1000 resultados para tratamento de efluentes


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Petroleum Refinery wastewaters (PRW) have hart-to-degrade compounds, such as: phenols, ammonia, cyanides, sulfides, oils and greases and the mono and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons: benzene, toluene and xylene (BTX), acenaphthene, nitrobenzene and naphtalene. It is known that the microrganisms activity can be reduced in the presence of certain substances, adversely affecting the biological process of wastewater treatment. This research was instigated due the small number of studies regarding to this specific topic in the avaiable literature. This body of work ims to evaluate the effect of toxic substances on the biodegradability of the organic material found in PRW. Glucose was chosen as the model substrate due to its biodegradable nature. This study was divided into three parts: i) a survey of recalcitants compounds and the removal of phenol by using both biological and photochemical-biological processes; ii) biomass aclimation and iii) evaluation of the inhibitory effect certain compounds have on glucose biodegradation. The phenol degradation experiments were carried out in an activity sludge system and in a photochemical reactor. The results showed the photochemical-biological process to be more effective on phenol degradation, suggesting the superioruty of a combined photochemical-biological treatment when compared with a simple biological process for phenol removal from industry wastewaters. For the acclimation step, was used an activated sludge from industrial wastewaters. A rapid biomass aclimation to a synthetic solution composed of the main inhibitory compouns fpund in a PRW was obtained using the following operation condition: (pH = 7,0; DO ≥ 2,0 mg/L; RS = 20 days e qH = 31,2 and 20,4 hours), The last part was consisted of using respirometry evaluation toxicity effects of selected compounds over oxygen uptake rate to adaptated and non adaptated biomass in the presence of inhibitory compounds. The adaptated sludge showed greater degration capacity, with lower sensibility to toxic effects. The respirometry has proved to be very practical, as the techiniques used were simple and rapid, such as: Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Dissolved Oxygen (DO), and Volatile Suspended Solids (VSS). Using the latter it is possible to perform sludge selection to beggingthe process; thus allowing its use for aerobic treatment system`s behacior prediction


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Increasing concern with the environment, in addition to strict laws, has induced the industries to find altenatives to the treatment of their wastes. Actually, the oil industry has sought solutions to overcome a big environmental problem, i.e., oil field produced water being discharged to the sea. These effluents have organic compounds dissolved, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX). These compounds are difficult to be removed and have high toxicity. The advanced oxidation processes - AOP are effective to degradation of these organic compounds, because they generate hydroxyl radicals with high potential of oxidation. This work includes the reactor photochemical development applied in the photodegradation treatment (by photo-Fenton process) of wastewaters containing organic compounds dissolved, aiming at treatment and recovery the oil field produced water. The studied reactor allowed the evaluation of two ultraviolet radiation sources that is the main factor to describe the feasibility of the photo¬Fenton treatment, i.e., sun and black light fluorescent lamps, and other relevant variables the process: concentration of reagents, irradiated area and also various reactor configurations to maximize the use of radiation. The organic matter degradation was verified with samples collected during the experimental and analyzed with a total organic carbon analyzer (TOC), which expressed the results in terms of mgC/L. The solar radiation was more effective than radiation from the lamps. it's an important factor for the operation costs cutting. Preliminary experiments applied to oil field produced water treatment have showed satisfactory results, reducing up to 76 % of organic matter


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Increasing concern with the environment, in addition to strict laws, has induced the industries to find alternatives to the treatment of their wastes. Actually, the oil industry has sought solutions to overcome a big environmental problem, i.e., oil field produced water being discharged to the sea. These effluents have organic compounds dissolved, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX). These compounds are difficult to be removed and have high toxicity. The advanced oxidation processes - AOP are effective to degradation of these organic compounds, because they generate hydroxyl radicals with high potential of oxidation. This work includes the reactor photochemical development applied in the photodegradation treatment (by photo-Fenton process) of wastewaters containing organic compounds dissolved, aiming at treatment and recovery the oil field produced water. The studied reactor allowed the evaluation of two ultraviolet radiation sources that is the main factor to describe the feasibility of the photo- Fenton treatment, i.e., sun and black light fluorescent lamps, and other relevant variables the process: concentration of reagents, irradiated area and also various reactor configurations to maximize the use of radiation. The organic matter degradation was verified with samples collected during the experimental and analyzed with a total organic carbon analyzer (TOC), which expressed the results in terms of mgC/L. The solar radiation was more effective than radiation from the lamps. It's an important factor for the operation costs cutting. Preliminary experiments applied to oil field produced water treatment have showed satisfactory results, reducing up to 76 % of organic matter


