about the transport of polluted air masses towards the Mediterranean and with increasing emissions, especially in developing countries like India, this likely gains in importance.


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The present thesis is concerned with the study of a quantum physical system composed of a small particle system (such as a spin chain) and several quantized massless boson fields (as photon gasses or phonon fields) at positive temperature. The setup serves as a simplified model for matter in interaction with thermal "radiation" from different sources. Hereby, questions concerning the dynamical and thermodynamic properties of particle-boson configurations far from thermal equilibrium are in the center of interest. We study a specific situation where the particle system is brought in contact with the boson systems (occasionally referred to as heat reservoirs) where the reservoirs are prepared close to thermal equilibrium states, each at a different temperature. We analyze the interacting time evolution of such an initial configuration and we show thermal relaxation of the system into a stationary state, i.e., we prove the existence of a time invariant state which is the unique limit state of the considered initial configurations evolving in time. As long as the reservoirs have been prepared at different temperatures, this stationary state features thermodynamic characteristics as stationary energy fluxes and a positive entropy production rate which distinguishes it from being a thermal equilibrium at any temperature. Therefore, we refer to it as non-equilibrium stationary state or simply NESS. The physical setup is phrased mathematically in the language of C*-algebras. The thesis gives an extended review of the application of operator algebraic theories to quantum statistical mechanics and introduces in detail the mathematical objects to describe matter in interaction with radiation. The C*-theory is adapted to the concrete setup. The algebraic description of the system is lifted into a Hilbert space framework. The appropriate Hilbert space representation is given by a bosonic Fock space over a suitable L2-space. The first part of the present work is concluded by the derivation of a spectral theory which connects the dynamical and thermodynamic features with spectral properties of a suitable generator, say K, of the time evolution in this Hilbert space setting. That way, the question about thermal relaxation becomes a spectral problem. The operator K is of Pauli-Fierz type. The spectral analysis of the generator K follows. This task is the core part of the work and it employs various kinds of functional analytic techniques. The operator K results from a perturbation of an operator L0 which describes the non-interacting particle-boson system. All spectral considerations are done in a perturbative regime, i.e., we assume that the strength of the coupling is sufficiently small. The extraction of dynamical features of the system from properties of K requires, in particular, the knowledge about the spectrum of K in the nearest vicinity of eigenvalues of the unperturbed operator L0. Since convergent Neumann series expansions only qualify to study the perturbed spectrum in the neighborhood of the unperturbed one on a scale of order of the coupling strength we need to apply a more refined tool, the Feshbach map. This technique allows the analysis of the spectrum on a smaller scale by transferring the analysis to a spectral subspace. The need of spectral information on arbitrary scales requires an iteration of the Feshbach map. This procedure leads to an operator-theoretic renormalization group. The reader is introduced to the Feshbach technique and the renormalization procedure based on it is discussed in full detail. Further, it is explained how the spectral information is extracted from the renormalization group flow. The present dissertation is an extension of two kinds of a recent research contribution by Jakšić and Pillet to a similar physical setup. Firstly, we consider the more delicate situation of bosonic heat reservoirs instead of fermionic ones, and secondly, the system can be studied uniformly for small reservoir temperatures. The adaption of the Feshbach map-based renormalization procedure by Bach, Chen, Fröhlich, and Sigal to concrete spectral problems in quantum statistical mechanics is a further novelty of this work.


