340 resultados para tubulin
Over-expression of the receptor tyrosine kinase ErbB2 is prevalent in approximately 30% of human breast carcinomas and confers Taxol resistance. In breast cancer cells, Taxol induces tubulin polymerization and hyperstable microtubule formation. This in turn prematurely activates Cdc2 kinase allowing early entry into the G2/M phase of the cell cycle resultant in mitotic catastrophe followed by apoptosis. Over-expression of ErbB2 upregulates p21Cip1, which inhibits Cdc2 activation, and leads to Taxol resistance in patients. However, the mechanism of ErbB2-mediated p21 Cip1 upregulation is unclear. Here in this study, we investigated the mechanism of ErbB2 downstream signaling events leading to upregulation. The CDKN1A (p21Cip1) gene promoter contains numerous cis-elements including a Signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) Inducable Element (SIE) located at -679 kb. Our studies showed ErbB2 overexpressing cells had increased activated levels of STAT3, and therefore we hypothesized that STAT3 is responsible for the upregulation of the p21Cip1 promoter by ErbB2. EMSA and ChIP assays confirmed the binding of STAT3 to the p21Cip1 promoter and luciferase assays showed higher p21 Cip1 promoter activity in ErbB2 over-expressing transfectants when compared to parental cells, in a STAT3 binding site dependant manner. Additionally, reduced level of STAT3 led to reduced p21Cip1 protein expression and promoter activity indicating that both the STAT3 binding site and STAT3 protein are required for ErbB2-mediated p21Cip1 upregulation. Further investigation of ErbB2 downstream signaling showed increased Src kinase activity in ErbB2 over-expressing cells which was required for ErbB2-mediated STAT3 activation and p21Cip1 increase. Treatment of ErbB2 over-expressing resistant cells with STAT3 inhibitor peptides sensitized the cells to Taxol. In addition to classical signal transduction pathways, I identified a novel ErbB2 mediated regulatory mechanism of p21Cip1. I found that a nuclear ErbB2 and STAT3 complex binds directly to the p21Cip1 promoter offering a non-classical mechanism of p21Cip1 promoter regulation. These data suggest that ErbB2 over-expression can confer Taxol resistance of breast cancer cells by transcriptional upregulation of p21 Cip1 via activation of STAT3 by Src kinase and also by cooperation with nuclear ErbB2. The data suggest a potential clinical mechanism for STAT3 inhibitors in sensitizing ErbB2 over-expressing breast cancers to Taxol. ^
Diethylstilbestrol (DES) is a known human carcinogen and teratogen whose mechanism of action remains undetermined. As essentially diploid Chinese hamster cell line (Don) was used to test diethylstilbestrol (DES), dienestrol, hexestrol and the naturally occurring estrogens, estradiol and estriol for their ability to cause metaphase arrest and to induce aneuploidy. These compounds arrest mitosis within a narrow range of high concentrations and induce aneuploidy in recovering cell populations. DES was the most effective arrestant on a comparative molar basis. Estradiol and estriol were less potent as arrestants but were effective inducers of aneuploidy. Aneuploidy was induced in a non-random manner. The smallest chromosomes were most frequently recorded in aneuploid cells. Using anti-tubulin antibody and indirect immunofluorescence, it was found that DES inhibits bi-polar spindle assembly and disrupts the cytoplasmic microtubule complex (CMTC). Estradiol arrests mitosis in a manner that allows spindle assembly. Estradiol has no apparent effect on the CMTC. The naturally occurring estrogens caused chromosome displacement during mitotic arrest. Electron microscopy confirmed that the displaced chromosomes appeared at the polar regions of arrested cells. The arresting effect of estradiol, and to some extent DES, was reduced by the addition of dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate (db-cAMP). Aneuploidy induction by DES and similar compounds may be related to their carcinogenic and/or teratogenic potential. ^
