891 resultados para super duplex stainless steel
A 70Co-30Ni dendritic alloy was produced on stainless steel by pulse electrodeposition in the cathodic domain, and oxidized by potential cycling. X-ray diffraction (XRD) identified the presence of two phases and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) evidenced an open 3D highly branched dendritic morphology. After potential cycling in 1 M KOH, SEM and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) revealed, respectively, the presence of thin nanoplates, composed of Co and Ni oxi-hydroxides and hydroxides over the original dendritic film. Cyclic voltammetry tests showd the presence of redox peaks assigned to the oxidation and reduction of Ni and Co centres in the surface film. Charge/discharge measurements revealed capacity values of 121 mAh g(1) at 1 mA cm(2). The capacity retention under 8000 cycles was above 70%, stating the good reversibility of these redox materials and its suitability to be used as charge storage electrodes. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) spectra, taken under different applied bias, showed that the capacitance increased when the electrode was fully oxidized and decreased when the electrode was reduced, reflecting different states-of-charge of the electrode. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper describes the use of a Control Banding Tool to assess and further control of exposure of nanoparticles emitted during welding operations. The tool was applied to Metal Active Gas (MAG) arc welding of mild and stainless steel, providing semi-quantitative data on the process, so that protection measures could be derived, e.g. exhaust gas ventilation by hoods, local ventilation devices and containment measures. This tool is quite useful to compare and evaluate the characteristics of arc welding procedures so that more eco-friendly processes could be preferred over the more potentially noxious ones.
Electrochemically-reduced graphene oxide (Er-GO) and cobalt oxides (CoOx) were co-electrodeposited by cyclic voltammetry, from an electrolyte containing graphene oxide and cobalt nitrate, directly onto a stainless steel substrate to produce composite electrodes presenting high charge storage capacity. The electrochemical response of the composite films was optimized by studying the parameters applied during the electrodeposition process, namely the number of cycles, scan rate and ratio between GO/Co(NO3)(2) concentrations in the electrolyte. It is shown that, if the appropriate conditions are selected, it is possible to produced binder-free composite electrodes with improved electrochemical properties using a low-cost, facile and scalable technique. The optimized Er-GO/CoOx developed in this work exhibits a specific capacitance of 608 F g(-1) at a current density of 1 A g(-1) and increased reversibility when compared to single CoOx. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Three-dimensional (3D) nickel-copper (Ni-Cu) nanostructured foams were prepared by galvanostatic electrodeposition, on stainless steel substrates, using the dynamic hydrogen bubble template. These foams were tested as electrodes for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) in 8 M KOH solutions. Polarisation curves were obtained for the Ni-Cu foams and for a solid Ni electrode, in the 25-85 degrees C temperature range, and the main kinetic parameters were determined. It was observed that the 3D foams have higher catalytic activity than pure Ni. HER activation energies for the Ni-Cu foams were lower (34-36 kJ mol(-1)) than those calculated for the Ni electrode (62 kJ mol(-1)). The foams also presented high stability for HER, which makes them potentially attractive cathode materials for application in industrial alkaline electrolysers.
Rehabilitation is becoming more and more usual in the construction sector in Portugal. The introduction of newer construction materials and technical know-how of integrating different materials for achieving desired engineering goals is an important step to the development of the sector. Wood industry is also getting more and more adapted to composite technologies with the introduction of the so called “highly engineered wood products” and with the use of modification treatments. This work is an attempt to explain the viability of using stainless steel and glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) as reinforcements in wood beams. This thesis specifically focuses on the flexural behaviour of Portuguese Pine unmodified and modified wood beams. Two types of modification were used: 1,3-dimethylol-4,5- dihydroxyethyleneurea (DMDHEU) resin and amid wax. The behaviour of the material was analysed with a nonlinear model. The latter model simulates the behaviour of the reinforced wood beams under flexural loading. Small-scale beams (1:15) were experimented in flexural bending and the experimental results obtained were compared with the analytical model results. The experiments confirm the viability of the reinforcing schemes and the working procedures. Experimental results showed fair agreement with the nonlinear model. A strength increase between 15% and 80% was achieved. Stiffness increased by 40% to 50% in beams reinforced with steel but no significant increase was achieved with the glass fibre reinforcement.