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Das Hauptziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Entwicklung eines Experimentaufbaus für die elektrochemische Abscheidung von Transactiniden mit anschließender Detektion. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Experimente mit den Homologen dieser Elemente durchgeführt. Die Elektrodeposition von Tracermengen an Fremdelektroden führt zu einer Elektrodenbedeckung von weniger als einer Monolage. Die erforderlichen Abscheidepotentiale sind häufig positiver, als nach der Nernst’schen Gleichung zu erwarten ist. Dieses Phänomen nennt man Unterpotentialabscheidung. In zahlreichen Versuchen mit Radiotracern wurde die Abscheideausbeute als Funktion des Elektrodenpotentials bestimmt, wobei abzuscheidendes Ion, Elektrodenmaterial und Elektrolyt variiert wurden. Es wurden kritische Potentiale, bei denen eine nennenswerte Abscheidung gerade begann, ermittelt sowie Potentiale für die Abscheidung von 50 % der in der Lösung befindlichen Atome. Diese Werte wurden mit theoretisch vorhergesagten Potentialen und Werten aus der Literatur verglichen. Die Abscheidung von Pb als Homologem von Element 114 funktionierte sehr gut an Elektroden aus Palladium oder palladinierten Nickelelektroden unter Verwendung von 0,1 M HCl als Elektrolyt. Zur Charakterisierung der Unterpotentialabscheidung wurde neben der Radiotracer-Methode auch die Cyclovoltammetrie eingesetzt. Hier findet die Abscheidung der ersten Monolage auf der Elektrode ebenfalls häufig bei positiveren Potentialen statt, als die der Hauptmenge. Die mit beiden Methoden ermittelten Werte wurden einander gegenübergestellt. Die Elektrodeposition von kurzlebigen Isotopen muss sehr schnell erfolgen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine hohe Temperatur und damit verbunden eine niedrige Viskosität des Elektrolyten die Abscheidung beschleunigt. Ebenfalls wichtig ist ein gutes Rühren der Lösung, um eine kleine Nernst’sche Diffusionsschichtdicke zu erzielen. Das Verhältnis von Elektrodenfläche zu Elektrolytvolumen muss möglichst groß sein. Auf der Grundlage dieser Ergebnisse wurde eine für schnelle Elektrolysen optimierte Elektrolysezelle entwickelt. Unter Einsatz dieser Zelle wurden die Abscheidegeschwindigkeiten für verschiedene Ionen- und Elektrodenkombinationen gemessen. Es wurden Experimente zur Kopplung von Gasjet und Elektrolysezelle durchgeführt, dabei wurde sowohl mit am Reaktor erzeugten Spaltprodukten, mit Pb-Isotopen aus einer emanierenden Quelle und mit am Beschleuniger erzeugten Isotopen gearbeitet. Mit den dort gewonnenen Erkenntnissen wurde ein Experimentaufbau für die kontinuierliche Abscheidung und Detektion von kurzlebigen Isotopen realisiert. Am Beschleuniger wurden u. a. kurzlebige Hg- und Pb-Isotope erzeugt und mit einem Gasjet aus der Targetkammer zum ALOHA-System transportiert. Dort wurden sie in einem quasi-kontinuierlichen Prozess in die wässrige Phase überführt und zu einer Elektrolyszelle transportiert. In dieser erfolgte die Elektrodeposition auf eine bandförmige Elektrode aus Nickel oder palladiniertem Nickel. Nach der Abscheidung wurde das Band zu einer Detektorphalanx gezogen, wo der -Zerfall der neutronenarmen Isotope registriert wurde. Es wurden charakteristische Größen wie die Abscheidegeschwindigkeit und die Gesamtausbeute der Elektrolyse ermittelt. Das System wurde im Dauerbetrieb getestet. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass der gewählte Aufbau prinzipiell für die Abscheidung von kurzlebigen, am Beschleuniger erzeugten Isotopen geeignet ist. Damit ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung für den zukünftigen Einsatz der Methode zum Studium der chemischen Eigenschaften der superschweren Elemente geschaffen.


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Plutonium represents the major contribution to the radiotoxicity of spent nuclear fuel over storage times of up to several hundred thousand years. The speciation of plutonium in aquifer systems is important in order to assess the risks of high-level nuclear waste disposal and to acquire a deep knowledge of the mobilization and immobilization behavior of plutonium. In aqueous solutions, plutonium can coexist in four oxidation states and each one of them has different chemical and physical behavior. Tetravalent plutonium is the most abundant under natural conditions. Therefore, detailed speciation studies of tetravalent plutonium in contact with humic substances (HS) and kaolinite as a model clay mineral have been performed in this work. Plutonium is present in the environment at an ultratrace level. Therefore, speciation of Pu at the ultratrace level is mandatory. Capillary electrophoresis (CE) coupled to resonance ionization mass spectrometry (RIMS) was used as a new speciation method. CE-RIMS enables to improve the detection limit for plutonium species by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude compared to the previously developed CE-ICP-MS. For understanding the behavior of Pu(IV) in aqueous systems, redox reactions, complexation, and sorption behavior of plutonium were studied. The redox behavior of plutonium in contact with humic acid (HA) and fulvic acid (FA) was investigated. A relatively fast reduction of Pu(VI) in contact with HS was observed. It was mainly reduced to Pu(IV) and Pu(III) within a couple of weeks. The time dependence of the Pu(IV) complexation with Aldrich HA was investigated and a complex constant (logßLC) between 6.4 - 8.4 of Pu(IV) was determined by means of ultrafiltration taking into account the loading capacity (LC). The sorption of tetravalent plutonium onto kaolinite was investigated as a function of pH in batch experiments under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The sorption edge was found at about pH = 1 and a maximum sorption at around pH = 8.5. In the presence of CO2 at pH > 8.5, the sorption of plutonium was decreased probably due to the formation of soluble carbonate complexes. For comparison, the sorption of Th(IV) onto kaolinite was also investigated and consistent results were found. The Pu(IV) sorption onto kaolinite was studied by XANES and EXAFS at pH 1, 4, 9 and the sorbed species on kaolinite surface was Pu(IV). Depending on the pH, only 1 - 10 % of the sorbed plutonium is desorbed from kaolinite and released into a fresh solution at the same pH value. Furthermore, the sorption of HS onto kaolinite was studied as a function of pH at varying concentrations of HS, as a prerequisite to understand the more complex ternary system. The sorption of HA onto kaolinite was found to be higher than that of FA. The investigation of the ternary systems (plutonium-kaolinite-humic substances) is performed as a function of pH, concentration of HS, and the sequences of adding the reactants. The presence of HS strongly influences the sorption of Pu(IV) onto kaolinite over the entire pH range. For comparison, the influence of HS on the sorption of Th(IV) onto kaolinite was also investigated and a good agreement with the results of Pu(IV) was obtained.