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Because of disability in public policy development in mind to attend issues of sanitation in the municipalities, companies known as "clean-blue" appeared proposing to solve a simple collection and management of wastewater produced in single or multifamily residences, commercial, hospitals, etc. In the case of an activity in which there are no worries about the fate of sewage, emerged some doubts about the degree of health and environmental safety in these companies. Traditionally, most of them makes the provision of waste depleted soil or wetland, open, usually located on the outskirts of cities (MENESES, 2001). In turn, the sludge from septic tanks exhausted, provided no technical criteria - in the soil, rivers and as an agricultural fertilizer put in risk the health of the population and environmental quality. This work was entered in the search network 5 of the Notice of the Research Program in Sanitation - PROSAB-5, aimed to study the theme 'Characterization and study of alternative ways of treating sludge from septic tanks in the city of Natal, RN', proposing to evaluate the performance of the use of stabilization ponds as a system to handle waste from septic tanks exhausted. A series of lakes studied belong to one of the largest clean-pit of Natal, consisting of two anaerobic ponds, one facultative and maturation, and a tank disinfection, the wastewater being released in the Potengi River. Samples were collected between the months of October 2007 to October 2008, at six points previously defined and judged as more appropriate to what is proposed study. The analysis results in field and laboratory showed the most significant removal of COD (88.93%), total suspended solids (94.87%), organic nitrogen (66.87%) and thermotolerant coliforms (99.88%). Some results have not reached the expected because the system under study had operating problems that have undermined the efficiency of the reactors


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Although the good performance in organic matter and suspended solids removal, the anaerobic reactors are unable to remove ammonia nitrogen from sewage, which makes indispensable to include a step of post-treatment for removal of ammonia or nitrate as necessary. This paper presents the performance of a new variant technology, where the nitrification unit, preceded by anaerobic units, is a submerged aerated biological filter, without continuous sludge discharge in their daily operation. The oxygenation system is very simple and inexpensive, consisting of perforated hoses and compressors. The anaerobic reactors are a septic tank with two chambers followed (8.82 m³) and two parallel anaerobic filters (36 m³ each) filled with ceramic bricks and conics plastic parts. Both followed aerated filters were filled with cut corrugated conduit. The study evaluated the behavior of the system with constant domestic sewage flow (10 m³/d) and different aeration conditions, are these: stage 01, when applied air flow of 0.01 m³ air/min in both aerated filter; stage 02, remained in the initial air flow rate in the second aerated filter and increased at the first to 0.05 m³ air/min; at last, at last, in stage 03, the air flow rate of first aerated filter was 0.10 m³ air/min and on the second remained at 0.01 m³ air/min. The filter FA1 received load of 0.41 kg COD/m³.d, 0.37 kg COD/m³.d and 0.26 kg COD/m³.d on phases 01, 02 and 03, respectively. The FA2 received loads of 0.25 kg COD/m³.d, 0.18 kg COD/m³.d and 0.14 kg COD/m³.d on phases 01, 02 and 03, respectively. During stage 01, were found the following results: 98% removals of BODtotal and 92% of CODtotal, with effluent presenting 9 mg/L of BODtotal final average and 53 mg/L of CODtotal average; suspended solids removals of 93%, with a mean concentration of 10 mg/L in the final effluent; 47% reduction of ammonia of FA2 to FAN 's, presenting average of 28 mg NNH3/ L of ammonia in the effluent with; the dissolved oxygen levels always remained around 2.0 mg/L. During stage 02, were found removals of 97% and 95% to BODtotal and suspended solids, respectively, with average final concentrations of 8 and 7 mg/L, respectively; was removed 60% of ammonia, whose final concentration was 16.3 mg NNH3/ L, and nitrate was increased to a final average concentration of 16.55 mg N-NO3/L. Finally, the stage 03 provided 6 mg/L of DBOtotal (98% removal) and 23 mg/L of CODtotal (95% removal) of final effluent concentrations average. At this stage was identified the higher ammonia oxidation (86%), with final effluent showing average concentration of 6.1 mg N-NH3/L, reaching a minimum of 1.70 mg N-NH3/L. In some moments, during stage 03, there was a moderate denitrification process in the last aerated filter. The average turbidity in the effluent showed around 1.5 NTU, proving the good biomass physical stability. Therefore, the results demonstrate the submerged biological filters potential, filled with high void ratio material (98%), and aerated with hoses and compressor adoption, in the carbonaceous and nitrogenous matter oxidation, also generating an effluent with low concentration of solids