Os Transformadores de potência são máquinas de elevada importância ao nível dos Sistemas Elétricos de Energia (SEE) uma vez que são estas máquinas que possibilitam a interligação dos diferentes níveis de tensão da rede e a transmissão de energia elétrica em Corrente Alternada (CA). Geralmente, estas máquinas são de grandes dimensões e de elevado nível de complexidade construtiva. Caracterizam-se por possuírem períodos de vida útil bastante elevados (vinte a trinta anos) e preços elevados, o que conduz a um nível de exigência de fiabilidade muito elevada, uma vez que não e viável a existência de muitos equipamentos de reserva nos SEE. Com o objetivo de tentar maximizar o período de vida útil dos transformadores de potência e a sua fiabilidade, tenta-se, cada vez mais, implementar conceitos de manutenção preventiva a este tipo de máquinas. No entanto, a gestão da sua vida útil e extremamente complexa na medida em que, estas máquinas têm vários componentes cruciais e suscetiveis de originar falhas e, quase todos eles, encontram-se no interior de uma cuba. Desta forma, não e possível obter uma imagem do seu estado, em tempo real, sem colocar o transformador fora de serviço, algo que acarreta custos elevados. Por este motivo, desenvolveu-se uma técnica que permite obter uma indicação do estado do transformador, em tempo real, sem o retirar de serviço, colhendo amostras do óleo isolante e procedendo a sua análise físico-química e Analise Gases Dissolvidos (DGA). As análises aos óleos isolantes tem vindo a adquirir uma preponderância muito elevada no diagnóstico de falhas e na analise do estado de conservação destes equipamentos tendo-se desenvolvido regras para interpretação dos parâmetros dos óleos com carácter normativo. Considerando o conhecimento relativo a interpretação dos ensaios físico-químicos e DGA ao oleol, e possível desenvolver ferramentas capazes de otimizar essas mesmas interpretações e aplicar esse conhecimento no sentido de prever a sua evolução, assim como o surgimento de possíveis falhas em transformadores, para assim otimizar os processos de manutenção. Neste campo as Redes Neuronais Artificiais (RNAs) têm um papel fundamental
Dissertação Para Obtenção Do Grau De Mestre Em Bioorgânica
The first part of this research work regards the assessment of the mathematical modelling of reinforced concrete columns confined with carbon fibre (CFRP) sheets under axial loading. The purpose was to evaluate existing analytical models, contribute to possible improvements and choose the best model(s) to be part of a new model for the prediction of the behaviour of confined columns under bending and compression. For circular columns, a wide group of authors have proposed several models specific for FRP-confined concrete. The analysis of some of the existing models was carried out by comparing these with several tested columns. Although several models predict fairly the peak load only few can properly estimate the load-strain and dilation behaviour of the columns. Square columns confined with CFRP show a more complex interpretation of their behaviour. Accordingly, the analysis of two experimental programs was carried out to propose new modelling equations for the whole behaviour of columns. The modelling results show that the analytical curves are in general agreement with the presented experimental curves for a wide range of dimensions. An analysis similar to the one done for circular columns was this turn carried out for square columns. Few models can fairly estimate the whole behaviour of the columns and with less accuracy at all levels when compared with circular columns. The second part of this study includes seven experimental tests carried out on reinforced concrete rectangular columns with rounded corners, different damage condition and with confinement and longitudinal strengthening systems. It was concluded that the use of CFRP confinement is viable and of effective performance enhancement alone and combined with other techniques, maintaining a good ductile behaviour for established threshold displacements. As regards the use of external longitudinal strengthening combined with CFRP confinement, this system is effective for the performance enhancement and viable in terms of execution. The load capacity was increased significantly, preserving also in this case a good ductile behaviour for threshold displacements. As to the numerical nonlinear modelling of the tested columns, the results show a variation of the peak load of 1% to 10% compared with tests results. The good results are partly due to the inclusion of the concrete constitutive model by Mander et al. modified by Faustino, Chastre & Paula taking into account the confinement effect. Despite the reasonable approximation to tests results, the modelling results showed higher unloading, which leads to an overestimate dissipated energy and residualdisplacement.
