997 resultados para thermal effectiveness
Poly(vinylidene fluoride)/Pb(Zr0.53Ti0.47)O3,([PVDF]1−x/[PZT]x) composites of volume fractions x and (0–3) type connectivity were prepared in the form of thin films. PZT powders with average grain sizes of 0.2, 0.84, and 2.35 μm in different volume fraction of PZT up to 40 % were mixed with the polymeric matrix. The influence of the inorganic particle size and its content on the thermal degradation properties of the composites was then investigated by means of thermo-gravimetric analysis. It is observed that filler size affects more than filler concentration the degradation temperature and activation energy of the polymer. In the same way and due to their larger specific area, smaller particles leave larger solid residuals after the polymer degradation. The polymer degradation mechanism is not significantly modified by the presence of the inorganic fillers. On the other hand, an inhibition effect occurs due to the presence of the fillers, affecting particularly the activation energy of the process.
Thermal degradation of as electrospun chitosan membranes and samples subsequently treated with ethanol and cross-linked with glutaraldehyde (GA) have been studied by thermogravimetry (TG) coupled with an infrared spectrometer (FTIR). The influence of the electrospinning process and cross-linking in the electrospun chitosan thermal stability was evaluated. Up to three degradation steps were observed in the TG data, corresponding to water dehydration reaction at temperatures below 100 ºC, loss of side groups formed between the amine groups of chitosan and trifluoroacetic acid between 150 – 270 ºC and chitosan thermal degradation that starts around 250 ºC and goes up to 400 ºC. The Kissinger model was employed to evaluate the activation energies of the electrospun membranes during isothermal experiments and revealed that thermal degradation activation energy increases for the samples processed by electrospinning and subsequent neutralization and cross-linking treatments with respect to the neat chitosan powder.
The increasing need for starches with specific characteristics makes it important to study unconventional starches and their modifications in order to meet consumer demands. The aim of this work was to study physicochemical characteristics of native starch and phosphate starch of S. lycocarpum. Native starch was phosphated with sodium tripolyphosphate (5-11%) added with stirring. Chemical composition, morphology, density, binding ability to cold water, swelling power and solubility index, turbidity and syneresis, rheological and calorimetric properties were determined. Phosphorus was not detected in the native sample, but the phosphating process produced modified starches with phosphorus contents of 0.015, 0.092 and 0.397%, with the capacity of absorbing more water, either cold or hot. Rheological data showed the strong influence of phosphorus content on viscosity of phosphate starch, with lower pasting temperature and peak viscosity higher than those of native starch. Enthalpy was negatively correlated with the phosphorus content, requiring 9.7; 8.5; 8.1 and 6.4 kJ g-1 of energy for the transition from the amorphous to the crystalline state for the starch granules with phosphorus contents of 0; 0.015; 0.092 and 0.397%, respectively. Cluster analysis and principal component analysis showed that starches with 0.015 and 0.092% phosphorus have similar characteristics and are different from the others. Our results show that the characteristics of phosphate modified S. lycocarpum starch have optimal conditions to meet the demands of raw materials, which require greater consistency in stickiness, combined with low rates of retrogradation and syneresis.
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) as a high incidence in general population and 12% to 20% of population with more than 60 years has already clinical symptoms, such as intermittent claudication (IC), pain, loss of strength and functional incapacity. There are already some studies who refer the possible positive effects of physical exercise in functional consequences of PAD.
With this article we intend to contribute to the understanding of what can make Online Collaborative Teams (OCT) effective. This is done by identifying what can be considered best practices for individual team members, for leaders of OCT, and for the organizations that the teams are a part of. Best practices in these categories were identified from the existing literature related to online teams and collaborative work literature.
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) as a high incidence in general population and 12% to 20% of population with more than 60 years has already clinical symptoms, such as intermittent claudication (IC), pain, loss of strength and functional incapacity. There are already some studies that refer the possible positive effects of physical exercise in functional consequences of PAD. The purpose of this study was to verify the results of a home-based (HB) weekly supervised physical exercise program in patients with IC in consequence of PAD in lower limbs, and observe the medium number of diary steps walked by the subjects of our study.
