357 resultados para titania


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Although many gold heterogeneous catalysts have been shown to exhibit significant activity and high selectivity for a wide range of reactions in both the liquid and gas phases, they are prone to irreversible deactivation. This is often associated with sintering or loss of the interaction of the gold with the support. Herein, we report on the use of methyl iodide as a method of dispersing gold nanoparticles supported on silica, titania, and alumina supports. In the case of titania- and alumina-based catalysts, the gold was transformed from nanometer particles into small clusters and some atomically dispersed gold. In contrast, although there was a drop in the gold particle size on the silica support following CH3I treatment, the size remained in the submicrometer range. The structural changes were correlated with changes in the selectivity and activity for ethanol dehydration and benzyl alcohol oxidation. From these observations, it is clear that this treatment provides a method by which deactivated gold catalysts can be reactivated via redispersion of the gold.


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NMR was used to study the semiconductor photocatalytic (SPC) CC coupling of phenoxyacetic acid (PAA) with acrylamide (ACM) in an NMR tube photoreactor. Using an NMR tube with a sol-gel titania inner coating as a photoreactor, this reaction is relatively clean, forming only 1 product, 4-phenoxybutanamide (4-PB), in yields up to 78%. This SPC reaction is used to assess the activity of the sol-gel titania coating as a function of their annealing temperature, which alters the surface area and phase of the titania, and the general reusability of the TiO coated NMR tubes. The optimum temperature range for annealing the sol-gel titania films is between 450 °C and 800 °C, with the maximum yield and rate attained at 450 °C. Despite a decrease in the initial rates of formation of 4-PB above an annealing temperature of 450 °C, the final product yields remained similar, giving maximum yields within 60 min of irradiation. The reusability study reveals that the activity of the sol-gel titania can quickly deteriorate with repeated use due to the adsorption of yellow/brown coloured, insoluble, most likely organic polymeric, material and its screening effect on the underlying photocatalyst. The titania can, however, be restored to its original activity by a simple heat treatment at 450 °C for 30 min.


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This work comprises the photoactivity assessment of transparent sol–gel TiO2 coatings of various thickness using two test systems. The initial rates of both photocatalytic reactions, namely the oxidative bleaching of Acid Orange 7 (AO7) and the reductive bleaching of 2,6-dichlorindophenol (DCIP) increase linearly with increasing titania film thickness as well as with increasing absorbed light flux. The latter work revealed quantum yields (QY) of 0.19% and 92% for the AO7 and DCIP test system, respectively. The low QY for the AO7 oxidation is due to the combination of a slow irreversible reduction of oxygen and also for the oxidation of AO7, thus favouring the high efficiency for electron–hole recombination that is typical for aqueous organic pollutants. In contrast, the very high QY for the photocatalysed reduction of DCIP is due to the presence of a vast excess of glycerol which traps the photogenerated holes efficiently and so allow time for the slower reduction of dye to take place. Furthermore, the oxidation of glycerol results in the generation of highly reducing R-hydroxyalkyl radicals that are able to also reduce DCIP. As a consequence of this ‘current doubling’ effect, the observed QY (92%) is much higher than the apparent theoretical value of 50%.


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The current eight published ISO standards associated with semiconductor photocatalysis are considered. These standards cover: (1) air purification (specifically, the removal of NO, acetaldehyde and toluene), (2) water purification (the photobleaching of methylene blue and oxidation of DMSO) (3) self-cleaning surfaces (the removal of oleic acid and subsequent change in water droplet contact angle), (4) photosterilisation (specifically probing the antibacterial action of semiconductor photocatalyst films) and (5) UV light sources for semiconductor photocatalytic ISO work. For each standard, the background is first considered, followed by a brief discussion of the standard particulars and concluding in a discussion of the pros and cons of the standard, with often recommendations for their improvement. Other possible standards for the future which would either compliment or enhance the current ones are discussed briefly. 