Situado en el límite entre Ingeniería, Informática y Biología, la mecánica computacional de las neuronas aparece como un nuevo campo interdisciplinar que potencialmente puede ser capaz de abordar problemas clínicos desde una perspectiva diferente. Este campo es multiescala por naturaleza, yendo desde la nanoescala (como, por ejemplo, los dímeros de tubulina) a la macroescala (como, por ejemplo, el tejido cerebral), y tiene como objetivo abordar problemas que son complejos, y algunas veces imposibles, de estudiar con medios experimentales. La modelización computacional ha sido ampliamente empleada en aplicaciones Neurocientíficas tan diversas como el crecimiento neuronal o la propagación de los potenciales de acción compuestos. Sin embargo, en la mayoría de los enfoques de modelización hechos hasta ahora, la interacción entre la célula y el medio/estímulo que la rodea ha sido muy poco explorada. A pesar de la tremenda importancia de esa relación en algunos desafíos médicos—como, por ejemplo, lesiones traumáticas en el cerebro, cáncer, la enfermedad del Alzheimer—un puente que relacione las propiedades electrofisiológicas-químicas y mecánicas desde la escala molecular al nivel celular todavía no existe. Con ese objetivo, esta investigación propone un marco computacional multiescala particularizado para dos escenarios respresentativos: el crecimiento del axón y el acomplamiento electrofisiológicomecánico de las neuritas. En el primer caso, se explora la relación entre los constituyentes moleculares del axón durante su crecimiento y sus propiedades mecánicas resultantes, mientras que en el último, un estímulo mecánico provoca deficiencias funcionales a nivel celular como consecuencia de sus alteraciones electrofisiológicas-químicas. La modelización computacional empleada en este trabajo es el método de las diferencias finitas, y es implementada en un nuevo programa llamado Neurite. Aunque el método de los elementos finitos es también explorado en parte de esta investigación, el método de las diferencias finitas tiene la flexibilidad y versatilidad necesaria para implementar mode los biológicos, así como la simplicidad matemática para extenderlos a simulaciones a gran escala con un coste computacional bajo. Centrándose primero en el efecto de las propiedades electrofisiológicas-químicas sobre las propiedades mecánicas, una versión adaptada de Neurite es desarrollada para simular la polimerización de los microtúbulos en el crecimiento del axón y proporcionar las propiedades mecánicas como función de la ocupación de los microtúbulos. Después de calibrar el modelo de crecimiento del axón frente a resultados experimentales disponibles en la literatura, las características mecánicas pueden ser evaluadas durante la simulación. Las propiedades mecánicas del axón muestran variaciones dramáticas en la punta de éste, donde el cono de crecimiento soporta las señales químicas y mecánicas. Bansándose en el conocimiento ganado con el modelo de diferencias finitas, y con el objetivo de ir de 1D a 3D, este esquema preliminar pero de una naturaleza innovadora allana el camino a futuros estudios con el método de los elementos finitos. Centrándose finalmente en el efecto de las propiedades mecánicas sobre las propiedades electrofisiológicas- químicas, Neurite es empleado para relacionar las cargas mecánicas macroscópicas con las deformaciones y velocidades de deformación a escala microscópica, y simular la propagación de la señal eléctrica en las neuritas bajo carga mecánica. Las simulaciones fueron calibradas con resultados experimentales publicados en la literatura, proporcionando, por tanto, un modelo capaz de predecir las alteraciones de las funciones electrofisiológicas neuronales bajo cargas externas dañinas, y uniendo lesiones mecánicas con las correspondientes deficiencias funcionales. Para abordar simulaciones a gran escala, aunque otras arquitecturas avanzadas basadas en muchos núcleos integrados (MICs) fueron consideradas, los solvers explícito e implícito se implementaron en unidades de procesamiento central (CPU) y unidades de procesamiento gráfico (GPUs). Estudios de escalabilidad fueron llevados acabo para ambas implementaciones mostrando resultados prometedores para casos de simulaciones extremadamente grandes con GPUs. Esta tesis abre la vía para futuros modelos mecánicos con el objetivo de unir las propiedades electrofisiológicas-químicas con las propiedades mecánicas. El objetivo general es mejorar el conocimiento de las comunidades médicas y de bioingeniería sobre la mecánica de las neuronas y las deficiencias funcionales que