961 resultados para ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy
Für die Entwicklung photoschaltbarer selbstorganisierter Monoschichten (SAMs) auf Gold(111)-Oberflächen wurden neue Azobenzol-terminierte Asparagussäure - und Liponsäurederivate synthetisiert. Um den Einfluss lateraler Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen auf Qualität und Orientierungsordnung der Schichten zu untersuchen, wurden Monolagen, die durch amid- und esterverknüpfte Verbindungen gebildet wurden, miteinander verglichen. Die Filmbildung aus der Lösung wurde in situ durch optische Frequenzverdopplung (SHG) untersucht und die Photoreaktivität mittels Kontaktwinkelmessungen, Oberflächen-Plasmonenresonanz (SPR) und Ellipsometrie verfolgt. SAMs auf Gold wurden außerdem mit Hilfe von Röntgenphotoelektronenspektroskopie (XPS), Nahkanten-Reflexions-Röntgenabsorptionsspektroskopie (NEXAFS) und Infrarot-Reflexionsabsorptionsspektroskopie (IRRAS) charakterisiert, um die Filmqualität, die Bindung ans Substrat und Orientierungsordnung im Film zu ermitteln. Da die Chemisorption auf polykristallinem Gold formal der Koordinationschemie von 1,2-Dithiolan-Derivaten gegenüber nullwertigen Edelmetall-Zentralatomen entspricht, wurden etliche Pt-Komplexe durch oxidative Addition an [Pt(PPh3)4] dargestellt. Im Zusammenhang mit der Darstellung der Asparagussäure wurde die Kristallstruktur von [pipH]2[WS4] und der neuen Verbindungen [pipH]3[WS4](HS) und [pipH]4[WS4][WOS3] (pip = Piperidin) bestimmt. Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen zwischen den Piperidinium-Kationen und den Thiowolframat-Anionen spielen eine dominante strukturelle Rolle.
At present, a fraction of 0.1 - 0.2% of the patients undergoing surgery become aware during the process. The situation is referred to as anesthesia awareness and is obviously very traumatic for the person experiencing it. The reason for its occurrence is mostly an insufficient dosage of the narcotic Propofol combined with the incapability of the technology monitoring the depth of the patient’s anesthetic state to notice the patient becoming aware. A solution can be a highly sensitive and selective real time monitoring device for Propofol based on optical absorption spectroscopy. Its working principle has been postulated by Prof. Dr. habil. H. Hillmer and formulated in DE10 2004 037 519 B4, filed on Aug 30th, 2004. It consists of the exploitation of Intra Cavity Absorption effects in a two mode laser system. In this Dissertation, a two mode external cavity semiconductor laser, which has been developed previously to this work is enhanced and optimized to a functional sensor. Enhancements include the implementation of variable couplers into the system and the implementation of a collimator arrangement into which samples can be introduced. A sample holder and cells are developed and characterized with a focus on compatibility with the measurement approach. Further optimization concerns the overall performance of the system: scattering sources are reduced by re-splicing all fiber-to-fiber connections, parasitic cavities are eliminated by suppressing the Fresnel reflexes of all one fiber ends by means of optical isolators and wavelength stability of the system is improved by the implementation of thermal insulation to the Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG). The final laser sensor is characterized in detail thermally and optically. Two separate modes are obtained at 1542.0 and 1542.5 nm, tunable in a range of 1nm each. Mode Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) is 0.06nm and Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) is as high as 55 dB. Independent of tuning the two modes of the system can always be equalized in intensity, which is important as the delicacy of the intensity equilibrium is one of the main sensitivity enhancing effects formulated in DE10 2004 037 519 B4. For the proof of concept (POC) measurements the target substance Propofol is diluted in the solvents Acetone and DiChloroMethane (DCM), which have been investigated for compatibility with Propofol beforehand. Eight measurement series (two solvents, two cell lengths and two different mode spacings) are taken, which draw a uniform picture: mode intensity ratio responds linearly to an increase of Propofol in all cases. The slope of the linear response indicates the sensitivity of the system. The eight series are split up into two groups: measurements taken in long cells and measurements taken in short cells.