This present study aimed to investigate the fatigue life of unused (new) endodontic instruments made of NiTi with control memory by Coltene™ and subjected to the multi curvature of a mandibular first molar root canal. Additionally, the instrument‟s structural behaviour was analysed through non-linear finite element analysis (FEA). The fatigue life of twelve Hyflex™ CM files was assessed while were forced to adopt a stance with multiple radius of curvature, similar to the ones usually found in a mandibular first molar root canal; nine of them were subjected to Pecking motion, a relative movement of axial type. To achieve this, it was designed an experimental setup with the aim of timing the instruments until fracture while worked inside a stainless steel mandibular first molar model with relative axial motion to simulate the pecking motion. Additionally, the model‟s root canal multi-curvature was confirmed by radiography. The non-linear finite element analysis was conducted using the computer aided design software package SolidWorks™ Simulation, in order to define the imposed displacement required by the FEA, it was necessary to model an endodontic instrument with simplified geometry using SolidWorks™ and subsequently analyse the geometry of the root canal CAD model. The experimental results shown that the instruments subjected to pecking motion displayed higher fatigue life values and higher lengths of fractured tips than those with only rotational relative movement. The finite element non-linear analyses shown, for identical conditions, maximum values for the first principal stress lower than the yield strength of the material and those were located in similar positions to the instrument‟s fracture location determined by the experimental testing results.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Materiais
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Mecânica
Stents are rigid and perforated tubular structures, which are inserted into blood vessels in order to prevent or inhibit the constriction of blood flow, restoring the normal blood flow, when blood vessels are clogged, being used in 70% of angioplasties. These medical devices assume great importance in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) which are the leading cause of death worldwide. In the European Union CVD account for 40% of deaths and assume an estimated annual cost of 196 billion euros[1]. Stents must possess certain requirements, in order to, adequately, perform its function, such as biocompatibility (so that its use does not c ause damage on the health of its user), mechanical strength, radiopacity (so that it is easy to view), longitudinal flexibility, ease of handling, corrosion resistance and having high strength and high radial expansion ability to recover. Stents can be made of different materials, but metals, particularly stainless steel, are the most common. However, metallic stents present several dRawbacks such as corrosion and restenosis, leading to health complications for the patient, or even death. In order to minimize these disadvantages, new materials, like fibrous materials, have been used [2]. Monofilaments present high potential for stents development because, in addition to its biocompatibility, these materials allow the application of various surface treatments, such as antibacterial coatings. Furthermore, monofilament exhibit excellent mechanical properties, like greater stiffness and good results when subjected to compression, tensile and bending forces, since these forces will be directly supported by the monofilament [3]. To minimize the reaction of the human body and Limit the adhesion of microorganisms to the stent surface, some coatings have been developed, including the use of novel metals with antimicrobial properties, like silver. The main objective of this study was the development of fibrous stents, incorporation of silver oxide nanocoating. For the development of the stent, polyester monofilaments with 0.27mm of diameter were used in braiding technology, with a mandrel diameter of 6mm and a braiding angle of 35⁰. The mechanical behaviour of the stent were evaluated by mechanical testing under longitudinal and radial compression, bending. The results of compressive strength tests are according with value from literature: 1.13 to 2.9 N for radial compression and 0. 16-5.28N to longitudinal compression. From literature is also possible to verify that stents must present 75% of unchanged diameter during the bending test and must possess a porosity between 70% and 80% [4]. The produced polyester stent presents values of 1.29N for radial compression, 0.23N for longitudinal compression, 80% of porosity and 85.5% of unchanged diameter, during bending tests. For the antibacterial functionalization, silver oxide nanocoatings were prepared, through reactive magnetron g, with an Ag target in an Ar +O2 atmosphere. In order to evaluate the nanostructure and morphology of the coatings, d ifferent technique s like X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and and X- ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS were used. From the analyses of XRD it is possible to verify that the peaks corresponds to planes of Ag2 O and MATERIAIS 2015 Porto, 21-23 June, 2015 characterize a cubic phase. The presence of Ag2 O is corroborated by XPS spectrum, where it is possible to observe silver, not only, in oxide state, but a lso in mettalic state, and it is possible to verify the presence of silver clusters, confirmed by SEM analysis. Films’ roughness and topography, parameters influencing the wettability of the surface and microorganism adhesion, were measured by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), and it was observed that the roughness is very low (under 10 nm). Coatings’ hydrophobicity and surface tension parameters were determined by contact angle measurement, and it was verified the hydrophobic behavior of the coatings. For antibacterial tests were used Staphylococcus epidermidis strain (IE186) and Staphylococcus aureus(ATCC 6538), and halo inhibition zone tests were realized. Ag+release rates were studied by means of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP -MS). The obtained results suggest that silver oxide coatings do not modify significantly surface properties of the substrate, like hydrophobicity and roughness, and present antimicrobial properties for both bacteria used.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Mecânica
Tese de Doutoramento (Programa doutoral em Engenharia de Materiais)
PhD in Sciences Specialty in Physics