aparecen de los daños producidos por traumatismos mecánicos, como lesiones traumáticas en el cerebro, o enfermedades neurodegenerativas como la enfermedad del Alzheimer. ABSTRACT Sitting at the interface between Engineering, Computer Science and Biology, Computational Neuron Mechanics appears as a new interdisciplinary field potentially able to tackle clinical problems from a new perspective. This field is multiscale by nature, ranging from the nanoscale (e.g., tubulin dimers) to the macroscale (e.g., brain tissue), and aims at tackling problems that are complex, and sometime impossible, to study through experimental means. Computational modeling has been widely used in different Neuroscience applications as diverse as neuronal growth or compound action potential propagation. However, in the majority of the modeling approaches done in this field to date, the interactions between the cell and its surrounding media/stimulus have been rarely explored. Despite of the tremendous importance of such relationship in several medical challenges—e.g., traumatic brain injury (TBI), cancer, Alzheimer’s disease (AD)—a bridge between electrophysiological-chemical and mechanical properties of neurons from the molecular scale to the cell level is still lacking. To this end, this research proposes a multiscale computational framework particularized for two representative scenarios: axon growth and electrophysiological-mechanical coupling of neurites. In the former case, the relation between the molecular constituents of the axon during its growth and its resulting mechanical properties is explored, whereas in the latter, a mechanical stimulus provokes functional deficits at cell level as a consequence of its electrophysiological-chemical alterations. The computational modeling approach chosen in this work is the finite difference method (FDM), and was implemented in a new program called Neurite. Although the finite element method (FEM) is also explored as part of this research, the FDM provides the necessary flexibility and versatility to implement biological models, as well as the mathematical simplicity to extend them to large scale simulations with a low computational cost. Focusing first on the effect of electrophysiological-chemical properties on the mechanical proper ties, an adaptation of Neurite was developed to simulate microtubule polymerization in axonal growth and provide the axon mechanical properties as a function of microtubule occupancy. After calibrating the axon growth model against experimental results available in the literature, the mechanical characteristics can be tracked during the simulation. The axon mechanical properties show dramatic variations at the tip of the axon, where the growth cone supports the chemical and mechanical signaling. Based on the knowledge gained from the FDM scheme, and in order to go from 1D to 3D, this preliminary yet novel scheme paves the road for future studies with FEM. Focusing then on the effect of mechanical properties on the electrophysiological-chemical properties, Neurite was used to relate macroscopic mechanical loading to microscopic strains and strain rates, and simulate the electrical signal propagation along neurites under mechanical loading. The simulations were calibrated against experimental results published in the literature, thus providing a model able to predict the alteration of neuronal electrophysiological function under external damaging load, and linking mechanical injuries to subsequent acute functional deficits. To undertake large scale simulations, although other state-of-the-art architectures based on many integrated cores (MICs) were considered, the explicit and implicit solvers were implemented for central processing units (CPUs) and graphics processing units (GPUs). Scalability studies were done for both implementations showing promising results for extremely large scale simulations with GPUs. This thesis opens the avenue for future mechanical modeling approaches aimed at linking electrophysiological- chemical properties to mechanical properties. Its overarching goal is to enhance the bioengineering and medical communities knowledge on neuronal mechanics and functional deficits arising from damages produced by direct mechanical insults, such as TBI, or neurodegenerative evolving illness, such as AD.