Motivation dieser Arbeit ist die Idee, ein höchst sensitives und selektives Spektroskop, welches gleichzeitig robust ist, auf Basis von Halbleiterlasern zum Einsatz in der Atemgasdiagnostik zu entwickeln. Technische Grundlage ist die Idee, die Probe innerhalb des Laserresonators zu vermessen (sogenannte intra cavity absorption spectroscopy, ICAS). Im speziellen soll durch die Verwendung des relativen Intensitätsrauschens zur Messwertbestimmung und die Verwendung von nur zwei Moden statt der sonst für ICAS verwendeten multimodigen Laser, die Empfindlichkeit erhöht, sowie die Messwerterfassung vereinfacht werden. Die Probe im Laserresonator zu Messen, hat den Vorteil, dass durch die multiple Hin und Rückreflektion die wirksame Pfadlänge durch die Probe vervielfacht wird. Dabei werden Verluste an den Resonatorspiegeln durch die Verstärkung der aktiven Zone des Lasers kompensiert. Außerdem wird durch die Konkurrenz der Moden um die idealerweise homogen verbreiterte Verstärkung im Laser die Empfindlichkeit noch einmal bedeutend erhöht. Schon eine geringe Absorption bei einer bestimmten Wellenlänge wird die Intensität des betroffenen Modes zugunsten der anderen Moden verringern. Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich zum einen mit der spektroskopischen Untersuchung zwei- er für die Atemgasdiagnostik relevanter Stoffe, Aceton und das in der Anästhesie häufig eingesetzte Propofol, um das Umfeld, in dem der Laser Verwendung finden soll, zu beleuchten. Diese Untersuchungen flossen in die Entwicklung des später zum Sensor auszubauenden Lasers ein. Für den Laser wurden in der Telekommunikation übliche, glasfaserbasierte, robuste Standardbauteile wie ein optischer Halbleiterverstärker (semiconductor optical amplifier, SOA), Faserkoppler und FaserBraggGitter verwendet. Die Bauteile wurden charakterisiert. Teilaspekte des Aufbaus wurden mit der Software CAMFR simuliert. Schließlich wurde der Laser als solcher aufgebaut und charakterisiert. Das Ziel der Zweimodigkeit, in einem Intervall von 2 nm durchstimmbar, konnte erreicht werden. An einem vom HeinrichHertzInstitut in Berlin entwickelten zweimodigen Halbleiterlasers wurden Untersuchungen der Idee zur Vereinfachung der Messwerterfassung mittels relativen Intensitätsrauschens (relative intensity noise, RIN) durchgeführt. Als Messgröße stellt das RIN die Amplituden der Intensitätsschwankungen des Lasers gegen die Frequenzen der Intensitätsschwankungen als Rauschspektrum dar. Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass das Rauschspektrum charakteristisch für das Oszillationsverhalten des Lasers ist.