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Germaniumdioxid (GeO2) ist ein Glasbildner, der wie das homologe SiO2 ein ungeordnetes tetraedrisches Netzwerk ausbildet. In dieser Arbeit werden mit Hilfe von Molekulardynamik-Computersimulationen die Struktur und Dynamik von GeO2 in Abhängigkeit von der Temperatur untersucht. Dazu werden sowohl Simulationen mit einem klassischen Paarpotentialmodell von Oeffner und Elliott als auch ab initio-Simulationen gemäß der Car-Parrinello-Molekulardynamik (CPMD), bei der elektronische Freiheitsgrade mittels Dichtefunktionaltheorie beschrieben werden, durchgeführt. In der klassischen Simulation werden dazu ein Temperaturen zwischen 6100 K und 2530 K betrachtet. Darüberhinaus ermöglichen Abkühlläufe auf T=300 K das Studium der Struktur des Glases. Zum Vergleich werden CPMD-Simulationen für kleinere Systeme mit 60 bzw. 120 Teilchen bei den Temperaturen 3760 K und 3000 K durchgeführt. In den klassischen Simulationen kann die im Experiment bis 1700 K nachgewiesene, im Vergleich zu SiO2 starke, Temperaturabhängigkeit der Dichte auch bei höheren Temperaturen beobachtet werden. Gute Übereinstimmungen der Simulationen mit experimentellen Daten zeigen sich bei der Untersuchung verschiedener struktureller Größen, wie z.B. Paarkorrelationsfunktionen, Winkelverteilungen, Koordinationszahlen und Strukturfaktoren. Es können leichte strukturelle Abweichungen der CPMD-Simulationen von den klassischen Simulationen aufgezeigt werden: 1. Die Paarabstände in CPMD sind durchweg etwas kleiner. 2. Es zeigt sich, daß die Bindungen in den ab initio-Simulationen weicher sind, was sich auch in einer etwas stärkeren Temperaturabhängigkeit der strukturellen Größen im Vergleich zu den klassischen Simulationen niederschlägt. 3. Für CPMD kann ein vermehrtes Auftreten von Dreierringstrukturen gezeigt werden. 4. In der CPMD werden temperaturabhängige Defektstrukturen in Form von Sauerstoffpaaren beobachtet, die vor allem bei 3760 K, kaum jedoch bei 3000 K auftreten. Alle strukturellen Unterschiede zwischen klassischer und CPMD-Simulation sind eindeutig nicht auf Finite-Size-Effekte aufgrund der kleinen Systemgrößen in den CPMD-Simulationen zurückzuführen, d.h. sie sind tatsächlich methodisch bedingt. Bei der Dynamik von GeO2 wird in den klassischen Simulationen ebenfalls eine gute Übereinstimmung mit experimentellen Daten beobachtet, was ein Vergleich der Diffusionskonstanten mit Viskositätsmessungen bei hohen Temperaturen belegt. Die Diffusionskonstanten zeigen teilweise ein verschiedenes Verhalten zum homologen SiO2. Sie folgen in GeO2 bei Temperaturen unter 3000 K einem Arrheniusgesetz mit einer deutlich niedrigeren Aktivierungsenergie. Darüberhinaus werden die Möglichkeiten der Parametrisierung eines neuen klassischen Paarpotentials mittels der Kräfte entlang der CPMD-Trajektorien untersucht. Es zeigt sich, daß derartige Parametrisierungen sehr stark von den gewählten Startparametern abhängen. Ferner führen sämtliche an die Schmelze parametrisierten Potentiale zu zu hohen Dichten im Vergleich zum Experiment. Zum einen liegt dies sehr wahrscheinlich daran,daß für das System GeO2 Kraftdaten allein nicht ausreichen, um grundlegende strukturelle Größen, wie z.B. Paarkorrelationen und Winkelverteilungen, der CPMD-Simulationen gut reproduzieren zu können. Zum anderen ist wohl die Beschreibung mittels Paarpotentialen nicht ausreichend und es ist erforderlich, Merkörperwechselwirkungen in Betracht zu ziehen.