In Trypanosoma brucei, transcription by RNA polymerase II and 5′ capping of messenger RNA are uncoupled: a capped spliced leader is trans spliced to every RNA. This decoupling makes it possible to have protein-coding gene transcription driven by RNA polymerase I. Indeed, indirect evidence suggests that the genes for the major surface glycoproteins, variant surface glycoproteins (VSGs) in bloodstream-form trypanosomes, are transcribed by RNA polymerase I. In a single trypanosome, only one VSG expression site is maximally transcribed at any one time, and it has been speculated that transcription takes place at a unique site within the nucleus, perhaps in the nucleolus. We tested this by using fluorescence in situ hybridization. With probes that cover about 50 kb of the active 221 expression site, we detected nuclear transcripts of this site in a single fluorescent spot, which did not colocalize with the nucleolus. Analysis of marker gene-tagged active expression site DNA by fluorescent DNA in situ hybridization confirmed the absence of association with the nucleolus. Even an active expression site in which the promoter had been replaced by an rDNA promoter did not colocalize with the nulceolus. As expected, marker genes inserted in the rDNA array predominantly colocalize with the nucleolus, whereas the tubulin gene arrays do not. We conclude that transcription of the active VSG expression site does not take place in the nucleolus.
We have determined the treadmilling rate of brain microtubules (MTs) free of MT-associated proteins (MAPs) at polymer mass steady state in vitro by using [3H]GTP-exchange. We developed buffer conditions that suppressed dynamic instability behavior by ≈10-fold to minimize the contribution of dynamic instability to total tubulin-GTP exchange. The MTs treadmilled rapidly under the suppressed dynamic instability conditions, at a minimum rate of 0.2 μm/min. Thus, rapid treadmilling is an intrinsic property of MAP-free MTs. Further, we show that tau, an axonal stabilizing MAP involved in Alzheimer’s disease, strongly suppresses the treadmilling rate. These results indicate that tau’s function in axons might involve suppression of axonal MT treadmilling. We describe mathematically how treadmilling and dynamic instability are mechanistically distinct MT behaviors. Finally, we present a model that explains how small changes in the critical tubulin subunit concentration at MT minus ends, caused by intrinsic differences in rate constants or regulatory proteins, could produce large changes in the treadmilling rate.
In several cell types, an intriguing correlation exists between the position of the centrosome and the direction of cell movement: the centrosome is located behind the leading edge, suggesting that it serves as a steering device for directional movement. A logical extension of this suggestion is that a change in the direction of cell movement is preceded by a reorientation, or shift, of the centrosome in the intended direction of movement. We have used a fusion protein of green fluorescent protein (GFP) and γ-tubulin to label the centrosome in migrating amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum, allowing us to determine the relationship of centrosome positioning and the direction of cell movement with high spatial and temporal resolution in living cells. We find that the extension of a new pseudopod in a migrating cell precedes centrosome repositioning. An average of 12 sec elapses between the initiation of pseudopod extension and reorientation of the centrosome. If no reorientation occurs within approximately 30 sec, the pseudopod is retracted. Thus the centrosome does not direct a cell’s migration. However, its repositioning stabilizes a chosen direction of movement, most probably by means of the microtubule system.
The presenilin proteins PS-1 and PS-2 are crucially involved in Alzheimer disease (AD), but their molecular functions are not known. They are integral membrane proteins, but whether they can be expressed at the surface of cells has been in dispute. Here we show by immunofluorescence experiments, using anti-peptide antibodies specific for either PS-1 or PS-2, that live cultured DAMI cells and differentiated human NT2N neuronal cells are specifically immunolabeled for their endogenous as well as transfected presenilins, although the cells cannot be immunolabeled for their intracellular tubulin, unless they are first fixed and permeabilized. These and other results establish that portions of the presenilins are indeed expressed at the surfaces of these cells. These findings support our previous proposal that the presenilins on the surface of a cell engage in intercellular interactions with the β-amyloid precursor protein on the surface of a neighboring cell, as a critical step in the molecular and cellular mechanisms that lead to AD.