Mestrado em Engenharia Química
Os objectivos principais deste estudo são a caracterização de uma das linhas de extrusão existentes na Cabelte, nomeadamente a linha de extrusão de referência EP5, composta por duas extrusoras. Pretende-se fazer a determinação de indicadores energéticos e de processo e a optimização do consumo energético, no que diz respeito à energia consumida e às perdas térmicas relativas a esta linha. Para fazer a monitorização da linha de extrusão EP5 foi colocado no quadro geral dessa linha um equipamento central de medida de forma a ser possível a sua monitorização. No entanto, para a extrusora auxiliar as medições foram efectuadas com uma pinça amperimétrica e um fasímetro. Foram também efectuados ensaios onde foi avaliada a quantidade de material transformada, para isso foi utilizado um equipamento de pesagem, doseador gravimétrico aplicado nas extrusoras. As medições de temperatura para os cálculos das perdas térmicas da extrusora principal e para a caracterização dos materiais plásticos, foram efectuadas utilizando um termómetro digital. Foram efectuados ensaios de débito às extrusoras auxiliar e principal e foi estudada a variação do factor de potência em função da rotação do fuso. Na perspectiva do utilizador final a optimização para a utilização racional de energia está na redução de encargos da factura de energia eléctrica. Essa factura não depende só da quantidade mas também do modo temporal como se utiliza essa energia, principalmente a energia eléctrica, bastante dependente do período em que é consumida. Uma metodologia diferente no planeamento da produção, contemplando o fabrico dos cabos com maior custo específico nas horas de menor custo energético, implicaria uma redução dos custos específicos de 18,7% para o horário de verão e de 20,4% para o horário de inverno. Os materiais de revestimento utilizados (PE e PVC), influenciam directamente os custos energéticos, uma vez que o polietileno (PE) apresenta sempre valores de entalpia superiores (0,317 kWh/kg e 0,281 kWh/kg)) e necessita de temperaturas de trabalho mais elevadas do que o policloreto de vinilo (PVC) (0,141 kWh/kg e 0,124 kWh/kg). O consumo específico tendencialmente diminui à medida que aumenta a rotação do fuso, até se atingir o valor de rotação óptimo, a partir do qual esta tendência se inverte. O cosφ para as duas extrusoras em estudo, aumenta sempre com o aumento de rotação do fuso. Este estudo permitiu avaliar as condições óptimas no processo de revestimento dos cabos, de forma a minimizarmos os consumos energéticos. A redução de toda a espécie de desperdícios (sobre consumos, desperdício em purgas) é uma prioridade de gestão que alia também a eficácia à eficiência, e constitui uma ferramenta fundamental para assegurar o futuro da empresa. O valor médio lido para o factor de potência (0,38) da linha EP5, valor extremamente baixo e que vem associado à energia reactiva, além do factor económico que lhe está inerente, condiciona futuras ampliações. A forma de se corrigir o factor de potência é instalando uma bateria de condensadores de 500 kVAr. Considerando o novo sistema tarifário aplicado à energia reactiva, vamos ter um ganho de 36167,4 Euro/ano e o período de retorno de investimento é de 0,37 ano (4,5 meses). Esta medida implica também uma redução anual na quantidade de CO2 emitida de 6,5%. A quantificação das perdas térmicas é importante, pois só desta forma se podem definir modos de actuação de forma a aumentar a eficiência energética. Se não existir conhecimento profundo dos processos e metodologias correctas, não podem existir soluções eficientes, logo é importante medir antes de avançar com qualquer medida de gestão.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the effectiveness between the see-and-treat (S&T) approach and the conventional one (with prior biopsy) for squamous intraepithelial lesions of uterine cervix. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 900 nonpregnant women with cytology suggestive of high grade squamous intraepithelial lesions in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil, between 1998 and 2004. The S&T approach consists of a large loop excision of the transformation zone procedure and is recommended when cytology is suggestive of high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion, satisfactory colposcopy with abnormalities compatible with the suspected cytological results, and the lesion is limited to the ectocervix or extends up to one centimeter of the endocervical canal. A subgroup of 336 patients whose colposcopy was considered satisfactory was analyzed, and they were divided into two groups for comparison: patients treated without prior biopsy (n = 288) and patients treated after a biopsy showing high grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (n = 48). Patients who were not treated or only treated more than a year later after recruitment at the colposcopy unit were considered dropouts. RESULTS: Of patients recruited during the study period, 71 were not treated or were only treated for at least a year. The overall dropout rate was 7.9% (95% CI: 6.1;9.7). Mean time elapsed between patient recruitment and treatment was 17.5 days in the S&T group and 102.5 days in the prior biopsy group. Dropout rates were 1.4% (95% CI: 0.04;2.7) and 5.% (95% CI: 0;12.3), respectively (p=0.07). The proportion of overtreated cases (negative histology) in the S&T group was 2.0% (95% CI: 0.4;3.6). CONCLUSIONS: The difference in the mean time elapsed between patient recruitment and treatment indicates that S&T is a time-saving approach The proportion of negative cases from using the S&T approach can be regarded as low.