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Microcystins are one of the primary hepatotoxic cyanotoxins released from cyanobacteria. The presence of these compounds in water has resulted in the death of both humans and domestic and wild animals. Although microcystins are chemically stable titanium dioxide photocatalysis has proven to be an effective process for the removal of these compounds in water. One problem with this process is that it requires UV light and therefore in order to develop effective commercial reactor units that could be powered by solar light it is necessary to utilize a photocatalyst that is active with visible light. In this paper we report on the application of four visible light absorbing photocatalysts for the destruction of microcystin-LR in water. The rhodium doped material proved to be the most effective material followed by a carbon-modified titania. The commercially available materials were both relatively poor photocatalysts under visible radiation while the platinum doped catalyst also displayed a limited activity for toxin destruction. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The use of Raman and anti-stokes Raman spectroscopy to investigate the effect of exposure to high power laser radiation on the crystalline phases of TiO2 has been investigated. Measurement of the changes, over several time integrals, in the Raman and anti-stokes Raman of TiO2 spectra with exposure to laser radiation is reported. Raman and anti-stokes Raman provide detail on both the structure and the kinetic process of changes in crystalline phases in the titania material. The effect of laser exposure resulted in the generation of increasing amounts of the rutile crystalline phase from the anatase crystalline phase during exposure. The Raman spectra displayed bands at 144 cm-1 (A1g), 197 cm-1 (Eg), 398 cm-1 (B1g), 515 cm-1 (A1g), and 640 cm-1 (Eg) assigned to anatase which were replaced by bands at 143 cm-1 (B1g), 235 cm-1 (2 phonon process), 448 cm-1 (Eg) and 612 cm-1 (A1g) which were assigned to rutile. This indicated that laser irradiation of TiO2 changes the crystalline phase from anatase to rutile. Raman and anti-stokes Raman are highly sensitive to the crystalline forms of TiO2 and allow characterisation of the effect of laser irradiation upon TiO2. This technique would also be applicable as an in situ method for monitoring changes during the laser irradiation process


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The ability to reactivate, stabilize and increase the lifetime of gold catalysts by dispersing large, inactive gold nanoparticles to smaller nanoparticles provides an opportunity to make gold catalysts more practical for industrial applications. Previously it has been demonstrated that mild treatment with iodomethane (CH3I) (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009, 131, 6973; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2011, 50, 8912) was able to re-disperse gold on carbon and metal oxide supports. In the current work, we show that this technique can be applied to re-disperse gold on a ‘mixed’ metal oxide, namely a mechanical mixture of ceria, zirconia and titania. Characterization was conducted to gage the impact of the iodomethane (CH3I) treatment on a previously sintered catalyst.


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Highly efficient In2O3-Co3O4 catalysts were prepared for ultralow-temperature CO oxidation by simultaneously tuning the CO adsorption strength and oxygen activation over a Co3O4 surface, which could completely convert CO to CO2 at temperatures as low as -105 degrees C compared to -40 degrees C over pure Co3O4, with enhanced stability.


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The hydrogenation of 4-phenyl-2-butanone over Pt/TiO2 and Pt/SiO2 catalysts has been performed in a range of solvents and it has been observed that the solvent impacted on the selectivity of ketone and aromatic ring hydrogenation as well as the overall TOF of the titania catalyst with no solvent effect on selectivity observed using the silica supported catalyst where ring hydrogenation was favored. For the titania catalyst, alkanes were found to favor ring hydrogenation whereas aromatics and alcohols led to carbonyl hydrogenation. A two-site catalyst model is proposed whereby the aromatic ring hydrogenation occurs over the metal sites while carbonyl hydrogenation is thought to occur predominantly at interfacial sites, with oxygen vacancies in the titania support activating the carbonyl. The effect of the solvent on the hydrogenation reaction over the titania catalyst was related to competition for the active sites between solvent and 4-phenyl-2-butanone.


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The rate and, more importantly, selectivity (ketone vs aromatic ring) of the hydrogenation of 4-phenyl-2-butanone over a Pt/TiO2 catalyst have been shown to vary with solvent. In this study, a fundamental kinetic model for this multi-phase reaction has been developed incorporating statistical analysis methods to strengthen the foundations of mechanistically sound kinetic models. A 2-site model was determined to be most appropriate, describing aromatic hydrogenation (postulated to be over a platinum site) and ketone hydrogenation (postulated to be at the platinum–titania interface). Solvent choice has little impact on the ketone hydrogenation rate constant but strongly impacts aromatic hydrogenation due to solvent-catalyst interaction. Reaction selectivity is also correlated to a fitted product adsorption constant parameter. The kinetic analysis method shown has demonstrated the role of solvents in influencing reactant adsorption and reaction selectivity.


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The semiconductor photocatalysed (SPC) oxidation of toluene is performed inside an NMR spectrometer and the reaction monitored simultaneously in-situ, using a fibre optic probe/diffuser to provide the UV light to activate the titania photocatalyst coating on the inside of the NMR tube. Such a system has great potential for the simple rapid screening of a wide range of SPC mediated organic reactions.