The nature of chaperone action in the eukaryotic cytosol that assists newly translated cytosolic proteins to reach the native state has remained poorly defined. Actin, tubulin, and Gα transducin are assisted by the cytosolic chaperonin, CCT, but many other proteins, for example, ornithine transcarbamoylase (OTC), a cytosolic homotrimeric enzyme of yeast, do not require CCT action. Here, we observe that yeast cytosolic OTC is assisted to its native state by the SSA class of yeast cytosolic Hsp70 proteins. In vitro, refolding of OTC diluted from denaturant was assisted by crude yeast cytosol and ATP and found to be directed by SSA1/2. In vivo, when OTC was induced in a temperature-sensitive SSA-deficient strain, it exhibited reduced specific activity, and nonnative subunits were detected in the soluble fraction. These findings indicate that, in vivo, the Hsp70 system assists in folding at least some newly translated cytosolic enzymes, most likely functioning in a posttranslational manner.
Centrosomes and their associated microtubules direct events during mitosis and control the organization of animal cell structures and movement during interphase. The centrosome replicates during the cell cycle, directs the assembly of bipolar mitotic spindles, and plays an important role in maintaining the fidelity of cell division. Recently, tumor suppressors such as p53 and retinoblastoma protein pRB have been localized to the centrosome in a cell cycle-dependent manner. Immunofluorescence microscopy and analysis of isolated centrosomes now provide evidence that BRCA1 protein, a suppressor of tumorigenesis in breast and ovary, also is associated with centrosomes during mitosis. Our results indicate that BRCA1 localizes with the centrosome during mitosis and coimmunoprecipitates with γ-tubulin, a centrosomal component essential for nucleation of microtubules. Furthermore, γ-tubulin associates preferentially with a hypophosphorylated form of BRCA1.
The Mycetozoa include the cellular (dictyostelid), acellular (myxogastrid), and protostelid slime molds. However, available molecular data are in disagreement on both the monophyly and phylogenetic position of the group. Ribosomal RNA trees show the myxogastrid and dictyostelid slime molds as unrelated early branching lineages, but actin and β-tubulin trees place them together as a single coherent (monophyletic) group, closely related to the animal–fungal clade. We have sequenced the elongation factor-1α genes from one member of each division of the Mycetozoa, including Dictyostelium discoideum, for which cDNA sequences were previously available. Phylogenetic analyses of these sequences strongly support a monophyletic Mycetozoa, with the myxogastrid and dictyostelid slime molds most closely related to each other. All phylogenetic methods used also place this coherent Mycetozoan assemblage as emerging among the multicellular eukaryotes, tentatively supported as more closely related to animals + fungi than are green plants. With our data there are now three proteins that consistently support a monophyletic Mycetozoa and at least four that place these taxa within the “crown” of the eukaryote tree. We suggest that ribosomal RNA data should be more closely examined with regard to these questions, and we emphasize the importance of developing multiple sequence data sets.
With only two different cell types, the haploid green alga Volvox represents the simplest multicellular model system. To facilitate genetic investigations in this organism, the occurrence of homologous recombination events was investigated with the intent of developing methods for gene replacement and gene disruption. First, homologous recombination between two plasmids was demonstrated by using overlapping nonfunctional fragments of a recombinant arylsulfatase gene (tubulin promoter/arylsulfatase gene). After bombardment of Volvox reproductive cells with DNA-coated gold microprojectiles, transformants expressing arylsulfatase constitutively were recovered, indicating the presence of the machinery for homologous recombination in Volvox. Second, a well characterized loss-of-function mutation in the nuclear nitrate reductase gene (nitA) with a single G → A nucleotide exchange in a 5′-splice site was chosen as a target for gene replacement. Gene replacement by homologous recombination was observed with a reasonably high frequency only if the replacement vector containing parts of the functional nitrate reductase gene contained only a few nucleotide exchanges. The ratio of homologous to random integration events ranged between 1:10 and 1:50, i.e., homologous recombination occurs frequently enough in Volvox to apply the powerful tool of gene disruption for functional studies of novel genes.
