459 resultados para usable leftovers
O estudo das palmeiras nativas é importante por seu grande valor econômico e na manutenção das comunidades de várias espécies de vertebrados e invertebrados que se alimentam de seus frutos, sementes e folhas. A eficiência na produção dos frutos das palmeiras está diretamente relacionada com a presença de insetos polinizadores, principalmente besouros, abelhas e moscas. A palmeira Mauritia flexuosa, comumente conhecida como buriti, é a espécie mais abundante do Brasil e é também chamada de “árvore da vida”, por ser 100% utilizável. Este trabalho teve como objetivo contribuir para o conhecimento da ecologia da polinização do buriti em ambiente de restinga, no município de Barreirinhas, Maranhão, Brasil. Para tanto, obteve-se dados sobre fenologia reprodutiva, biologia floral, sistema reprodutivo e visitantes florais. Para o acompanhamento fenológico foram selecionados 25 indivíduos de cada sexo, os quais foram observados de agosto/2009 a outubro/2012. As fenofases de floração e frutificação foram relacionadas com as variáveis climáticas através de correlação de Spearman. O processo de abertura e longevidade floral foi acompanhado durante o pico de floração da espécie, verificando-se a viabilidade polínica, a receptividade estigmática, as regiões emissoras de odor e a ocorrência de termogênese. Para determinar o sistema reprodutivo foram feitos testes de polinização cruzada e apomixia. O transporte de grãos de pólen pelo vento foi observado, por meio de lâminas de vidros untadas com vaselina que permaneceram penduradas próximas às inflorescências pistiladas durante 24 horas. Os visitantes florais foram coletados através do ensacamento de 20 inflorescências de cada sexo, sendo classificados de acordo com a frequência e o comportamento. O buriti apresentou padrão fenológico anual, sincrônico e sazonal, com floração de agosto a novembro e pico de queda dos frutos em setembro, o que corresponde à estação seca, diferindo do observado na Amazônia, onde estes eventos fenológicos ocorreram na estação chuvosa. Esta diferença pode ser justificada pela grande disponibilidade de água na região, o que faz com que o buriti não necessariamente dependa das chuvas para florescer. Este fato foi evidenciado pela correlação significativa negativa das fenofases com a precipitação e com a umidade relativa. A forte incidência solar e a disponibilidade de água no ambiente contribuíram para o sucesso na floração e frutificação do buriti. Além disto, fatores bióticos podem ter exercido influência no comportamento fenológico, cuja estratégia reprodutiva adotada parece ser a sincronização da floração e da frutificação com a atividade dos polinizadores e dispersores. Dessa maneira a espécie garante a sua reprodução em um período ótimo para a germinação de sementes e estabelecimento de plântulas. O sistema reprodutivo do buriti é xenogâmico. O conjunto de características florais, aliado à abundância de pólen e ao forte odor leva a crer que essa palmeira tenha como principal estratégia de polinização a cantarofilia, porém o vento também possui grande importância na polinização. Além de apresentar polinização do tipo misto (ambofilia), as flores do buriti atraíram uma grande variedade de visitantes, cuja riqueza foi maior que a observada na Amazônia.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This paper presents an environmental emergy-based diagnosis of Brazil compared with Russia, India, China, South Africa and United States. Reflections on the Brazilian sustainable development are presented and discussed based on the evaluations published since 1979. The variation of the emergy per capita for Brazil from 1979 to 2007 indicates that the country's growth is tied to the exploitation of non renewable natural resources which do not directly reflect in the welfare of the population. The total emergy exported per unit of gross domestic product increased in the period, suggesting that the country exports more emergy than that contained in the money received for the exportation. With the help of the emergy indices, the future development of Brazil is explored and discussed. The comparison among the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) countries and United States indicates that what may be appropriate and usable within one country may not be within another and that to achieve the global sustainability two concomitant actions may occur: (i) the reduction of the total emergy use in developed economies, and (ii) the reduction of indigenous resources exportation in developing economies. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This work aims to analyze data from a Natural Electric Potential landfill type ditch located in Cordeirópolis (SP). The procedure measures initially involved the assembly and installation of an apparatus cables, sensors and drain geophysical measurements and flow rate of biogas in a ditch later filled by solid waste. Biogas is a product of degradation of organic matter in waste by the action of microorganisms in an anaerobic environment. Its features high methane content in the gas potentially usable as fuel in energy generation systems or steam. The study area is characterized by clayey soil composition change from the diabase sill correlated to the event Serra Geral Formation siltstones overlapping Tatuí with groundwater level site around 50m. The cables were installed vertically in parallel with drain gas manifold, which allowed the collection of data by the technique geophysical logging every 15 days over a period of eight months. For data analysis we used four parameters in the study, the closing time of the ditch, natural electric potential, the flow velocity of biogas and rain. With the tabulated data plots were constructed for each collection day showing values in the range of the cable is in contact with waste (200 cm - 400 cm) and range of the cable in contact with the soil (600 cm - 800 cm). Subsequently graphs were generated with the period of eight months to analyze the data tabulated. A statistical correlation data, which show the influence of rainfall on the production of biogas. The results were satisfactory and demonstrated the feasibility of the research method in studies for the feasibility analysis for the capture of biogas energy