In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden kreuzkonjugierte organische Verbindungen basierend auf Diazafluorenmethyliden- sowie Dipyridylmethyliden-Bausteinen synthetisiert, die zum einen photoredoxaktive Metallfragmente komplexieren können und zum anderen erweiterte π-konjugierte Pfade auf der Grundlage von Alkineinheiten ermöglichen. Das kreuzkonjugierte Motiv wurde über die Kupplung von Alkineinheiten an halogenierte Methyliden-Einheiten, den so genannten Dibromolefinen, zugänglich gemacht. Zur Synthese von Dibromolefinen wurden verschiedene Methoden untersucht. Literaturbekannte Methoden wie die Wittig-Reaktion und ihre Modifikationen sowie die Corey-Fuchs-Reaktion konnten für die Diazafluoreneinheit nicht erfolgreich angewendet werden. Bei einer mikrowellenunterstützten Reaktion konnte sowohl ausgehend von Diazafluoren-9-on als auch von Di-2-pyridylketon eine Dibromolefinierung (55 % und 65 %) erreicht werden. Die Eignung der Mikrowellenstrahlung für Dibromolefinierungsreaktionen nach Corey und Fuchs wurde weiterhin an verschiedenen Aldehyden und Ketonen untersucht. In den meisten Fällen konnten gute bis sehr gute Ergebnisse erzielt werden. Durch die erfolgreiche Synthese von Dibromolefinen über Mikrowellensynthese wurde die Realisierung von diversen π-konjugierten Systemen möglich. Dies erfolgte exemplarisch durch die Kupplung der Alkine 5-Ethinyl-2,2’-bipyridin, 1-(Ferrocenylethinyl)-4-(ethinyl)benzol, Tri(tolyl)propin sowie der TIPS- und TMS-Acetylene. Neben der Vielfalt an Möglichkeiten zur Funktionalisierung von Dipyridyl- und Diazafluorenbausteinen zeigte sich zudem, dass sogar räumlich anspruchsvolle Verbindungen wie die geminale angeordneten voluminösen Tri(tolyl)propinyl-Substituenten an der Doppelbindung erfolgreich synthetisiert werden können. Die Koordinationseigenschaften der neu synthetisierten Verbindungen konnten durch Umsetzungen der Diazafluoren- und Dipyridylverbindungen mit PdCl2 und [RuCl2(bpy)2] erfolgreich gezeigt werden. Im Hinblick auf die Herstellung von Funktionsmaterialien eignen sich die Endiin-Strukturmotive aufgrund von diversen Variationsmöglichkeiten wie Koordination von Übergangsmetallen sowie Funktionalisierung der Peripherie gut. Dadurch können die elektronischen Eigenschaften wie die Absorption oder elektrochemische Potentiale der Verbindungen modifiziert werden. Die UV/Vis-Spektren der neu synthetisierten Verbindungen zeigen, dass Absorptionen in längerwelligen Bereichen durch Verlängerung des Konjugationspfades gesteuert werden können. Zudem lassen sich weitere photophysikalische Eigenschaften wie MC-, LC-, LMCT- oder MLCT-Übergänge durch Koordination von Metallen generieren. Die elektrochemischen Potentiale der Dipyridyl- und Diazafluorenbausteine konnten durch Anbindung von verschiedenen Substituenten beeinflusst werden. Es zeigte sich, dass sich die Reduktionswellen im Vergleich zu denen der Ketone zu niedrigeren Potentialen verschieben, wenn Alkine an die Dipyridylmethyliden- und Diazafluorenmethyliden-Bausteine geknüpft wurden. Zudem konnte beobachtet werden, dass die Signale nicht immer reversibel sind. Insbesondere die Dipyridylverbindungen zeichneten sich durch irreversible Reduktionswellen aus. Die Realisierung von π-konjugierten Systemen gelang auch mit cyclischen kohlenstoffbasierten Verbindungen. Über das separat synthetisierte 2,2’-Diethinyltolan konnte eine cyclische Verbindung, ein dehydroannulen-radialenisches System, erfolgreich hergestellt werden. Die Koordination von redoxaktiven Metallzentren wie [Ru(bpy)2] konnte für diese Verbindung ebenfalls erfolgreich gezeigt werden. Die elektronische Wechselwirkung zwischen dem Metallzentrum und dem dehydroannulenischen System könnte sowohl über theoretische Methoden (zeitabhängige Dichtefunktionaltheorie) als auch experimentell wie z. B. über transiente Absorptionsspektroskopie untersucht werden. Diese zukünftig durchzuführenden Untersuchungen können Aufschluss über die Ladungstransferraten und -dauer geben. Im Hinblick auf die Realisierung von Modellverbindungen für molekulare Drähte wurden lineare Systeme basierend auf der Diazafluoreneinheit synthetisiert. Zur Synthese von derartigen Systemen war es zunächst notwendig, die Dibromolefine unsymmetrisch zu alkinylieren. Die unsymmetrische Substitution gestaltete sich als Herausforderung, da eine Einfachkupplung mit einem Acetylen nicht möglich war. In den meisten Fällen wurden zweifach substituierte Spezies mit den identischen Alkinen erhalten. Die besten Ausbeuten konnten durch die konsekutive Zugabe von TIPS-Acetylen und darauffolgend TMS-Acetylen in die Reaktionsmischung erhalten werden. Offenbar spielt der räumliche Anspruch des Erstsubstituenten in diesem Zusammenhang eine Rolle. Die selektive Entschützung der unterschiedlich silylierten Verbindungen erfolgte mit K2CO3 in MeOH/THF (1:1). Die oxidative Homokupplungsreaktion erfolgte ohne Isolierung der entschützten Spezies, da diese instabil ist und zur Polymerisation neigt. Aufgrund der Instabilität der entschützten Spezies sowie möglichen Nebenreaktionen waren die Ausbeuten sowohl bei der TIPS-geschützten Verbindung als auch bei der TTP-geschützten Verbindung gering. Versuche, lineare Systeme von dipyridylbasierten Verbindungen zu erhalten, schlugen fehl. Die π-konjugierten Systeme lassen aufgrund der effektiven Überlappung der beteiligten π-Orbitale hohe Ladungsträgermobilitäten vermuten. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit synthetisierten Verbindungen könnten mit Schwefelverbindungen die Anbindung an Elektroden zulassen, worüber die Leitfähigkeiten der Verbindungen gemessen werden könnten.