In the current model for bacterial cell division, FtsZ protein forms a ring that marks the division plane, creating a cytoskeletal framework for the subsequent action of other proteins such as FtsA. This putative protein complex ultimately generates the division septum. Herein we report that FtsZ and FtsA proteins tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP) colocalize to division-site ring-like structures in living bacterial cells in a visible space between the segregated nucleoids. Cells with higher levels of FtsZ–GFP or with FtsA–GFP plus excess wild-type FtsZ were inhibited for cell division and often exhibited bright fluorescent spiral tubules that spanned the length of the filamentous cells. This suggests that FtsZ may switch from a septation-competent localized ring to an unlocalized spiral under some conditions and that FtsA can bind to FtsZ in both conformations. FtsZ–GFP also formed nonproductive but localized aggregates at a higher concentration that could represent FtsZ nucleation sites. The general domain structure of FtsZ–GFP resembles that of tubulin, since the C terminus of FtsZ is not required for polymerization but may regulate polymerization state. The N-terminal portion of Rhizobium FtsZ polymerized in Escherichia coli and appeared to copolymerize with E. coli FtsZ, suggesting a degree of interspecies functional conservation. Analysis of several deletions of FtsA–GFP suggests that multiple segments of FtsA are important for its localization to the FtsZ ring.
Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) recently has been shown to give rise to genetic interference in Caenorhabditis elegans and also is likely to be the basis for phenotypic cosuppression in plants in certain instances. While constructing a plasmid vector for transfection of trypanosome cells, we serendipitously discovered that in vivo expression of dsRNA of the α-tubulin mRNA 5′ untranslated region (5′ UTR) led to multinucleated cells with striking morphological alterations and a specific block of cytokinesis. Transfection of synthetic α-tubulin 5′ UTR dsRNA, but not of either strand individually, caused the same phenotype. On dsRNA transfection, tubulin mRNA, but not the corresponding pre-mRNA, was rapidly and specifically degraded, leading to a deficit of α-tubulin synthesis. The transfected cells were no longer capable of carrying out cytokinesis and eventually died. Analysis of cytoskeletal structures from these trypanosomes revealed defects in the microtubules of the flagellar axoneme and of the flagellar attachment zone, a complex cortical structure that we propose is essential for establishing the path of the cleavage furrow at cytokinesis. Last, dsRNA-mediated mRNA degradation is not restricted to α-tubulin mRNA but can be applied to other cellular mRNAs, thus establishing a powerful tool to genetically manipulate these important protozoan parasites.
We have purified and characterized a 31-kDa protein named mapmodulin that binds to the microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) MAP2, MAP4, and tau. Mapmodulin binds free MAPs in strong preference to microtubule-associated MAPs, and appears to do so via the MAP’s tubulin-binding domain. Mapmodulin inhibits the initial rate of MAP2 binding to microtubules, a property that may allow mapmodulin to displace MAPs from the path of organelles translocating along microtubules. In support of this possibility, mapmodulin stimulates the microtubule- and dynein-dependent localization of Golgi complexes in semi-intact CHO cells. To our knowledge, mapmodulin represents the first example of a protein that can bind and potentially regulate multiple MAP proteins.
In plants, cortical microtubules (MTs) occur in characteristically parallel groups maintained up to one microtubule diameter apart by fine filamentous cross-bridges. However, none of the plant microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) so far purified accounts for the observed separation between MTs in cells. We previously isolated from carrot cytoskeletons a MAP fraction including 120- and 65-kDa MAPs and have now separated the 65-kDa carrot MAP by sucrose density centrifugation. MAP65 does not induce tubulin polymerization but induces the formation of bundles of parallel MTs in a nucleotide-insensitive manner. The bundling effect is inhibited by porcine MAP2, but, unlike MAP2, MAP65 is heat-labile. In the electron microscope, MAP65 appears as filamentous cross-bridges, maintaining an intermicrotubule spacing of 25–30 nm. Microdensitometer-computer correlation analysis reveals that the cross-bridges are regularly spaced, showing a regular axial spacing that is compatible with a symmetrical helical superlattice for 13 protofilament MTs. Because MAP65 maintains in vitro the inter-MT spacing observed in plants and is shown to decorate cortical MTs, it is proposed that this MAP is important for the organization of the cortical array in vivo.