630 resultados para wilhite, Clayton


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O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido por meio de uma pesquisa quantitativa, com a técnica exploratória descritiva simples, usando um questionário com perguntas objetivas, para identificar os riscos que levam a infecção do cateter venoso central, pela equipe de enfermagem, durante sua assistência, sob a ótica do enfermeiro, em uma instituição pública de médio porte na região do ABC. Participaram dessa pesquisa 15 enfermeiros e 53,3% deles informaram ser frequente a incidência de infecção no cateter venoso central e esses assinalaram que essa ocorrência envolve falta técnicas assépticas. 93,3% dos participantes apontaram a realização da troca diária do curativo da inserção do cateter venoso central. A questão da desinfecção do cateter venoso central com algodão ou gaze embebida em álcool 70% previamente a administração de medicações, observou-se que 53,3% assinalaram negativamente e 26,7% que é realizada às vezes. 26,7% responderam que não é realizada nenhuma de proteção durante o banho no cateter e 40% que é feita às vezes. 100% consideram importante o protocolo de troca de curativo do cateter venoso central para redução do índice de infecção relacionado ao cateter venoso central. Concluiu-se, portanto, que há reconhecimento da incidência de infecção decorrente da manipulação do cateter venoso central, tendo como fatores de risco a falta de assepsia, a forma incorreta do curativo e falta de protocolo nos cuidados com o cateter.


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Dissertação de mestrado apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração da USCS - Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul


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O presente trabalho versa a do respeito sistema de controle concentrado de constitucionalidade brasileiro, denominado via da ação, e mais especificamente, uma analise à ação direta de inconstitucionalidade genérica, bem como seus aspectos processuais e seus efeitos, objetivando demonstrar a crescente importância que este modelo de controle de constitucionalidade vem ganhando no ordenamento jurídico pátrio, principalmente após a Constituição de 1988. Para tanto, se faz necessária uma breve evolução histórica acerca do tema, bem como do sistema de controle de constitucionalidade no Brasil, seu conceito e pressupostos. Por fim, merece atenção, a discussão doutrinaria quanto a inconstitucionalidade do art. 27 da Lei 9.868/1999 da lei da ADIn.


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O presente artigo tem por objetivo testar a hipótese de contágio entre os índices dos mercados …nanceiros dos Estados Unidos, Brasil, Japão e Inglaterra para o período de 2000 a 2009. Cópulas variantes no tempo foram usadas para captar o impacto da crise do Subprime na dependência entre mercados. O modelo implementado foi um modelo ARMA(1,0) st-GARCH(1,2) para as distribuições marginais e cópulas gaussiana (Normal) e Joe-Clayton (SJC) para a distribuição conjunta. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que tanto para a cópula gaussiana quanto para a cópula SJC há evidências de contágio entre o mercado americano e o mercado brasileiro. Para os outros dois mercados londrino e japonês, as evidências da presença de contágio entre estes mercados e o americano não mostraram-se suficientemente claras em ambas as cópulas.


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This article aims to test the hypothesis of contagion between the indices of nancial markets from the United States to Brazil, Japan and England for the period 2000 to 2009. Time varying copulas were used to capture the impact of Sub-prime crisis in the dependence between markets. The implemented model was a ARMA(1,0) st-ARCH(1,2) to the marginal distributions and Normal and Joe Clayton (SJC) copulas for the joint distribution. The results obtained allow to conclude that both for the gaussiana copula and for the SJC copula there is evidence of contagion between the American market and the Brazilian market. For the other two markets Londoner and Japanese, the evidence of the presence of contagion between these markets and the American has not been suf ciently clear in both copula


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O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a capacidade preditiva dos modelos de estimação do risco de mercado em momentos de crises financeiras. Para isso, foram testados modelos de estimação do Value-at-Risk (VaR) aplicados aos retornos diários de carteiras compostas por índices de ações de países desenvolvidos e emergentes. Foram testados o modelo VaR de Simulação Histórica, modelos ARCH multivariados (Bekk, Vech e CCC), Redes Neurais Artificiais e funções Cópulas. A amostra de dados refere-se aos períodos de duas crises financeiras internacionais, Crise Asiática, de 1997, e Crise do Sub Prime dos EUA, de 2008. Os resultados apontaram que os modelos ARCH multivariados (Vech e Bekk) e Cópula - Clayton tiveram desempenho semelhantes, com bons ajustes em 100% dos testes. Diferentemente do que era esperado, não foi possível perceber diferenças significativas entre os ajustes para países desenvolvidos e emergentes e os momentos de crise e normal.


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Interstitial compounds of titanium have been mainly studied due to the large range of properties acquired when C, N, O and H atoms are added. In this work, surfaces of TiCxNy were produced by thermochemical treatments assisted by plasma with different proportions of Ar + N2 + CH4 gas mixture. The Ar gas flow was fixed in 4 sccm, varying only N2 and CH4 gas flows. During the thermochemical treatment, the plasma was monitored by Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) for the investigation of the influence of active species. After treatments, C and N concentration profile, crystalline and amorphous phases were analyzed by Nuclear Reaction (NRA). Besides tribomechanical properties of the Ti surface were studied through the nanohardness measurements and friction coefficient determination. The worn areas were evaluated by profilometry and Scanning Electronic Microscope (SEM) in order to verify the wear mechanism present in each material. It has been seen which the properties like nanohardness and friction coefficient have strong relation with luminous intensity of species of the plasma, suggesting a using of this characteristic as a parameter of process