As part of its Data User Element programme, the European Space Agency funded the GlobMODEL project which aimed at investigating the scientific, technical, and organizational issues associated with the use and exploitation of remotely-sensed observations, particularly from new sounders. A pilot study was performed as a "demonstrator" of the GlobMODEL idea, based on the use of new data, with a strong European heritage, not yet assimilated operationally. Two parallel assimilation experiments were performed, using either total column ozone or ozone profiles retrieved at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI). In both cases, the impact of assimilating OMI data in addition to the total ozone columns from the SCanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric CartograpHY (SCIAMACHY) on the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ozone analyses was assessed by means of independent measurements. We found that the impact of OMI total columns is mainly limited to the region between 20 and 80 hPa, and is particularly important at high latitudes in the Southern hemisphere where the stratospheric ozone transport and chemical depletion are generally difficult to model with accuracy. Furthermore, the assimilation experiments carried out in this work suggest that OMI DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) total ozone columns are on average larger than SCIAMACHY total columns by up to 3 DU, while OMI total columns derived from OMI ozone profiles are on average about 8 DU larger than SCIAMACHY total columns. At the same time, the demonstrator brought to light a number of issues related to the assimilation of atmospheric composition profiles, such as the shortcomings arising when the vertical resolution of the instrument is not properly accounted for in the assimilation. The GlobMODEL demonstrator accelerated scientific and operational utilization of new observations and its results - prompted ECMWF to start the operational assimilation of OMI total column ozone data.
Predicting metal bioaccumulation and toxicity in soil organisms is complicated by site-specific biotic and abiotic parameters. In this study we exploited tissue fractionation and digestion techniques, combined with X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), to investigate the whole-body and subcellular distributions, ligand affinities, and coordination chemistry of accumulated Pb and Zn in field populations of the epigeic earthworm Lumbricus rubellus inhabiting three contrasting metalliferous and two unpolluted soils. Our main findings were (i) earthworms were resident in soils with concentrations of Pb and Zn ranging from 1200 to 27 000 mg kg(-1) and 200 to 34 000 mg kg(-1), respectively; (ii) Pb and Zn primarily accumulated in the posterior alimentary canal in nonsoluble subcellular fractions of earthworms; (iii) site-specific differences in the tissue and subcellular partitioning profiles of populations were observed, with earthworms from a calcareous site partitioning proportionally more Pb to their anterior body segments and Zn to the chloragosome-rich subcellular fraction than their acidic-soil inhabiting counterparts; (iv) XAS indicated that the interpopulation differences in metal partitioning between organs were not accompanied by qualitative differences in ligand-binding speciation, because crystalline phosphate-containing pyromorphite was a predominant chemical species in the whole-worm tissues of all mine soil residents. Differences in metal (Pb, Zn) partitioning at both organ and cellular levels displayed by field populations with protracted histories of metal exposures may reflect their innate ecophysiological responses to essential edaphic variables, such as Ca2+ status. These observations are highly significant in the challenging exercise of interpreting holistic biomarker data delivered by "omic" technologies.