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The weathering of Fe-bearing minerals under extraterrestrial conditions was investigated by Mössbauer (MB) spectroscopy to gain insights into the role of water on the planet Mars. The NASA Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity each carry a miniaturized Mössbauer spectrometer MIMOS II for the in situ investigation of Martian soils and rocks as part of their payload. The MER flight instruments had to be modified in order to work over the Martian diurnal temperature range (180 K – 290 K) and within the unique electronic environment of the rovers. The modification required special calibration procedures. The integration time necessary to obtain a good quality Mössbauer spectrum with the MIMOS II flight instruments was reduced by 30 % through the design of a new collimator. The in situ investigation of rocks along the rover Spirit's traverse in Gusev crater revealed weakly altered olivine basalt on the plains and pervasively altered basalt in the Columbia Hills. Correlation plots of primary Fe-bearing minerals identified by MB spectroscopy such as olivine versus secondary Fe-bearing phases such as nanophase Fe oxides showed that olivine is the mineral which is primarily involved in weathering reactions. This argues for a reduced availability of water. Identification of the Fe-oxyhydroxide goethite in the Columbia Hills is unequivocal evidence for aqueous weathering processes in the Columbia Hills. Experiments in which mineral powders were exposed to components of the Martian atmosphere showed that interaction with the atmosphere alone, in the absence of liquid water, is sufficient to oxidize Martian surface materials. The fine-grained dust suspended in the Martian atmosphere may have been altered solely by gas-solid reactions. Fresh and altered specimens of Martian meteorites were investigated with MIMOS II. The study of Martian meteorites in the lab helped to identify in Bounce Rock the first rock on Mars which is similar in composition to basaltic shergottites, a subgroup of the Martian meteorites. The field of astrobiology includes the study of the origin, evolution and distribution of life in the universe. Water is a prerequisite for life. The MER Mössbauer spectrometers identified aqueous minerals such as jarosite and goethite. The identification of jarosite was crucial to evaluate the habitability of Opportunity's landing site at Meridiani Planum during the formation of the sedimentary outcrop rocks, because jarosite puts strong constrains on pH levels. The identification of olivine in rocks and soils on the Gusev crater plains provide evidence for the sparsity of water under current conditions on Mars. Ratios of Fe2+/Fe3+ were obtained with Mössbauer spectroscopy from basaltic glass samples which were exposed at a deep sea hydrothermal vent. The ratios were used as a measure of potential energy for use by a microbial community. Samples from Mars analogue field sites on Earth exhibiting morphological biosignatures were also investigated.


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This dissertation is devoted to the experimental exploration of the propagation of elastic waves in soft mesoscopic structures with submicrometer dimensions. A strong motivation of this work is the large technological relevance and the fundamental importance of the subject. Elastic waves are accompanied by time-dependent fluctuations of local stress and strain fields in the medium. As such, the propagation phase velocities are intimately related to the elastic moduli. Knowledge of the elastic wave propagation directly provides information about the mechanical properties of the probed mesoscopic structures, which are not readily accessible experimentally. On the other hand, elastic waves, when propagating in an inhomogeneous medium with spatial inhomogeneities comparable to their wavelength, exhibit rather rich behavior, including the appearance of novel physical phenomena, such as phononic bandgap formation. So far, the experimental work has been restricted to macroscopic structures, which limit wave propagation below the KHz range. It was anticipated that an experimental approach capable of probing the interplay of the wave propagation with the controlled mesoscopic structures would contribute to deeper insights into the fundamental problem of elastic wave propagation in inhomogeneous systems. The mesoscopic nature of the structures to be studied precludes the use of traditional methods, such as sound transmission, for the study of elastic wave propagation. In this work, an optical method utilizing the inelastic scattering of photons by GHz frequency thermally excited elastic waves, known as Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy (BLS), was employed. Two important classes of soft structures were investigated: thin films and colloidal crystals. For the former, the main interest was the effect of the one-dimensional (1D) confinement on the wave propagation due to the presence of the free-surface or interface of the layer and the utilization of these waves to extract relevant material parameters. For the second system, the primary interest was the interaction of the elastic wave and the strong scattering medium with local resonance units in a three-dimensional (3D) periodic arrangement.


