1000 resultados para valores de background
We obtain the photon spectrum induced by a cosmic background of unstable neutrinos. We study the spectrum in a variety of cosmological scenarios and also we allow for the neutrinos having a momentum distribution (only a critical matter-dominated universe and neutrinos at rest have been considered until now). Our results can be helpful when extracting bounds on neutrino electric and magnetic moments from cosmic photon background observations.
O crescimento industrial e o populacional têm aumentado os teores de metais pesados nos solos e impactado a qualidade desse recurso. Nesse contexto, as agências de proteção ambiental vêm despendendo esforços para o estabelecimento de índices que possam identificar áreas suspeitas de contaminação. Valores de Referência de Qualidade para Solos (VRQs) refletem a concentração natural de determinada substância no solo, sem interferência antrópica. O trabalho objetivou estabelecer os VRQs para os metais Ag, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sb, V e Zn exigidos pelo Conama, para composição da legislação direcionada ao monitoramento desses elementos nos solos do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Foram coletadas 416 amostras de solo em áreas de mata nativa ou com mínima influência antrópica. A abertura das amostras foi efetuada pelo método EPA-3051A, sendo os metais determinados por espectrometria de emissão ótica (ICP-OES) e absorção atômica (AA). Os resultados do trabalho comprovaram que estudos regionalizados são essenciais para definição de VRQs. Os VRQs calculados para o Rio Grande do Norte foram mais restritivos que os de outros estados do país. A análise fatorial de confirmação dos dados foi útil para obtenção de VRQs mais confiáveis e demonstrou que para o Estado esses valores podem ser estabelecidos com apenas duas repetições por local de coleta. Nesse sentido, é primordial um planejamento prévio, de distribuição dos locais de amostragem, de maneira que os diversos compartimentos geomorfológicos, pedológicos e geológicos do Estado sejam representados.
It is well known that radiative corrections evaluated in nontrivial backgrounds lead to effective dispersion relations which are not Lorentz invariant. Since gravitational interactions increase with energy, gravity-induced radiative corrections could be relevant for the trans-Planckian problem. As a first step to explore this possibility, we compute the one-loop radiative corrections to the self-energy of a scalar particle propagating in a thermal bath of gravitons in Minkowski spacetime. We obtain terms which originate from the thermal bath and which indeed break the Lorentz invariance that possessed the propagator in the vacuum. Rather unexpectedly, however, the terms which break Lorentz invariance vanish in the high three-momentum limit. We also found that the imaginary part, which gives the rate of approach to thermal equilibrium, vanishes at one loop.
In hydrosedimentology studies the determination of the trace element concentrations at the study site is imperative, since this background can be used to assess the enrichment of sediments with these elements. This enrichment can be the result of the natural process of geological formation or of anthropogenic activities. In the latter case, guidelines are used to indicate the concentrations at which trace elements cause ecotoxicity effects on the environment. Thus, this study used legal reserve areas in the municipality of Toledo, PR, where natural forests are maintained, with no or minimal human interference to establish background levels. The results of atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled argon plasma showed that the legal reserves have lower levels of trace elements than other theoretical references, but equivalent concentrations to the safety levels recommended by international guidelines. It was concluded that determining values is fundamental to recommend this background as scientific database for research in the area of hydrosedimentology of this site and also as a way of environmental management of the watershed of this municipality.
ABSTRACT Soil contamination by heavy metals threatens ecosystems and human health. Environmental monitoring bodies need reference values for these contaminants to assess the impacts of anthropogenic activities on soil contamination. Quality reference values (QRVs) reflect the natural concentrations of heavy metals in soils without anthropic interference and must be regionally established. The aim of this study was to determine the natural concentrations and quality reference values for the metals Ag, Ba, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb and Zn in soils of Paraíba state, Brazil. Soil samples were collected from 94 locations across the state in areas of native vegetation or with minimal anthropic interference. The quality reference values (QRVs) were (mg kg-1): Ag (<0.53), Ba (117.41), Cd (0.08), Co (13.14), Cu (20.82), Cr (48.35), Mo (0.43), Ni (14.44), Sb (0.61), Pb (14.62) and Zn (33.65). Principal component analysis grouped the metals Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Sb (PC1); Ag (PC2); and Ba, Co, Fe, Mn and Zn (PC3). These values were made official by Paraíba state through Normativa Resolution 3602/2014.
Background and Aims The frequency at which males can be maintained with hermaphrodites in androdioecious populations is predicted to depend on the selfing rate, because self-fertilization by hermaphrodites reduces prospective siring opportunities for males. In particular, high selfing rates by hermaphrodites are expected to exclude males from a population. Here, the first estimates are provided of the mating system from two wild hexaploid populations of the androdioecious European wind-pollinated plant M. annua with contrasting male frequencies.Methods Four diploid microsatellite loci were used to genotype 19-20 progeny arrays from two populations of M. annua, one with males and one without. Mating-system parameters were estimated using the program MLTR.Key Results Both populations had similar, intermediate outcrossing rates (t(m) = 0.64 and 0.52 for the population with and without males, respectively). The population without males showed a lower level of correlated paternity and biparental inbreeding and higher allelic richness and gene diversity than the population with males.Conclusions The results demonstrate the utility of new diploid microsatellite loci for mating system analysis in a hexaploid plant. It would appear that androdioecious M. annua has a mixed-mating system in the wild, an uncommon finding for wind-pollinated species. This study sets a foundation for future research to assess the relative importance of the sexual system, plant-density variation and stochastic processes for the regulation of male frequencies in M. annua over space and time.