Hitherto unobserved overtone and combination bands of nitrous acid have been investigated by Fourier-transform infrared absorption spectroscopy and through the resonance enhancements they provide in the two-photon excition spectrum for forming OH(X) photofragments. Analysis of the band profiles associated with the second and third O—H stretching overtones of trans-HONO, and of the energy disposal into the OH(X) fragments resulting from two-photon dissociation mediated by these overtone levels, provide some clues as to the mechanism for intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution (IVR) within these vibrationally excited molecules. The work serves to highlight further the extreme sensitivity of vibrationally mediated photodissociation (VMP) as a means of revealing weak O—H stretching overtones, even in situations (as here) where the species of interest is but a minor constituent of an equilibrium mixture.
In this work we report the structural characteristics of bovine serum albumin/poly(ethylene glycol) lipid conjugate (BSA/PEG(2000)-PE) complexes under physiological conditions (37 degrees C and pH 7.4) for particular fractions of BSA to PEG-lipid concentration, CBSA/C-PEG2000-PE. Ultraviolet fluorescence spectroscopy (UV) results shown that PEG(2000)-PE is associated to BSA, leading to;protein unfolding for fixed C-BSA = 0.01 wt % and variable C-PEG2000-PE = 0.0015-0.6 wt %. Tryptophan groups on the BSA surface are in contact with the PEG-lipid at C-PEG2000-PE = 0.0015 wt %, while they are exposed to water at C-PEG2000-PE (>)0.0015 wt %. Dynamic and static light scattering (DLS and SLS) and small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) point out the existence of individual BSAIPEG-lipid complexes in the system for fixed C-BSA = 1 wt % and variable C-PEG2000-PE = 0.15-2 wt %. DLS shows that there is only one BSA molecule per protein/PEG-lipid complex, while SLS shows that the PEG-lipid associates to the BSA without promoting aggregation between adjacent protein/ polymer-lipid conjugate complexes. SANS was used to show that BSA/PEG(2000)-PE complexes adopt an oblate ellipsoidal shape. Partially unfolded BSA is contained in the core of the oblate ellipsoid, which is surrounded by an external shell containing the PEG(2000)-PE.
In this work, we report the formation of complexes by self-assembly of bovine serum albumin (BSA) with a poly(ethylene glycol) lipid conjugate (PEG(2000)-PE) in phosphate saline buffer solution (pH 7.4). Three different sets of samples have been studied. The BSA concentration remained fixed (1, 0.01, or 0.001 wt % BSA) within each set of samples, while the PEG(2000)-PE concentration was varied. Dynamic light scattering (DLS), rheology, and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) were used to study samples with 1 wt % BSA. DLS showed that BSA/PEG(2000)-PE aggregates have a size intermediate between a BSA monomer and a PEG(2000)-PE micelle. Rheology suggested that BSA/PEG(2000)-PE complexes might be surrounded by a relatively compact PEG-lipid shell, while SAXS results showed that depletion forces do not take an important role in the stabilization of the complexes. Samples containing 0.01 wt % BSA were studied by circular dichroism (CD) and ultraviolet fluorescence spectroscopy (UV). UV results showed that at low concentrations of PEG-lipid, PEG(2000)-PE binds to tryptophan (Trp) groups in BSA, while at high concentrations of PEG-lipid the Trp groups are exposed to water. CD results showed that changes in Trp environment take place with a minimal variation of the BSA secondary structure elements. Finally, samples containing 0.001 wt % BSA were studied by zeta-potential experiments. Results showed that steric interactions might play an important role in the stabilization of the BSA/PEG(2000)-PE complexes.