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Study of K isomerism in the transfermium region around the deformed shells at N=152, Z=102, and N=162, Z=108 provides important information on the structure of heavy nuclei. Recent calculations suggest that the K-isomerism can enhance the stability of such nuclei against alpha emission and spontaneous fission. Nuclei showing K isomerism have neutron and proton orbitals with large spin projections on the symmetry axis which is due to multi quasiparticle states with aligned spins K. Quasi-particle states are formed by breaking pairs of nucleons and raising one or two nucleons in orbitals near the Fermi surface above the gap, forming high K (multi)quasi-particle states mainly at low excitation energies. Experimental examples are the recently studied two quasi-particle K isomers in 250,256-Fm, 254-No, and 270-Ds. Nuclei in this region, are produced with cross sections ranging from several nb up to µb, which are high enough for a detailed decay study. In this work, K isomerism in Sg and No isotopes was studied at the velocity filter SHIP of GSI, Darmstadt. The data were obtained by using a new data acquisition system which was developed and installed during this work. 252,254-No and 260-Sg were produced in fusion evaporation reactions of 48-Ca and 54-Cr projectiles with 206,208-Pb targets at beam energies close to the Coulomb barrier. A new K isomer was discovered in 252-No at excitation energy of 1.25 MeV, which decays to the ground state rotational band via gamma emission. It has a half-life of about 100 ms. The population of the isomeric state was about 20% of the ground state population. Detailed investigations were performed on 254-No in which two isomeric states (275 ms and 198 µs) were already discovered by R.-D. Herzberg, but due to the higher number of observed gamma decays more detailed information about the decay path of the isomers was obtained in the present work. In 260-Sg, we observed no statistically significant component with a half life different from that of the ground state. A comparison between experimental results and theoretical calculations of the single particle energies shows a fair agreement. The structure of the here studied nuclei is in particular important as single particle levels are involved which are relevant for the next shell closure expected to form the region of the shell stabilized superheavy elements at proton numbers 114, 120, or 126 and neutron number 184. K isomers, in particular, could be an ideal tool for the synthesis and study of these isotopes due to enhanced spontaneous fission life times which could result in higher alpha to spontaneous fission branching ratios and longer half lifes.


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Chimäre Archonta? Vergleichend-morphologische Studien zur Hyolaryngealregion. Mit Brevia zur Dental- und Tarsalmorphologie. Die Dissertation greift aus phylogenetisch-systematischer Perspektive das Problem des Primatenursprungs auf. Traditionell wurde die Überordnung Archonta (= Primates + Scandentia + Dermoptera + Chiroptera) angenommen, die aufgrund molekularer Befunde nicht mehr als valide eingestuft wird. Eine Klassifikation anhand der Superordo Euarchontoglires (= Primates + Scandentia + Dermoptera + Glires) wird derzeit bevorzugt. Beide Verwandtschaftshypothesen werden in den taxonomischen Analysen berücksichtigt, um den potentiellen Einfluss der Außengruppenwahl auf die Konstellation der Euarchonta (= Primates + Dermoptera + Scandentia) zu bestimmen. Der Schwerpunkt der Untersuchung liegt in der 3D-Rekonstruktion ontogenetischer Stadien der Hyolaryngealregion diverser Spezies der Ordnungen Artiodactyla, Chiroptera, Dermoptera, Primates, Rodentia, Scandentia und Soricomorpha. Mit AMIRA® 3.1.1 konnten basierend auf histologischen Schnittserien 18 dreidimensionale Modelle der überwiegend spätfetalen Zungenbein- und Kehlkopfregion dargestellt werden. Durch das Studium der Knorpelmorphologie und der Larynx-Myologie wurden 150 Merkmale definiert und in eine MacClade®-Datenmatrix überführt. Die auf dem Parsimonie-Prinzip basierenden PAUP®-Analysen sprechen für eine Schwestergruppenbeziehung der Primates und der Dermoptera (= Primatomorpha). Die als Chimäre titulierte Überordnung Archonta wurde als Vehikel verwendet, um die Integration der Chiropteren zu ermöglichen und die Hyolaryngealforschung zu intensivieren, da auch Echolot-Peilung verwendende Taxa Bestandteil der