Water is an essential factor in maintaining the vital functions of living beings. We have observed a growing commitment of quality, are due to pollution from many sources and even entire watersheds, whether for industrial waste, sewage, or for substances used in farming such as pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. Nickel is the 24th most abundant element on earth, is a heavy metal that, in the form of chloride, is a proven genotoxic and mutagenic. Due to its industrial use, there was considerable increase of its concentration in surface sediments. Fish combine characteristics that make them excellent experimental models for aquatic toxicology studies, which are particularly usable as warn about the potential danger of chemicals or the possibility of environmental pollution. Due to impaired water quality and the few published studies relating the nickel with the tissue change, this study aimed at assessing the consequences of the presence of nickel in the aquatic environment. For this analysis, we used individuals of Oreochromis niloticus, exposed for 96 hours at three different concentrations of nickel dissolved in water compared to a control group. After exposure, the gills were removed and these were analyzed by ultramorphological, histological and histochemical analysis. The results indicate that all concentrations used in the experiment altered the histophysiology of exposed individuals. We observed the following changes: rupture of paviment cells, thus resulting in bleeding, loss of microridges surface of these cells and epithelial loss in the gills of all animals in all treatments with nickel chloride, the histochemical analysis showed non-proliferation of chloride cells. However, there was a dose-dependent increase of mucus cells in all animals. Therefore, nickel has toxic potential to fish, from the smallest concentration used up to twice as permitted by law, indicating... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Covalent “click” cycloaddition was used to functionalize silica substrates with pH-sensitive nanoparticles, thus producing uniform and highly luminescent analytical devices usable in both commercial fluorimeters and fluorescence microscopes. Quantitative and spatially-resolved extracellular pH measurements were successfully achieved on live cardiac fibroblasts with these novel ion-sensitive surfaces.
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
The sialolithiasis is characterized by the formation of calcified structure called sialolith within the salivary ductal system. Although its etiology is unknown, it is believed that is from the deposition of calcium salts around an accumulation of organic leftovers in the lumen of the duct or be resulted by chronic sialadenitis and partial obstruction. In this study, the authors describe a case of a male patient, 46 years old, brown, who presented the complaint “pain under the tongue.” The presence of a hardened nodule located in the left sublingual fold was observed through intra-oral exam. Current considerations about treatment, clinical and radiographic characteristics were addressed in this work.
The toothbrush is identified as one of the most importants inventions in human history. Most of them are made by polypropylene, a recyclable polymer. Some are made of polypropylene and polyethylene leftovers from others industrial processes. However, the toothbrushes are discarded incorrectly and end up in landfills, which could be avoided by using a material and design suitable for the manufacture of the product. This study aimed, based on research, develop and design a toothbrush model with great features. For the conception of the prototype, was used rapid prototyping technologies. With the intention of improving the product quality, was created an ergonomic, sustainable and environmentally friendly model, seeking maximally reduce the generation of waste and environmental damages. The solution adopted was the use of "interchangeable head", which can be discarded after their useful life, keeping the rest of the body.
In order to evaluate the effect of levels of supplementation with concentrate containing 25 % CP and 3.18 Mcal kg-1 MS-1 for feeder lambs on pasture in private about the weight and performance in different ages, the onset of puberty and reproductive performance, 21 Suffolk lambs were used, divided into three batches, with and without supplementation, fed from birth to weaning with two levels of intake of concentrate (300 and 600 g-1 day) given once a day with the daily record of leftovers. The lambs were identified, weighed at birth and every 30 days and were weaned at 60 days. There was no significant difference in weight and average daily weight gain at 30 days old. The weight and average daily weight gain were influenced by the level of food supplementation. The lot with the consumption of 600g showed superior performance to the other lots at 60 and 120 days old. For lots of 300 grams or without supplementation there was no difference for the parameters analyzed. The availability of 600 g per day of concentrate for lambs until weaning promoted greater average daily weight gain at 60 and 120 days of life and better reproductive performance in the second year of copulation.