Conferência: 2nd Experiment at International Conference - 18-20 September 2013
Alheiras are a traditional, smoked, fermented meat sausage, produced in Portugal, with an undeniable cultural and gastronomic legacy. In this study, we assessed the nutritional value of this product, as well as the influence of different types of thermal processing. Alheiras from Mirandela were submitted to six different procedures: microwave, skillet, oven, charcoal grill, electric fryer and electric grill. Protein, fat, carbohydrate, minerals, NaCl, and cholesterol contents, as well as fatty acid profile were evaluated. The results show that alheiras are not hypercaloric but an unbalanced foodstuff (high levels of proteins and lipids) and the type of processing has a major impact on their nutritional value. Charcoal grill is the healthiest option: less fat (12.5 g/100 g) and cholesterol (29.3 mg/100 g), corresponding to a lower caloric intake (231.8 kcal, less 13% than the raw ones). Inversely, fried alheiras presented the worst nutritional profile, with the highest levels of fat (18.1 g/100 g) and cholesterol (76.0 g/100 g).
This paper presents a distributed predictive control methodology for indoor thermal comfort that optimizes the consumption of a limited shared energy resource using an integrated demand-side management approach that involves a power price auction and an appliance loads allocation scheme. The control objective for each subsystem (house or building) aims to minimize the energy cost while maintaining the indoor temperature inside comfort limits. In a distributed coordinated multi-agent ecosystem, each house or building control agent achieves its objectives while sharing, among them, the available energy through the introduction of particular coupling constraints in their underlying optimization problem. Coordination is maintained by a daily green energy auction bring in a demand-side management approach. Also the implemented distributed MPC algorithm is described and validated with simulation studies.
This paper is on the maximization of total profit in a day-ahead market for a price-taker producer needing a short-term scheduling for wind power plants coordination with concentrated solar power plants, having thermal energy storage systems. The optimization approach proposed for the maximization of profit is a mixed-integer linear programming problem. The approach considers not only transmission grid constraints, but also technical operating constraints on both wind and concentrated solar power plants. Then, an improved short-term scheduling coordination is provided due to the more accurate modelling presented in this paper. Computer simulation results based on data for the Iberian wind and concentrated solar power plants illustrate the coordination benefits and show the effectiveness of the approach.
OBJECTIVE : To analyze the effectiveness of motivational interviewing (MI) at improving oral health behaviors (oral hygiene habits, sugar consumption, dental services utilization or use of fluoride) and dental clinical outcomes (dental plaque, dental caries and periodontal status). METHODS : A systematic search of PubMed, LILACS, SciELO, PsyINFO, Cochrane and Google Scholar bibliographic databases was conducted looking for intervention studies that investigated MI as the main approach to improving the oral health outcomes investigated. RESULTS : Of the 78 articles found, ten met the inclusion criteria, all based on randomized controlled trials. Most studies (n = 8) assessed multiple outcomes. Five interventions assessed the impact of MI on oral health behaviors and nine on clinical outcomes (three on dental caries, six on dental plaque, four on gingivitis and three on periodontal pockets). Better quality of evidence was provided by studies that investigated dental caries, which also had the largest population samples. The evidence of the effect of MI on improving oral health outcomes is conflicting. Four studies reported positive effects of MI on oral health outcomes whereas another four showed null effect. In two interventions, the actual difference between groups was not reported or able to be recalculated. CONCLUSIONS : We found inconclusive effectiveness for most oral health outcomes. We need more and better designed and reported interventions to fully assess the impact of MI on oral health and understand the appropriate dosage for the counseling interventions.
OBJECTIVE To analyze the cost-effectiveness of treatment regimens with cyclosporine or tacrolimus, five years after renal transplantation.METHODS This cost-effectiveness analysis was based on historical cohort data obtained between 2000 and 2004 and involved 2,022 patients treated with cyclosporine or tacrolimus, matched 1:1 for gender, age, and type and year of transplantation. Graft survival and the direct costs of medical care obtained from the National Health System (SUS) databases were used as outcome results.RESULTS Most of the patients were women, with a mean age of 36.6 years. The most frequent diagnosis of chronic renal failure was glomerulonephritis/nephritis (27.7%). In five years, the tacrolimus group had an average life expectancy gain of 3.96 years at an annual cost of R$78,360.57 compared with the cyclosporine group with a gain of 4.05 years and an annual cost of R$61,350.44.CONCLUSIONS After matching, the study indicated better survival of patients treated with regimens using tacrolimus. However, regimens containing cyclosporine were more cost-effective.