Untersuchung waren. Die morphologischen Ähnlichkeiten des Zungenbein- und Kehlkopfapparates zwischen der basalen Form Rousettus (Pteropodidae) und dem Dermoptera-Vertreter Cynocephalus wurden als symplesiomorphe Merkmale gedeutet. Bei der Außengruppenwahl eines Rodentia-Repräsentanten hingegen konnte in Übereinstimmung mit den molekularen Befunden und nach dem Gros der Lehrmeinung die Schwestergruppenbeziehung der Primates und der Sundatheria bestätigt werden. Zwecks eines umfassenderen Ansatzes wurden im Rahmen einer „total evidence“-Methodik dental- und tarsalmorphologische Merkmale integriert. Das Resultat der Clusteranalyse, basierend auf 263 Merkmalen, modifiziert das Zwischenergebnis und befürwortet in Übereinstimmung mit molekularen Daten als Schwestergruppe der Primaten das Taxon Sundatheria (= Dermoptera + Scandentia). Damit konnte erstmals mittels eines konsequenten phylogenetisch-systematischen Ansatzes der Primaten-Grundplan hinsichtlich der Merkmalsausstattung der Hyolaryngealregion mit 27 Merkmalen rekonstruiert werden. Der Primatenursprung kann mit dem Euarchonta-Grundplan rekonstruiert werden. Für die Sundatheria wurden 12 Grundplanmerkmale definiert


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The standard model (SM) of particle physics is a theory, describing three out of four fundamental forces. In this model the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix describes the transformation between the mass and weak eigenstates of quarks. The matrix properties can be visualized as triangles in the complex plane. A precise measurement of all triangle parameters can be used to verify the validity of the SM. The least precisely measured parameter of the triangle is related to the CKM element |Vtd|, accessible through the mixing frequency (oscillation) of neutral B mesons, where mixing is the transition of a neutral meson into its anti-particle and vice versa. It is possible to calculate the CKM element |Vtd| and a related element |Vts| by measuring the mass differences Dmd (Dms ) between neutral Bd and bar{Bd} (Bs and bar{Bs}) meson mass eigenstates. This measurement is accomplished by tagging the initial and final state of decaying B mesons and determining their lifetime. Currently the Fermilab Tevatron Collider (providing pbar{p} collisions at sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV) is the only place, where Bs oscillations can be studied. The first selection of the "golden", fully hadronic decay mode Bs->Ds pi(phi pi)X at DØ is presented in this thesis. All data, taken between April 2002 and August 2007 with the DØ detector, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of int{L}dt=2.8/fb is used. The oscillation frequency Dms and the ratio |Vtd|/|Vts| are determined as Dms = (16.6 +0.5-0.4(stat) +0.4-0.3(sys)) 1/ps, |Vtd|/|Vts| = 0.213 +0.004-0.003(exp)pm 0.008(theor). These results are consistent with the standard model expectations and no evidence for new physics is observable.


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The goal of this thesis was to increase the functionality of pristine DNA scaffolds by functionalizing them with fluorescent dyes and hydrophobic moieties. Two important steps were necessary to realize this aim successfully. First, nucleic acids needed to be synthesized making use of multidisciplinary toolbox for the generation and manipulation of polynucleic acids. The most important techniques were the solid phase synthesis involving the incorporation of standard and modified phosphoramidite building blocks as well as molecular biology procedures like the polymerase chain reaction, the bacterial amplification of plasmids and the enzymatic digestion of circular vectors. Second, and evenly important, was the characterization of the novel bioorganic hybrid structures by a multitude of techniques, especially optical measurements. For studying DNA-dye conjugates methods like UV/Vis and photoluminescence spectroscopy as well as time resolved luminescence spectroscopy were utilized. While these measurements characterized the bulk behavior of an ensemble of DNA-dye hybrids it was necessary for a complete understanding of the systems to look at single structures. This was done by single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. For complete analysis the optical experiments were complemented by direct visualization techniques, i.e. high resolution transmission electron microscopy and scanning force microscopy.