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Experience in the use of stabilization ponds shows that this is a system with low cost, easy operation and maintenance and suitable for tropical countries. One of its disadvantages is due to high concentrations of suspended solids, mainly due to algal biomass in the effluents. Accordingly, the dissolved air flotation has been shown to be an efficient post-treatment technology. However, the efficiency of this process is related to coagulation and flocculation steps, as well as the adjustment of the involved variables in the process. The objective of this work was to evaluate the algae removal efficiency from wastewater stabilization ponds and the influence of the factors involved in the process using dissolved air flotation. For this, we used primary facultative and maturation effluents of ETE Ponta Negra in Natal. We did tests of coagulation, flocculation and flotation with the samples, using the equipment flotatest. In this process were tested coagulants aluminum sulfate and ferric chloride, and varied the factors pH, coagulant concentration, polymer concentration and rate of recirculation. At the end of the experiments were analyzed turbidity, suspended solids, color, COD and chlorophyll "a". These results were submitted to descriptive statistics to verify the efficiency of the process in general, and regression analysis to identify models that describe the process and demonstrate the factors that have greater influence on flotation. After step methodology, high values were found removal efficiency of suspended solids, reaching values greater than 90% in the best cases. It was concluded that flotation is more efficient in the facultative pond effluent using ferric chloride, and the variability of algae may negatively influence the process. Regression analyzes showed that pH is the most influential variable in the coagulation-flocculation-flotation, and its optimal value among the tested is 5.5 for both coagulants


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Stabilization pond is the most used sewage treatment system in the country, corresponding to approximately 90% of all systems. The systems evaluated were stabilization ponds system of sewage treatment in the city of Natal / RN. This research aimed to analyze the possible uses through physical-chemical and bacteriological of these final effluent ponds for urban uses depending on the characteristics after passage around the treatment system. The parameters used were chosen according to those established by Chernicharo et al. (2006), in order to characterize the effluent. The parameters evaluated were: DO, temperature, pH, conductivity, organic nitrogen, ammonia, NTK, total phosphorus, and series of solid fecal coliforms. Generally, the characteristics of the effluent followed variability found in the literature. The results showed an efficiency that is technically feasible to use the effluent end of some of STPs analyzed when checked parameters alone, if fitting in unrestricted urban use, restricted use and urban land use


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The aim of this work is the treatment of produced water from oil by using electrochemical technology. Produced water is a major waste generated during the process of exploration and production in the oil industry. Several approaches are being studied aiming at the treatment of this effluent; among them can be cited the biological process and chemical treatments such as advanced oxidation process and electrochemical treatments (electrooxidation, electroflotation, electrocoagulation, electrocoagulation). This work studies the application of electrochemical technology in the treatment of the synthetic produced water effluent through the action of the electron, in order to remove or transform the toxic and harmful substances from the environment by redox reactions in less toxic substances. For this reason, we used a synthetic wastewater, containing a mixture H2SO4 0,5M and 16 HPAs, which are: naphthalene, acenaphthylene, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo (a) anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k) fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, dibenzo(a, h)anthracene, benzo(g, h, i)perylene. Bulk electrochemical oxidation experiments were performed using a batch electrochemical reactor containing a pair of parallel electrodes, coupled with a power supply using a magnetic stirrer for favoring the transfer mass control. As anodic material was used, a Dimensionally Stable Anode (DSA) of Ti/Pt, while as cathode was used a Ti electrode. Several samples were collected at specific times and after that, the analysis of these samples were carried out by using Gas Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry (GC - MS) in order to determine the percentage of removal. The results showed that it was possible to achieve the removal of HPAs about 80% (in some cases, more than 80%). In addition, as an indicator of the economic feasibility of electrochemical treatment the energy consumption was analyzed for each hour of electrolysis, and based on the value kWh charged by ANEEL, the costs were estimated. Thus, the treatment costs of this research were quite attractive