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Performance data for a dye based, regenerable oxygen sensor (Mills and Lawrie [1], Mills et al. [2]) are analyzed to develop useful kinetic models for sensor photoactivation (dye reduction) and dark, oxygen detection (dye oxidation). The titania loaded, thin film sensor exhibits an apparent first order photoactivation of the dye, which we demonstrate (Section 3.2 and Fig. 4) is due to a kinetic disguise of a zero order photoreaction occurring through a non-uniformly illuminated sensor film. The observed zero order, slow recovery due to dye oxidation by dioxygen (O2 detection) appears best rationalized by a model assuming a near O2-impermeable skin developing on the sensor surface as solvent is evaporatively removed following sensor film casting and curing.


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A indústria aeronáutica utiliza ligas de alumínio de alta resistência para o fabrico dos elementos estruturais dos aviões. As ligas usadas possuem excelentes propriedades mecânicas mas apresentam simultaneamente uma grande tendência para a corrosão. Por esta razão essas ligas necessitam de protecção anticorrosiva eficaz para poderem ser utilizadas com segurança. Até à data, os sistemas anticorrosivos mais eficazes para ligas de alumínio contêm crómio hexavalente na sua composição, sejam pré-tratamentos, camadas de conversão ou pigmentos anticorrosivos. O reconhecimento dos efeitos carcinogénicos do crómio hexavalente levou ao aparecimento de legislação banindo o uso desta forma de crómio pela indústria. Esta decisão trouxe a necessidade de encontrar alternativas ambientalmente inócuas mas igualmente eficazes. O principal objectivo do presente trabalho é o desenvolvimento de prétratamentos anticorrosivos activos para a liga de alumínio 2024, baseados em revestimentos híbridos produzidos pelo método sol-gel. Estes revestimentos deverão possuir boa aderência ao substrato metálico, boas propriedades barreira e capacidade anticorrosiva activa. A protecção activa pode ser alcançada através da incorporação de inibidores anticorrosivos no prétratamento. O objectivo foi atingido através de uma sucessão de etapas. Primeiro investigou-se em detalhe a corrosão localizada (por picada) da liga de alumínio 2024. Os resultados obtidos permitiram uma melhor compreensão da susceptibilidade desta liga a processos de corrosão localizada. Estudaram-se também vários possíveis inibidores de corrosão usando técnicas electroquímicas e microestruturais. Numa segunda etapa desenvolveram-se revestimentos anticorrosivos híbridos orgânico-inorgânico baseados no método sol-gel. Compostos derivados de titania e zirconia foram combinados com siloxanos organofuncionais a fim de obter-se boa aderência entre o revestimento e o substrato metálico assim como boas propriedades barreira. Testes industriais mostraram que estes novos revestimentos são compatíveis com os esquemas de pintura convencionais actualmente em uso. A estabilidade e o prazo de validade das formulações foram optimizados modificando a temperatura de armazenamento e a quantidade de água usada durante a síntese. As formulações sol-gel foram dopadas com os inibidores seleccionados durante a primeira etapa e as propriedades anticorrosivas passivas e activas dos revestimentos obtidos foram estudadas numa terceira etapa do trabalho. Os resultados comprovam a influência dos inibidores nas propriedades anticorrosivas dos revestimentos sol-gel. Em alguns casos a acção activa dos inibidores combinou-se com a protecção passiva dada pelo revestimento mas noutros casos terá ocorrido interacção química entre o inibidor e a matriz de sol-gel, de onde resultou a perda de propriedades protectoras do sistema combinado. Atendendo aos problemas provocados pela adição directa dos inibidores na formulação sol-gel procurou-se, numa quarta etapa, formas alternativas de incorporação. Na primeira, produziu-se uma camada de titania nanoporosa na superfície da liga metálica que serviu de reservatório para os inibidores. O revestimento sol-gel foi aplicado por cima da camada nanoporosa. Os inibidores armazenados nos poros actuam quando o substrato fica exposto ao ambiente agressivo. Numa segunda, os inibidores foram armazenados em nano-reservatórios de sílica ou em nanoargilas (halloysite), os quais foram revestidos por polielectrólitos montados camada a camada. A terceira alternativa consistiu no uso de nano-fios de molibdato de cério amorfo como inibidores anticorrosivos nanoparticulados. Os nano-reservatórios foram incorporados durante a síntese do sol-gel. Qualquer das abordagens permitiu eliminar o efeito negativo do inibidor sobre a estabilidade da matriz do sol-gel. Os revestimentos sol-gel desenvolvidos neste trabalho apresentaram protecção anticorrosiva activa e capacidade de auto-reparação. Os resultados obtidos mostraram o elevado potencial destes revestimentos para a protecção anticorrosiva da liga de alumínio 2024.


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Tese de doutoramento, Química (Química Tecnológica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016