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The presented thesis revolves around the study of thermally-responsive PNIPAAm-based hydrogels in water/based environments, as studied by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS).rnThe goal of the project was the engineering of PNIPAAm gels into biosensors. Specifically, a gamma of such gels were both investigated concerning their dynamics and structure at the nanometer scale, and their performance in retaining bound bodies upon thermal collapse (which PNIPAAm undergoes upon heating above 32 ºC).rnFCS’s requirements, as a technique, match the limitations imposed by the system. Namely, the need to intimately probe a system in a solvent, which was also fragile and easy to alter. FCS, on the other hand, both requires a fluid environment to work, and is based on the observation of diffusion of fluorescents at nanomolar concentrations. FCS was applied to probe the hydrogels on the nanometer size with minimal invasivity.rnVariables in the gels were addressed in the project including crosslinking degree; structural changes during thermal collapse; behavior in different buffers; the possibility of decreasing the degree of inhomogeneity; behavior of differently sized probes; and the effectiveness of antibody functionalization upon thermal collapse.rnThe evidenced results included the heightening of structural inhomogeneities during thermal collapse and under different buffer conditions; the use of annealing to decrease the inhomogeneity degree; the use of differently sized probes to address different length scale of the gel; and the successful functionalization before and after collapse.rnThe thesis also addresses two side projects, also carried forward via FCS. One, diffusion in inverse opals, produced a predictive simulation model for diffusion of bodies in confined systems as dependent on the bodies’ size versus the characteristic sizes of the system. The other was the observation of interaction of bodies of opposite charge in a water solution, resulting in a phenomenological theory and an evaluation method for both the average residence time of the different bodies together, and their attachment likelihood.


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Among all possible realizations of quark and antiquark assembly, the nucleon (the proton and the neutron) is the most stable of all hadrons and consequently has been the subject of intensive studies. Mass, shape, radius and more complex representations of its internal structure are measured since several decades using different probes. The proton (spin 1/2) is described by the electric GE and magnetic GM form factors which characterise its internal structure. The simplest way to measure the proton form factors consists in measuring the angular distribution of the electron-proton elastic scattering accessing the so-called Space-Like region where q2 < 0. Using the crossed channel antiproton proton <--> e+e-, one accesses another kinematical region, the so-called Time-Like region where q2 > 0. However, due to the antiproton proton <--> e+e- threshold q2th, only the kinematical domain q2 > q2th > 0 is available. To access the unphysical region, one may use the antiproton proton --> pi0 e+ e- reaction where the pi0 takes away a part of the system energy allowing q2 to be varied between q2th and almost 0. This thesis aims to show the feasibility of such measurements with the PANDA detector which will be installed on the new high intensity antiproton ring at the FAIR facility at Darmstadt. To describe the antiproton proton --> pi0 e+ e- reaction, a Lagrangian based approach is developed. The 5-fold differential cross section is determined and related to linear combinations of hadronic tensors. Under the assumption of one nucleon exchange, the hadronic tensors are expressed in terms of the 2 complex proton electromagnetic form factors. An extraction method which provides an access to the proton electromagnetic form factor ratio R = |GE|/|GM| and for the first time in an unpolarized experiment to the cosine of the phase difference is developed. Such measurements have never been performed in the unphysical region up to now. Extended simulations were performed to show how the ratio R and the cosine can be extracted from the positron angular distribution. Furthermore, a model is developed for the antiproton proton --> pi0 pi+ pi- background reaction considered as the most dangerous one. The background to signal cross section ratio was estimated under different cut combinations of the particle identification information from the different detectors and of the kinematic fits. The background contribution can be reduced to the percent level or even less. The corresponding signal efficiency ranges from a few % to 30%. The precision on the determination of the ratio R and of the cosine is determined using the expected counting rates via Monte Carlo method. A part of this thesis is also dedicated to more technical work with the study of the prototype of the electromagnetic calorimeter and the determination of its resolution.