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo construir e validar uma escala de valores sociomorais que mensurou a presença e o modo de adesão aos valores de justiça, respeito, solidariedade e convivência democrática em estudantes e professores da educação básica em escolas públicas e privadas de São Paulo (10.011 participantes). A metodologia envolveu a elaboração de histórias com alternativas pró e contravalor em três níveis de perspectiva social, a aplicação de questionário na amostra e o processamento dos dados com o uso da Teoria de Resposta ao Item - TRI -, segundo o modelo para itens politômicos. Como resultados, apresentam-se as classificações dos participantes em níveis estabelecidos por valor e discutem-se as implicações educacionais da pesquisa.
En los últimos años hemos venido definiendo las grandes líneas de la circulación monetaria en Hispania durante el largo período imperial,! Trazos que por el momentó debemos dar como buenos a la espera de la aparición de estudios sobre nuevos materiales que cambien el panorama o confirmen lo expuesto hasta el momento. En espera de estos nuevos trabajos debemos comenzar a pensar en un estudio más profundo de la circulación, para poder completar estas líneas generales que parecen bastante claras, pero que nos dejan vislumbrar toda una serie de problemas cuya solución tan sólo podemos obtenerla mediante una especialización superior en los distintos trabajos a realizar.
Con el objeto de establecer un rango de referencia para diferentes metabolitos en hembras bovinas B. indicus, se tomaron 5-10 mL de suero sanguíneo a 21 hembras bovinas Brahman registradas en el departamento de Caldas, Colombia. Se determinó la concentración de los diferentes metabolitos que forman parte de un perfil metabólico estándar, como beta-hidroxibutirato, proteína total, albúmina, globulinas, urea, aspartato aminotransferasa (AST), calcio y magnesio. Los resultados fueron analizados mediante la obtención del rango, promedio y desviación estándar (DE). El intervalo de referencia se estableció en el 95% (x±2DE). El promedio y la DE obtenidos para cada metabolito fueron: beta-hidroxibutirato 0,34±0,15 mmol/L; proteína total 81±9 g/L; albúmina 41±3 g/L; globulinas 40±10 g/L; urea 3,31±1,43 mmol/L; AST 158±34 U/L; Ca 2,50±0,21 mmol/L y Mg 1,40±0,44 mmol/L. Se observó que las alteraciones más frecuentes fueron aumento en la concentración de butiratos y globulinas y aumento en la actividad de AST. Según los resultados obtenidos, se puede señalar que los valores encontrados para la concentración de diferentes metabolitos séricos en hembras Brahman mantenidas en pastoreo, son similares a los valores descritos para bovinos B. taurus.
The aim of this study is to contribute to a better understanding of the risk factors associated with school burnout, which has recently been described as a syndrome of emotional exhaustion due to school demands, cynical and detached attitude towards school and feelings of inadequacy as a student (Salmela-Aro, Kiuru, Pietikainen & Jokela, 2008a). The research focuses on students in the last years of compulsory schooling, period in which burnout has not received much attention yet. A total of 342 adolescents (Mean age = 14.84) were asked to complete questionnaires about school burnout, school-related stress and background variables. The results showed differences in school burnout by gender, grade level and school track, with girls, last grade of compulsory school and high-track classes, showing the highest scores. No difference was observed with respect to grade retention. Several types of school stress were identified, with stress type Success related to pressures to succeed and concerns about the academic future being the highest. Finally, stress and burnout were strongly and positively correlated, and the type of stress Success was the best predictor of overall Burnout, Exhaustion and Inadequacy dimension scores. The results are discussed in relation to their theoretical relevance and implications for the prevention of school burnout in adolescents.
Este trabalho objetivou estimar parâmetros genéticos e predizer os valores genéticos aditivos e genotípicos de clones amazônicos de seringueira em relação a características de qualidade da borracha e do látex a partir de genealogia envolvendo 15 clones e 250 rametes. As estimativas de herdabilidade no sentido amplo, , foram de 0,4152 e 0,6357, com relação a teores de borracha seca e plasticidade após 30 minutos, respectivamente, o que torna possível obter altos ganhos genéticos via seleção clonal. Os clones IAN 873 e Fx 3899 apresentaram os maiores valores genéticos aditivos e genotípicos em relação a teores de borracha seca, enquanto o clone IAN 6158 destacou-se quanto aos valores genotípicos relativos às características de plasticidade após 30 minutos, e índice de retenção da plasticidade.