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Polyester fibers are the most used fibers in the world and disperse dyes are used for dyeing these fibers. After dyeing, the colorful dyebath is discharged into effluent streams, which needs a special treatment for color removal. Surfactants interaction with dyes has been evaluated in several studies, including the textile area, specifically in the separation of dyes from textile wastewater. In this work a cationic surfactant was used in a microemulsion system for the extraction of anionic dyes (disperses dyes) from textile wastewater. These microemulsion system was composed by dodecylamonium chloride (surfactant), kerosene oil (organic phase), isoamyl alcohol (cosurfactant) and the wastewater (aqueous phase). The wastewater that results after the dyeing process is acid (pH 5). It was observed that changing the pH value to above 12.8 the extraction could be made, resulting in an aqueous phase with low color level. The Scheffé net experimental design was used for the extraction process optimization, and the obtained results were evaluated using the program "Statistica 7.0". The optimal microemulsion system was composed by 59.8wt.% of wastewater, 30.1wt.% of kerosene, 3.37wt.% of surfactant and 6.73wt.% of cosurfactant, providing extraction upper than 96%. A mix of reactive dyebath (50%) and disperse dyebath (50%) was used as aqueous phase and it presented extraction upper than 98%. The water phase after extraction process can be reused in a new dyeing, being obtained satisfactory results, according to the limits established by textile industry for a good dyeing. Tests were accomplished seeking to study the influence of salt addition and temperature. An experimental design was used for this purpose, which showed that the extraction doesn't depend on those factors. In this way, the removal of color from textile wastewater by microemulsion is a viable technique (that does not depend of external factors such as salinity and temperature), being obtained good extraction results even with in wastewater mixtures


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Este trabalho objetivou caracterizar um sistema de solos, evidenciando a propriedades que possam esclarecer sua dinâmica e contribuir para a definição de critérios que condicionem a aptidão destes solos como receptores de efluentes. Trata-se de uma área experimental de estudos, contígua à Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto do município de Lins (SP), onde o efluente é gerado a partir do tratamento de esgoto por sistema de lagoas de estabilização. Os solos, situados ao longo de uma vertente com ligeira inclinação, foram caracterizados por meio de análises, morfológica, granulométrica, química, mineralógica e micromorfológica, realizadas em amostras coletadas em cinco trincheiras em toposseqüência. Os solos são desenvolvidos a partir dos sedimentos arenosos da Formação Adamantina (Grupo Bauru) e constituem um sistema Latossolo - Argissolo onde a transição Bw - Bt ocorre lateralmente do topo para a base da vertente. Foram identificadas três fases pedogenéticas nesta associação de solos. A primeira, argiluviação e adensamento de partículas, responsável pela formação dos horizontes texturais, foi superposta pelos processos de latossolização e hidromorfismo, atuantes na dinâmica atual destes solos. Análises micromorfológicas mostraram tratar-se de solos com intensa porosidade, caracterizada pelo empilhamento dos grãos do esqueleto quartzoso amplamente predominante e pelo arranjo entre os microagregados granulares. A permeabilidade é ainda favorecida pela intensa ação da mesofauna. Os solos são distróficos e compostos por caulinita e óxidos de Fe na fração argilosa. Por constituírem um sistema frágil, a disposição de quaisquer tipos de resíduos nestes solos requer o monitoramento constante de suas propriedades, tanto para a manutenção, quanto para a recuperação da qualidade desta cobertura pedológica.