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The availability of a high-intensity antiproton beam with momentum up to 15,GeV/c at the future FAIR will open a unique opportunity to investigate wide areas of nuclear physics with the $overline{P}$ANDA (anti{$overline{P}$}roton ANnihilations at DArmstadt) detector. Part of these investigations concern the Electromagnetic Form Factors of the proton in the time-like region and the study of the Transition Distribution Amplitudes, for which feasibility studies have been performed in this Thesis. rnMoreover, simulations to study the efficiency and the energy resolution of the backward endcap of the electromagnetic calorimeter of $overline{P}$ANDA are presented. This detector is crucial especially for the reconstruction of processes like $bar pprightarrow e^+ e^- pi^0$, investigated in this work. Different arrangements of dead material were studied. The results show that both, the efficiency and the energy resolution of the backward endcap of the electromagnetic calorimeter fullfill the requirements for the detection of backward particles, and that this detector is necessary for the reconstruction of the channels of interest. rnrnThe study of the annihilation channel $bar pprightarrow e^+ e^-$ will improve the knowledge of the Electromagnetic Form Factors in the time-like region, and will help to understand their connection with the Electromagnetic Form Factors in the space-like region. In this Thesis the feasibility of a measurement of the $bar pprightarrow e^+ e^-$ cross section with $overline{P}$ANDA is studied using Monte-Carlo simulations. The major background channel $bar pprightarrow pi^+ pi^-$ is taken into account. The results show a $10^9$ background suppression factor, which assure a sufficiently clean signal with less than 0.1% background contamination. The signal can be measured with an efficiency greater than 30% up to $s=14$,(GeV/c)$^2$. The Electromagnetic Form Factors are extracted from the reconstructed signal and corrected angular distribution. Above this $s$ limit, the low cross section will not allow the direct extraction of the Electromagnetic Form Factors. However, the total cross section can still be measured and an extraction of the Electromagnetic Form Factors is possible considering certain assumptions on the ratio between the electric and magnetic contributions.rnrnThe Transition Distribution Amplitudes are new non-perturbative objects describing the transition between a baryon and a meson. They are accessible in hard exclusive processes like $bar pprightarrow e^+ e^- pi^0$. The study of this process with $overline{P}$ANDA will test the Transition Distribution Amplitudes approach. This work includes a feasibility study for measuring this channel with $overline{P}$ANDA. The main background reaction is here $bar pprightarrow pi^+ pi^- pi^0$. A background suppression factor of $10^8$ has been achieved while keeping a signal efficiency above 20%.rnrnrnPart of this work has been published in the European Physics Journal A 44, 373-384 (2010).rn


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Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit den veränderten Studienbedingungen, die durch die europaweite Einführung eines einheitlichen Systems von Bachelor- und Masterstudiengängen entstanden sind. In Deutschland wurde der Bologna-Prozess von umfangreichen Protesten begleitet und in der medialen Öffentlichkeit unter anderem die zeitliche und inhaltliche Überlastung der Studierenden und die verschulten Studiengänge kritisiert, die keinen Raum für die persönliche Entwicklung ließen. rnIm Rahmen des BMBF-geförderten Projekts ZEITLast wurde die zeitliche Belastung von Studierenden untersucht. Der scheinbare Widerspruch zwischen dem objektiv messbaren Zeitaufwand und dem subjektiven Belastungsempfinden der Studierenden stellt den Ausgangspunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit dar. Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche Strategien Studierende im Umgang mit den neuen Bachelorstudienstrukturen entwickeln und in welchem Zusammenhang diese mit dem subjektiven Belastungsempfinden stehen. Zur Beantwortung der Fragestellung werden quantitative und qualitative Forschungsmethoden kombiniert. Neben der Auswertung von umfangreichen Zeitbudgetanalysen und Befragungen aus dem Forschungsprojekt ZEITLast werden mit ausgewählten Probanden des Studiengangs Erziehungswissenschaft an der Universität Mainz problemzentrierte Interviews geführt und objektiv hermeneutisch ausgewertet. Eine zeitliche Überlastung der Studierenden lässt sich empirisch nicht nachweisen, dennoch fühlen sich Studierende subjektiv stark belastet Es zeigt sich, dass unterschiedliche subjektive Perspektiven auf die individuelle Studienorganisation und das Belastungsempfinden der Studierenden wirken. Vor allem spielt das individuelle Zeit- und Selbstmanagement bei der erfolgreichen Bewältigung der Anforderungen im Studium eine bedeutende Rolle. Insgesamt wird deutlich, dass Vorgaben im Studium abhängig von individuellen Dispositionen sowohl als Entlastung als auch als Belastung wahrgenommen werden. Die Aufgabe der Hochschule ist es, Studiengänge so zu gestalten, dass sie den unsicheren Studierenden Orientierung und Hilfestellung bieten, während sie den selbstbestimmten Studierenden Freiräume zur individuellen Entwicklung lassen. Aus den Ergebnissen der Arbeit werden abschließend hochschuldidaktische Maßnahmen entwickelt, die zu einer Entlastung der Studierenden beitragen können.