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Plasma diagnostics by Optical Emission Spectroscopy were performed for electrical discharge in three gas mixture respecting the combinations z N2 y Ar x H2, z N2 y Ar x O2 e z N2 y Ar x CH4, in which the indexes z and y systematically vary from 1 to 4 and x varies from 0 to 4, every one has dimension SCCM, resulting in 80 combinations. From the all obtained spectrums, the species CH (387,1 nm), N2+ (391,4 nm), Hβ (486,1 nm), Hα (656,3 nm), Ar (750,4 nm), O (777,4 nm) e O (842,6 nm) were analyzed because of their abundance and importance on the kinetic of reaction from the plasma to surface, besides their high dependences on the gases flows. Particularly interesting z, y and x combinations were chosen in order to study the influence of active species on the surface modification during the thermochemical treatment. From the mixtures N2 Ar O2 e N2 Ar CH4 were chosen three peculiar proportions which presented luminous intensity profile with unexpected maximum or minimum values, denominated as plasma anomaly. Those plasma concentrations were utilized as atmosphere of titanium treatment maintaining constant the control parameters pressure and temperature. It has been verified a relation among luminous intensity associated to N2+ and roughness, nanohardness and O atoms diffusion into the crystalline lattice of treated titanium and it has been seen which those properties becomes more intense precisely in the higher points found in the optical profile associated to the N2+ specie. Those parameters were verified for the mixture which involved O2 gas. For the mixture which involves CH4 gas, the relation was determinate by roughness, number of nitrogen and carbon atoms diffused into the titanium structure which presented direct proportionality with the luminous intensity referent to the N2+ and CH. It has been yet studied the formation of TiCN phases on the surface which presented to be essentially directly proportional to the increasing of the CH specie and inversely proportional to the increasing of the specie N2+


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This work presents the results, analyses and conclusions about a study carried out with objective of minimizing the thermal cracks formation on cemented carbide inserts during face milling. The main focus of investigation was based on the observation that milling process is an interrupted machining process, which imposes cyclic thermal loads to the cutting tool, causing frequent stresses changes in its superficial and sub-superficial layers. These characteristics cause the formation of perpendicular cracks from cutting edge which aid the cutting tool wear, reducing its life. Several works on this subject emphasizing the thermal cyclic behavior imposed by the milling process as the main responsible for thermal cracks formation have been published. In these cases, the phenomenon appears as a consequence of the difference in temperature experienced by the cutting tool with each rotation of the cutter, usually defined as the difference between the temperatures in the cutting tool wedge at the end of the cutting and idle periods (T factor). Thus, a technique to minimize this cyclic behavior with objective of transforming the milling in an almost-continuous process in terms of temperature was proposed. In this case, a hot air stream was applied into the idle period, during the machining process. This procedure aimed to minimize the T factor. This technique was applied using three values of temperature from the hot air stream (100, 350 e 580 oC) with no cutting fluid (dry condition) and with cutting fluid mist (wet condition) using the hot air stream at 580oC. Besides, trials at room temperature were carried out. Afterwards the inserts were analyzed using a scanning electron microscope, where the quantity of thermal cracks generated in each condition, the wear and others damages was analyzed. In a general way, it was found that the heating of the idle period was positive for reducing the number of thermal cracks during face milling with cemented carbide inserts. Further, the cutting fluid mist application was effective in reducing the wear of the cutting tools.


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To understand the biology and evolution of ruminants, the cattle genome was sequenced to about sevenfold coverage. The cattle genome contains a minimum of 22,000 genes, with a core set of 14,345 orthologs shared among seven mammalian species of which 1217 are absent or undetected in noneutherian (marsupial or monotreme) genomes. Cattle-specific evolutionary breakpoint regions in chromosomes have a higher density of segmental duplications, enrichment of repetitive elements, and species-specific variations in genes associated with lactation and immune responsiveness. Genes involved in metabolism are generally highly conserved, although five metabolic genes are deleted or extensively diverged from their human orthologs. The cattle genome sequence thus provides a resource for understanding mammalian evolution and accelerating livestock genetic improvement for milk and meat production.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper presents an experimental technique for structural health monitoring (SHM) based on Lamb waves approach in an aluminum plate using piezoelectric material as actuators and sensors. Lamb waves are a form of elastic perturbation that remains guided between two parallel free surfaces, such as the upper and lower surfaces of a plate, beam or shelf. Lamb waves are formed when the actuator excites the surface of the structure with a pulse after receiving a signal. Two PZTs were placed in the plate surface and one of them was used to send a predefined wave through the structure. Thus, the other PZT (adjacent) becomes the sensor. Using this methodology, this paper presents one case of damage detection considering the aluminum plate in the free-free-free-free boundary condition. The damage was simulated by adding additional mass on the plate. It is proposed two damage detection indexes obtained from the experimental signal, involving the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and the power spectral density (PSD) that were computed using the output signal. The results show the viability of the presented methodology to damage detection in smart structures


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Thirty-four consecutive adult patients with subdural traumatic hygroma were analysed for clinical evolution, serial computed tomography scan (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) over a period of several months. Five of the patients presented CT scan and MRI evolution data showing increasing density over a period of 11 days to 6 months post trauma. In these five patients, final clinical and CT scan data were benign, with complete spontaneous resolution. Descriptions in literature of evolving traumatic subdural hygroma have presented CT scan density modifications changing into chronic subdural hematoma. Our patients show another possibility, density transformation, which sometimes show as subdural hematoma in CT scan and MRI, but with final evolution where clinical condition and CT scan return to normal.


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Relatamos um caso de aneurisma da bifurcação da artéria carótida interna, cuja ruptura se deu para dentro de cisto de aracnóide da fissura silviana. em revisão da literatura apenas 3 casos foram descritos. Discutimos ainda os aspectos clínicos atípicos do caso, as características dos achados cirúrgicos e uma correlação etiopatogênica entre as duas patologias.