928 resultados para universal portfolio


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The goal of the master’s thesis was to develop a model to build a service quality centric customer reference portfolio for a software as a service company. The case company is Meltwater Finland Oy that leverages customer references externally but there is no systematic model to produce good quality customer references that are in line with the company strategy. The project was carried out as a case study, where the primary source of information were seventeen internal interviews with the employees of the case company. The theory part focuses on customer references as assets and service quality in software as a service industry. In the empirical part the research problem is solved. As a result of the case study, the model to build a service quality centric customer reference portfolio was created and further research areas were suggested.


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Global finance, combining offshore banking and universal banks to drive a broader globalization process, has transformed the modus operandi of the world economy. This requires a new "meta-economic" framework in which short-term portfolio-investment flows are treated as the dominant phenomenon they have become. Organized by global finance, these layered bi-directional flows between center and periphery manage a tension between financial concentration and monetary fragmentation. The resulting imbalances express the asymmetries built into that tension and render the exchange rate a more strategic policy variable than ever.


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Este artigo busca pensar os juízos estéticos da Terceira crítica de Kant, em relação aos discursos sobre a arte moderna. Propomos, de maneira didática, relacionar tais juízos kantianos à utopia da modernidade e às suas consequências (e críticas) contemporâneas. Não tencionamos, porém, fazer uma análise pormenorizada do pensamento de Kant, propriamente, mas expor as várias glosas que este recebeu, ao inaugurar um outro espaço para a Estética, principalmente no que se refere à arena comunitária na qual se agenciam os juízos e que torna possível uma arte ao mesmo tempo universal e sem regras fixas. Mais do que pensar a arte como "livre jogo", ou como "bela" e como "finalidade sem fim", pontos nodais da crítica de Kant, sem dúvida, interessa-nos investigar a perspectiva autorreflexiva que os juízos estéticos permitem. A interpretação do objeto-arte moderno não seria, em última instância, o exercício comunitário de um juízo?


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Partindo do pressuposto de que a antropologia e a educação tomam o homem como base comun de reflexão, o texto propõe uma discussão sobre as possíveis diferenças entre as abordagens desses campos do conhecimento, considerando a escolha do lugar teórico a partir do qual uma propósta investigativa é conduzida como o aspecto decisivo da questão. A discussão é estruturada a partir de uma crítica ao discurso pós-moderno que adere ao relativismo - historicamente associado ao sucesso público da antropologia no estudo da diversidade -, e se espraia por todas as ciências humanas no embalo do que se convencionou chamar de "crise de paradigmas", Argumenta-se que sem abrir da característica que dirige o trabalho dos antropólogos, qual seja, o profundo conhecimento de objetos singulares, não se pode furtar ao compromisso científico de inseri-los num contexto mais amplo de compreensão, numa perspectiva passível de encontrar ressonância entre outros pesquisadores sociais. A articulação dos valores universais e das especificidades culturais enquanto dimensões de uma mesma realidade, além de ser uma exigência teórica, impõe-se praticamente na medida em que a democracia passa a ser desafiada pelo movimento global da pobreza, exclusão social e surgimento de particularismos absolutos.


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Four secondary school teachers were involved in this case study. Individual interviews, group reflective sessions, and participant portfolios were transcribed verbatim and analyzed. The use of the portfolio in the secondary school classroom was then discussed in relation to emergent themes. These themes included teacher attitude, portfolio structure, portfolio purpose, challenges, effect, and professional development. Teachers were able to individualize the portfolio structure to meet both program and students' needs. The portfolio structure enabled both teachers and students to assume control over the learning process. The portfolio informed teachers about their teaching. This, in tum, challenged them to reflect on their teaching practices and enabled them to redesign curriculum implementation. A collaborative professional development structure fostered a learning environment that enabled teachers to experience success, despite the challenges that they inevitably encountered. These findings were related to contemporary literature. Finally, implications for theory and practice related to portfolio use in the secondary school classroom and professional development for secondary school teachers were considered.


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A portfolio was developed to encourage teachers of Aboriginal children to include First Nations mentor texts into their daily teaching practices. The artifacts within the portfolio have been produced in accordance with guiding beliefs about how students, specifically First Nations students, learn. The portfolio supports the notion that Aboriginal children need to encounter representations of their own culture, histories and beliefs within the literature in order to be successful in school. The use of First Nations children’s literature in the classroom was explored with an emphasis on how using this literature will assist in improving literacy levels and the self-esteem of First Nations students.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Computacionales con Especialidad en Teleinformática) U.A.N.L.


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