The night-time atmospheric chemistry of the biogenic volatile organic compounds (Z)-hex-4-en-1-ol, (Z)-hex-3-en-1-ol ('leaf alcohol'), (E)-hex-3-en-1-ol, (Z)-hex-2-en-1-ol and (E)-hex-2-en-1-ol, has been studied at room temperature. Rate coefficients for reactions of the nitrate radical (NO3) with these stress-induced plant emissions were measured using the discharge-flow technique. We employed off-axis continuous-wave cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy (CEAS) for the detection of NO3, which enabled us to work in excess of the hexenol compounds over NO3. The rate coefficients determined were (2.93 +/- 0.58) x 10(-13) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1), (2.67 +/- 0.42) x 10(-13) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1), (4.43 +/- 0.91) x 10(-13) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1), (1.56 +/- 0.24) x 10(-13) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1), and (1.30 +/- 0.24) x 10(-13) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1) for (Z)-hex-4-en-1-ol, (Z)-hex-3en-1-ol, (E)-hex-3-en-1-ol, (Z)-hex-2-en-1-ol and (E)-hex-2-en-1-ol. The rate coefficient for the reaction of NO3 with (Z)-hex-3-en-1-ol agrees with the single published determination of the rate coefficient using a relative method. The other rate coefficients have not been measured before and are compared to estimated values. Relative-rate studies were also performed, but required modification of the standard technique because N2O5 (used as the source of NO3) itself reacts with the hexenols. We used varying excesses of NO2 to determine simultaneously rate coefficients for reactions of NO3 and N2O5 with (E)-hex-3-en-1-ol of (5.2 +/- 1.8) x 10(-13) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1) and (3.1 +/- 2.3) x 10(-18) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1). Our new determinations suggest atmospheric lifetimes with respect to NO3-initiated oxidation of roughly 1-4 h for the hexenols, comparable with lifetimes estimated for the atmospheric degradation by OH and shorter lifetimes than for attack by O-3. Recent measurements of [N2O5] suggest that the gas-phase reactions of N2O5 with unsaturated alcohols will not be of importance under usual atmospheric conditions, but they certainly can be in laboratory systems when determining rate coefficients.
A discharge-flow system, coupled to cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy (CEAS) detection systems for NO3 at lambda = 662 nm and NO2 at lambda = 404 nm, was used to investigate the kinetics of the reactions of NO3 with eight peroxy radicals at P similar to 5 Torr and T similar to 295 K. Values of the rate constants obtained were (k/10(-12) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1)): CH3O2 (1.1 +/- 0.5), C2H5O2 (2.3 +/- 0.7), CH2FO2 (1.4 +/- 0.9), CH2ClO2 (3.8(-2.6)(+1.4)), c-C5H9O2 (1.2(-0.5)(+1.1)), c-C6H11O2 (1.9 +/- 0.7), CF3O2 (0.62 +/- 0.17) and CF3CFO2CF3 (0.24 +/- 0.13). We explore possible relationships between k and the orbital energies of the reactants. We also provide a brief discussion of the potential impact of the reactions of NO3 with RO2 on the chemistry of the night-time atmosphere.
Rh-I-terpyridine complexes have been unambiguously formed for the first time. The 2,21:6',2"-terpyridine (tpy), 4'-chloro-2,2':6',2"-terpyridine (4'-Cl-tpy) and 4'-(tert-butyldimethylsilyl-ortho-carboranyl)-2,2':6',2"-terpyridine (carboranyl-tpy) ligands were used for successful syntheses and characterisation of the corresponding Rh-I complexes with halide coligands, [Rh(X)(4'-Y-terpyridine)] (X = Cl, Y = H, Cl, carboranyl; X = Br, Y = H). All four neutral Rh-tpy complexes are square planar, with Rh-X bonds in the plane of the 4'-Y-terpyridine ligands. Full characterisation of these dark blue, highly air-sensitive compounds was hampered by their poor solubility in various organic solvents. This is mainly due to the formation of pi-stacked aggregates, as evidenced by the crystal structure of [Rh(Cl)(tpy)]; in addition, [Rh(Cl)(carboranyl-tpy)] merely forms discrete dimers. The (bonding) properties of the novel Rh-I-terpyridine complexes have been studied with single-crystal X-ray diffraction, (time-dependent) density functional theoretical (DFT) calculations, far-infrared spectroscopy, electronic absorption spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry. From DFT calculations, the HOMO of the studied Rh-I-terpyridine complexes involves predominantly the metal centre, while the LUMO resides on the terpyridine ligand. Absorption bands of the studied complexes in the visible region (400-900 nm) can be assigned to MLCT and MLCT/XLCT transitions. The relatively low oxidation potentials of [Rh(X)(tpy)] (X = Cl, Br) point to a high electron density on the metal centre. This makes the Rh-I-terpyridine complexes strongly nucleophilic and (potentially) highly reactive towards various (small) substrate molecules containing carbon-halide bonds.