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Avaliou-se o efeito das águas residuárias de suinocultura com concentrações de sólidos suspensos totais em torno de 6.000 mg L-1 (DQOtotal variando de 7.557 a 11.640 mg L-1) no desempenho de processo anaeróbio em dois estágios compostos por reator compartimentado (ABR) e reator de fluxo ascendente com manta de lodo (UASB), instalados em série, em escala-piloto (volumes de 530 e 120 L, respectivamente), submetidos a tempos de detenção hidráulica (TDH) de 56 a 18 h no primeiro reator e de 13 a 4 h no segundo reator. As eficiências médias de remoção de DQOtotal variaram de 71,1 a 87,5% no reator ABR e de 41,5 a 50,1% no reator UASB, resultando em valores médios de 86,8 a 94,9% para o sistema de tratamento anaeróbio em dois estágios com carga orgânica volumétrica (COV), na faixa de 5,05 a 10,12 kg DQOtotal (m³ d)-1, no reator ABR, e de 2,83 a 9,63 kg DQOtotal (m³ d)-1, no reator UASB. As eficiências de remoção de SST e SSV foram da ordem de 95,6%. O teor de metano no biogás manteve-se acima de 70% para os dois reatores. A produção volumétrica de metano máxima de 0,755 m³ CH4 (m³ d)-1 ocorreu no reator 1, com COV de 10,12 kg DQOtotal (m³ d)-1 e TDH de 18 h. Os valores médios de pH variaram na faixa de 7,2 a 8,0 para os efluentes dos reatores 1 e 2. Os ácidos voláteis totais mantiveram-se estáveis com concentrações abaixo de 200 mg L-1. Com variações abruptas e acentuadas de concentrações de SST e DQOtotal do afluente, os reatores mantiveram as eficiências de remoção de DQO e sólidos suspensos, em torno de 70%, e a qualidade do biogás, com 80% de CH4.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O objetivo foi avaliar o potencial poluidor remanescente dos efluentes de biodigestores abastecidos com dejetos de suínos com separação da fração sólida (CSFS) e sem separação da fração sólida (SSFS), e conduzidos sob diferentes tempos de retenção hidráulica (TRH). Os efluentes utilizados eram de biodigestores semicontínuos manejados com TRH de 15; 22; 29 e 36 dias, com e sem separação da fração sólida. Foram utilizados biodigestores batelada, que permaneceram em operação por todo o tempo em que houve produção de biogás (60 dias). Foram avaliadas a produção e a qualidade do biogás, bem como os potenciais de produção por kg de sólidos totais e sólidos voláteis, e as demandas química e bioquímica de oxigênio. Utilizou-se do delineamento inteiramente casualisado, em esquema fatorial 2x4, com três repetições por tratamento. Foram encontrados potenciais de produção de 385 e 117 litros de CH4kg-1 de SV adicionados no material SSFS e CSFS, respectivamente, no menor TRH (15 dias), e potenciais de produção de 74 e 18 litros de CH4kg-1 de SV adicionados no material SSFS e CSFS, respectivamente, no maior TRH (36 dias).


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O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar diferentes doses de efluente de abatedouro avícola para proporcionar melhorias nas características produtivas, morfogênicas e estruturais do capim-piatã. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, adotando-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em que foram testadas cinco doses de efluentes: 324, 648, 972, 1.296 e 1620m³ ha-1 ou equivalente a 50, 100, 150, 200 e 250kg ha-1 de N. As variáveis mensuradas foram: produção de matéria seca (MS), taxa de aparecimento de folha (TApF), taxa de alongamento de folha (TAlF), filocrono, taxa de alongamento de pseudocolmo (TAlC), comprimento final de folha (CFF) e números de folhas verdes (NFV). A produção de MS seguiu um modelo linear de predição em função das doses efluente avícola, em que o tratamento com 250kg ha-1 de N foi 55% maior, quando comparado com o tratamento de 50kg ha-1 de N. Todas as características morfogênicas e estruturais avaliadas com exceção do filocrono apresentaram comportamento linear positivo. Dessa forma, o efluente de abatedouro avícola pode ser utilizado como uma alternativa para adubação do capim-piatã, pois este respondeu de maneira crescente até a dose máxima testada.