The night-time tropospheric chemistry of two stress-induced volatile organic compounds (VOCs), (Z)-pent-2-en-1-ol and pent-1-en-3-ol, has been studied at room temperature. Rate coefficients for reactions of the nitrate radical (NO3) with these pentenols were measured using the discharge-flow technique. Because of the relatively low volatility of these compounds, we employed off-axis continuous-wave cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy for detection of NO3 in order to be able to work in pseudo first-order conditions with the pentenols in large excess over NO3. The rate coefficients were determined to be (1.53 +/- 0.23) x 10(-13) and (1.39 +/- 0.19) x 10(-14) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1) for reactions of NO3 with (Z)-pent-2-en-1-ol and pent-1-en-3-ol. An attempt to study the kinetics of these reactions with a relative-rate technique, using N2O5 as source of NO3 resulted in significantly higher apparent rate coefficients. Performing relative-rate experiments in known excesses of NO2 allowed us to determine the rate coefficients for the N2O5 reactions to be (5.0 +/- 2.8) x 10(-19) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1) for (Z)-pent-2-en-1-ol, and (9.1 +/- 5.8) x 10(-19) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1) for pent-1-en-3-ol. We show that these relatively slow reactions can indeed interfere with rate determinations in conventional relative-rate experiments.
The influence of soil organisms on metal mobility and bioavailability in soils is not currently fully understood. We conducted experiments to determine whether calcium carbonate granules secreted by the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris could incorporate and immobilise lead in lead- and calcium- amended artificial soils. Soil lead concentrations were up to 2000 mg kg-1 and lead:calcium ratios by mass were 0.5-8. Average granule production rates of 0.39 + 0.04 mgcalcite earthworm-1 day-1 did not vary with soil lead concentration. The lead:calcium ratio in granules increased significantly with that of the soil (r2 = 0.81, p = 0.015) with lead concentrations in granules reaching 1577 mg kg-1. X-ray diffraction detected calcite and aragonite in the granules with indications that lead was incorporated into the calcite at the surface of the granules. In addition to the presence of calcite and aragonite X-ray absorption spectroscopy indicated that lead was present in the granules mainly as complexes sorbed to the surface but with traces of lead-bearing calcite and cerussite. The impact that lead-incorporation into earthworm calcite granules has on lead mobility at lead-contaminated sites will depend on the fraction of total soil lead that would be otherwise mobile.
The coadsorption of water with organic molecules under near-ambient pressure and temperature conditions opens up new reaction pathways on model catalyst surfaces that are not accessible in conventional ultrahigh-vacuum surfacescience experiments. The surface chemistry of glycine and alanine at the water-exposed Cu{110} interface was studied in situ using ambient-pressure photoemission and X-ray absorption spectroscopy techniques. At water pressures above 10-5 Torr a significant pressure-dependent decrease in the temperature for dissociative desorption was observed for both amino acids, accompanied by the appearance of a newCN intermediate, which is not observed for lower pressures. The most likely reaction mechanisms involve dehydrogenation induced by O and/or OH surface species resulting from the dissociative adsorption of water. The linear relationship between the inverse decomposition temperature and the logarithm of water pressure enables determination of the activation energy for the surface reaction, between 213 and 232 kJ/mol, and a prediction of the decomposition temperature at the solidliquid interface by extrapolating toward the equilibrium vapor pressure. Such experiments near the equilibrium vapor pressure provide important information about elementary surface processes at the solidliquid interface, which can be retrieved neither under ultrahigh vacuum conditions nor from interfaces immersed in a solution.